The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 26

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Chapter 26
I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that clung to my spine as we stepped into the
Clayton Sports Center. The stories I'd heard and read about Mr. Fitzgerald didn't
paint a kind or forgiving picture. Linda, on the other hand, appeared remarkably
We climbed the polished oak staircase and found ourselves standing before a set
of double doors that led to his office.
I took a deep breath and exchanged a tense glance with Linda. We couldn't turn
back now.
“Are you sure you want to go in there with me?” asked Linda, though her tone
lacked any sincerity. “Because I can handle this on my own.”
“I'll be perfectly fine in there,” I said. “Besides, I can’t have you handling all my
She hummed, giving me a sideways glance before turning back to the door. I had
practiced my neutrality, but it seemed she was reading something on my face
regardless. The last thing I wanted her to think of me was that I was uncertain.
Pushing the doors open, we entered the room, and there, seated behind a large
mahogany desk, was Mr. Fitzgerald.
The man was every bit as intimidating as the stories had suggested. He exuded
an aura of power, with piercing, cold green eyes and salt-and—pepper hair
slicked back neatly. His impeccably tailored suit only added to his air of authority.
“Ms. Sinclair and Ms, Turner, I presume?” he said smoothly.
Linda offered a half-hearted smile. “You got it.”
Mr. Fitzgerald waved a dismissive hand, his fingers adorned with several
expensive—looking rings. “Please, have a seat.”
We settled into plush leather chairs, the tension in the room heavy. Mr. Fitzgerald
steepled his fingers and leaned forward, his gaze focused squarely on us. “I've
heard you two have been digging around where you don't belong.”
Linda leaned forward, adopting an air of confidence that had always been her
trademark. “I am highly invested in improving the lives of my clients. You're
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Chapter 26
bugging one of mine.”
His lips curled into a thin smile that sent shivers down my spine. “I don't take
kindly to people prying into my affairs, especially two women who don’t
understand the world they've entered.”
The words hung in the air like a threat, and I responded swiftly. “We're not afraid
of threats, Mr. Fitzgerald. We'll do whatever it takes to find Timothy.”
“At least I will,” Linda cut in, casting a brief glare in my direction. “I've dealt with a
lot of powerful men in my time, and you will just be one more that I'll have to
squash, even when my colleague isn’t as capable”
I clocked my head to face her. “Was that really necessary?” I said under my
“We're supposed to be a team.”
“Hardly.” Her eyes narrowed. “I do recall that it was me picking up the slack with
our meetings since you couldn't be bothered to show up.”
I scoffed, taken aback by her claims. “Il was only out because I could barely get
out of bed. I was that exhausted from doing YOUR dirty work!”
Mr. Fitzgerald watched the exchange with a sly grin, clearly enjoying the discord
between us. “Ladies, ladies, this is quite the spectacle you're putting on. I must
say, it's been an amusing diversion.”
I clenched my fists, the anger in my
chest threatening to explode. “Enough of this, Mr. Fitzgerald. You can threaten us
all day, but Timothy has a solid case here that won't be ignored.”
Mr. Fitzgerald gave me a toothy grin, his voice dripping with menace. “If you
continue your investigation, you will find your careers terminated, one way or
another. I suggest you both reconsider your choices.”
Linda and I exchanged glances, and searched my mind for what to say next. She
had embarrassed me in front of Mr. Fitzgerald, a man who I was supposed to be
“This isn’t over, Mr. Fitzgerald,” I stated firmly. “Consider this a warning.”
He looked casually at his watch and shrugged. “Well, I won't be considering
anything right now since it's about time for my lunch. You two may leave.”
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Chapter 26
I didn’t budge, determined to stay firmly in place, but it shocked me to see Linda
quickly gather her things and leave the room. I got up and followed after her
before the door could slam behind her, and I stopped her in the hall.
“Where are you going? We weren't done,” I said, waving at the door.
Linda snorted, snatching her arm away from my grasp. “You know, perhaps I
would've felt more drawn to this case if there was some proper motivation.”
I paused, considering her words. “What does that mean?”
“It means,” she began, continuing to march down the hall, “That wrecking my
career without the payoff is not in my list of priorities.”
pace with her.
I followed her down the stairs, nearly out of breath trying to stay in pace. “I'm
sorry, but what happened to all that talk about justice and taking down “powerful
She finally stopped at the end of the stairs and turned to face me, her expression
smug. “It means nothing.”
“Sounds like it means something.” Before she could reach the door, I blocked it
with my body and jutted a finger in her face. “We're supposed to be a team,
Linda's eyes darted toward the exit and she sighed, adjusting her purse over her
came on Timothy's case thinking
shoulder. Her words took on a bitter edge.
something more would come of it, that's all.”
My heart sank as I processed Linda's words. The sacrifice she was talking about
wasn't just her job being at stake. She was talking about Timothy.
She was letting her own selfish desires dictate her actions, and it left a bitter
taste in my mouth. I had never expected Linda to be so callous considering she'd
always prided herself on finding justice no matter the cost.
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The anger that had been simmering
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inside me boiled over. “Linda, this
DAs eh v
isn't about what's ode
fonvenicil fof you JfH is about
Tinblthy and making sure that he
comes out on top in all of this. You
can't just back out now because you
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can't hook up with him or because
) ” .
you're scared.” The content is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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5 , 2
Linda's eyes flashed with annoyance,
and she turned towards me, her tone
a « :
mocking. “Oh, Evie qventherightebus
operardNtybiF Vou think you can
save the world with your
determination and high morals. But
you lack the independence to The
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the latest chapter there!
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Chapter 26
make your own decisions.”
The words struck like a slap to the face, and I felt a surge of anger that matched.
Linda's. “Independence has nothing to do with it. This is about doing what's right.
About not abandoning someone in their time of need.”
How Linda leaned back, her lips curling into a smirk. “You can try, Evie, but
remember, I'm the senior lawyer here. I know how to use the law to my
advantage, and I won't let you drag me down with your idealistic nonsense.”
“It's not me being idealistic,” I growled, stepped toward her. “It's called being
righteous, which is hard to do when you're someone that’s only thinking of your
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She leered at me, pursing her red lips.
I was prepared to engage in another
verbal brawl with I put instead she
ia whe ide so she could
reach the door. She swung it open
and gave me another challenging
stare before marching out onto the
street, leaving me in the stairway.
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For a moment, I had naively believed that our intentions on Timothy's case were
in sync. That might have been my biggest mistake.

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