The Hidden Princess At All-Boys Alpha Academy

Chapter 0734

As if he knows we're talking about him - and, considering his attention-loving source of existence, that's probably true - Mittens climbs up over the back of the couch, meowing and parading back and forth with his tail high.

Mom and Cora's mouths drop open as they stare first at the shadow cat, and then at Daphne, who bundles him off of the back of the sofa and into her arms.

"I told you to stay hidden, you little menace," she whispers, blushing and looking down at the cat who gnaws playfully at her thumb.

"Well well," Cora says, leaning back against her couch cushion and grinning at the love of her son's life. "I guess Dominic owes me fifty bucks after all."

I gasp, leaning forward and staring at my mom and aunt. "You bet on our love lives!?"

"No, baby!" mom protests far too innocently, frowning at me like she's ashamed I'd even suggest it. "We'd never do that!"

"This is so unfair, Cora has an advantage, she's all of our godparents," I say, pointing at her.

"That's why I get terrible odds," she says with a sigh, nodding. "Roger hates it."

"You're both unbelievable," I sigh, sitting back on the couch and glancing at Daphne, pleased to see that the blush has faded from her cheeks just a bit. But Cora notices it too and pounces, not letting her off that easy.

"So," she says, leaning forward and peering into Daphne's face. "Is my boy a good boyfriend? He'd better be polite to you - you have my permission to smack him if he's not -"

"He's - he's very polite!" Daphne sputters out, laughing and blushing again.

"But not like...too polite, right?" Cora says, narrowing her eyes a bit. "I didn't raise my boy to be too scared to grab his girl and -"

"You come here," mom says, laughing a little and scootching closer to me, pulling me tight against side while Cora

continues to torture Daphne. I laugh a little too, watching Daphne melt into the couch with embarrassment under Cora's good-natured teasing.

But I lean against my mom and take a deep breath and a sip of my wine. "It's good to be here," I sigh. "Thank you so much, mama.

"Of course," she murmurs, pressing a kiss to my head.

"Um," I say quietly, fiddling with the

stem of my wine glass. "Do you think I could talk to dad for a little bit? On video chat? I mean, I know why he really couldn't come

know he's at the front -"

"He wanted to, baby," mom whispers, stroking my hair. "Only something that serious would have kept him away."

"It's okay," I say, nodding and looking at her. "But dad's...done this before, right? With Lydia?"

She nods slowly. "He wants to talk to you too. But I told him to wait until you were ready for it."

"Well," I whisper, "I think I'm ready for it." My heart sinks in my chest as I wonder if that's true. "I'd just like

to know...what to expect, you know? In the days to come?"

"Of course, sugar," mom says, beaming at me and getting to her feet. "I'll call him now, see if he can set a few minutes aside."

"Oh, are we calling boys?" Cora asks, cheerfully getting up and leaving Daphne alone. Daphne groans with relief, finishing her wine in one big slug and making me laugh.

"Yes, come on, you can talk to your boyfriend after I talk to mine,” mom sighs, waving Cora along with her into the kitchen, where she left her tablet Cora eagerly follows and grab the bottle of wine, refilling Daphne's glass.

"Thank you," she sighs, and I grin at her. "Is it always going to be like this?"

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