The Heir to the Alpha

Chapter 22


I woke up on a lawn, with the feeling that I had already been there, it was night, but everything was illuminated by the light of the Moon, which was full, beautiful, bright, and close, the starry sky completed the scene that looked like a painting.

I felt peace, a peace that perhaps I had never felt before. It was as if absolutely nothing bad could happen there, the absolute certainty of that. I took a deep breath of fresh air, and let my lungs fill while enjoying those sensations, I looked around, first to the right, there seemed to be a forest deep down, far away, and when I looked to the left I almost got scared when I saw a woman by my side, I could be scared, but strangely I felt as if I knew her, as if everything there had already happened, and as if she was pure love. She began to sit on the grass and I could analyze every inch of her, she was tall, and simply the most beautiful woman I had ever seen, she had delicate features at the same time that her expression showed strength, and her hair was silver and long, and her eyes were almond-shaped and violet in color, she wore a white tunic over her body and wore a necklace with a moonstone around her neck, a thought crossed my mind of who she could be, but I didn't dare to ask out loud.

"Hello, Scarlett." She told me as she finished adjusting herself next to me.

"Hello," I replied trying to be polite but my brain was trying to understand where I knew her from. "Do we know each other?" I asked, tilting my head to the side, and she smiled, smiled sweetly, and she looked even more beautiful smiling.

"Yes, dear, very well by the way. We were here, in this same place, talking before you were born. And recently we spoke through your prayers. I even heard you just now thanking me and then asking for protection." She added, looking at me as she placed a strand of my hair behind my ear, a gesture that Christopher normally made, but her sentence made me understand that my guess was right.

It was her, the Goddess herself, the Moon herself.

"You are..." I stuttered and couldn't finish saying, how was it possible for me to be in the presence of the Goddess herself? "I must be delusional, this can't be real…" I said, still stuttering with a broken voice.

"No, Scarlett, it's not delusional…" She said, still smiling, emanating peace, then she looked ahead and a layer of fear built on me.

If it wasn't delirium, I was dead, I needed to ask.

"So I died? Is this heaven?" I asked confused looking around. But the Goddess only shook her head.

"No, you didn't die, and this isn't heaven. It's an in-between place, where I can talk to you. This is where I talked to your mother when I sent you to them…" She said still without looking at me.

"You sent me to them, personally? So these prophecies are yours, to me?" I asked and at the same time as I was curious, I was afraid of the answers.

She smiled again, sighing and crossing her legs.

"Yes, the prophecy is mine, but the others are too, I just sent the message through other wolves. But this one of yours, I wrote it myself. I needed to send you to your parents, you needed to come from their DNA, you needed to be exactly like that."

“Their DNA?” I asked confused, my parents weren't anything big, nor were they from important families. We had some Alpha descendants but that was it.

"Your father and mother, come from different families, from two different lineages of the initial wolves, they were bred specifically to get to you... And well, did you know that your parents met before they revealed themselves to be mates? And they didn't even like each other ?” She asked me smiling and I was surprised by the question.

"My parents didn't like each other? Impossible, they've always been crazy about each other..."

"Not always." She corrected me. "I needed to make them meet beforehand, for your father to brag about the position he had gotten in the Pack's board of directors, Christopher's father had promoted him that same day, my work too, your father normally doesn't brag, but that day he was extremely happy, and even though he had met your mother for less than 5 minutes, he couldn't stop talking about his position. She didn't like him, she promised herself she would never be like that, and they didn't have a second date. Months later they discovered they were mates, they loved each other instantly and your father wanted to take her to work with him. She remembered the meeting they had before and chose to follow her own career, and that was fundamental for her to become a doctor, and for you to choose to follow her career, become a doctor too, and meet Alpha Christopher that day."

My eyes widened as the pieces fell into place inside my head, everything had been orchestrated to happen exactly like this. I remembered what Christopher told me that the Goddess acted in a mysterious way, for some reason.

"So everything happened as it needed to happen? For a greater reason after all?”

"Exactly, sometimes it's not clear to you at first, sometimes it's never clear, but absolutely everything is set up to happen for a reason."

"Even my first mate?" I needed to ask, if it was something that didn't enter my head it was because she had brought Mathew into my life, only for him to betray me, and make me reject him. Why didn't I show Christopher as my mate right from the start?

"You're wondering why I didn't set you up with Christopher from the beginning right?"

Did she read my mind?

I just nodded my head.

"For so many reasons, Scarlett. Firstly, Christopher needed to go through everything he went through with Violet, it shaped his character and made him a better leader, but it hardened his heart and left him cold too, but it was necessary, he needed it to organize the Pack. You needed to get hurt first and break the fairy tale idea out of your head, if I had put Christopher straight to you, and you got pregnant as it happened, you would have freaked out because it left your plans to: discover the mate, mate ceremony, become a surgeon and only then have a child. I needed that child now, not in 6 or 7 years. I needed you heartbroken for Christopher to pick up the pieces, and for the two of you to heal together. But the truth, Scarlett, it's always been the you two, it was always meant to be the you two, you are the love of each other's lives, in this life and in the others you've already had." Her last sentence hit me so deeply that I felt tears forming in my eyes. "And besides all that, I still needed Mathew to go through all this, suffer when he lost you, shatter his entire ego when he saw you invade the meeting and sit next to Christopher, because only then can he be ready for the new family of him, who will need him a lot too. I know you think he didn't suffer, but he was devastated, and all of this was necessary. Great men and women are built on pain. It pains me to do this, but I'm proud of who they become later. And all of this was also necessary for you to become the leader I need."

I had no idea, everything was orchestrated as if she were an architect planning everything, fitted together, perfectly.


"I know you still don't have it so clear, but it will soon become clear, your people will need you, Scarlett. The two of you, or rather, the three of you. In a few years, it will be time for Antony to govern and he needs a strong mother, and with a leadership spirit to teach him the way."


"It means of inestimable value, in some languages, it also refers to courage, intelligence, and strength. All the characteristics that he will have, and that are essential in a leader. It is becoming common for me to choose the name of the children in your family, but I think that suits him."

"It's a boy," I said, lacking words and air.

"It's The Boy, Scarlett. The future." She told me smiling, and tears ran down my cheeks.

"But you've spent too much time here, it's time to come back. Just don't forget, that at the right time, the whole truth will be revealed. The righteous have prevailed. And when it comes to my will, all kinds of miracles can happen."

She smiled again and raised her index finger, touching my forehead lightly, and everything went black again.

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