The Hooded Luna:Happily Ever After

Chapter 23~Goodbyes

The room was overrun with emotions as the three caught up on everything that they'd missed in each other's lives.

"You became queen." Phoenix said smiling proudly at Maleficent.

"Yeah, I guess I did." She responded smiling. Her smile slowly dropped as she looked at Peter.

"I'm sorry that I-that we-"

"Stop." Phoenix said cutting off Maleficent. She knew exactly where that apology was going and she didn't want to hear it.

"It's okay." She whispered, shrugging.


"I mean it. I died and you guys only had each other I get it." She said cutting Mal off again. Maleficent frowned as she studied Phoenix. The hurt was evident in her eyes and as if she realized Maleficent could read her she flung her walls up. Peter didn't know how he was supposed to react so instead of speaking up he avoided looking at both of them as he lost himself in his thoughts. Lucifer stepped back into the room and gestured for Phoenix. She smiled at Mal and walked up to him.

"I'm going to get back to hell. I think my work here is done." He said smirking. Phoenix smiled a little and nodded her head. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into her.

"Thanks for everything, Luce." She whispered, smiling.

"You can pay me back by telling me about your friend." He said looking at Maleficent who was trying her hardest not to look at him. Phoenix smirked and pulled away from Lucifer. She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards where Maleficent and Peter were sitting.

"I don't know if you've been formally introduced but Maleficent this is my best friend Lucifer and Lucifer this is my best friend Maleficent." Phoenix said smiling.

"Like the devil right?" Maleficent asked studying him closely.

"Exactly like the devil,love." Lucifer said smiling. Maleficent bit back an eyeroll and slowly nodded her head.

"Cool." She mumbled before diverting her attention elsewhere. Phoenix smirked as she tried to hold back her laughter at the look of bewilderment of Lucifer's face. Lucifer suddenly got a distant look on his face as he stared at the wall in front of him.

"You gotta go." Phoenix said before he could say anything. He nodded and gave her a small smile.

"Why don't you take Maleficent with you?" Phoenix blurted out. Lucifer and Maleficent looked at her as if she was crazy.

"You want me to go to hell?" Maleficent asked curiously.

"Lucifer's my friend and I want you to like him." Phoenix half lied.

"Yeah sure Kat." Maleficent said shrugging. Phoenix bit back the need to correct Mal on what her name was and instead smiled and nodded her head. Maleficent walked up to Lucifer and he smirked as he held his hand out. She took it and tensed as she felt tingles run through her fingers. She looked up at Lucifer through her lashes to see him already looking at her. Phoenix smiled at the pair as they suddenly disappeared before her eyes. She sighed contently as she resisted the urge to dance around.

"You did that on purpose." Peter said more than asked. Phoenix blushed forgetting he was in the room and turned to face him as she nodded her head. She chewed her bottom lip nervously as Peter observed her curiously.

"My grandmother-the moon goddess she said nobody could resist you but I could. When I was Kat,I mean, right?" Phoenix asked softly.

"Yeah, we were never able to figure out why." Peter said trying to figure out why she was asking.

"I-I have this crazy theory about why you affected me this time and why I affected you." She mumbled wringing her hands nervously. Peter smirked and got comfortable before gesturing for her to elaborate.

"So I don't think you were affecting me per se, I think it was my feelings for you as Kat were still there and I affected you because I reminded you of her-since I am her. Also I think she lied because she knew I would've started digging and I would've found out about her being me-me being her?" Phoenix bit her lip as she realized she was rambling and Peter watched her with amusement dancing in his eyes. He didn't respond or move his eyes from her.

"I can get you home." She said breaking the silence as it became deafening.

"Really?" Peter asked perking up. Phoenix held back a frown at the excitement Peter was giving off and nodded her head.

"When Mal and Luce get back I'll send you back home." She said softly. Peter smiled and nodded his head.

"Thank you. For everything." He said smiling genuinely. He stood up from his seat and sat on the table so he was more leaning than sitting.

"Your welcome." Phoenix said giving him a small smile in return.

"Why didn't you realize that I was Katarina?" Phoenix asked softly. It was a question that'd been plaguing her mind ever since she found out who she really was and she'd been dying to ask.

"I guess I didn't want to believe it." Peter answered shrugging.

"Oh." Phoenix responded frowning. She bit her lip and looked at the ground.

"I looked for you for years after you died and I never found you. A part of me felt like I failed you, so when you said you were there for the moon goddess I shut down the possibility that I'd found you especially considering you didn't even recognize me." He added. Phoenix nodded in understanding and slowly looked back up at him. She took a deep breath and walked up to him. He watched her curiously but didn't move a muscle as she came to a stop in front of him. She opened her mouth to say something when the sound of Noah's scream filled her ears. She immedialty ran off in the direction it came from with Peter following closely behind her. Phoenix's eyes filled with tears as her eyes landed on her parent's bodies and she ran up to them before dropping on her knees. She listened for a heartbeat and sobbed when she didn't hear one. She put her hands on their hearts as she tried to heal them. She let out a frustrated cry when nothing happened and looked up at Peter desperately.

"I don't think you can bring back the dead." He said softly. She sobbed and shook her head.

'He's right. I'm so sorry.' Her wolf said softly.Phoenix felt her anger begin to boil and she stood up before walking in the direction of where she heard Noah's scream. She could hear Liam pleading behind a door and she flicked her wrist breaking it open. Her eyes met Liam's teary eyed ones first before they shifted over to a bloody Noah. She walked up to him and dropped to her knees as she bit back a sob. She took him from Liam and hugged his bloody body into herself ignoring the fact that she was becoming bloody herself.

'HE HAS A HEARTBEAT!" Her wolf screamed in her head. She kept her arms around him and let her powers flow through her and into him. Peter left the room silently to go look for everybody else. There was no way he could help her, he knew it wasn't his place no matter how badly he wanted it to be. He also knew that she needed her mate alive so he'd do whatever he could to find Mateo for her.

"What's going on?" Noah groaned opening his eyes. Liam sobbed loudly and immediately threw his arms around Noah.

"Who did this to you?" Phoenix asked standing up. She wanted to hug her brother but for all she knew everybody else in the house was in danger and she had no idea who or what she was up against.

"I don't know." Noah responded frowning.

"All I remember was getting hit in the back of the head and next thing I was on the ground with this blurry figure on top of me beating me senseless." He added. Phoenix looked over at Liam who was still holding Noah and he shook his head answering her unasked question, he hadn't seen anything. She took a deep breath to swallow back her annoyance and slowly nodded her head. She wanted to stop and think but she couldn't- there were other people in the house that she had to go check on. She snapped her fingers, transporting her brother and his mate into the panic room knowing if she asked them to go they'd both fight her and argue that she needed back up. She left the room and looked around the house but frowned when she didn't find anybody else.

'Listen.' Her wolf prompted. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes as she listened to her surroundings. She could hear the faint sound of Liam and Noah banging on the panic room door before they stopped realizing nobody was going to come and let them out. There was the faint sound of footsteps behind her and she turned ready to attack the person when her eyes met Mateo's. She relaxed slightly as she ran into his arms.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly as they pulled away from each other.

"My parents are dead." She whispered as her eyes filled with tears. Mateo stared at her wide-eyed for a second before pulling her into him again.

"I'm so sorry baby." He whispered gently rocking her. She shrugged numbly as she remembered there was still a problem at hand.

"Are you okay?" She asked pulling away to look at him. She frowned as she realized there wasn't a drop of blood on him but quickly shrugged it off.

"Yeah I was outside when I heard Noah scream." He said frowning.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." He whispered. Phoenix smiled sadly and shook her head.

"You're okay, that's all that matters. But we need to find the others. I checked the whole house but I haven't found anybody-alive." She said taking his hand and walking in a random direction.

"Have you checked the basement?" He asked stopping. Phoenix looked at Mateo curiously before shaking her head and letting him lead her. They walked up to the door of the basement and Mateo squeezed her hand before pushing the door open. The sound of voices filled her ears and she slowly walked down the stairs with Mateo following closely behind her. She went towards the voices and her heart clenched as she saw her friends sitting in a cage. Kenzie looked like she was panicking and Luca was trying his best to comfort her but he was failing terribly. Alex and Peter were talking about something, while Kim was sitting with her friends. Her eyes filled with tears as she came to a stop in front of it.

"Are you guys okay?" She asked softly. Nobody answered as they all looked at her in horror.

"Do you have a key?" She asked turning to face Mateo. Her breath hitched in a throat as a familiar face looked back at her with a smirk.

"Hello, love." The person said before she was surrounded by darkness.

I need to know, who do you guys think the familiar face belongs to? No answer is a dumb answer I'm ready for these theories soooo lay them on me. Also, heyyyyyyyyy I hope all of you are doing good and thank you for baring with me considering I'm

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