The Hooded Luna:Happily Ever After

Chapter 10~Relax

~Third Person POV~

Before anybody could even blink Jocelyn was on the ground and Phoenix was on top of her.By the time the others realized what was going on Jocelyn was preparing to lose consciousness. Everybody snapped into action as they realized what was happening.

“PHOENIX YOU’LL KILL HER!” Mateo screamed jumping to his feet and running towards her.She tuned him out as she kept throwing hit after hit.Peter wrapped his arms around her and yanked her to her feet before pulling her out of the room.The door closed behind them and Phoenix screamed in annoyance.

“Don’t touch me.” She grumbled pulling away from him.He held his hands up in mock surrender and rolled his eyes.He smirked in amusement as he watched her turn her attention to the door as she tried to get it open.She stopped when she realized it was effortless and leaned her forehead against the door as she closed her eyes.

“She’s a liar.” She whispered helplessly.

“Why would I believe you?” He asked, watching her curiously.She shrugged and took a deep breath before turning to face him.She let herself sink to the floor but kept her eyes on him.

“If I was lying you would’ve been my target not her.” She said bluntly.He stared at her for a second before letting a smile break onto his face.

“I know.” He said sitting besides her.She took a deep breath and rested her head on his shoulder.

“What does Maleficent want to do?” She asked studying her fist.The skin on the knuckles were peeling off and there was blood on them and she knew it was a mix between hers and Jocelyn.She took a deep breath to calm down as she got the sudden itch to go back inside and finish what she started.

“She’s assigned me to kill all of you by first light.” He answered cooly.Her eyes filled with tears and she slowly nodded her head as a single thought haunted her-she’d failed.

“Oh.” She said softly.Her voice cracked and she cleared her throat as she tried to play it off.

“But I won’t if you tell me why you’re really here.” He said hopefully.She picked her head up and bit her lip as she studied him trying to figure out if she could really trust him or not.She frowned as she realized something was off.

“Can-can you do that little smile thing please?” She asked looking up at him through her lashes.Peter froze but quickly tried to hide it and stood up.Phoenix stood up too as she watched him cautiously.He smiled and Phoenix cocked an eyebrow as she tried to get the feeling she usually got when he smiled.

“Who are you?” Phoenix asked crossing her arms over her chest.‘Peter’ began clapping and smiled proudly.He snapped his fingers and a staff appeared in his hands.He hit it gently on the ground and Phoenix watched as he turned into Maleficent.

“Bravo.You did very nice, he told me it wouldn’t work but-I just had to try.” She said smiling.

“Where is he?Where’s Peter.” Phoenix asked frantically. Maleficent ignored her question as she studied Phoenix.

“I guess I see why your so special.It’s really a shame I’m going to have to kill you.” Maleficent said trying to look broken up about it.She lifted her staff but before it could come in contact with the ground Phoenix grabbed it and punched Maleficent in the face.They began fighting and for a second it looked like Phoenix was about to lose.Phoenix kicked Maleficent making her stumble back.Before she could get up again Phoenix punched her and she immediately knocked out.Phoenix limped to the door and took a deep breath before concentrating all of her power into her hands and putting her hands on the door.The door opened with a loud bang and the others stared at her wide eyed.

“We need to go now.” Phoenix said stepping to the side so they could leave the room.Jocelyn was laying on the cot and her face still hadn’t healed.Phoenix felt herself becoming angry again and she looked down at Maleficent before dragging her into the room with Jocelyn and locking the door.She looked down at the staff and picked it up using it to support her weight as her and the others hurriedly tried to find an exit.They walked up to a door and there was a sound of whip hitting flesh followed by a blood curdling scream.Phoenix let the staff drop as she pushed her way to the front and gently rested her hands on the door.She groaned in annoyance when the door wouldn’t open and another scream filled her ears.

“Relax baby you got this.” Mateo said walking to her side.He took one of her hands in his and gently kissed her lips.It felt like he hadn’t done that in years and they both missed the feeling.She smiled thankfully before turning her attention back to the door.Another scream filled the air and she took a deep breath before placing both hands on the door.The door opened with a bang just like the other one and she stepped inside.A guard ran up to her and she easily took him down.Two more guards came and Alex and Mateo ran in front of her as they began fighting them off.The whip cracked again and Phoenix heard the scream again.She ran as she tried to follow it.Her eyes filled with tears as she saw Peter strapped down with a big man behind him holding a whip.He was getting ready to whip him again when he noticed Phoenix.Phoenix felt her blood begin to boil and ran up the man and effortlessly jumped over Peter.She landed directly in front of the man but before he could even blink he was down.His eyes were closed and he wasn’t making a sound but Phoenix didn’t let up.

“Relax.” Lucifer growled yanking her away from him.She jerked away from his touch with the intent to go back when her eyes landed on Peter.

“I need water, find me some water.” She said slowly walking up to Peter.

“I think we should just leave him here, he’s the reason we’re here in the first place.” Kim said rolling her eyes.Phoenix turned around to face her and it didn’t take a genius to realize if Kim wasn’t taken out of the room right away she would be the next person Phoenix took down.Alex grabbed Kim’s hand and led her away.The others nodded their heads before walking away too.Phoenix turned her attention back to Peter and dropped down to her knees in front of him.He weakly opened his eyes to look at her and gave her a sad smile.

“D-don’t cry for me.” He croaked.She ignored him and gently took his face in her hands.

“I’m going to heal you okay?” She said softly.

“No-no you need to leave.If they catch-catch you they’ll kill you.” He said, trying desperately to shake his head.

“I found water.” Alex said as him and Kim came back with a bucket of water.Phoenix nodded and took one of Peter’s hands in her own before taking a deep breath.

“This is going to hurt.” She warned softly.

“Leave.” He pleaded weakly.She focused on making the water move and smile proudly as it did what she wanted.She gently brought it to Peter’s back before letting it wash over his wounds.He gripped her hand tightly as his screams filled the room.He calmed down after a while and his screams just became whimpers.Phoenix lifted the water from his back to show all the dirt was now in the water with some blood.She put it back into the bucket before holding Peter’s hand with both of her own.She closed her eyes tightly as she silently pleaded for this to work.Nobody made a sound as they waited for something to happen.Peter suddenly gasped loudly and Phoenix jerked away from him.She stood up and smiled as she saw his back was all healed.Her vision began to blur but she shook it off and untied Peter before helping him to his feet.

“You could’ve left me here.” He said frowning.

“You could’ve killed me-many times.” She said, giving him a small smile.

“I owe you my life.Whatever you’re here for, I’ll help you every step of the way.” He said smiling gratefully.

“Good can you help us find an exit?” Mateo asked snapping everybody back to reality.

“Yeah just follow me I know a secret exit.” He said before walking off.Phoenix held out her hand and Mateo took it with a smile on his face as they followed after Peter.They made it outside and stole horses before making a break for the woods.

“Don’t make a fire-it’s how I found you the smoke travels up and makes you easy to find.” Peter said as they made up camp in the woods.

“I’ll take the first watch.” Kim said before walking off with one of her pack members following behind her.Everybody else stayed silent as they all drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

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