The Howl of Claim | COMPLETED

Chapter 15 | Féroce

XV | F r e y a R u t h

Féroce ( F i e r c e )

"Look, I don't want to do anything with you! I just want to go back to my pack and you better let me go." I say while pointing my almost shaking finger at him.

I was trying to stand my ground but after . . . He touched me that way, my heart was not slowing down and my wolf was not stopping from purring.

"My Love, you don't have a choice. You will follow the traditions which also include you staying here!" He stepped closer and I pursed my lips.

"What? There are more traditions?" I knew a few traditions but not all of them. One of them included the cutting of hair - which I was not going to perform.

At all.

Darius scoff and look down at his feet. When he raised his eyes to look at me, I almost gasp at seeing his gold piercing eyes shining brighter.

"Well yes. After your first heat, we will cut each other's hair. We will hold a ceremony of welcoming you in the pack when your hair grows till your collarbones and probably, I will mark you."

Mark me?

I shake my head but he was done speaking,

"Marking is something done in private, there is no way I am letting you mark me in front of a dozen lycans." Who am I kidding? I am not even let him go to touch me - private or not.

"Here, Lycans with higher status are supposed to do it, and those who don't, it's considered disrespect."

He was about to continue when I raised my hand and spoke before he could continue,

"You are not touching me, in any form or way."

"Or what, mate." I have noticed something. When he doesn't like something, he calls me 'mate' and when he is messing around, he calls me 'Love', and not once has he called me by my name. Except once when he caught me.

Uh! The memory.

"I'll kill you."

"Like you killed me on sight? Oh wait, you were running for your life." He mocked as he took a step closer and I pressed myself back in the wall.

I have to stand up to him. I shall not show him that I am weak! I am an Alpha!

But, my body didn't want to comply. Blame it to the nearing heat. Probably.

He reached me.

"Trust me when I say this Love, you are going nowhere."

I pushed him away with all my force and he stepped back.

"I swear I will not hold back. Stay away from me!" I warned him and looked around for an escape. Darius saw it - of course.

"No need to find an exit. I am not going to touch you . . . For now. Go and get ready for bed."

His 'for now' seemed only a 'night' thing. Only for tonight.


"You don't want to sleep?" He raised an eyebrow and started to undo the buttons of his tee.

Pop - the very first button.

"Of course I do but if you are thinking that I am sleeping here, then you are wrong," I say with confidence and standing straight.

I won't let my emotions get in the way.

Pop - the second button gone.

I watch the button fly away and disappear somewhere in the room. He was annoyed but masked it well.

I look back into his eyes.

"Well, since you destroyed your room, I will be kind enough to allow you to sleep with me. Don't tell me you werewolves have no manners." The way he mocked, made me want to punch him.

"We Wolves have more manners than you ever will! You all are egoistic-" I was cut off because I was slammed into the wall with an angry Lycan King breathing down my neck.

"Never compare us with the werewolves or I will tear off that very indecent pack of yours apart." My eyes were shut closed - it was better than lowering my gaze - and my breath was stuck.

But I can't let him look down on my pack! On my wolves.

I slowly open my eyes to see my erasthai stepping back and undoing his shirt completely.

"You might be tired, go shower." And I escaped his golden orbs and rushed to the bathroom as if a crowd of hunters was behind me.

I slammed the door shut and immediately held my head in my hands, sliding down the door and onto the cold tiles.

The light of the bathroom was still turned off and I liked the way darkness covered my hesitation and fear.

The same fear that was etched on to my very features.

"Shit!" I slammed my fist down on the tiles and I felt the tile crack.

I looked at it through my good vision and huffed. I stood up finally and turned the lights on and looked at the condition of the bathroom.

All the tiles were glossy off white with a large - very large - bathtub fixed in the tiles.

"Of course, his body won't fit in a normal bathtub." I laughed to myself, making fun of me.

Nevertheless, the too inviting bathroom made me peel my clothes off from my sweaty body and throw them in the corner, garments following.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Hair covered my legs, arms, and the rest of my body - including the private regions.

It has been days since I shaved or waxed.

Not caring - even though a little part bothered me about the hairy body - I climbed down the tub and opened the water, letting it fill while I added some oils in it.

I opened one cabinet that was made beside the tub and pulled out the oils, I also spotted shaving cream and multiple razors - just my luck - and I started to shower.

I washed myself and my long ginger hair.

After I was done, I shaved my complete body until it was bare and I smiled.

It made me feel sexy. I did not remove body hair for men but for myself. It made me feel good but . . . A small part of me did think what would Darius think.

Damn It!

I looked in the mirror once again, my damp hair was wrapped in the towel and another towel covered the rest of my body.

I looked around and wondered what will I wear.

Maybe I should surprise Darius and show him that he doesn't affect but it's the opposite by going out like this.

I confidently opened the bathroom door.

I might be confident but not confident enough for this shit that I was thinking to do, and just like that, I was about to close the door back when I spotted clothes folded in front of the bathroom door and placed on the mat.

I scowled at the sweet gesture and took the clothes anyway.

Was he trying to win me over by acting this way? This caring!

With a scowl still etched on my face, I pulled on the tights and a very big knitted sweater.

I hung both towels behind the door and walked into the room.

It was showtime.


I mean,Freya is a woman with a stone head. She attacks headstrong but Darius, he is calm and collected and smarter than you guys think.



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