Chapter 0717
"Wait," I whisper, beaming and taking a step closer to my mate even as I gesture my head backwards to Jesse and Daphne. "You know about them!?" Mittens wriggles out of my hands and leaps elegantly to the floor, heading back towards the bed.
"Oh, come on," Luca says, smirking at me as he steps into the room and puts a hand around my waist, tugging me close. "It's been obvious since the first day we met her that Jesse's been head over heals for Daphne. And then after the second Games, the way she ran to him?" He smirks and shakes his head. "You Sinclairs think you are sneakier than you actually are."
Luca's smile deepens as he looks down at me, raising a hand to brush the back of his fingers down the length of my cheek. "It's good to see you a little better, gorgeous," he murmurs. "I was worried."
"Hey," I growl playfully, stepping close. "We are plenty sneaky."
I just smile up at him and lean closer to my handsome mate, who saved my life. "Not fully better," I say quietly. "But...a little bit. The wine helps."
"Well then let's steal it," he says, pulling me with him as he moves to Daphne's mantlepiece and snatches one of her bottles. "I'm requisitioning this," he says, holding it up so she can see. "Desperate times, desperate measures, all that."
"Oh whatever, I've got plenty," Daphne says, leaning back against the wall and very casually avoiding any contact with Jesse as he sits next to her. "But where are you taking it?"
"My room," Luca says, pulling me close to his side. "I'd like a minute with my mate so I can ensure for myself that she's all in one piece after the attempt on her life."
A little guilt forms in me at this, because he's right - even though Luca saved me, Jackson has been at my side for hours straight now. I really did turn to Jacks to accept that comfort after Tony died. It's not that I meant to leave Luca out I just...wanted Jacks. And Luca has been very, very gracious about it all, letting me take the comfort that I need and showing not an ounce of jealousy.
Maybe he really is growing. Maybe this all really can work. My wolf gives a happy howl in my soul and Luca's wolf howls back, making me smile.
"Wait, you're taking her...away?" Jesse asks, sitting up straight, frowning as his eyes dart between us.
"Just to my room," Luca says with a shrug.
"But's dangerous." His frown deepens.
"You think I can't protect her?" Luca asks, raising an eyebrow at Jesse, kind of obliging him to remember the events of the past few days. "Or that I won't?" I look at Jesse too, curious.
He sighs, slumping back against the pillows. "I didn't mean it like that,
Luca," he says. "I just - I'm feeling a little overprotective of our little Shrimp. She was given over to my care alone today and Jacks and
Rafe weren't even happy about that."
"Well, you can pass her to me," Luca says, smiling down at me. "I've got her covered." I grin back at my mate, believing him utterly.
"Luca," Jesse says, drawing both of
our eyes back to him as he hurriedly
pushes himself off the bed and
crosses the room, his hand
extended. "I don't think anyone really gave you the recognition you deserved for what you did two days ago-"
"Please," Luca says, frowning and waving the gratitude aside. "She's my mate, and any of us would have -"
"No, I'm serious," Jesse says,
interrupting and making Luca listen, looking him very intently in the face. "You saved our girl." He looks down at me now as my expression falls, a little devastated at how serious Jesse is about this, how much he loves me. "We can never repay you, Luca. You saved her life you and Tony both - and we'll never, ever forget it."
Jesse holds his hand out further and Luca sighs and shakes it, just once, quite solid.
Then Luca passes a hand over my cap, looking down into my face. "Let's not talk about it anymore right now, all right? You look like you've been crying. A lot."
I nod to him, my mouth tight because I am indeed again holding back tears.
Jesse sighs and looks back at Daphne, who shrugs.