The Hidden Falling: A Dark enemies to lovers Fantasy Romance (The Hidden of Vrohkaria Book One)

The Hidden Falling: Chapter 15

Forest, and I blink a few times, adjusting to the now bright area and breathing in the comforting, sweet smell of home. The sun is high in the sky, so I know it’s around noon, which means most of the pack members are at the gathering eating their lunch. Maybe it’s not such a bad thing. With everyone being in one place they will all see the Elites arrive, so they won’t accidentally stumble upon one and get the shock of their life.

The Elites look around the forest, shock on their faces at seeing the lush of life in the healthy trees, shrubbery and berries growing around the area. A bird squawks in the distance, and they look up as one, following its path as it glides through the air and zooms past the cliffs at their backs.

“What the fuck?” Damian asks, looking toward the top of the cliffs that he can see peeking through the trees.

I shrug, looking at Darius, who still has a hold of my hair. His grip tightens for a second before he releases it. He scans the area before looking back at me, confusion evident in his eyes. “Welcome to our home,” I say overly sweet, the sarcasm in my words as loud as a screeching rull in mating season. Just like the bird they all watched disappear behind the cliffs.

Darius’ eyes darken. “Watch your mouth, Rhea, unless you want me to shut it for you.” I go to open my mouth again, but a small groan from Kade pulls my attention to him.

I move forward instantly, Darius watching my every move as I lift a hand to Kade’s bloody face, gently moving his blond hair out of his eyes. He sighs at my touch, feeling me and Runa there before I step back and nod my head in the direction we need to go. There is no point in hiding my worry for Kade. He’s already seen him as my weakness, so I won’t deny myself by holding it back.

We walk at a brisk pace, heading straight for Eridian and to Anna with my heart in my throat. The bleeding has slowed from Kade’s body, but he’s not out of danger yet. My feet slow when we are just a few meters away from the lilk trees that surround Eridian, and apprehension flows through me. Am I doing the right thing bringing them here? I don’t have much choice, but I know my pack won’t react well to our visitors.

I breathe in the scent of the blossoms on the trees, their colors turning darker with spring about to end. Letting their sweet scent welcome me home, I turn and face Darius. “I need you to keep your dominance low when we pass through these trees.” He opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off. “It’s important, and I’ll explain later, but we need to get the injured guys looked at as fast as possible. And to do that, you need to keep your auras of dominance as low as possible.” I clear my throat. “We can use a spare cabin as the healer’s is not large enough for this many injured.” Darius and the Elites just stare at me, not saying a word, and I snap at them all. “Do you understand?”

Darius gives me a furious look, but I don’t give a shit. Here, I’m the alpha, not them, and this is what needs to be done to go forward. We continue to stare at each other, my blue eyes to his green, until he reluctantly nods at me. I feel Darius and the Elites’ aura shrink down to a low simmer and relief fills me. I let out a quiet sigh as I nod back. Hopefully, this will help when they meet my pack.

We move on, and Darius slides up next to me as I look at him out of the corner of my eye. I watch him take in the lilk trees ahead, their blossoms gently falling to the ground, and then to a few cabins he can see through them. His face is set with a stern look while his eyes travel everywhere, focused and alert. He’s suspicious, and I can understand that. This has been under their noses since forever, and they never knew. No one did.

We trail through the lilk trees, my hand gliding over the closest one as we pass, and I see Darius shiver as he feels the invisible barrier. His head snaps my way, and I shrug, hiding my smirk behind my hand and not bothering to explain it. I hear some murmurs of his Elites behind us as they walk through, but I continue forward, readying myself to head to a larger cabin to the left that sits below mine. All is quiet as we enter Eridian, the cabins empty, the circular shape of our settlement all but abandoned until we near the gathering at the center.

I see heads turn our way through the scattered trees that surround it, and murmurs of excitement reach me as they see I’m home. Then they see the Elites, and their alarmed voices hit me. Mothers start grabbing their pups to hold them close, others cower and let out cries as some of the more unaffected members move to stand in front of them protectively. I raise a hand in greeting and give them a small smile, trying to reassure them while ignoring Darius’ muttered ‘what the fuck’ next to me.

“Josh, can you go on ahead and let Anna know we have injured that need tending to and get her to the spare cabin?” I ask him. I also need him to get Anna away from the healers cabin and to keep Sarah quiet. She can’t be found. Zaide, the short dark-haired male who is behind him, looks at Darius for the okay, and I growl at him, my patience running thin. “Do you want our help or not?”

“Untie him and the others,” Darius grunts, looking at my pack at the gathering curiously. “They are no threat to us, not here,” he tells them with the confidence of an asshole that he most certainly is. Zaide nods, untying Josh’s hands while the rest follow, releasing my pack members from their binds. Once released, Josh rubs at his wrist and gives Zaide a dirty look before going on ahead to the healer’s cabin.

“You can put the injured there,” I point to where the large, worn cabin is ahead of us on the left. “I need to talk to my pack, quickly,” I say to Darius, and turn to walk toward the gathering. I’m hauled back with a rough grip on my arm, causing my eyes to snap to Darius’ while the rest of my pack release warning growls, which he ignores.

“Damian, grab the pup and take him to the cabin with the others. I’ll follow shortly,” he orders, not looking away from me. I watch as he slides Kade off his shoulder and hands him to Damian like a piece of meat, causing my hackles to rise. He ignores my death stare and addresses the other Elites. “Check the perimeter and around where we came in. We wouldn’t want any more surprises today, now would we?” he says, giving me a hard look.

“Taylor, Seb, go with them please. I can’t have cavemen messing up our home and scaring unsuspecting bugs,” I grunt, ignoring Darius’ last words as I jerk out of his grip and continue walking forward. Hudson and Colten come with me while Darius follows at my back.

I have a babysitter. Fucking fabulous.

As I near my pack, their expressions vary from terror to anger. I give them a small smile, to let them know that all is well, even though it’s far from it. Josie comes barreling forward, her chestnut hair flying around her as she slips out of Danny’s arms and crashes into me, giving me a tight hug. I hold in the cry of pain as her body connects with mine, not wanting to show weakness in front of my pack.

“Are you okay?” she whispers, a tremble in her voice. Pulling back from me and looking me over, she notices the dried blood on my exposed skin, especially down my neck, and her eyes widen. “Kade went to–”

“I know, and I’m fine. Don’t worry,’ I tell her. “Come, everyone sit,’ I say loudly, getting everyone’s attention. Once they’re all seated, albeit reluctantly with the tall Alpha at my back, I walk into the gathering, but stay at the edges of the benches. Darius positions himself next to me, arms folded with a hard look on his face that makes me want to smack him. I clear my throat instead. “We ran into some trouble. The Elites will be staying with us until their injured men are healed from a bora attack,” I announce. It’s not a lie. They did get attacked by the bora. I just left out that I was the cause of it, but I suspect they know as I feel Darius tense beside me. “They are no threat to the pack. This is their Alpha, Darius.” I nod toward him. “His Elites will not cause any problems and will respect boundaries, won’t they?”

Darius looks over the faces of my pack who freeze at the mention of who they are. Darius’ face is carefully blank, but he must sense all is not right here. He’s the Alpha of the Elites. He’ll be able to pick up on the fear they are giving off. He must see the horror on their faces, hear their quiet cries and notice their bowed heads. It has my blood boiling that his presence is doing this to them, but I only have myself to blame for it.

He nods once before he speaks. “We will be leaving once our injured Elites are healed, and I have spoken with your… Alpha on some business that needs taking care of,” he assures them. He was reluctant to agree with what I told them, but he did. He also could have just let loose his dominance that he has bottled up. They would kneel to the ground and expose their necks in a heartbeat. I’m curious to know why he didn’t just do that considering he wants to slowly tear my head from my body. Small mercies for now, I guess, until he decides to drag them from their homes and take their children from them.

It wouldn’t be the first time the Elites have done just that.

I address my pack. “Things will run as normal here. If anyone needs to change their schedule, let me know after I have finished in the spare cabin where the injured are being looked at. Those that can’t continue after lunch with their daily tasks are free to go back to their cabins. I’ll come check on you later, okay?” I ask them. They nod hesitantly, mothers still holding their children close. I look at Hudson standing close to Colten, nodding my head subtly to the pack, and he nods back without hesitation. They will stay with them and make sure they’re okay as they can be.

I give my pack a nod and turn on my heel, heading toward the cabin, desperate to get to Kade with Darius practically up my ass. I slow my walk until he steps up beside me, and I hold my breath as I pass Anna’s cabin, listening for any sounds of Sarah inside. But thankfully, all is quiet. I feel his stare on me after a few paces, and I look over at him, raising my brow in question.

He looks back over his shoulder at my pack still at the gathering, and then back to me. “What are they so scared of?” he demands. “What are you doing to them? Threatening to kill them if they don’t fall in line?”

The fuck?

I halt in my tracks, fury coating my skin. “What am I doing to them?” I speak slowly, testing the words. He can’t be serious. “Are you fucking kidding me?” I whisper hiss at him. I get close to him, standing toe to toe. “You fucking idiot. It’s you they are scared of. You and every Elite who walked in here.” I poke his chest, furious at him for insinuating that I’m hurting them, threatening them. I’m too exhausted for this shit. “We have never had anyone come here, never mind a group of Gods damn Elites. Don’t you fucking dare accuse me of doing something to scare them when you don’t know shit!” I fume at him before stepping back and stomping toward the cabin where Kade is. Strong footsteps reach my ears, and I’m spun around by my shoulder to face a furious Darius. “Would you stop manhandling me?”

He ignores me, getting low in my face. “You killed some of my Elite trainees. You tried to kill us all. That’s who you fucking are, little wolf. A murderous bitch. So, tell me what the fuck you are doing to them. Now.”

I practically vibrate with his words. I am a murderer. I have killed to keep my pack alive. Killed to keep Kade alive. Killed to keep myself alive. Do I feel guilty for killing some of my own people? Yes, but not all. Some deserved to be sent to the dark one below, to be tormented for all of time. But innocents? I feel the crushing weight of it down to my soul. I feel their deaths like they are attached to me, haunting me. But I had no choice, and did the only thing I thought I could to protect my family. I have to remember that.

I must.

I look up to the sky and close my eyes, letting the heat of the sun warm my exhausted body. To ask Zahariss for strength and forgiveness. My eyes are still closed as I speak. “I did kill some of your trainees,” I agree. “I did what I felt I had to. Whether you believe me or not is your problem. I can’t change what I did, but the reason behind it is the truth.” I open my eyes and see him watching me, watching my every reaction to my own words. “I am sorry it came down to that, but I can’t say I’m sorry for doing it.” I shake my head and mutter under my breath. “Too much is at risk.” I walk more quickly to get to Kade, he’s my priority right now. Not entertaining the Alpha’s questions.

“What the fuck do you mean too much is at risk?” Shit.

“I will answer your questions after I have seen the injured. Just drop it for now. There are more important things to do than stay out here and argue with you.’ I wave my hand as if I can bat all his questions away. He wants answers, and he will get them. Maybe just not the correct ones.

We come up to the cabin, trailing up the worn steps and entering. The open plan living and kitchen area has been turned into a makeshift workspace for Anna. Pallets have been put on the floor, furs and clean sheets over them as she goes from man to man to assess their injuries. She spies me as I enter, briefly looking over my shoulder at my babysitter before barking out orders for people to hand her things, not letting any of this overwhelm her. Even though I know that she is internally freaking the fuck out.

Josh stands near Kade at the far right of the room where he lies unconscious, his naked body half covered with a sheet, and I rush over, landing on my knees beside him. I ignore the looks I’m getting and lift a shaky hand to Kade’s face, stroking his cheekbone and shaking my head down at him.

“You stupid boy,” I whisper, my feelings caught between worry and anger. He should have been safe. He should have been at home, not in The Deadlands. That wasn’t part of the plan.

I look up at Josh briefly, wanting an update as I look over Kade. He’s covered in blood and dirt, but I can still see the cuts and bruises over his body. The cut on his neck isn’t bleeding anymore, and the gash at his temple and shoulder already has some salve over it, the brown substance thick against it. The other gashes on his body are bare of the healing salve, left to heal on their own.

I suspect we don’t have a lot to go around with us not normally having to treat this many at once.

“Anna says he will be fine,” Josh starts. “She stopped the bleeding from his wounds before it became dangerous, and I gave him some blood for a little boost to replace some of what he lost. He’s mostly exhausted and will need to rest for a few days. She doesn’t want him to go wolf until then, with him being forced to shift before, it drained the last of his energy.” He runs a hand down his face, his exhaustion showing with the strain around his eyes. “He’s also dehydrated, has deep muscle damage to his shoulder, and more cuts and bruises that will hurt for a bit, but are not a problem. She told me to keep giving him water through the sponge.” He nods at the bowl of water next to him on a small table before whispering. “He never should have been in the fucking Deadlands. What in the Gods was he thinking?”

“I don’t know.” I grab the bowl, taking the sponge out and squeezing lightly before bringing it to Kade’s lips and letting the water flow into his mouth slowly. “I’ll speak with him when he wakes, let’s move him back to my cabin after he’s rested for a bit longer. I want him to be in his own room.”

“Give me a knife,” I hear Darius demand, and my head whips around at the harsh sound. Anna passes him a blade, and he crouches down next to one of his Elites, placing the tip at the side of his ribs. “Get something to soak the blood.” Anna grabs a cloth and holds it below where the knife is, and I get up and walk over to get a closer look.

The man is pale, breaths coming in wet exhales. I watch as Darius slides the blade down the man’s skin, blood instantly rushes to the surface and Anna collects it in the cloth she holds below. Darius then takes the knife back to the middle of his cut and pushes in deeper in a straight line. He doesn’t stop until he’s almost at the hilt before pulling it back out slowly.

“Swap with me,” Anna says as Darius drops the knife and takes over holding the cloth. Anna crouches down next to the man and puts her hand over the wound, her eyes squeezing shut for a moment before opening again. She looks at me briefly, asking for permission, and I chew my lip, shuffling on my knees. I look around the room at the number of Elites in here with us and then look at the man’s slowing breaths before nodding. If someone else dies, I don’t think Darius will listen to anything I say. I’m more likely to get a knife to the stomach.

I watch Anna close her eyes, her face scrunched in concentration as everyone watches on in silence, confusion written on all their faces. After a few seconds, she pulls back her hand slowly, a rope of blood following her out of the wound. I rush and grab a bowl off the side before coming to sit next to her. Her eyes open, and she guides the blood into the bowl I’m holding, careful not to spill any. I hear the Elites inhale sharp breaths at the sight of Anna using blood magic and internally cringe, not looking at Darius even though his gaze is on me. This will be another conversation he will want to have, I’m sure. She repeats this process again and again until the man’s breaths become clearer, and no more blood is left to remove from his lungs.

“All done,” Anna pants, sweat beading on her brow as she lifts her red hair off the back of her neck and fans herself. “I’ll put the broken rib back in place that is piercing his lung. I’ll have to remove blood from his lung again as I’m doing it and hope I can get it done the first time. He can’t shift until his broken rib is back in the correct place, otherwise the shift will move that rib straight through his lung. If it goes in any further,” she trails off, shaking her head. “I don’t think I will be able to repair the damage. I’ll assess his state once the rib is back in place and determine if he’s healthy enough to shift afterwards. He has a nasty gash on his leg that will need stitching and his wrist needs to be checked out.” She gets up and moves to wash her hands in the sink in the kitchen before coming back to me. “He will live if this all goes smoothly,” she tells me and Darius. Then to everyone else in the room she says. “Now, will you all leave while I work? I need quiet to concentrate. There are too many of you in here to do that, and I have many others to tend to.”

I give Anna a small smile before I look back over to Kade one last time. Josh walks next to me as we leave the cabin, exhaustion hitting me hard now as my adrenaline fades with Kade out of danger. I lean my head on Josh’s shoulder as he rubs his chin on my head, sighing through the ache in my bones. I’m just closing my eyes when my babysitter speaks from behind us.

“Time for answers,” he growls, and I grunt. I just want to curl up in bed and sleep for a week.

I want to pretend none of this happened and I don’t have Elites crawling all over my home, breathing down my neck while I try and figure out how I’m going to answer him.

Because he can’t know it all, but I have to give him something.

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