The Home Stone

Chapter 20

It was pitch dark. Even the elves couldn’t see, for there was absolutely no light. Shannon was the first to speak.

“Is everyone all right?’ she asked in a whispered tone, as the shaken party rose from where they had fallen.

Kirin, Ashley and Brendan all whispered that none had been injured.

“Where are we?” whispered Ashley.

“I think we fell into the lower tunnels,” answered Brendan. “We’d had better be careful, for I think we’re in the home of the goblins.”

“Have you been here before?” asked Kirin in a low tone.

“No,” answered the rogue in an angry whisper. “And I don’t know the way back either.”

They listened carefully for any noise that may have attracted the curiosity of these ugly little creatures, but all they heard was silence. No one knew that they were here, so they would have to find their own way out quickly before they the creature found them. Shannon risked a small light using a spell of light. This helped them, but could also attract some unwanted guests. The four slowly made their way out of the small chamber where they had landed and worked their way down the corridor. With weapons drawn they walked until they came to a junction. Not knowing which way to turn, it was decided to take the left tunnel. They had not gotten very far when a clear sound of approaching creatures was heard. Turning back the four reached the junction and turned left where they found an alcove about fifty feet farther along. There they stepped into the opening and Shannon cast a spell of invisibility, just in time to see a group of goblins passing by. Their torches lit the entire alcove where the friends were hiding, but the spell seemed to hold, until one of the creatures stopped and sniffed the air.

“What’s wrong?” asked one of the other goblins.

“I smell someone,” answered the first one. “I smell man.”

The others peered into the alcove and saw nothing. The friends held their breath as the first goblin reached in to feel if someone was there.

“Come on,” said the other. “You always smell those grays. There’s no one here. Let’s go and eat. I’m hungry.”

Shrugging his shoulders, the first goblin retreated back into the tunnel and continued. “I know what I smelled,” he continued to argue, but none returned. The party remained in their hiding place until they were sure that all was clear before they returned to the tunnel. They followed the goblins, staying far enough back so they would not be seen or noticed, but still close enough so that the light from their torches lit the way for them too. They passed another intersection with tunnels leading off the right and left. The goblins continued straight ahead so they followed. After some time, they passed another alcove, but continued to follow the creatures. Suddenly from up ahead they could see it was getting lighter. Stopping to follow, the four waited to see what the little people would do. They watched them douse their torches and entered the light.

Moments went by and none of the creatures returned. Taking refuge in the alcove, Kirin decided to go and take a look to check out the light source. Shannon offered to come with him, but the elf just shook his head.

“You need to stay here and protect the rest in case I don’t return,” he said. Then with a reassuring smile he added, “don’t worry, I’ll return.”

Off he went down the passage towards the light. At the end of the corridor he stopped and peered into a vast underground chamber. From here he could see walls of granite reaching at least fifty feet to the ceiling. The walls looked smooth and were probably carved by dwarfs and not goblins. Peering farther into the huge cavern, Kirin could see makeshift buildings all in a dilapidated state. This was clearly a goblin city. A place that none of the friends wanted to be in. Here it meant certain death for all. Even Shannon would not be able to protect all of them without giving up her own life in the process. He had seen all he needed to and turned back up the tunnel. Kirin related what he saw when he reached the alcove and the four returned to the intersection and tried another route. This time they took another left and followed this one to see where it leads them. It was Ashley’s turn to use her best skill. She was an expert tracker and could track a wounded animal into the darkest corners and make the kill. She had kept quiet all this time, but now she stepped forward.

“I have never been here before,” she whispered, “but I think I can find us a better way to safety than just wondering about like blind people. It makes sense to me that there would be more than one entrance to that city back there. We must take the route that leads away from here. I know that it’s not easy and I know we will make mistakes, but I think we should take the next corridor to the left. Then we will see where that will lead us.”

They all knew that she was right ad gave Ashley the lead with Kirin following last. A short time later, they came upon another passage that lead off to the left. Here they continued uninterrupted for quite some time until they came to another alcove. This one was large and one could hide in it without using a spell. Still taking no chances, Shannon put forth a warding at the entrance, then lay back and closed her eyes. Kirin and Ashley took turns keeping watch and would wake everyone at the first sign of danger.

After a good rest, they party continued down the passage that they had been following. Still without any knowledge of whether it was daytime or nighttime the four headed to what they hoped was a way to the upper levels. They all would rather face a group of grays than an army of goblins. They marched on for hours until they came to another passage on their left. Here Ashley stepped in for a quick look and returned moments later.

“This one most probably would take us close to the goblin city again, judging by the number of footprints I found,” she explained. “Our best bet is to continue straight ahead. There aren’t so many tracks as in the other tunnel.”

Satisfied with her answer the four chose the passage straight ahead. Time passed and they found a small indentation in the rough tunnel walls where they could rest and take a small meal. A faint noise alerted them. It was coming from the passage they had just come from. The sound was getting closer and Shannon quickly cast a spell of invisibility again. Just in time too, because a group of goblins came running past. This time they were in too much of a hurry to notice or smell anyone.

Once more, they waited until they were sure that none of the goblins had turned back before they continued. Quickening their pace, the four stayed well behind the creatures so that none would get their scent. The party had been traveling for the better part of a day when they found a large hole in the wall. Crawling into it they found themselves quite safe and were fast asleep in no time. Shannon woke suddenly. Had she heard something? She was not sure. After listening for a short while and hearing not a sound, she risked a small light. Kirin was still fast asleep as too was Ashley. Looking to her other side she found that Brendan was missing. She woke the rest and explained that the rogue was missing.

“What else can go wrong?” asked Kirin. “Now we have to look for him too.”

“Let him go,” whispered Ashley angrily. “I will see us out of this dungeon. We don’t have any more need of him.”

Shannon looked at her and softly said, “oh yes we do. We need him for the return trip to Evermore, or do you plan to swim all the way.”

He hated himself for leaving the friends, but he was determined not to return to Valcore. He would find a way out of here and make his way back to the boats. He had his story all worked out and would tell the elves that everyone was killed by the goblins and that he alone was able to escape, but the his conscious got the better of him and Brendan decided to return to the elves.

Ashley cursed to herself. She hated Shannon and now she was made to feel like a fool in front of Kirin. Now she hated her even more and began to make plans to get even. No one makes a fool of me, she thought and gets away with it. She began to plot Shannon’s demise. How was she going to do it? She would have to wait for just the right moment and then strike when Shannon least expects anything. Maybe while she is sleeping. Or maybe when…

Just then, a shuffling of a pair of boots brought the young elf back to their present situation. Then a familiar voice spoke up in the dark.

“I may have found a way back to daylight,” the rogue began.

With a sigh of relief, the three smiled and were sure that they all saw that, but each knew that it was too dark to see.

“Follow me,” Brendan continued, “and be quiet. This route will take us close to their village, but then will lead us away and if I’m right to a staircase that leads to the upper levels.”

“How do you know of this?” asked Kirin.

“While searching for an escape route, I almost ran into a pair of goblins,” he explained. “They had just come from the upper levels where the grays believe that it was the goblins that attacked their friends. The two were from a patrol of twelve goblins. Two made it back to this level. All the rest were killed.”

Excited about the news the remainder thanked the rogue and followed him past the way back to the village and straight on down the winding corridor that was supposed to lead them back up and to safety. Now Brendan with help from Ashley made their way past other tunnels and alcoves until they were nearly exhausted. Finding another place to hide they lay down and soon all were asleep.

A sudden noise just outside their place of hiding woke all four. They had been discovered. A party of six goblins had walked right into their alcove. Startled to find elves and man here gave the friends the advantage. Arrows were of no use here. Hand to hand combat was what was needed here and the four sprang to their feet and attacked the six intruders. In the first melee two goblins went down. Fighting in such close quarters was not very easy for the four friends. The goblins, being much smaller had an easier time parrying and defending against such power of the elves and that of a strong man. Ashley received the first wound on her left side, but still managed to fend off her attacker. Kirin’s short blade hit the stonewalls more often than that of his opponent. He too sustained a few scratches, but nothing serious. The fight lasted only a few minutes, but had made so much noise that it had attracted the attention of more goblins. With the last of the six creatures dead the four took off running as fast as they could, hoping to put some distance between them and the oncoming goblins.

Twice Ashley fell and had to be helped to her feet once by Kirin and once by Shannon. The young elf was beginning to lose strength began to slow down. She was breathing heavily. Shannon took a quick look and saw that the wound was deeper than the elf first made out and helped her run as fast as she could. There was no time to stop and cast a spell. The goblins were closing fast, when they entered the stairwell that led up the tunnels of the grays.

Shannon started up the steps when Ashley told her to stop.

“I will just slow you down,” she panted. “Go! All of you now!” she shouted as hard as she could. From her tunic, she took a vial and swallowed its contents. “Leave me here,” she said as she dropped down to one knee. “I will give you the time you need to get away.” She then looked at Kirin in the dim light and whispered, “I love you.” Ashley then turned and staggered back to the tunnel entrance and waited. Shannon nodded and raced up the stairs followed by Brendan. Kirin remained a few seconds longer to see the potion take effect. As he turned, he saw Ashley grow to a gigantic size sealing up the tunnel with her body. He knew that she could not fight while she was that big, but she would not let anyone through either. Stopping only to give her a farewell motion with his hand, he too darted up the steps to the safety of the upper levels. As he ran he could not get Ashley’s look out of his mind. He had known for some time now how she felt about him. He knew, but could not return his love, for his heart had already been given to Shannon. Even if she did not know it yet. At this moment, he made up his mind that he would tell Shannon about his feelings towards the elf mage. He was not going to wait until they got back home.

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