Korehk and company had passed through the Wyoungthed woodlands without further incident and when the group reached the spot where Korehk had been cornered so to say into solving the puzzle, there, Korehk took the earth cake and splitting it into two halves let the ant prisoner free saying, “Go to your folk and tell them Korehk and the gamhnurts of this land set you free as a token of appreciation and thanks. May the friendship between our peoples grow and be strong for ages to come. Go!” The ant dropped to the ground and hurried off out of sight leaving a fine trail in the snow.

Untholio cleared his throat, “Korehk, you spoke as though it understood the common language, well, does it? Because if he does not then I—”

“The ant warriors of Derumdorum understand a great many languages though they speak none but theirs—a language that has no name, but when written is unlike any one reads. It understood me.” Nodded the nurt in the direction the ant had taken. They were now reaching the edge of the woodland but for Korehk they would not have known the edge and the fact that a few steps more and they would be entering Greo bordering a new land, a land of men. They paused once more for a bit.

Neither knew the forest or the land beyond but Untholio was excited and while the others felt a twinge of apprehension and sad to leave their land and homes behind or whatever was left of them, Untholio barely noticed.

“This is the first time I am going to see a land where men dwell, ah, have any of you ever wondered what interesting strangeness lies beyond all these trees?” Untholio was bursting with excitement obviously not worried about the things others were worried about and for the first time since the telling of the Rieah story forgetting the reason he was there, on his way to a strange land.

Zetreh and Ermal reached The Tree well before dawn very little of which penetrated the gloomy sky and harsh cold. It had snowed throughout the night and though cold, Ermal who kept close to the other found he was not shivering but that the quick pace they were going at with addition to the huge trees spread about them made it considerably less cold.

The Tree was deserted, the Wise One not in sight. Zetreh built a big roaring fire upon a large stone whose surface was flat.

“Sit here while I get us some earth cake, you will love floherb, you will.”

Ermal sat by the fire grateful but utterly puzzled. Zetreh noticed and smiled. “Floherb is what the Wise One eats, what I eat when I am here. It is a plant and it keeps fresh in an earthen wrap. Wait, I will bring some.” Zetreh walked to the far end of the place and out of sight.

Ermal warmed his hands and stared around him. The trees were so close to each other, their thick trunks and large tops with branches forming a sort of roof. A lot of snow was gathered atop of the trees and not a leaf moved though the wind was strong and blasts of it stabbed the warmth of The Tree every once in a while.

“You wonder how the leaves do not move when the wind is so strong I know.”

Ermal swirled around to look straight at a bent figure. His jaw dropped slightly as he stared at the leathery wrinkly face, a horror in his eyes.

“Fear me not, I am just the one who looks after The Tree while dwelling herein. Ah Zetreh, there you are!”

“Wise One,” bowed Zetreh ever so slightly if only for the sake of it. In his arms was loads of what appeared to Ermal to be mud mushrooms. “I see you have met your guest.”

“Indeed I have.” The bent figure nodded as it hobbled forward, passed Ermal toward a rise, like an altar and sat upon a chair, a stone seat thought Ermal but of course he could not be certain. It was covered in all sorts of plant life and that made it hard to make out properly.

“Your mind is troubled I see it in your eyes young Hegleok.” The Wise One said quietly.

“Perhaps if he has a bit of these, it has been a long walk.” Zetreh handed Ermal three earth cakes and he himself settled down and began breaking apart the earth cake motioning Ermal to do the same.

“I would like very much an earth cake myself, Zetreh?” The bent figure requested.

“Certainly Wise One, forgive my behavior, such manners—” Zetreh muttered going slightly red.

“Never mind the apologies Zetreh. Bring me one earth cake.” The voice sounded almost soft, delicate. Ermal began wondering if the Wise One was in fact a woman but then he had bitten into a floherb and the pleasant taste left his mind blank, he was so hungry!

“It is the voices that trouble her, Aliyha Slyionthe… I know what she hears and whose voice it is. Thank you Zetreh.” The Wise One said quietly as she took the earth cake and Aliyha’s scribbled message from Zetreh.

“Deituk is ready with a plan and soon he will have his son meeting him and there shall be a decision.” The Wise One took a bite of some floherb and chewed in silence. Ermal could be heard some way off audibly munching his share, forgetting his manners.

“A decision, good and wise Lady? You do not mean …”

“Yes Zetreh, I am afraid Lady Hegleok’s very first son in law has one mission and only one which his father will request he accomplish, he will do so. They are both the same kind though I daresay, son is a lot more handsome than father ever was or will be.” Again an eerie quiet fell within The Tree.

“Cineon of the Hegleok’s is still untouched, unblemished and she might not even take Deituk’s puppet son for all the promises he holds her with.” “Do not be so certain of just how unblemished you think she is…she is not! She maybe ignorant about who she loves but innocent, she is not. Cineon Hegleok is her mother’s daughter and sister to the one she considers outlaw… she will wed Dreser, I believe it is already just a day away - the wedding that will seal and strengthen Deituk’s position in Time’s council of power. The daughter of Aliyha Hegleok and son of Deituk shall—”

A sudden movement cut the quiet talk. Ermal had stepped on a rather large dry branch that lay fallen, snapping it. “Forgive my disturbing but should I not be heading home?”

“Why the hurry young Hegleok? You are not missed yet. Whoever travels with the Spekai Myeopike to the grand hall not ever returns after a night of journeying. Rest now a while and later we shall talk…of things that fill your heart with pain and your mind which I doubt not shall have questions even you are unaware of.” The Wise One said.

Ermal looked a bit relieved, he felt too full to take another step and knowing that the Wise One had said he should rest, he smiled sheepishly while Zetreh directed him to a distant corner of the place and lit a second fire. He patted the earth floor and handed the guest a blanket weaved with dry leaves and green stems.

“Rest easy for now.” Then Zetreh walked away and in the distance the sleepy Ermal watched the figures of Zetreh and the Wise One converse. The burning fire kept him warm and the blanket felt cozier still. He drifted off to a world of sleep.

Aliyha awoke with a start and stared about her. It was still early, very early but there was a rattling noise on her door. Climbing out of bed hurriedly thinking it might be Zetreh back from Greo, possibly the Wise One had asked to see her… she threw open the door to find Cineon, wrapped in a warm cloak, tear stricken face, trembling violently.

Feeling a little angrier than she ought to have at being awakened by her daughter Aliyha blurted, “What is it?” She had her daughter’s shoulders squeezed so hard that Cineon gave a little whimper. “Mother you are hurting me.”

“Well, what is the matter?” Aliyha followed the other with her gaze as Cineon moved toward the closed windows and threw one open trembling worse than before from the cold of the wind. “Dreser has gone. Without a word, he has left me all to my life with his child inside of me… It is the coldest day…” Aliyha Hegleok listened stunned, she was not certain she had heard right.

“Daughter, step away from the window, have you not shivered enough? Come here, sit and tell me more calmly… what has happened.” Surpassing her anger, she pulled her daughter away and led her to a chair by the bed. She closed the window tight and sat on the bed in front of the disgruntled Cineon. “Well dear, I am listening…” Cineon wrapped herself tighter in a self-embrace.

“I woke up to find Dreser gone. Looked everywhere... yes,” she said looking at her mother’s lips forming the words ‘outside’. “I thought of course he might have gone for a walk but he—he dislikes the cold and it is so cold today.”

“Did you stop to think that he might have gone to have a bit of quiet to himself, Cineon?” Aliyha placed a hand on her daughter’s own.

“Then it dawned on me,” Cineon went on giving no indication that she had even heard what Aliyha had said. “Last night I said to him that we were to be parents and he just looked at me like –” and there was a burst of tears.

“Oh come now. You cannot think that just because you want to be a mother someday that Dreser will have walked out on you? He loves you, he does.”

“I am already carrying a child mother, his child.” Cineon sobbed harder than ever.

“Oh my child! What have you done? You are –” A sharp knock on the door cut her off. “Probably your brother Dreke come to see what the noise is all about.” She stepped to the door with her hand on the knob. “Noise? My crying, painful sobbing is noi—” There stood Dreser smiling.

“Cineon?” Aliyha gestured, a bewildered look on her face. If Aliyha looked astonished, baffled then it was not a thing compared to the look on Cineon’s tear-stricken face.


“Who did you think it was, a ghost? Why, have you been crying?”

“She has and it is because of you!” snapped Aliyha as she slammed the door and stood eyeing him furiously.

“Cineon thought you had simply left after having found out she was carrying your child.” Dreser appeared shocked.

“Cineon Hegleok, how could you even think such a thing? When you told me last night, I felt my heart would explode with joy and for you to think—how …”

“Well, where were you?” Aliyha asked suspicion in every word and in her eyes a cold glint. “Dreser son of Deituk are you a man in arms of two women? Maybe more?”

“Lady Hegleok, I am offended at the words I hear I love your daughter and no, I am not in love with other women.” “I was not suggesting you were in love with other women, one does not have to be ‘in love’ to take into your arms other—”

Cineon stood up with such speed that Dreser coward fearing a slap or something worse.

“Mother! How can you say a thing like that?” Then she turned to Dreser. “Where were you, tell me? Or should I believe and accept what mother insinuates?”

Dreser who had gone pale and was perspiring now regained his composure. “I went to see my mother and tell I was getting married and all about you… I went to bring you this.” And he held open his hand revealing a ring the likes of which neither Aliyha nor Cineon had ever seen before. Both gasped and Cineon began to sob.

“It is beautiful! I—I do not deserve it Dreser my love!”

“My father gave this to my mother on the eve of their wedding and out of that union I was born and here I am,” he paused to look his bride in the eye. “I want you to wear it, only if you wish to marry this man… Will you—”

Kwairha awoke to the dull light from the outside. The cabin door stood an inch open and two figures were just beyond the thresh-hold. She sat up looking around and saw that the stranger whom they had found outside in the cold the night before still lay asleep. He appeared to look a lot better than when they had found him.

“You are awake, good!” Swulirha had come into the room from the outside. Kwairha noticed the snow had lessened but the wind still blew hard. “We needed wood so Westeria and I thought we could get some but as it turned out three of us ended up gathering, chopping and bringing it back—the tree fell over in the wind … has he stirred, opened an eye yet?” In came the other two carrying armloads of firewood and an axe.

“I had the dream again ….” Kwairha sat thinking out loud, gathering the blankets from the floor she began to put them away in the next room. The others took of their cloaks and brushing the flakes off of them hung them behind the door then set about making a fire and Swulirha went to the chamber where her sister had taken the beds all rolled up.

“Kwairha, we shall leave for Stompsledge just as soon as we know a bit more about our sleepy guest—what has become of the stew?” Swilrha looked at herr sister inquiringly.

“Stompsledge?” Kwairha said nervously glancing absently at the window outside of which the tree that had been blown down by wind lay against the sill.

“It is time for you to see your, our mother sister dear.” Swulirha said firmly but kindly.

“What has happened to that stew?” Exasperated Swulirha looked around the tiny room at the pot that had contained the stew but now only had leftovers in it, not even enough to fill a teaspoon. The other two entered leaving little room to move around.

“I could do with some hot stew, yesterday’s was really excellent.” Nuorta said appreciatively searching around and spotting the empty bowl of the stew. “Oh! Did not think there was so little left, well, nothing actually.” She said disappointingly and looked sideways at Westeria who denied having taken a spoon more from the stew other than what had been served to her.

“You are the glut do not accuse me!” That way an argument broke up but it was not a thing unusual between the four. Always one of them; Westeria or Nuorta would plainly pick on the other and an intense argument would issue gradually pulling the sisters into it too. In the end one of the four would point out how silly the entire thing was and it would end in laughs. Now was no exception except that this time Kwairha had not joined in but had stepped into the next room and now she called as loud as she dared over the noise the others were making.

“Swulirha! Westeria! Nuorta! Stop that rubbish of a fight and come here!” she dragged Westeria and the other two, followed still sputtering and muttering, scarlet faced. An invisible fire appeared to have warmed them a bit too much so that they were sweating slightly—all that fighting!

Kwairha pointed at their sleeping guest and all three fell silent, an amused look on their faces. Even from the distance they stood at, it was clearly visible on the corner of Inckle’s mouth, smears of the delicious herb stew.

It was all they could do not to laugh, the four marched back to the rear room. There followed giggles and questions and exclamations of surprise and even more questions.

“Have you been trying to feed him, any of you?” asked Swulirha looking at others’ faces.

“I did not moved from my spot until you woke me at the moment you did Lady Swulirha.” Westeria said earnestly. “And just as soon as we found the tree had fallen, I returned to awaken Nuorta.” Swulirha nodded.

“Nuorta, you did not –” “No Lady! I arose when Westeria said you needed my help what with the tree and all… even thought I was dreaming, heavy sleeper…” Westeria snorted and Kwairha smiled as she imitated the soft snore that escaped Nuorta’s lips when she slept.

“I sensed someone move later in the night… the dream held my attention…” Kwairha said seriously. “The house, it held my will and I could look nowhere else…”

Swulirha patted her arm comfortingly, silence followed as they watched her, Kwairha had a distant, dazed look in her eyes and appeared somehow majestic, the real Lady she was.

“Only a while longer… You shall step first with the Lord of the Mount mountain and what I have said is mine, I will give rightfully to yoilrha spoke a promise.

All seriousness evaporated when Westeria smiled mischievously, “I say we uncover the truth about how this stew got to where it now is. None of us have fed it to the sleeping handsome there so…” the four filed out to the front room again. “Just play along,” whispered Westeria to the others as she approached the slight rise upon which Inckle’s head rested. She sat herself cross-legged and began stroking his hair gently.

“Build a fire Nuorta, he must be cold, the beautiful man.” Nuorta dashed forth and soon had a fire roaring. “I have wondered you know… he must have travelled a long road to get to wherever he is headed,” Westeria paused and ever so slightly winked at Swulirha who took the hint. “I see what you mean Westeria. His feet are callused and blistered and those stockings… he needs a change for certain. Kwairha, you have those stockings you hardly ever wear, those dull black ones?”

“Certainly. Let me see, where did I put—ah, here they are!” she had rummaged through a pile of clothes in a battered trunk which stood in one corner and now held up a real old pair of stockings which appeared very girly. “Give them here, I’ll need a hand, he seems strong…”

Now, all through this conversation Inckle had his eyes shut but his ears wide open. He listened to their lovely gentle voices and thought that he had better show signs of waking up, when the blankets that covered him were wrenched aside and, with horror he realized his stockings, they were being removed… He had to yell.

“Stop! No gamhnurt shall be robbed of his feet dressings. STOP!” And he was on his feet glaring at the giggling four. Stockings half way down, he looked a funny sight and he felt it too for as he stood glaring around, a soft shy expression took over his face so that when he spoke next, it was in a small voice. “Hello!” Then in a firmer voice, “Ladies of this strange land, I am Inckle Vilksumer,” a deep bow which served two purposes. One to impress upon the four that he as well as any other person knew his manners and the second purpose, as he straightened, he grabbed and pulled his stockings up to their full length. After ensuring that they were securely fastened around the inside of the hem on each pant leg he looked to find the ladies grinning.

“Forgive my doings, just making certain they,” he stamped his now completely clad feet lightly on the cabin floor, “that they will not slip off my feet should I decide to run out of here any moment. Ah, strong thread nets!”

“I am Kwairha and this here is my sister Swulirha,” she bowed slightly as she made the introductions.

“Are we allowed to think you are feeling all right?” Swulirha smiled gently. “We found you in the snow, myself and these ladies here. Westeria and Nuorta.” They bowed too and Westeria grinned.

“Perfect, I feel perfect! I thank you for saving my life Lady Swulirha, Ladies Westeria and Nuorta.” Inckle did a funny triple sort of bow and bounced up and down energetically.

“Do tell us Ikle, where is it you have come from and why?” Swulirha requested as she and the others sat forming an odd semicircle. Inckle looked thunderstruck and frowned. Very quietly he spoke next and a shiver ran through the four.

“No Gamhnurt of Qesdaleenda lane, no Earth Protector would ever like his name to be mispronounced!” Nuorta and Westeria looked frightened at the sound of his voice, strict with no trace of a smile. “Inckle is my name and that is what you will call me.” He said severely to Swulirha as he stepped before her. “If any one here should say it wrong one more time...” complete silence as he paused, it was like the quiet that follows a thunderclap, the span of a while where a lightning bolt streaks the sky before yet another thunderclap booms out. They waited as he passed every one of the ladies, pausing before them appearing mountain tall and menacing in the firelight.

“He is a villain…and it is a trick to rob us for all we have…” Westeria intoned shaking slightly. “Certainly he will. Pots, pans and bowls, every villain’s dream gold!"

"Can you not see he is playing?” hissed Swulirha who had never yet been wrong about anything. She had detected a twinkle in the gamhnurt’s eye as he stood before her for but a moment. And Inckle had moved back to the center.

“One more time good ladies,” he growled and scowled hard at them, the silence deepened and then a small smile, the hint of a laugh, “and I shall NOT think it a crime, a shame for this is only a game!” and with that a huge grin lit his once again handsome face. Swulirha clapped and laughed loud, Kwairha sat giggling.

“You are not going to hurt us then?” asked Westeria in a weak voice.

“Hurt you? Kind Lady, what you think hurts me!” said Inckle shocked. “The gamhnurts of Wyoungthed hurt no one. Me and my folk are born from the earth and we love each other and … and …” his face fell and he dropped to the ground looking sad, very sad. And it took little persuasion and a gentle word from Kwairha, Inckle told his new friends about his journey and what had preceded it.

Deituk the Cunning drew in a long breath and exhaled. A cold smile stretched his thin mouth showing the tiny teeth he felt very proud of having. Deituk was a spirit form that could not be seen by ordinary human beings in the lands of the world. Only the Wise Ones would ever spot Deituk’s form. They, led by Rieah the Wise spirit, had banished Deituk from The Tree in Flemezour because of his alliance to Time and all she stood for.

It was only in the form of sickness and death that his presence was known among ordinary people into who’s lands Deituk wandered out of his hiding place*. It had been quite sometime since he had left this place he called home but very soon now he would leave it again not to return.

At present Deituk was in his hiding place on the very edge of the living world where Time was visiting her old friend from days of old when she, Time first invaded the world, lands and lives of men and beast.

“Indeed it is good to see you smile Deituk, been a long while since you have done that.” Time said in a tone of a smile.

“Ah, I truly feel I am ready for another strike, always faithful to you Lady Time, my dear friend!” Deituk said and bowed.

“I prefer the latter title if you insist on bestowing me with one Deituk. Come sit by me we have much to talk of. Have you seen that son of yours?”

Deituk moved swiftly toward the lovely Time. His grin broadened as he sat himself beside his friend. “Dreser and I had our encounter just last night. He has grown to be a man his father could never be in human form,”

“That is where Ugliyer did her bit, gave your son the physical body of a man. The only good thing she ever did.” Time made no effort to hide her dislike toward this woman. “You were wise to choose her Deituk! Now, tell me… how do our plans stand in the Hegleok household?”

“My son has brought me news that will gladden you mighty lots just as it did me. I am to be grandpapa in but a few months! Bring on the praise!” He bowed lower than before and chuckled.

“Brilliant news this is my friend!” beamed Time and her eyes twinkled in the slight dull light that penetrated the place. “You do realize that in just a short few months the world of men across every land shall be ruled by the Hegleok Council – when sickness and deaths and petty fights turn family after family into war and just when Lady Hegleok believes the council is one united force,” said Time, “Just when she starts to think the Hegleok family and council are a living tribute to her and all she believes she stands for,” a sly smile from Deituk, “And the power shall be robbed from her hands by the unlikeliest of persons.”

Time summoned her second adviser making him stand before her and Deituk. “Deituk, you remember my second adviser.” Time said softly, almost in a whisper. “He is to be a grandfather too.”

At this Deituk smiled, “Ah! Am I allowed to congratulate you?” shaking hands the two laughed. “I wish I could say the child your son created in such recklessness wins not but that would be wrong as the child born of my son’s blood fights for the same name as does Dreke’s and to serve the one true power – Lady Time.”

Deituk’s small teeth could be seen as he smiled broader than before. “Let us say nothing for now except how we hope we are pleasing Lady Time.” Bowed Time’s second adviser turning to her.

“Well said and I might add that you both have indeed pleased me immensely by your deeds.” Time clapped them both on their shoulders as she stood to leave. “Tell me Deituk, your decision then is…”

“My decision is to touch the lives of those unworthy of life in your reign just as soon as the children have come to this Time bound world! But a few months longer … I have to ready myself. Strength is of importance for the task ahead…” Deituk the spirit looked tired, suddenly weak.

“I leave you to rest my friend, I am needed at the hall of decisions. Farewell until our next encounter,” Time and her second adviser stepped into the weak sunlight turned with a faint smile, “In better days we shall meet Deituk.” And she was gone.

Deituk sighed, he could not wait to get back out there amid pain and misery… there was something special about being allies with Time thought he satisfied, it had of course not a thing to do with the woman’s beauty, it was the fact that he could do what he was, always had been best at; be himself!

Ermal awoke with a start. He still felt warm, the fire burning just as he remembered it had before he had drifted to sleep. The Wise One stood over him, bent studying his face as he slept. “Pardon me, I did not mean to startle you awake young Hegleok.”

“Is something wrong Wise One? Where is Zetreh?” he stood up wrapping the blanket around him tight.

“Zetreh will return and no, nothing is wrong. I thought we could just talk, you know we are alone.” A small smile appeared on the wrinkled old face. “Come to where I sit, it is warmer over there than it is here. Come Ermal. You do not mind if I call you by your name, do you?” Ermal shook his head, “It is my name Wise One.”

“True, you speak well, humbly. You remind me of your sister.” The two were making their way to the high seat; nearby a roaring fire burned on the larger flat stone.

“Cineon? How do you know Cineon?” then realizing his mistake, “Forgive me, I did not think… of course you would know Cineon, my mother would have talked about her to you.” He cast a nervous glance at the figure in front of him.

“Worry not child of kindness. The moments to be worried are at hand but not upon you yet,” the Wise One sat and gestured for him to do the same upon a slightly lower seat. “Your mother did talk about her children… I said you are like your sister not Cineon but Edsoniea.”

At the surprised look on Ermal’s face the Wise One added, “We have met though briefly. She is the one your heart worries about is she not?”

“You have seen my sister? Where?” Ermal had to know.

“Your sister is well. I will not lie, she remembers you not, recalls not a bit of herself or who she is and where she has come from…”

“She is here!” Ermal exclaimed and without further a do began calling her name. “Edsoniea! EDSONIEA… Where have you held her?” he snarled at the Wise One forgetting respect and manners.

“Calm yourself young Hegleok or the entire forest will be awakened to the yells of a human. That is something you do not want.” The Wise One said calmly.

“I want to see my sister!” Ermal snapped not really meaning to.

“I know, the Wise One knows everything… I hold her not. She is well and alive but not here.” Ermal stared at the Wise One not really understanding.

“Where is she?” Ermal pressed the question.

“Her home now is with a someone who dearly cares for her, he is a friend of mine and has promised to –“

“I do not care what your friend has promised!” yelled Ermal again. “I want to take my sister back with me…home!”

Zetreh had returned and stood listening. Now, he stepped forward. “Wise One,” he greeted respectfully then turned to Ermal, “Your sister will return to the house of Hegleok when the moment is right. You can be certain she is safe and well cared for. The Wise One asks you to believe and hold it secret in your heart what you have learnt.”

Ermal stared at the ground saying nothing for moments then, “It is Myeopike is it not? He has her.”

“Yes he does for now.” replied the Wise One before Zetreh could say anything. “Ermal Hegleok, think of all that has been told to you before you came here…”

“About Time plotting to take full and severe control of life, am I right? I honestly do not see the threat… It is pretty clear that the very fact I am here is because Time had a role in my growing up and—”

“The boy is smarter than surely most of his siblings!” said the Wise One to Zetreh, a twinkle in her eye. “You are right Ermal. What I am saying is that Time, that same Time who has made you grow up is now—”

“Who ever said that Time is a person?” Ermal cut her off impatiently and Zetreh frowned at the attitude but the Wise One merely continued to speak.

“Time is a Lady of immense hatred and even greater power. She resents life and cannot bear the sight of everything unspoiled. Why do you think every life changes young man?”

For the first time since they had begun talking Ermal’s face was in a sort of reflection of the inner conflict. “Time, life changes because Time has a hand in the happenings of this world… I am sorry… What must you think of me, questioning you like that…”

“Questions are the only rightful way to learn what you do not realize and do not know… We are both on the same side in this Ermal Hegleok. Time has her allies, good hearts have me.” A gnarled hand caressed his shoulder. “Edsoniea will return home but until she does, there is plenty to be done. You must hurry home young Hegleok for your family gathers; your sister marries today at sundown and it would please your mother to see you have returned in time for the event. Zetreh, give Lady Hegleok my best and this.” She handed him a smooth stone upon the surface of which appeared a scratched message.

“Cineon is to marry in the winter,” Ermal said incredulously, “Not the end of summer!

“Time has the seasons’ wise minds’ spirits won over to her side so that they now believe winter to be their queen and she rules now.” came the answer.

“Wise One, I still have not any idea of who—” Ermal mumbled.

“Of who I am. I know,” the Wise One finished his say and smiled. “I am on your side, you will know me when Time sees the moment fit and when I myself agree…” then in an undertone, “the Gamhnurt shall do his best and …” Ermal could no longer hear what was being muttered.

Zetreh led the two of them away from The Tree at speed of blurs.

Aliyha smiled at her daughter and marveled at how the events that had threatened to make it the worst day in her, Aliyha’s life, had been a complete misunderstanding by this silly girl who now stood beaming in front of her.

“Daughter dear look, a feeble sun rises. It promises to be a very cold day indeed but,” she paused, took Cineon in her arms and embraced her and nodded to her future son-in-law over the other’s shoulder. “But we are going to make it the warmest and most happiest day of your life yet!”

Cineon took Dreser’s hand into her own, “I think it already is mother,” she gushed, “I am to be married!”

“And when better than to be married at sundown today!” An ecstatic Cineon shrieked with joy, hugged her mother and grabbing Dreser’s hand started to lead him out the door mumbling something about how much she needed to do when Aliyha told her daughter that she certainly did not need to take Dreser with her.

"Let the groom be on his own, I am sure Dreser will want some time for himself… Dreser?”

“Of course mother, I was not thinking!” Cineon chortled as she let go of his hand. “I will see you at sundown my handsome man!” And blowing a kiss, she disappeared down the stairs.

“Well, today I marry your daughter.” Dreser said quietly as he walked back into the room and leaned on the open window ledge, the cold biting his face.

“I wish you would close that window instead of leaning out of it. It is cold!” Aliyha hovered near her bed shivering slightly for the first time, a chill breeze made it’s presence known. Dreser breathed in the cold air and smiled.

“Winter has come early this year, has it not? You said it that Cineon would be my wife this winter and glad I am it is upon us already!” With another deep breath, he shut the window.

Aliyha who had sat back on the bed fastening her cloak and listening now thought how strange it was that when two months before it, summer had ended, winter had stumbled along…it felt like the season were doing a juggling act…it was almost as if ---

“…fate has it in it’s heart for Cineon and me to be married before too long!” Dreser said too softly.

She felt an odd sense of fear for her council and the fact that Dreser had been appointed assistant head of council did not make her feel safe somehow. There was something strange indeed going on, maybe the Wise One would send her words of wisdom regarding all the happenings and yes, this new event of Cineon’s too, quickly, only hours away marriage.

“Lady Aliyha, if I may take your leave… I take it we will meet at sundown…so much to do!” Dreser left with a slight bow and a wave.

Aliyha stared absently at the floor for several moments, her thoughts distant. She felt suddenly lonely, lost… A soft voice said her name but when she turned she saw no one in the doorway. She hurried out of the room.

Breakfast was rather quiet being as it was earlier than usual. Aliyha sat herself by the window deciding to wait for the others to have the first meal of the day. It was still very dark outside, the single candle glowing far away on the long table made the room cold and sad, very much like the weather outside. Maybe there was not going to be a sunrise at all today, thought Aliyha half hoping it would be so. If no sun rose feeble or otherwise then there would be no sundown and Cineon would not be married… Aliyha savored the thought but knew better then to hope for such a thing. It was a cold day and it was winter outside and in every land… there was a child, her very first grandchild… she closed her eyes and felt a warm embrace. She saw the two of them holding each other; she herself was there, though Aliyha did not recognize herself. It felt safe to be in the embrace but also frightful. The face before her was a blur but those arms were not of a stranger. She knew this person, knew she must not hear this voice and give in to it but here she was and then the face became clearer and Aliyha began to pull away, frightened. The arms held her tighter in a grip of passion and strength that matched no human man. She struggled to pull away but strength drained from her, she felt unable to resist the feeling that swelled inside her heart. And just when she knew this person, this very man was the one she had ever loved, the arms let go and she fell backwards but the arms remained extended, as if waiting to pull the lovely woman back into an even harder embrace.

“Mother!” She stared up at Brestuev’s face.

“Good morning dear!” smiled Aliyha sheepishly. “Must have dozed a bit there. Give me a hand up dear.” He helped her stand.

“What are you doing awake this early?” he asked.

“A long day lies ahead of us Brestuev,” Aliyha walked gingerly toward the table and sat, her mind on the dream she just had. Was it a dream? She knew that face... “Your sister is to be married at sundown today.”

Brestuev took this news rather pleasantly and asked whether everyone had been invited.

“It is to be just us, the family. Your brother has not returned in a day and one night since he left with that Spekai and Mister Almonne,” Aliyha paused wishing in her heart that the Wise One would send Zetreh back already. She needed answers. “Mister Almonne is off on Council business… It would be nice should the both of them come home before this evening.”

“Ermal might not return for a few days mother. It is after all the Spekai’s home he has gone to.” Brestuev thought aloud. “We do not know how far away the Spekai dwells and exactly where this woodland he kept mentioning is but Mister Almonne,” he stared in a cup in his hand measuring his words, “he works for the council, he is not family. Ermal is and it would be a pity if he did not return by sundown this evening."

Aliyha fixed her eyes boring into his as he looked up. “I do not like my son to question his mother, it is what you are doing, I know. Zetreh works for the head of Council, me and I say he is like family. Is it your intention to tell me otherwise?”

“Forgive my behavior, mother dear.” Brestuev mumbled. “Does Dreke know yet? I should go and tell him and while I am on my way upstairs,” he gulped the remaining of his juice and marched toward the door. “I will find Cineon upstairs, will I?” he turned at the door, “I must bestow blessings upon the bride to be!”

“Bestow upon her all you want,” hissed Aliyha nodding in answer to his question, Dreser has already bestowed upon her shame which allows me no authority to stop this marriage from happening so soon.” Then louder, “Yes, your sister will for certain be upstairs preparing for her big moment. Return with Dreke and I will have a talk with the help about the event this evening. Do not be too long son, we have a wedding to plan.”

With a nod Brestuev headed out and up the stairs to the fifth floor stopping first to wake Dreke on the third.

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