The Home Stone

Chapter 3

There were two dwarfs looking after each spit. Two were turning the huge roasts and the other two continuously basted the meat to keep it from drying and burning. There were others cooking and roasting the potatoes and vegetables. While, still others were setting up the rest of the tables and chairs.

Shannon had given Maynard permission last fall, to build a small barracks cabin in the forest just behind her house. The old dwarf and his men spent the entire winter chopping wood to keep warm and hunted so that everyone’s belly stayed full. When spring finally came Shannon sent a couple of his men into Sweet Water for some well needed supplies. It took several days for them to return. The first night they spent at an inn and drank the night away. The next day they went shopping and then drinking again. It was a long winter and their thirst had to be quenched. On the third day they made their way back and faced a very angry captain. He reminded them that the rest of the men were just as thirsty and made the two of them stand extra guard duty while the rest enjoyed some of the ale and goodies that came from town.

The morning wore on, when from the north path came Blick and about a dozen more dwarfs. Seated on his pony beside the dwarf rode Treymane, the halfling, or hobbit, as he liked to be called.

With the greetings dispatched, some of the dwarfs sat down at one of the tables and began sampling the ale that Maynard had acquired for this festive event. Now, only Kirin was left to arrive and he would, like all elves, be fashionably late. Elves, a proud race, like dwarfs enjoyed making people wait. The only difference between the two races was that once they, (the latter), arrived, they quickly got into the spirit of the festivities. Elves on the other hand, were more subdued and took a longer time to show any emotions.

Treymane seated himself at one of the tables and ordered one of the dwarfs to bring him some ale, but they just stared at him and began to laugh. Finally, he got up and filled a flagon of ale and sat back down. Still everyone was in good spirits and soon all were sitting together and celebrating. The hobbit always teased the dwarfs for they all thought themselves superior to the Halflings. They teased right back but it was all in fun. The dwarfs knew that Treymane was a good man. They had heard the stories from Blick and they respected the little man.

Noon passed and still, there was no sign of Kirin. Shannon began to worry. He had never been this late.

“I can have one of my men go out and search for him, if you like,” said Blick with a smile.

Shannon looked at him with a worried look on her face and was about to agree to a search party when Kirin and his entourage finally rode into view. He trotted in, accompanied by six of his personal guard, all dressed in their bright yellow tunics, and covered by shiny plate armor. Each had a long bow slung diagonally over their shoulders and held a long spear and parade banner in their right hands. Kirin, on the other hand, was dressed in forest clothing that he always wore when traveling.

The four friends ran out to meet the elf, but saw immediately that something was not right. He did not have his usual smile and flair about him. He looked as though he really did not want to be here.

“What’s wrong?” asked Shannon.

“I’m afraid that this year’s get-together will have to be cut short,” answered the elf

Shannon saw that the other elves had not dismounted and stayed in formation, awaiting orders from Kirin.

“I bring some bad news,” he continued as he spoke to all that were standing near him. “The Home Stone has been stolen and carried off. It seems that the Valcoran warriors, who live in the Dragon Isles, somehow found the place where we keep the icon and have taken it.”

“How can this be?” questioned Roma. “I mean, this place where the stone is kept, is a secret. Isn’t it?”

“There were two traitors that lead them straight to it,” said Kirin, “but whatever rewards they were counting on, never amounted to anything. One was killed before the thieves left Evermore. We found his body on the shore of the Eastern Sea. Where the other is; we do not know. There is also another problem. A few days ago, one of our spies in the Snowlands, reported that the barbarian king was amassing a large army and plans to attack the Hillshire.” Turning to Shannon he continued, “I am here to ask for everyone’s help.”

The elf girl knew that getting the stone back was going to require more than just her help, but the impending invasion and enslavement of the Halflings also would need everyone’s help. They all stared at each other not knowing what to say. This was indeed a dark day for the stone is the lifeline for the elves and Evermore.

Blick was the first to step forward. “I am your friend and ally. The dwarfs and I will help,” he promised.

“So, will I,” each stepped forward and made the same oath.

“Come!” Shannon spoke finally breaking the silence after each vowed their help. “Let’s fill our bellies and wet our dry throats before we embark on the journey east.”

Kirin gave the order for the rest of the elves to dismount and join them.

Everyone made their way over to the tables where they sat down for the afternoon’s feast. There were serving platters filled with roast venison and wild boar. Spiced potatoes and plates of roasted vegetables lined the tables. Flagons of strong ale and goblets of the finest wines were served. Everyone was famished and filled their plates until there was no more space to put more.

The conversations were kept low, for the joyous festivities had been muted. Shannon knew the importance of the stone. She had been told of its existence when she was summoned before the High Council of Elders in Evermore after returning from the Dragon’s Mouth some twenty years ago.

The stone is the lifeline of the elves. It keeps Evermore from slowly turning back into a desert region that it once had been. Thousands of years ago, after the great cataclysm, the stone was created and given to the elves by the Faerie Folk to rebuild the world. Slowly they moved the stone from place to place growing trees and making the land fertile again, but the magic to create the stone was lost. When completed, the stone was placed in a secret and magical location known only to a few. These elves were called, “The Protectors”. Now if the stone is not found soon, it will lose its magic and be lost to the world forever. To rebuild and fertilize the earth, took over a thousand years and when they had finished, they had created what is now called the “New Age” of man and a small place, which now is known as Evermore, was built on the southern tip of the Wild Lands Soon it became part of Maitland, the home of the elves. The stone also has a life lengthening ability, but this only seems to work for the elves. Other races have tried, but could not use the stone.

The elves, or the, “Protectors of the Stone” that were chosen, must make the pilgrimage to Evermore every three hundred years. The stone is taken from its hiding place and brought to the Great Hall, where the Protectors perform the Ceremony of Life. The elf or new chosen one then touches the stone, thus allowing him or her to live far beyond the three hundred and fifty years that would be a normal life span. After the incident at the Dragon’s Mouth, Shannon went through the ceremony, where she too became a protector of the stone. Now obligated, she was to be the one to retrieve it at all cost.

The meal was a grand one, even if everyone was in a solemn mood. The dwarfs, who were not directly involved with what has happened, laughed and celebrated until Blick stood up and changed their mood. Looking very apologetic, the warriors continued their meal without saying another word. Still a lot of ale was consumed and a fair share of the wine was gone by the time the meal had ended.

“Then it is settled. We leave at dawn, the day after tomorrow,” said Kirin, standing and addressing the party. “I will make my way to Evermore as fast as I can, while you, Shannon, must head east to Laggin and find a man called Brendan O’Hearn. It is said that he is the only man to have ventured to the Isle of the Valcorans and returned safely. You must convince him to come to show us the way. For without him, I fear that our journey will be in great peril. Mark my word Shannon, he is a rogue and cannot be trusted. So be on your guard always, when you are with him.”

“Then I shall go with her!” exclaimed Roma.

“No!” answered Kirin abruptly. “You are needed for another quest. You must go to the southern isles and find a young Drow Elf named Brianna. You must find her and bring her to Castle North in Rogalandt. Once there, you will seek out a man called Shamus Redfern. It is said that he was in love with Katrina, the barbarian king’s daughter. He knows his way around the castle and will be of great help. Then you and Brianna must make your way to Sanctum and wait for Shannon’s arrival. You must also try if you can, get help from the king of Enderby. I will have Jarron accompany you on your journey. He might be of help if you meet up with any unforeseen problems.”

Roma continued to protest; until Shannon stopped her and told her that it was better that she should do this alone. “Don’t worry. I can take care of myself.”

“Treymane,” Kirin continued, “you must go to the Hillshire and warn your people of an impending invasion from the north. It seems that the Valcorans and the Snowlanders have formed an alliance and have hoped to keep the elves out of this war by stealing our holy icon. Blick, my friend, you must also return to Buckthorn and begin mobilizing an army to fight the barbarians.”

“I will send Maynard and his men with you,” interrupted Blick turning and looking back at Shannon, “at least until you reach Laggin. From there on, you will have to make it on your own.”

The elf girl thanked the dwarf and agreed to have an escort as far as the mountain city. She would enjoy the company. Even, if it was only part of the way.

With the sun sinking slowly in the west, Shannon approached Kirin and asked. “Why are the Snow Barbarians involved with the Valcorans? I can’t see what they could possibly gain by attacking the Hillshire.”

“Long ago,” began the elf, “the barbarians had a narrow corridor that split the home of the Halflings in two and gave them an outlet to the inland sea. The western part of the Hillshire belonged to Rogalandt, while Caldor ruled the eastern part. Then came the war between the race of man and dwarfs and the major part of the fighting ended up in this corridor. The north didn’t have the strength to protect it and pulled their people back into the Snow Lands. Though they kept up trading and using the route south; it now belonged to both Rogalandt and Caldor. After a few unsuccessful attempts to take back their part of the Hillshire, it was decided that both the Rogalanders and Caldorans would rule over the land of the Halflings. Now with the stone missing the barbarians are making another attempt to take back what originally belonged to them, hoping that the elves will spend most of their time searching for the stone. Figuring the dwarfs would aid in the search; Rogalandt would be left alone to defend the Hillshire. A vast army is being amassed for an invasion. That is why a small group will retrieve the stone and both armies of the elves and dwarfs along with Rogalandt will defend the Hillshire.”

The evening passed into night, but the celebrations went on until there was not a warrior left standing. All but the five were passed out and snoring. Even the elves that rode with Kirin were seen flat on their backs alongside their dwarf brothers. Shannon called the friends into the house where they refilled their flagons once more and toasted each other for the task ahead. They agreed to spend the following day making plans and preparing their backpacks for each quest that had been allotted to them. Then each departed and went to their respected tents and fell asleep. Only Roma stayed and slept in the tiny guest room next to Shannon’s bedroom. Before going to sleep herself, Shannon warded the entire sanctuary so that all would be safe from any strangers wandering onto her land.

The next evening, preparations were made for their departure. Backpacks were filled with food, blankets were rolled up and attached. Shannon entered the cottage and retrieved a large sack, which she gently stuffed into a second backpack. She then rejoined her friends outside and handed the backpack to Kirin.

“Take very good care of this,” the elf girl said in a hushed voice. “Don’t let this near any heat or sparks. One might have need of this later.”

The elf knew exactly what she meant and just nodded and tied the pack to his saddle. He had learned that Shannon knew how to make this black powder and how to use it. She had taught him also and if needed, he would know what to do.

Everything was thought of. Things they would need for the journey east were packed. Even some of the horses would become pack animals since not everyone was leaving the sanctuary. Someone had to remain behind and guard Shannon’s retreat. After making sure that nothing had been forgotten, everyone gathered around the huge bonfire and toasted one another for the successful return of the Home Stone. By now some of the dwarfs have had their fill on ale and were in a singing mood. Maynard was about to say something, but Kirin stopped him.

“Leave them be,” he said. “After all they wouldn’t understand. Let them celebrate. Who knows when and if we will all be together again next year. Everyone here has waited for this celebration all winter. So let them have some fun.”

Blick nodded to Maynard who sat back down and lifted his flagon and toasted for a safe return of the elven icon. The rest of the evening was spent in quiet conversation with the occasional loud laughter coming from some of the dwarfs. Shannon marveled at the composure that the dwarfs showed. They did not want to show that they were having fun during this somber time.

Kirin looked up from the place that he was sitting and saw Shannon slowly walking away towards the very tree that she and Teagan first practiced her magic under, so long ago. He followed and caught up with her.

“A penny for your thoughts?” he asked quietly.

“Using my lines eh?” she teased back. “You know it’s funny, just like in my world… back then. There never seemed to be a time, when the world wasn’t in some sort of peril. Whether it was a small skirmish, or an all-out war. There was always trouble in my world. Now it seems that there is no difference between this one and the time of the ancients.”

“I know what you mean,” he answered. “As long as there is greed out there, you will always find someone wanting more and be willing to kill for it.”

They walked and talked until they reached the edge of the sanctuary. Here they watched the moon as it rose in the east, blotting out some of the less bright stars. Both knew that tomorrow would begin a new adventure and that the possibility of some not returning was very likely. This was a dangerous undertaking and no one would be taking anything for granted. These Valcorans are fierce warriors. After all, they defeated the Grey Dwarfs and took their rightful place on the large island.

A short time later the two returned to where the rest of the group that was slowly breaking up for the night. Everyone needed sleep for the journey ahead.

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