The Hockey Star’s Remorse

Chapter 12

Chapter 12
Blocks of texts began to merge into one another. After researching case after
case about athletes and club related lawsuits for hours, my eyes had become red
and strained.
How could I help Timothy get more out of this case? From all the lawsuits I'd
investigated, not one seemed to give the athletes a very favorable outcome. It
would be a miracle if he didn’t have to pay a large amount of money for
breaching his contract.
The most recent one was a football player who had to pay about a billion just to
settle it. Instead of finding a more respectful team and continuing his success, he
was living in a small apartment while working an hourly wage that hardly covered
rent. I couldn't let that happen to Timothy, especially after seeing how hard he'd
worked throughout the years.
My stomach grumbled and I bent over to ease the hunger pangs away. It was
unhealthy, but I often ignored my bodily needs. I could get more done if eating
and sleeping weren't required.
I'd have to leave soon, and it wouldn't do me any good to head to the firm on an
empty stomach. I could only hope that I wouldn't wither away by the time the
case came to a close.
With a sigh, I stood and stretched my limbs before padding into the kitchen. Aria
kept a few snacks around, but they were entirely health-conscious items that
lingered between low-fat and low-sodium. I snatched a bag of unsalted chips.
before going back to the living room.
I paused when I spotted Aria on the couch, scrolling through my laptop. Her eyes
and mouth were wide with shock as she clicked on the page with Timothy's face
plastered all over. At that point, it was too late to make an excuse.
I hadn't even heard Aria open the door, let alone walk in.
“What? Your client is Timothy?!” Aria screamed, rubbing her hair. She placed the
laptop back on the couch and stood abruptly. “Oh my God!”
I squirmed, tossing the bag of chips on the couch as Aria paced the room with
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Chapter 12
shallow breaths. Her face was growing redder by the second as she waved her
arms around. I knew the news would shatter her.
Timothy was practically Aria’s imaginary husband. She had dedicated so much to
him over the in sickness and in health. It
years, even attended all of us games,
probably looked bad that I was hiding my deal with him, no matter how innocent
“Oh, I'm so jealous!” Aria panted, looking almost wild. “Ugh, I hate you! I mean F
do love you, but I hate you right now! Why didn’t you tell me?”
I opened my mouth to speak, but Aria had fallen to her knees and was glaring at
the ceiling. She had her arms stretched upward, as if to shout at some cruel deity
in the sky.
“Why didn't I just stick with law school? Timothy could have been my client!”
Suddenly, she hopped up off the floor and came rushing over to me. She
smoothed down her shirt and put on her best puppy—dog eyes.
“Can I at least know what kind of lawsuit he’s fighting?” Aria asked, fluttering her
eyes. As always, Aria figured that her pathetic display of desperation would sway
1. me.
Not this time. I shook my head firmly. “No. It's confidential, Aria.”
“Evie, please!” Aria grabbed my shirt sleeve and tugged me backward before I
could reach the door. “I need to know he'll be okay!”
I rolled my eyes and tried to pull my arm away, but Aria had a tight grip on me. “I
have to get back to the firm,” I said impatiently.
“To work on his case? Well, take me with you!” Aria begged. She was hugging my
arm at that point. “I can drop you off and pick you up after work.”
After watching Aria’s desperate display, I felt my resolve slowly slipping away.
Aria was just going to keep pushing, being as stubborn as she was. It wouldn't
hurt to give her the chance.
“Fine,” I said gently, shaking Aria off my arm. “You can come.”
Aria jumped up and down. “Oh, sweet! Maybe if I'm lucky, Timothy and I will
cross paths!”
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Chapter 121
I cringed at the mention of his name. I could only hope that Aria wouldn't get so
lucky, as that was clearly her only reason for coming. That would mean trouble
1. me.
When I arrived at the office, my heart was racing. I felt a curious set of eyes
staring at me from across the office. They unfortunately belonged to Jasper, who
appeared just as shocked at my presence.
“Evie?” He was leaning against his desk, coffee mug in hand. As I walked closer,
he wrinkled his nose. “I didn’t expect to find you back at the firm.”
Without responding, I strode past him and toward my desk. I had learned not to
fuel his fire. However, this seemed to encourage him to dig his claws in deeper.
“So, how'd you do it, Evie?” He took another sip of his coffee before setting it
down. on his desk. “Last I checked, you were packing your things and jumping
ship. Why are you even here?”
I kept walking. That was all I could do. This one case was my only hope and I'd
be damned if Jasper psyched me out.
He began to slowly approach me, hands stuffed in his pockets as he cracked a
grin. Jasper was like a snake in that way, slow and steady as he approached his
prey. He wouldn't give up until he satiated his hunger, no matter how long it took.
“Or did you get here from doing certain favors?” he said, his voice low and
suggestive. “Got some backdoor tricks up your sleeve, Evie?”
I gritted my teeth, ignoring his verbal tactics. Carefully, I set my things down on
my desk and took a deep breath.
Jasper sauntered over, his hand sliding along the edge of the desk before
landing on my pile of research files. He tapped his fingers on them, as if to
command my attention. Defiantly, I kept my eyes trained on my laptop as I went
to open the
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I , ,
That's what I thought. You're from

the gutter, after p40 srprise at
oe you'd iso o disgusting
5 ”
levels to get what you want.” The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
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His lips curled, and with one sweep,
he sent the files crashin inthe
trash cq by thedlesk awked in
herr when his hands found my
laptop, which he then The content is
on! Read the latest
chapter there!
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13:00 Wed, 20 Mar
Chapter 12
snatched from my grasp.
“You're just a piece of trash. Go back to where you belong,” he said venomously,
then raised the laptop over the trash can.
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At that moment, a hand snatched his
wrist before he could dump it. He
turned in awe at the de} stapding
beside Rime eyes cured by a
pBir'df sunglasses. Although he
) s 4
couldn't see his expression, the
man’s muscular frame and cool
temperament made it clear that he
was not someone to mess with. The
content is on! Read
the latest chapter there!
It didn’t take too long to figure out it was Timothy that had walked in. How long
had he been standing there?!
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