The Hooded Luna:Happily Ever After

Chapter 6~Drinking Game


~Hades POV~

“Where are you lover boy?” I asked looking around for Mateo.

“What do you want?” He asked, leaning against a tree.

“You can’t be mad at her mate.” I said shrugging.I sensed his anger rise and he marched towards me before throwing a punch that I easily ducked.He threw another one and I caught his fist in my hand.

“In respect for Phoenix I’m not going to hit you but you keep trying and I’m going to lose my cool.” I warned letting my eyes turn red.His eyes widened slightly and I let go of his fist.

“I’m not your mate.” He grumbled walking back to the tree he was just leaned up against.I rolled my eyes and dug my hands in my pockets as I silently prayed for the strength to not turn him into a caterpillar.

“You can’t seriously have expected her to fight lust.” I said looking up at the moon.I frowned as I realized it was full but it looked dimmer than it was supposed to.

“What?” He asked, turning to face me.

“The seven deadly sins?Pandora’s Box?” I asked hoping to see a glint of recognition.I took a deep breath and floated up to one of the small trees before laying on the tree branch.

“Once upon a time,” I started.

“Really?” He asked cutting me off.

“Do you want the story or not?” I asked, keeping my gaze on the moon.

“I’m listening.” He grumbled.

“As I was saying- Once upon a time, before all of this when humans believed in things like Gods and Goddesses and fairytales and anything else you can think of-there was a girl named Pandora.She had a heart of Gold and was absolutely beautiful. The story the human’s know is that Prometheus stole fire from Zeus to give to the humans and Zeus retaliated by tying him to a rock and letting eagles feast on his liver.But Zeus being the big baby he was didn’t just stop there-he created Pandora who looked exactly like the goddess Aphrodite.We-the Gods each gave her a gifts-wisdom, beauty, kindness, peace, generosity, and health.Zeus brought her to Earth to be Epimetheus’ wife. Even though Epimetheus’ brother, Prometheus, had warned him of Zeus’ trickery and told him not to accept gifts from the gods, Epimetheus was too taken with her beauty and wanted to marry her anyway.As a wedding present, Zeus gave Pandora a box but warned her never to open it.Pandora, who was created to be curious, couldn’t stay away from the box and the urge to open the box overcame her.Horrible things flew out of the box including pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, and sloth.All of life’s miseries had been let out into the world. Pandora slammed the lid of the box back down.The last thing remaining inside of the box was hope.But that wasn’t what happened-not the full story anyway.Zeus gave the box to me to give to Pandora but I couldn’t-I-I fell in love with her.She was in love with me to but she couldn’t stand to break Epimetheus’s heart so-she ended it.I gave the box back to Zeus and he was beyond pissed.He gave it to her pretending to be me and she opened the box excited to see what I’d given her.She opened the box letting everything out and as soon as she realized what she did she called me asking me to help her fix it.I helped her and in the end-she cut me off.Peter was given to Zeus as a gift but Zeus wasn’t about to accept a kid that wasn’t his-never gonna happen.I found him and raised him as my own-as he got older he got curious.When he was old enough he asked for one gift and I promised him anything.He asked for one of the sins and when I asked which one he wanted he chose lust-so that’s what I gave him.” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

“So she broke your heart huh?” He asked looking up at me.

“From the whole bloody story that is what you picked up on?” I asked jumping out of the tree and landing directly in front of him.

“You looked hurt so that’s the part I paid more attention to.” He answered honestly.

“Why?” I asked, putting my hands back in my pockets.

“We’re friends.” He teased bumping my shoulder.

“Anyways lust is a sin that can’t be fought.” I said ignoring his ‘friends’ comment.

“Thanks-for coming to talk to me.” He said smiling.

“Whatever.” I grumbled making him laugh.

“So we might have to kill your son?” He asked awkwardly.

“Lets just hope it doesn’t come to that.” I said softly.

“Where are you going?” He asked as I started to walk off.

“To tell Ms.Phoenix she owes me a bloody metal for putting up with you.” I responded without turning back earning a chuckle from him.

“Hi.” A voice said seductively.I turned towards the voice and frowned as I saw the girl Phoenix was arguing with-Jocelyn.

“Can I help you?” I asked, cocking an eyebrow in confusion.

“I hope so.” She said before she started to slowly zip her jacket down.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I thought it was obvious Hades.” She said fully opening her jacket to reveal her bare breast.She dropped the jacket on the ground and slowly licked her lips before walking up to me.She wrapped her arms around my neck and pressed her breast firmly against my chest.

“Lucifer.” I said taking her wrists in my hands.

“What?” She asked taking a step back.

“My name is Lucifer.” I said rolling my eyes and letting her wrists go.


“Phoenix calls me Hades?” I asked cutting her off.

“Yeah.” She mumbled, picking her jacket up and putting it back on.

“The difference between the two of you is that I respect her-she doesn’t throw shit in people’s faces out of spite.She’s my friend you aren’t shit to me-you just aren’t shit at all.” I said before walking off.She screamed in anger and I spun around grabbing her fist mid-air.

“Don’t try that shit again.” I growled lowly.Her eyes widened in fear and I squeezed her fist before letting it go completely.I watched as she turned around before running away.I rolled my eyes at her retreating figure before turning back and walking towards where I left Phoenix.

“I honestly don’t know.It felt like I was in a trance-a trance I didn’t want to end.” Phoenix’s voice said, catching my attention.

“That’s what being infected by lust is.It’s a trance that brings out your deepest desires.” I said catching her attention.I winked at her letting her know I talked to Mateo and she gave me a small smile in return.

“Then why did he look shocked that we were kissing?” She asked softly.

“That’s something I’ve been trying to figure out.It’s like you’re affecting him too but that’s impossible.” I said running my hand through my hair.

“Why is it impossible?” Kim asked.

“He’s lust.You can’t exactly affect lust.” I said bluntly.I barely looked in her direction remembering how her friend acted.

“I can fly you know.” Peter said catching our attention.We looked up to see him floating above us and I silently cursed under my breath.I watched as he avoided Phoenix’s gaze making me smirk.His eyes landed on Kim and he smiled.She gasped softly and brushed her hair behind her ear.I rolled my eyes and Phoenix grabbed her before throwing her in my arms.I caught her effortlessly and rolled my eyes as I realized she was still in a trance.I tossed her over my shoulder before floating towards where we made camp.

“We need to go we’ve been found out.” I said as I met up with them.I tossed Kim to Alex before turning my attention to our supplies.I waved my hand over them and they immediately packed into the bags.

“What if I didn’t catch her?” Alex asked from somewhere behind me.I shrugged halfheartedly before rubbing my hands together.The bags started to float behind me and I turned just in time to see Mateo run off to where I left Phoenix.I sighed deeply before walking in a random direction fully aware of the others following behind me.I stopped as I heard running footsteps coming from behind us and I turned to face the direction they were coming from and smiled as I noticed Phoenix and Mateo.

“He’s following us.” Phoenix said running past us.We followed after her until we came to an opening in the woods.

“There’s a town over there.” Kim said pointing to the left.She started walking over there with everybody following behind her and Phoenix shook her head.

“We’re going there.” She said pointing to a bar.

“A bar?” Kim asked as her and the others turned to face Phoenix.

“He’s going to assume we went looking for cover but we wouldn’t go to a bar so he’s not going to check there.” She said shrugging.They murmured in agreement before we all followed her into the bar.Everybody’s eyes turned to us and Phoenix confidently walked up to the bartender and flashed him a smile.

“Can I get something-strong.” She said softly.The bartender let his eyes slowly rack her body before turning and pouring her a drink.

“Here you go beautiful.” He said giving her the glass.She winked at him before downing the drink.

“Can somebody turn the music back on.” She said without turning to face the room.Nobody moved and the bartender jerked his head and the music began playing again.He smirked at her as he filled her glass up again.

“Um what are you doing?” Kenzie asked, taking a stand besides her.

“Taking a break.” She mumbled, throwing the drink back.

“We-we can’t just take a break.” Kenzie whispered.

“Kenzie.” I warned as I noticed Phoenix’s grip on the glass tighten.

“No.I mean come on we came all the way here to save the moon goddess and now she just wants to give up.Why because she kissed Peter fucking Pan?” Kenzie growled.Her hand flew to her mouth and I slowly took my eyes off of her to look at Phoenix in time to see her tense.Phoenix took a deep breath and gestured for the bartender to refill her cup.


“Don’t.For your information I’m not giving up.I’m taking a well deserved break.After kissing somebody that isn’t my mate because I was being affected by ‘lust’ and not having the time to process that I’m slowly losing one of my mates-I might lose the other one because every time ‘Peter fucking Pan’ gets near me I lose all self-control.” Phoenix said calmly.By the time she had finished talking she had finished drinking five more shots.I frowned as I realized we were being watched and slowly looked around the room.

“You aren’t going to lose me Phoenix.You were able to fight Peter and you can do it again.” Mateo said breaking through my thoughts.

“You did what?” I asked turning my attention to them.She shrugged mindlessly as she swiveled the drink in her glass.

“It was when I went back to go get her.She kneed him in the stomach and punched him in the face.It’s how we got away.” Mateo said shrugging like it was no big deal.My thoughts went back to when I had first met Phoenix I knew she was strong but this-this was something else.

“I-I’m going to see what I can find out about a hotel or something.” Kenzie said before walking off with Luca close behind her.

“I’m going to go dance.” Kim said grabbing Alex’s hand and dragging him to the Dance floor.Her friends followed behind her and I noticed the slight hesitation in Jocelyn’s steps as she looked back at me.Alex gave Mateo a pleading look and he chuckled before kissing the top of Phoenix’s head and joining Alex and Kim on the dance floor.

“Can we play a game?” Phoenix asked turning her attention to me.Her words were slurred slightly so it was hardly noticeable and she had finished the contents of her glass once again and was waiting for it to be refilled.

“No love you need to sleep.” I said shaking my head.

“Please Luci.” She said grabbing my arm and pulling me down in the seat besides hers.

“What happened to Hades?” I asked studying her.

“You can’t make a nickname out of Hades.” She said with a small shrug.I sighed deeply before gesturing for the bartender.

“What can I get you?” He asked.It was clear the question was directed to me but he didn’t once take his eyes off of Phoenix.Phoenix turned to look at him and he winked at her.She rolled her eyes before turning her attention back to me with a small smile.

“Vodka.” I said keeping my eyes on Phoenix.She blushed under my gaze and tucked her hair behind her ear.I frowned in confusion before shrugging it off.

“What game?” I asked as the bartender came back with my drink.

“Um what about truth or dare?” She asked as the bartender came back with a bottle of Vodka and left it on the table.

“Make your own refills. I don’t get paid enough for this.” He grumbled before walking off.Phoenix looked between the two of us before bursting into giggles.I laughed along with her and I hadn’t realized she stopped until I realized she was staring at me.

“What?” I asked before downing my drink.

“You have a nice laugh.” She said shyly.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you were flirting with me.” I said winking at her.

“And do you?” She asked lowly.

“Do I what?”

“Know any better.” She said softly.I winked at her in response and turned my attention to the liquor bottle sitting in front of me.

“So if we don’t want to do the dare we drink?” I asked turning to look at her once again.She nodded her head and I smiled before we started playing.

“Luci dance with me.” She said giggling.She grabbed my arm and dragged me to the dance floor.We had finished two vodka bottles and we were more than halfway through the third one.The song changed to a slow one and she bit her lip nervously.I chuckled lowly and put my hands on the middle of her back.

“Do I look like a nun?” She asked pouting.I laughed and shook my head with a lazy smile.

“No.No you do not.” I said softly.She blushed and rested her hands on my arms before lowering them to her hip.She bit her lip in anticipation as if she was waiting for me to move my hands back up.She smiled when she realized I wasn’t going to and wrapped her arms around my neck.We started moving along to the song and she rested her head on my shoulder.

“Luci?” She said softly.

“Hmm.” I responded.She pulled her head back lightly biting her lip and locked her eyes with mine.My breath hitched in my throat as her eyes landed on my lips.

“Don’t move okay.” She said softly as her eyes slowly looked back up into mine.I did as asked and she smiled a little before leaning in and pressing her lips against mine.She smiled as I began to move my lips against hers and she gently rested her hands on my face.

“Luce.” She said breathing heavily as she pulled away from me.I leaned my forehead against hers as my eyes met hers and she smiled.

“WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?” Mateo’s voice boomed as he walked up to us.He pulled Phoenix away from me before throwing a punch at my face and hitting my cheek.I chuckled lowly as I turned to look at him.He tried to throw another punch and I grabbed his fist.

“I warned you.” I growled.I threw a punch at him and he stumbled back before running up to me.By now we had caught everybody’s attention and there was a circle of people watching us.

“Stop it.” Phoenix pleaded softly.We both ignored her as we kept hitting each other.Alex and Luca ran up to us as they tried to seperate us.

“Please stop it.” She said as tears started to run down her cheeks.I frowned at the sight and I took a deep breath before jerking away from whoever was touching me.I started to disappear and Phoenix ran up to me before taking my face in her hands.

“Are you okay?” She asked with a pained look in her eyes.

“I’m fine.” I mumbled shrugging.She frowned but didn’t push it.She wrapped her arms tightly around my torso and I smiled a little as I hugged her back.

“I think we should go outside.” Kenzie said gesturing towards the exit.Phoenix ignored Mateo’s gaze as she wrapped my arm around her and walked outside.We walked up to the side of the building and I leaned against it as we waited for the others to come outside.

“I’m sorry.” Phoenix’s voice said breaking through the silence.

“Why are you sorry love?” I asked looking down at her.

“I shouldn’t have kissed you-he wouldn’t have hit you if I didn’t kiss you.” She said as her eyes filled with tears.I clenched my jaw angrily and chuckled humorlessly.

“Then why did you?” I asked sharply.

“Because I wanted to.” She said gently touching her lips.My eyes widened slightly in response.

“I still want to.” She whispered letting her eyes fall to my lips again.

“I thought we were friends.” Mateo said as him and the others turned the corner to where we were at.I winked at Phoenix before turning my attention to the group.

“I’m the bloody devil.” I said rolling my eyes.Mateo clenched his jaw angrily and Phoenix shifted closely next to me.Mateo’s eyes landed on her and he scoffed.

“I found a hotel.” Kenzie said breaking through the silence.

“Where?” Alex asked when it was clear nobody else was going to respond.

“Over there.” She said pointing behind me and Phoenix.

“Does anybody here have hotel money?” Kim asked as we silently walked in the direction of it.Everybody froze and I rolled my eyes.

“You have a plan?” Phoenix whispered looking at me.I nodded my head in response and smirked mischievously.

“I’m coming with you.” She said softly.

“You can’t love.” I said taking her face in my hands.

“Luci please.” She said pouting.I groaned inwardly before nodding my head.

“What are you two whispering about?” Jocelyn asked glaring at Phoenix.Phoenix rolled her eyes in response and looked at me.

“We have a plan stay here.” I said before throwing my arm over Phoenix’s shoulder and walking up to the hotel.I kissed her lips deeply and smirked as I heard her breath hitch in her throat.

“I’m going to go distract the receptionist.Get to the lift and stay in there.If there’s a liftman go to the third floor.” I mumbled before kissing her lips again.She whimpered as I pulled away from her but nodded her head.I winked at her before walking up to the receptionist.She immediately straightened up as she noticed me and folded her hands together in front of her in an attempt to make her breast more prominent.

“Hello there love.” I said flashing her a smile.She visibly swooned and clenched her legs together.A wave of jealousy hit me and I turned around to see Phoenix looking between me and the receptionist.Her eyes met mine and I winked at her.She rolled her eyes in response before turning her attention to the elevators.I smirked and turned my attention back to the receptionist.

“How can I help you sir?” She asked, slowly licking her lips.

“I need 5 of your best rooms.” I said slowly looking her up and down.I wasn’t taking her in but it didn’t hurt to let her think I was.I let my eyes rest over her breast for a second before slowly looking into her eyes with a smirk.She smiled shyly and nodded her head before looking for the rooms on her computer.She pulled out five room keys and handed them to me.I started reaching for my back pocket and she shook her head.

“It’s on me.” She whispered, biting her lip.

“Naughty.” I taunted slowly licking my lips.I watched as her jaw dropped slightly as she followed my tongues movements with her eyes.I winked at her making her blush before signalling for the others.I walked into the elevator with the others following behind me.Phoenix rolled her eyes as she noticed me.

“I had to love.” I said softly.

“Promise?” She asked pulling me closer as the others tried to get in.I smiled at her before putting my lips against hers.

“Promise.” I said, pulling away from her.

“What floor are we going to?” Kim asked, catching our attention.I winked at Phoenix as I handed her a key and gave the other keys to Kim for her to hand out.I leaned my head against Phoenix’s as we whispered quietly telling jokes.

“Only five?” Kim asked, catching my attention.

“You can always go down and ask for another one if you don’t want to share with Alex.” I mumbled.I watched as her eyes shifted to Phoenix and I tensed as I realized what I just said.

“He’s right.” Phoenix said as I turned to look at her.

“You-you wouldn’t mind?” Kim asked.

“Nope.” She said shrugging.The lift dinged signalling we were on our floor and we all stepped out.Kim and Alex began walking in the direction of their room with Luca and Kenzie behind them, going to their own room.

“Come on Phoenix.” Mateo said walking to her side.

“I’ll share a room with Hades.” Jocelyn said slowly licking her lips and looking me up and down.It was clear she was doing it just to piss off Phoenix and it was obvious it was working by the way Phoenix tensed.

“That’s fine you can share a room with Mateo.” She said before taking my arm and pulling me off to our room.As soon as the door was closed she jumped in my arms before placing her lips against my own.

“I think I’m going to like this.” I mumbled as I gently laid her on the bed before climbing on top of her.She smiled and locked her arms behind my neck before pulling me down and crashing my lips on hers.

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