The Home Stone

Chapter 1

Fifteen Days Earlier

The smell of rain hung heavily in the air, as Ashley made her way to the stand of trees, just across the road from the beach area where Baalmus was to meet with some buyers. She had been hired by the elf to protect his back, while he concluded his transaction. She had an idea of what he was selling and she knew that this was not a sale that could be concluded in town. Baalmus had promised her five hundred pieces of gold if she could prevent the buyer from killing and then robbing him. What she did not tell him was that this was the first time she hired on as a bodyguard.

Ashley arrived earlier than the other elf to scout the area and to make sure that no one was hiding and waiting to ambush him. After making sure that all was as it should be, Ashley faded back into the cops of fir trees and waited. She was back just far enough so that she could not be seen from the road or the beach, but close enough to have a clear view of anyone or anything coming from all directions. She could see well down the road both north and south, so that she could warn Baalmus of anyone coming. Also, she would be able to see if a boat came from out of the fog and beached itself on the sandy shore. Baalmus had warned her that the people with whom he was dealing with, were not to be trusted, so Ashley notched an arrow and waited. A light drizzle began to fall and Ashley donned her cloak to keep from getting soaked, when she heard a voice calling for her. “Rosa”. It was just above a loud whisper. Again, she heard the name. It took a few seconds for her to respond; after she realized that this was the name she had given Baalmus when he approached her in Wolfsboro. She had been traveling around trying to find a place to settle down when she noticed the elf at an inn. After a few goblets of wine and a good meal, all paid for by Baalmus; he propositioned her into helping him sell his secret wares. She told him that she would only help if she knew what he was selling.

He finally gave in and said. “I’m selling an ancient book of spells, which the buyer wants to use against this mage called Shannon.”

Upon hearing the name Shannon, Ashley agreed without any further hesitation. The mage had stolen her beloved Kirin from her and now she found a way to get even. After tonight, she would make her way back to Misty Falls and Kirin would be hers again.

Stepping out from behind a large pine tree, she answered him. “I’m here.”

“Good. Keep an eye out for anything,” Baalmus responded.

Baalmus did not approach the elf girl, as not to give away her position. She was all he had for the success or failure this night. Silently he made his way down to the shoreline where a small boat was approaching from out of a thick fog. Picking up her bow and arrow she kept her eyes fixed on the craft and its occupants. She watched as the tiny boat beached on the sandy shore and one person got out. From where she stood, the figure looked like a female human, for she was too tall to be an elf or a dwarf. Minutes passed and all she could see was that Baalmus was haggling over the price, or that was what she supposed. Moments passed and what seemed like an eternity they exchanged bags and the female turned to return to her boat. Baalmus turned and began to walk back towards the road, when the female turned and with a small hand-held crossbow she fired a quill at the elf. Ashley heard the grunt as the short missile slammed into the elf’s body, crumpling him as he fell dead to the ground. Horrified, Ashley froze for a second. She brought up her bow and was ready to fire when she realized that it would be in vain. Baalmus was dead and the sack of gold was just lying there for her to take.

Watching the boat disappear into the fog she made her way over to where the slain elf lay. Checking for a pulse, she determined that he was quite dead. Not wanting to be seen here with the dead elf, Ashley picked up the small sack and looking around to make sure that no on else was around; the young elf girl made her way back to the trees and disappeared into the shadows. When she was far enough away and sure that nobody had followed her, she stopped and opened the sack. Looking inside she saw something glinting at her. Reaching into the leather bag, she pulled out a hand full of coins, but they were not gold. There were a few silver ones and the rest were copper. Baalmus and her had been cheated. Whoever the buyer was; they had no plans on keeping up their end of the bargain.

“I should have sent an arrow into that thieving wench,” Ashley spoke softly to herself. “There’s not even enough here to buy a good horse,” she continued angrily.

The rain began to fall much more heavily as the elf girl made her way towards the village of Evermore. A few hours later Ashley came upon the village and made her way over to the inn where she had been staying for the past few days. The inn was still packed with patrons who had not yet left for home. They were still drinking and boasting of adventures they had encountered. She sat down and ordered some wine and a plate of food. The elf did not have much time, for it would not be long before someone to find the body of Baalmus and sound the alarm. She was still a bit shaken and ordered a second goblet of drink to calm her nerves.

A short time later, Ashley stood up to make her way towards the stairs that led to her room in which she had been staying, when she felt a light tap on her shoulder. Alarmed she turned and pulled her dagger from the hilt at her waist and came face to face with her friend Gilbert. Shocked, he pulled back and nearly fell backwards over a table filled with drinks, had it not been for one of the biggest elves Ashley had ever set eyes upon, to prevent that disaster. Gilbert apologized and righted himself and once more faced the girl. Red faced, Ashley sheathed her weapon and stepped over to the staircase.

“You sure are nervous tonight,” said Gilbert, looking straight into Ashley’s eyes.

“Sorry, but you startled me,” answered the girl.

“You seem to be in a hurry tonight,” said the young elf. “Stay and have another drink with me.”

“I…I can’t,” was all she could muster. Then she added, “I have to be back in Misty Falls within seven days and I want to have an early start in the morning. So if you would excuse me, I need to get some sleep before the sun rises, but thanks for the offer. When I return, I’ll take you up on that drink.”

This seemed to satisfy the young elf and he nodded and watched the girl climb the stairs, before leaving the inn.

It was still dark when Ashley finally awoke. She had not slept much for she had been sure that by now someone would have found Baalmus’ body. She made her way downstairs and into the kitchen where the cook was preparing breakfast for the morning crowd.

“A little early aren’t we this morning?” Driska questioned with a smile. “Did the aroma of my cooking wake you?”

“Yes and no,” answered Ashley. “I’m on my way to Misty Falls and was coming here to buy some food for the trip.”

“Then some freshly baked bread and good cheese topped off with a wineskin of the finest. Would that do?” asked the cook.

“That would do me just fine,” smiled the young girl.

Moments later Ashley was making her way over to the stables where her old mare was being kept. An old brown mare that had seen better days was all she could afford. Had the sale last night gone better, she would have been able to purchase a new horse, but for now, this one would have to do and get her to her hometown. She paid the stable man, saddled the horse and prepared to leave, when she heard a loud commotion coming from the center of the village square. Making her way to over to where a dozen or so people had gathered, she heard someone say that an elf had been found dead on the north road by a beach, about a half a day’s ride from the village. This was all she could hear or make out from the different people, as all their stories were slightly different. Not wanting to be caught up in all this, she turned her horse around and headed for the southern road and on to the road towards Misty Falls.

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