The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 7

Chapter 7
She clearly isn't happy to see me. I couldn't blame her, but it still stung. The only
reason I am standing here is because I noticed the folder she held to her chest at
the arena. The words Brooke and Payne were etched into the dark leather.
After some late-night research accompanied with a beer and a phone call to the-
I learned that she had everything I needed to help solve both of our
The partners were stupid for letting her go, but I figured I could help fix that
terrible decision and my contract issues.
“Miss Sinclair,” Mister Erickson says simply. “Th
is Timothy Hayes. Our client.”
Evie just looks at me, her jaw tight and her body rigid. She soon takes a huge
breath, shifting her body in her seat and fixing a sickly sweet smile. The smile
didn't reach her eyes.
“It's a pleasure to meet you, Mister Hayes,” she says warmly. “Mind telling me
what brings you in?”
This was not the same girl I had known in high school. There had been a softer
gaze whenever she had looked at me then. Now, those same eyes are filled with
a fiery rage. The only softness turned into hurt.
“I need to renegotiate my contract,” I answer, handing over the files I kept over
my transactions.
Her anger shifts to confusion. “Why,” she asks. “Don’t you love the
“Of course, I do,” I chuckle. “I love the team. Management is the thing that has
been giving me trouble. I need to know my options to see if I can change the
terms. of our agreement.”
Her eyes turn to Mister Erickson, who nods to urge her on. “Let me see the
contract you signed.”
I nod, handing her over the papers. A sudden jolt in my nerves ran down my
spine as our fingers brushed slightly.
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Chapter 7
I've never been nervous around the ladies. I was always the one being pursued,
not the other way around. Even in high school, I was never left without some girl
flirting with me. Of course I always flirted back.
Games were the best part. I had a whole section dedicated to worshiping the ice
I skated on. Those days made me feel invincible. Nothing or no one could touch
me. I could easily find a girl to have fun with.
Maybe that's what kept me locked on Evie. Ever since the day she brought back
my jersey, I had felt that sting of rejection. It had followed me into this room.
I have to get some closure. I need to understand why she is so clearly ignoring
I never forgot that night. Every touch, every sound she made, had slipped right
underneath my skin. I couldn't get her out of my head. It was like she was
permanently branded on me like a tattoo.
And it would haunt me until I could finally have that conversation with her.
Six Years Earlier
I pull the keys out of the ignition of my brand-new motorcycle. I was out on an
afternoon ride and thought I'd stop by to see Evie. I hadn't seen her in a few
weeks. I was slightly worried about how she just vanished without a trace. Even if
our meetings were mostly by chance, I would see her around periodically in the
grocery store or taking walks around our neighborhood. Sometimes she would sit
on her porch reading in the afternoon light.
I frowned, not realizing I had taken notice of such small details about her.
I hop up the porch stairs, knocking firmly on the front door. Hearing groans and
heavy footsteps approaching, I shift on my feet and straighten my shoulders.
The moment the door opens, my fists tighten.
“What the hell are you doing here, Hayes,” Bruce laughs lazily. “You're done with
my sister so you wanna come for me next?”
“Where is she,” I ask firmly
“Where is who?"
“Where is Evie,” I growl.
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Chapter 7
“How the hell should I know,” he laughs bitterly. “Aren’t you her boyfriend?”
I mutter angry curses, raking a hand through my hair.
“Oh wait,” he says thoughtfully. “No, you're the son of a bitch who won a cute little
motorcycle “cause you took her virginity.”
“Screw you,” I snap venomously.
“Oh, I bet you would,” he smirked. “I mean, if there was some money on the line
you'd probably take me right here on this porch-"
I shoved him back, gripping the collar of his shirt. “Don’t think I forgot what
happened at that party a few months ago,” I snarl. “You don't just get to say
whatever you want and get away with it-"
“Whatever,” he sighs, putting his hands up in defeat. “You still screwed up. She's
asshole. Went off to some fancy law school.”
1 grip his shirt tighter. “Where,” I demand furiously. “Where did she go?”
Bruce laughs again. “Don’t know. And don't care enough to find out.”
I throw him down to the ground, storming off.
1 try not to let the guilt cripple me. Instead, I hit the gym. I put my frustration and
negative energy into something that would be useful.
Like training for my NHL draft.
I watch Evie dissect each and every sentence of my contract, line by line.
Practically word by word. Everything about her looks so well put together. She
always looks so well put together, even in high school. She was never unsure of
what she wanted. Her boss left the room to help with another client who would be
coming in today.
“Well,” I ask hopefully. “Any sign of loopholes?”
Evie sighs, annoyance clearly evident. “Not yet,” she says blandly. “I'm not
expecting to see anything right—off the bat, and this thing is huge. So I might not
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12:59 Wed, 20 Mar
Chapter 7
able to see anything for a few days.”
I nod slowly, “Yea. No, sure,” I agree. “I get it. I was just asking.”
She gives a lukewarm smile. “You should have asked these questions before you
signed, though.”
I laugh quietly. “We can't all be smart like you, Evie.”
She scoffs. “This isn't going to be pro—bono. You know that right?”
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I would hope not,” I reply, leaning
: back in my chair. aud image
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Evie shuts the folder. “I think I would do better focusing on my own.”
“Come on,” I laugh. “I'm just teasing you. I really need your help.”
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And I'll help you,” she says bitterly,
looking back don the file COf
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chapter there!
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What I don't understand is why, even
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