The Home Stone

Chapter 32

A sudden noise brought Roma’s attention back to the present and her hand immediately grabbed the hilt of her sword. She tried to focus, but it was too dark to see anything. The last thing she remembered was the flash of light and the sudden pain on the side of her head. When she awoke Roma found she had been gagged and tied with her hands behind her. There, trussed up against a tree, just outside the light of the campfire, Roma could make out four or five people. Who they were she did not know or care for her head was aching from the blow. Then she heard someone say. “She’s awake.” Then a pair of rough hands grabbed her and led her closer to the fire. Frightened and relieved at the same time, Roma saw that these were the very elves she had been searching for. These people were Drow Elves.

“What are you doing here on our island?” asked one of the elves.

Still trying to focus, Roma found that she was still gagged and mumbled something that not one of the Drow understood. Finally, one of the elves removed the gag and Roma was able to explain.

“I’m here on behalf of the High Council of Evermore, to ask for your help,” she began. “I seek a woman called Brianna. I can prove what I’m saying. Just look in my backpack where you will find a letter, given to me by my friend Kirin to give to your queen.”

Searching though her pack, the elf leader found the oilcloth that kept the letter dry and looked at it. Handing it to another elf, the two conferred with one another for a moment and the leader spoke.

“How do we know that this letter wasn’t written by you?” he asked.

Roma just looked at him. She had not thought that anyone would question her about the authenticity of such a document.

“I … I suppose you will have to take my word for it,” was the only thing she could think of.

Angered by her answer the elf approached her with his arm raised as if to strike her, but another Drow stayed his hand. “What if she is telling the truth? It wouldn’t look so good for us to bring a bruised messenger to the queen. Especially when she carries what looks like an official letter from Evermore.”

Calmed by the female Drow’s words the leader ordered the group to break camp and take Roma to their village. “Let someone else make the decision as to what should be done with her.”

Now hooded, Roma stumbled along the path not knowing where she was or where she was going. If she slowed a bit, the Drow behind her gave her a painful reminder with a blow to her lower back. Not strong enough to make her fall, but painful enough to let her know that she was to keep moving. These elves, Roma thought were not as polite or helpful as the elves of Maitland. These Drow treated her as if she was an enemy soldier caught in battle. By the time they stopped to rest, Roma’s back and side were hurting and bruised and when they removed the hood and gag to give her something to drink she spoke.

“Don’t think that I won’t have a chat with the High Council as to the way you have treated me today,” Roma said angrily. I’m sure that they won’t take kindly to the way you treat their messengers.”

“We could kill you and tell them that we found you dead holding this letter,” the leader answered with a sneer.

“I thought all elves were honorable people,” Roma shot back.

Jumping to his feet the angry elf unsheathed his knife and held it to her throat and said. “I could end it for you right now if you utter just one more word!”

Roma just looked at him with a wicket smile on her face. At that moment, she knew that he was bluffing and no more harm would become her. Turning away disgusted, the leader order them to continue. Now once more hooded to prevent Roma from seeing where they were taking her, she continued as best as she could. Only this time there were no more blows, if she slowed to avoid a large rock or branch.

“You took quite a chance back there with Kendrick,” a gentle voice came from behind. “He’s not one to anger as you did,” the voice continued. “He will kill you if you provoke him further. I have seen him do just that and was praised by our queen.”

“Then I will do my best not to anger him further,” said Roma to the female warrior behind her. “And thanks for stopping him earlier.”

The rest of the day the five walked on in silence and by early evening they stopped and made camp. Roma now with the hood removed asked to be released from her bonds.

“I’m not trying to escape,” Roma began. “I am trying to get to your city to ask your queen to send Brianna back with me.”

Reluctantly, the leader Kendrick agreed. “But in the morning we will tie and hood you again. Oh, and make no mistake; my guards are under orders to kill you if you do try to leave.”

Pleased that her hands were free, Roma rubbed then so that the blood ran free through her veins again. Sitting by the fire Roma struck up a conversation with the elf girl. She found out that her name was Raven and that she was a cousin to the queen. Raven spoke with great pride of her home and the house where she lived with her parents. Her brother too was a warrior and was at one of the many lookouts that kept this part of the island safe from roving bands of pirates. Every so often a band of these marauders would try to pass through their defenses and raid some of the outer farms, only to be driven off or killed and most often it was the latter. With swampland to the north, there was little usable land left for farming and if the Drow didn’t defend their land so fiercely the entire city would starve and fall prey to these corsairs. Roma listened with great enthusiasm, as she always enjoyed learning about other people and how they lived and survived.

The next morning Roma had her hands tied behind her and the hood was placed over her head, before they continued. Raven had told her that by noon that day they would reach the city. It was hot under the hood and by the time the party reached the mountain that housed the Drow city, Roma was almost ready to pass out from the heat. The sun had been shining and then suddenly it was dark. They had passed the gates and entered the city. Now her hood was removed and the girl from Enderby, for the first time laid eyes upon the great city of the Drow Elves.

Roma was marched passed the city center that housed the great well where all the Drow got their drinking water and passed the rows of houses where the elves lived, then around the barracks the fronted the Royal House. Here they stopped and the leader, Kendrick, stepped forward and whispered something the one of the two guards that protected the front door. Raven leaned closer and whispered in Roma’s ear.

“There is a whole company of soldiers just inside those massive doors,” Raven said. “They are there to protect our royal family. They are very dear to us and are treated like gods. So, when you enter and brought in front of our queen, don’t look directly at her when you speak. Remember that no one may look upon her and live. It is most important that you understand this. If you want her help then you will show respect.”

Roma nodded that she had understood and would do everything necessary to gain the trust of these elves. She knew how important it was to bring Brianna back to Aan and meet up with her friend Shannon. Moments later the massive Iron Wood doors opened and Raven led the way in followed by two more soldiers that had captured Roma. This place was huge and beautifully decorated. There were wall hangings covering the high stonewalls that told stories of past battles and some showed pictures of great achievements that the Drow have accomplished. Like how the Drow first came to this place and defeated the dwarfs that had hewed out the giant caves in order to build their own city. Each huge carpet depicted entire history of the dark elves from the time they were victorious over the dwarfs to the present time. Roma was marched past the barracks that housed the palace guard and the houses where the servants lived and onto the great hall where the royal family stayed. They entered another room where Roma was left alone and under guard. Why, she did not know, for she was still bound, so trying to escape was out of the question. Besides, Roma had no plans to leave just yet. She came here to find this girl and bring her to Sanctum and she would need an audience with the Drow Queen if she were to accomplish that. A short time later Raven returned and had her escorted to a grand chamber for a private meeting with the Queen Dorinda. There at a table and sitting in a chair that dwarfed any other in the room sat the queen. In front of her on the table lay the letter that Kirin had given to Roma. As the girl from Storr looked about, she noticed that the two guards that had been with her since she had been captured had not entered with her and Raven. This room was less decorated than the rest of the palace; probably this was the room where all the serious decisions were made. Nothing, to distract anyone’s thoughts.

Raven approached the queen who was in deep thoughts and reading the letter, walked to her side and stood still until the queen looked up from the table.

“Why is she still bound?” she asked.

“We were not taking any chances,” Raven replied. “Not until you have authenticated the words that she brings to you.”

“This letter seems to be the real thing,” said Queen Dorinda. “You can untie her. Wouldn’t want any trouble with our Woodland brothers; would we?”

Shaking her head, Raven cut the ropes that had bound Roma’s hands. Free from the bonds, the girl from Storr rubbed her wrists to bring some life back into them again and stared at the table in front of her, not wanting to look directly at the queen.

Dorinda reread the letter once more and then whispered something to Raven, who left the room immediately. She then motioned with her hand for Roma to sit down.

“This is a serious problem that we have here,” the queen said looking directly at Roma. “And I don’t think that the Drow should be left out, without making a small contribution to retrieving the Homestone. I have sent for Brianna and she will accompany you with a dozen of my finest warriors to meet up with Shannon. In the meantime, Raven will gather the army to her and set out for Rogalandt and help with the situation there. I’m sure they will be glad to have extra help protecting their borders from these barbarians.”

Roma was pleased and thanked the queen for acting so quickly. She had not believed that the Drow were so eager to enter the coming war, for these elves were loners and hardly ever came to Aan. They let some small caravans come to them, but rarely did they leave their island. The conversation continued between the two for some time when the side door opened and in walked Raven with another young and pretty elf girl.

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