The Hidden Falling: A Dark enemies to lovers Fantasy Romance (The Hidden of Vrohkaria Book One)

The Hidden Falling: Chapter 24

beginning their heat are all in the cabin and have taken their tonics to prevent any unwanted pregnancies,” Josh tells me as I continue piling wood up in the storage shed.

It was time again for us to prepare to make sure those in heat are as safe and comfortable as possible. We have the routine running like clockwork after so many years of doing it, but I still get anxious. You really never know what can happen during this time.

“Good. I already sorted a change in jobs this morning to make up for the females and the few males that will be unavailable.” Grabbing more wood from outside the shed, I haul more into my arms and take it inside. It’s nearly summer, and we mostly use these months to stock up for the winter season. I know it’s a long way off yet, but I want to be prepared early, especially if I’m not here. “Are you just going to stand and watch?” I ask Josh, coming back outside to stare at him leaning against the shed.

He scratches his chin, looking thoughtful for a moment. “I think I’ve done enough today. You know how females get when their heat is due. I’ve had my ear chewed off for hours this morning about what they need. I told them they had their hands,” he shrugs, and my mouth drops open, barely managing to resist the grin that wants to break free. He’s kidding, but I go with it anyway.

“Wow, Josh,” I shake my head at him. “You really woke up and chose violence today.” He opens his mouth, but I’m already lunging at him, tackling him to the dirt floor. The oomph that comes from him is satisfying to my ears. I move and straddle his waist to try and get to his nipples, but his hands grab mine.

“Oh, you think it’s that easy, do you?” His light gray eyes laugh at me and then he shifts his hips. I’m on my back in a flash, and now he’s the one over me. He grabs both my wrists in one of his and attacks my ribs, tickling me.

“Josh!” I squeal at him. “Don’t you dare! Stop it!” I laugh, trying to wriggle away from his fingers. He ducks low and licks the side of my face, laughing at the disgusting sound that comes from me. “You little shit.”

“Little?” he scoffs. “Who is little?” His tickling ramps up, and all I’m able to do is squeal through my laughter at him, gasping for breath. “Tap out, Rhea,” he sings. “You know you want to.”

“Never!” I say breathlessly, screaming as he goes to lick my face again. Dirty bastard. “I don’t want your saliva on me, you overgrown dog.”

He stops tickling me and slowly brings his head back to look down at me. Oops, he didn’t like that. I bite my lip while he looks around for something. I work to release my hands and fail. He reaches past my head, and when I try to see what he’s doing, cold liquid is poured over my face. I splutter, screeching while shaking my head at the coldness as Josh howls with laughter.

“I think you need to cool off, Rhea. Bringing dogs into it?” He tsks at me. “I think you woke up and chose to be too big for your boots.”

“My boots fit me perfectly,” I gasp as he rolls his eyes. “Don’t you bring my boots into this.” I glare at him through the wet strands of my hair. I love my boots. Then I see his fingers going for my ribs again. “Joshy,” I warn, knowing the name will piss him off.

“Am I interrupting something?” a cold voice asks, and Josh’s fingers freeze in their tracks. We both turn our heads and look toward the voice. Darius and Leo stand a little away from us, the former glaring at me and then at Josh.

Well, this is a tad awkward considering the position we are in. It’s a normal occurrence for me and Josh with how many play fights we have, but the Elites don’t know that. I can honestly say that if looks could kill, we may have been taking our last breaths.


Josh huffs as he gets off of me, reaching his hand out to help me up. I sigh and place my hand in his, letting him pull me off the ground before gathering my hair and putting it in a quick braid. I give a cheeky kick at Josh’s shin as I turn my back on them all and continue grabbing wood and taking it into the shed.

“Such a child,” I hear Josh mutter under his breath, causing me to smile. “What do you want?” he asks Darius and Leo sharply.

“Some of my Elites can sense that there are females going into heat,” Darius says, and I pause. Still holding logs in my arms, I walk out of the storage shed and step up next to Josh, waiting for Darius to continue as he watches me. “Most are fine, but some of the trainees are struggling. They are already having difficulty controlling their dominance.” He folds his arms and shrugs. “I couldn’t care less about it, but the last thing I want to deal with is my trainees trying to fuck anything in sight while trying to get to your females. I need somewhere to put them for the time being, away from the females.”

Hmm. I tilt my head and study his face. His mouth is set into a tense line, and I see the slightest bit of concern in his pretty green eyes. He says he doesn’t care, but yet he’s coming here to see if he can put those struggling somewhere away from the pack while tensions are high and they could potentially assault my females. My gaze roams over him subtly. From his boots, up his strong, muscular legs to the t-shirt that I secretly wished was tighter, to finally back up to his eyes. I control my startled reaction at seeing his already on mine, and I feel my cheeks heating. Dammit.

I turn away and go back into the shed before I speak. “They can just camp out in the forest, outside of the lilk trees.”

“Is it safe?” Leo asks, and I roll my eyes.

“They have been in The Deadlands for how long? It’s a lot safer in this forest than out there.”

“I can show them where they can camp out,” a new voice adds, and I quickly put the last logs onto the pile and walk out of the shed.

“You could,” I say warily as I look from Kade to Darius, both of them sizing each other up. “I need you for a bit though, we have someone to go and see,” I tell Kade, walking up to him and rubbing my cheek against his in greeting.

“We do?” he asks, his eyes coming to mine.

“Yup.” I go back to the shed and shutting the door. “I’m sure Taylor wouldn’t mind showing them somewhere if we’re back late.”

“He’s out with some Elites searching The Deadlands,” Josh says. “I’ll show them where they can stay for a few days.” I look over at him and smirk, knowing how much he would rather pick up wolf shit than do this, but the pack safety comes first. “Shut it,” he grumbles at me while I flip him off.

“Where are you going?” Darius demands, and I look from him to Leo before I speak.

“To see someone I need to speak to,” I say vaguely. “I’ll catch up with you in a little while Josh. We might miss dinner.” I squeeze his hand as I pass him, Kade following behind. I hear another set of footsteps, and I sigh in frustration before letting out a small growl. “Is there something else I can help you with, Darius?” I don’t even bother turning around to ask him.

“I’m your shadow, little wolf. You should be used to it at this point.” I hear no care in his voice as to whether I like it or not that he’s following me. But he’s right. I do know it. The asshole follows me everywhere. I can barely pee by myself without him lurking nearby.

I’m sure he knows that I’ve sensed him following me around Eridian since he’s been here, he just doesn’t give the slightest fuck. He’s kept his distance, observing and studying as I’ve gone about my daily duties. It’s been strange to feel him at my back, but I can’t say I haven’t got used to it. It’s frustrating, but strangely, comforting to have his presence near.

Even Runa has been feeling more placid within me instead of her usual grumpiness. I don’t think she fears him, but he has some sort of effect on her, and I’m not sure what to feel about that.

Kade lets out a growl besides me as the big man continues to follow us, and I tap him on the arm to knock it off.

“I don’t think you want to try me again. It didn’t end well for you last time,” Darius warns him, and I tense up.

“Would you stop,” I exhale, spinning around to look at him. I don’t want to remember Kade bleeding out on the ground, and I don’t want him to set Kade off. “Seeing as I can’t get rid of you, the least you can do is be quiet.” I huff and continue forward, grabbing Kade’s hand and pulling him with me.

“You didn’t want to get rid of me the other day,” he taunts, and there is no hiding the blush in my cheeks now as I remember us against that tree. A tree that I will never look at the same again.

I glare at him over my shoulder, catching him checking out my ass, and I try to ignore the thrill that goes through me from his attention. Runa wriggles inside me, and I give her a mental shove to stop that shit. I cannot go there again, no matter how much I want to feel him against me, or how much I want to lick a path up his neck and breathe in his scent. An involuntary shiver runs through me, and I swear I heard a low growl behind me.

No. Nope. Not doing it.

Kade gives me a strange look, but I just plow forward, ignoring him and hoping he can’t somehow read my thoughts. “We’re going to see Solvier, aren’t we?” Kade grumbles next to me as we pass the lilk trees. I watch him press a hand to them, the same way I do every time we leave. I let out a small smile at the sight.

“Yes, we are, if we can find him.” I still haven’t seen him for quite a while. I have no idea where he goes or how he even manages to hide, but he does it somehow.

“Isn’t this supposed to be, you know, private?” he hedges, looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

Yes it is, but the overgrown oaf behind us will always follow me, so it can’t be helped. This conversation needs to happen. I’m not sure what Darius’ reaction will be to Solvier, or if even Solvier will show himself to Darius. He is picky about who he shows himself to.

“Unfortunately, I have acquired a full-time babysitter,” I answer him. “Gods knows why, considering all I do is work around the settlement.” I kick a rock on the floor and smirk at it, remembering throwing one at Darius.

“I can hear you,” Darius gripes at my back, irritation leaking into his tone.

“Oh, shit, Kade,” I whisper at him, grabbing his arm. “He can hear us! We’re doomed,“ I put my hand on my head for added effect before flipping him off behind me. We both chuckle when we hear his sigh. The asshole shouldn’t be on my ass then.

We continue walking, heading further south toward one of the lakes. It’s quiet and peaceful. the slight breeze rustling the leaves on the trees as we pass. Sunlight flutters on the ground as it passes through gaps in the trees, creating pretty patterns along the forest floor. Being outside and smelling the earth beneath my feet with the scent of flowers in their air is a comfort I won’t take for granted.

I didn’t get to see the sky, feel the caress of the wind on my face or smell the scent of life embracing me for a long time. Until I left my old home.

I link my arm through Kade’s as we walk, enjoying being with him, even with my babysitter at my back. It’s the first time I’ve really spent any time with him since we got back from The Deadlands, and luckily his injuries are nearly healed. The thought of him dying on that dead forest floor makes me huddle closer to him, wanting to feel his warmth, and I feel Runa brushing up against him where my arm is linked with his, sharing the same feelings with his wolf.

I might not be his birth mother, but I brought him up. I taught him to hunt, how to build a fire and forage. I comforted him at night when he had nightmares, only for him to wake and have no idea it ever happened sometimes. I held him through his grief and guided him when his wolf came. He is mine in every way he is not theirs.

We’re a few miles from the lake when the ground trembles beneath me, and I stop, taking my arm out of Kade’s to bend down to put a hand on the grassy floor.

“What are you doing?” Darius asks from somewhere behind me, and Kade shushes him, getting an annoyed grunt in return.

I close my eyes and concentrate, feeling the gentle quake beneath my hand. I smile when I pinpoint which direction it came from. “Let’s go!” I grab Kade’s hand and pick up our pace to a jog. “Come on before he leaves again,” I chuckle as I drag a reluctant Kade behind me, smiling wide.

We run along until I see a flash of light gray ahead through the trees. I let go of Kade, taking off with a laugh of giddiness washing over me. “Solvier!” There’s a pause in the trees and then a huff-like sound reaches my ears. I sprint ahead, leaving Kade to catch me up with Darius not too far behind him.

I squeeze through the last trees between us into a little open clearing and see two light gold eyes looking down at me in amusement. I laugh as I launch myself off the ground and jump at him. He lowers his head when he sees me coming, and my arms wrap around his neck the best I can, gripping his fur tightly. I snuggle into him and breathe in his scent, grass and blossoms, before sliding down to the ground, grinning up at him.

Hello, Rhea,” he says in my head, his voice a deep rumble as he brings his nose down to touch my cheek. I stroke his muzzle before scratching under his chin, giggling and bouncing on my feet.

He makes a chuffing sound, tapping his head against my forehead before rubbing his cheek against my hair. I’ve missed him.

“I’ve been wanting to talk to you,” I tell him, taking a step back and looking up at his towering frame. “But you haven’t been around. Is everything okay?” I ask. It’s been over two months since I last saw him.

“All is as it should be,” he tells me. “I see you have brought young Kade with you. And another male,” he says, his eyes peering over my head.

I follow his gaze and see Kade coming toward us, a smile on his face. Darius isn’t far behind, his eyes looking around the area, his head tilted. Kade greets Solvier while I keep my eyes on Darius, watching for his reaction. I’m surprised the big wolf even let him see him.

Darius stops when he’s a few feet away from us, his eyes peering into mine before looking to Kade, and then finally, to Solvier. He holds his arms at his sides, but I see the tension in his body as he looks up at Solvier.

Darius is tall, but Solvier is taller. His paws are as big as my head.

It’s not every day you see a six-foot wolf. In fact, he’s the biggest wolf I’ve seen. I thought I would get more of a reaction out of Darius, but he just keeps staring at Solvier, his eyes scanning him until he finally moves toward a tree to lean against it. He acts like seeing Solvier is just another occurrence in his daily life. Does nothing phase this guy?

“How are you, Rhea?” Solvier asks me, his golden eyes looking into mine.

“I’m okay,” I mumble, peering over my shoulder at Darius before looking back at him.

“I see.” See what? I want to ask, but he moves his attention to Kade. “Are you still struggling with your wolf, young Kaden?” he asks, maneuvering his body until he lays down in front of us, clearly not seeing Darius as a threat. Though nothing much is a threat to Solvier. His bite could tear you in half. At Kade’s reluctant nod, Solvier tilts his head toward the ground in front of him. Kade sits. “Come, tell me.

I stand there awkwardly and look at them both, realizing I’m not going to be part of this conversation from the silence in my head. I move away from them and sit on the ground, pinching my lip with my fingers as I watch them for a while. I take out my knife and pick up a branch from the floor, idly nicking at the bark. I glance at them from time to time, crossing and uncrossing my legs. Kade nods at something Solvier says, and his head bows, playing with the laces of his boot. But I swear I see tears in his eyes. I look away, giving him his privacy, knowing what they must be talking about.


He barely talks about her unless it’s with Solvier, and even then it’s not often.

I hope Solvier can give him some advice on how to control his wolf and emotions. I know no one wiser. He is family to us, and we trust him and his words. I know he will do the best he can and to steer Kade in the right direction.

I sigh quietly and look out toward the trees. The only problem with that is that puts Darius in my line of sight. He’s still leaning against the tree, looking around the area, his body alert and ready. I let my senses out and feel nothing, but Darius isn’t used to the sounds of Eridian like I am. He turns his head and catches my eye, his head tilting in question. I watch as his hair lands just above his eyes, tickling his eyes brows. Then my gaze drops to the slope of his nose and down to his mouth, remembering the feel of it on mine. I look away, but not before I hear him release a satisfied sound.

It does strange things to me when that man’s eyes are on mine.

I keep quiet, not wanting to disturb Kade and Solvier as they talk even though I can’t hear what they are saying. He needs it. I’m at a loss at what to do to help him. He’s grieving all over again now that he has his wolf. He’s struggling to find balance, and if I dig too deep, he just pushes me away. I’m sick of seeing the sad look on his face when he thinks no one is looking. But I see it. I can feel his pain like it’s my own.

A growl snaps both mine and Darius’ heads toward them, and I stand, putting my knife in my boot. Kade hunches forward, and then all of a sudden his bones begin breaking before his dark gray wolf is there, standing proud. Solvier seems unbothered by the sudden change, but I panic. Solvier moves his head, looking past the trees to our left, but my eyes stay on Kade.

“Kade?” I start toward him, my steps unsure before he suddenly turns, snarling at me viciously. I jolt, shocked at his aggression. “Kade,” I try again in a lower tone down the link, but he blocked me again. “Dammit, stop shutting me out!” Still snarling, he ignores me and stalks forward, teeth bared, head low. What the fuck? I growl, warning him to knock it off, but he keeps coming. I don’t want to hurt him. I would never hurt him. “Carzan, think about what you’re doing.” He’s not stopping, his pace set as his blue eyes darken, his focus entirely on me. I brace myself, hoping I can shove him off me and snap him out of it if he lunges.

“You don’t want to do that, pup,” Darius warns in a tone so low, even I pause. He comes and stands a little in front of me, head lowered, his piercing stare on Kade. My heart rate kicks up.

I’m not doing this again. No way.

“Kade, stop it. What is wrong with you?” I take a step forward, but Darius’ hand shoots out, grabbing my arm none too gently and pulling me behind him. “Darius, don’t.” I can’t see them go at each other again, I can’t. Kade won’t survive it. He’s not even fully healed, and he shifted when he shouldn’t have.

Kade charges forward, and I suck in a sharp breath. Teeth bared, his aim solely on me, I can’t even move. I can’t protect myself.

Darius steps fully in front of me and turns, pushing Kade at his shoulder with his other hand when he’s near to get him away from me.

“Enough,” Darius commands, his dominance flowing freely while I barely breathe.

Kade stops, his snarls softening and my heart breaks at the whine that suddenly escapes him. I look around the side of Darius and see Kade’s eyes on the ground. He shakes his head, backing away from us, before he turns and runs off. “Carzan!” I go to follow, but Darius still has his hand tightly gripping my arm, not letting me go. I grab the hand holding me when I realize he’s staring at Solvier, who is still laying down. I stop and look between them, and Darius’ head shakes slightly at whatever Solvier has said to him.

Solvier makes a small growling sound that makes me jump before he stands. He shakes out his fur, the light reflecting on the strands making it look like he has gold threads flowing through it. I stay still as he comes over to us, and he shocks the shit out of me when nudges Darius’ cheek before doing the same to mine.

“All will be well with Kade. Trust in him. He will always come back to you.” He nods his head. “Trust the dark one too,” he says. “All will be as it once was.”

With those last parting words, he wanders off, disappearing into the trees.

As it once was? What is that supposed to mean?

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