The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 17

Chapter 17
Third Person
There was a moment of hesitation as Timothy marched down the dark street.
He'd passed them in a hurry, making sure to bump into Evie's little “friend” on the
way out. However, he felt his pace begin to slow.
He cast a glance over his shoulder and saw Lucas heading in the opposite
direction. It seemed he had parted ways with Evie and her other friend. He was
leaning against the front of a convenience store, typing on his phone.
Timothy paused, feeling his emotions bubble back to the surface as the other
man grinned at his phone screen. It could have been Evie on the other end,
sending. him flirtatious texts. With how shameless they were in public, Timothy
couldn't. help but fear what happened in private.
That thought alone made him halt his stride. He turned and started walking
toward Lucas, cursing himself as he did. The other had been very glib with him,
careless even in how he acted.
Eventually, Timothy caught up to Lucas, which seemed to catch the other man by
surprise. With a smile, Lucas tucked his phone away and nodded in greeting.
“Timothy, hello!” said Lucas. He looked Timothy up and down and quirked an
eyebrow. “What seems to be the problem?”
“I was just wondering about you and Evie,” Timothy said warily. “When did you
two meet? Evie seemed so busy that I didn't think she was...taken.”
“Oh, my Evie!” Lucas chuckled, his bright smile almost cruel. “We began our time
as classmates. After a while, we decided to get serious about our relationship.”
Timothy clenched his jaw. “She’s never mentioned you.”
“We were going long-distance for a while. Kind of put a strain between us, but
now I'm back. We've been going strong ever since.”
“Oh.” Timothy looked away, unable to face Lucas. He tried to focus on the crack
in the sidewalk where a few tufts of grass had broken through. “I see. What do
you like about her?”
Lucas looked to the sky, a dreamy look in his eyes. “Where to start. She's the
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Chapter 17
girl I've ever met. Smoking hot body too!”
The words hit Timothy like a punch to the gut. Lucas had no filter at all,
describing her that way. He felt his hands curl into fists as the other man
chattered on about Evie.
“And those lips of hers are really something, all soft and kissable. Don't get me
started on that curvaceous waist. Ugh, I can hardly keep my hands off her half
the time,” Lucas gushed, running a hand through his fluffy hair.
Timothy could feel the blood rushing to his head and his throat constricting as he
forced down a frustrated growl. It seemed to be all physical with Lucas, as
though Evie’s personality
didn’t factor in at all. He wondered what she saw in him that was so worth it, that
if he even showed his true self to her.
It didn’t help that Lucas kept that same, easy-going smile on his face. If Timothy
didn’t know any better, he would say that the other was provoking him on
purpose. He wouldn't voice that assumption, however.
Lucas yawned, pulling his arms up in a stretch. His eyes landed on his watch,
and he flashed Timothy a smile. “Well, I'd love to sit and chat about my lovely
Evie, but the night ain't getting any younger, you know?”
Timothy checked the time past.
liquor pumping through him, but he didn’t necessarily feel tired. If anything, he felt
emotionally drained.
eleven. Maybe it was the on his own phone, realizing that it was already well
“Right,” Timothy said, scratching the slight bit of stubble on his chin as the other
man looked upon him curiously. It didn’t feel like he was being entirely
transparent about his association with Evie, but Timothy couldn't pinpoint why.
“Thanks for the chat.”
Lucas beamed. “Anytime. Also, try to be a bit more tactful with Evie. I know
you're this big star with billions of fans, but Evie’s a bit too reserved for that. Just
try to understand.”
Timothy raised his eyebrow, surprised at the honest tone in the other man’s
voice. It didn’t take long for him to switch back to his more relaxed nature. He
started backing away, waving at Timothy as he did.
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Chapter 17
“Until next time.” Lucas winked, then turned and walked to the end of the street
before disappearing around the corner.
Timothy sighed, looking around to find himself alone in the city’s quietest hours.
Before the serenity of it could engulf him, he folded his arms over his chest and
began the short walk to his car.
Never had Timothy felt so off balance during a game. This was usually a time
where he could be most at peace, having nothing but the thought of winning at
the forefront of his mind. This night was different.
The crowds’ cheers were reduced to a mere hum in his ears, and he could hardly
train his eyes on the hockey puck as it slid from player to player. It usually gave
him a rush of adrenaline, as well as a sense of presence, to hear his adoring fans
in the stands. He could hear women and girls screaming his name and flashing
their shirts with his face plastered on the front.
The attention didn’t excite him like it usually did. Instead of the vicious
determination that often pushed him during a game, he was led on by a
consuming anger. He couldn't shake the image of Lucas and Evie from his mind.
They had been so intimate, clinging on to one another, kissing without a care in
the world. Lucas could brag all he wanted about how it felt to be with Evie, but
Timothy had lived that reality for a brief period before he fumbled it.
“Timothy, watch it!”
Timothy shook his head, the image of Evie and Lucas fading from his mind as het
was thrown back into the game. Before he could correct himself, he found an
opposing player right by his side, ready to snatch the puck from him. Timothy
growled, hardly giving it a second thought before charging into his opponent with
his shoulder.
The referee blew his whistle, putting a pause on the game. Timothy cursed under
his breath, stopping as the referee charged in his direction. His opponent was by
his side, screaming something into his ear, but Timothy could hardly focus on
Eventually, Timothy found himself taken off the ice for a short time-out in the
penalty box. It didn’t enrage him like it usually did when someone called a foul on
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13:01 Wed, 20 Mar S
Chapter 17
him. He could only return to Evie again, and how comfortable she'd been with
After the game, Timothy went to the locker room with the rest of his teammates.
As expected, they were on his case about the foul.
“You can't just play any way you want out there. There are rules and regulations
for a reason
one told him sternly. He was leaning over Timothy, who was seated on one of the
benches. “One more foul like that will get you sent off, understood?*.
Timothy understood perfectly, but it wasn't like he hadn't already planned on
dismissing himself. That was what got him into his situation with Evie.
Later, Timothy found himself back at his usual bar. His best friend, David, was,
seated beside him, chugging down his sangria. Timothy wanted to end the night
with his thoughts put to rest..
“There will be other games,” David said, his tired eyes fixated on the neon sign
above the bar. “It's not like you guys lost from it anyway.”
Timothy nodded, staring into his own reflection within his glass. Suddenly, he felt
a warm hand on his back. When he turned, he found an attractive woman
standing behind him. She had a great body, which admittedly held his attention.
“Hi, handsome. How about buying me a drink?" Her long nails trailed along his
arm, raising the hairs in their wake.
Smirking, Timothy waved the bartender over and ordered her the special. As he
prepared her drink, the woman hopped onto the seat beside Timothy and
snuggled close.
“I don’t get to meet too many handsome guys around here,” she said huskily.
“Ah, well, at least you didn’t have to look too far,” Timothy said, humoring her.
The woman giggled and leaned closer to him. When her hand landed on his
upper thigh, he lost some of the buzz he’d gotten from his drink. Thankfully, the
bartender finished with the martini and placed it in front of her, drawing her
attention away for the moment.
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He looked over at David, who gave
him a wink before turning his
attention back to hg g@neofthe TV

sregn INKS everyone else, he was

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aware of Timothy's popularity with
women. It seemed to fill him with
pride whenever a lady would The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
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13:01 Wed, 20 Mar
Chapter 17
waltz their way, especially if she had a friend.
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Timothy watched the woman take a
sip of the drink. She grinned, mn
Sng at lige IH Ket seat at the
taste) Alfew seconds of silence

: ,
passed, and he realized that he'd
never caught her name. The content
is on! Read the latest
chapter there!
That was how it usually went. They'd talk into the boredom set in, then head to
his home for a night of fun. That urge wasn't kicking in this time around.
The woman scooted closer, her breath fanning over his ear. Her sharp nails dug
into the skin of his thigh and he winced.
“How about we go back to your place, hm? I'm sure there will be plenty of
space,” she whispered. What do you say?”
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Timothy turned his head away,
narrowly missing the kiss she Sud
for his neck. Geptly é bok er ead
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Rath Hamped to his thigh and
placed it back in her lap. She
scrunched up her nose in confusion.
The content is on!
Read the latest chapter there!
“No, thanks. I'm not feeling it tonight,” he explained.
She pulled away from him, her presence suddenly a lot chillier than before.
“Thanks for wasting my time,” she spat. She turned and snatched her purse off
the counter before marching away, cursing him all the way out the door.
Timothy sighed, running a hand through his hair before resting his head on the
tabletop. He didn’t care that it was slightly sticky.
David snickered beside him. “What was that? You'd usually go chasing after a
girl. like her.” He slapped Timothy on the back and leaned over him. “I rarely see
get get this emotional.”
“I'm not emotional. Just drunk,” Timothy groaned.
“Or love struck,” David teased. “Could it be related to the legendary Evie?
1 didn’t think there was a woman in the world that you couldn’t handle.”
Timothy hadn't thought so either. What was Evie doing to him?

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