The Heir to the Alpha

Chapter 14


"Scarlett, you won't." She said taking my arm.

"Why not?" I shouted back.

"Because you carry the future of this Pack inside your womb.

My mother's words made me freeze, and reason returned to my mind, I realized that I was carrying a life there, and my mother was right, it wasn't just any life, it was the future of the Pack, that made me put one of my hands on my belly as I felt tears run down my face.

"Martha, what are you talking about?" My father said with wide eyes, only now was I able to lift my gaze to meet his, and my brother had the same expression on his face.

"Scarlett is pregnant with Alpha." My mother said as she held me by the arm and guided me to sit on the sofa in the living room, I just let myself go, she sat me down and knelt in front of me so our eyes were at the same height as she held my hands in the middle of hers, while she rubbed her thumb over mine trying to comfort me.

"My daughter, listen, you need to think now. Going to the border will only put your life and that of the baby at risk, there you can be more of a hindrance than a help." She still holding my hands with one hand, she lifted the other and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "We need to protect you. How do you think the Alpha will feel seeing the woman carrying his son or daughter in a war zone?"

She made me come to reason, I started to catch my breath.

"What we can do is go to the hospital, if he was bitten, he should be taken there." My mom kept talking and I just nodded.

"You guys go to the border and I'll go with Scarlett to the hospital." My mother said and my father nodded. "Tiffany dear, can you take care of the house for us?"

"Of course Mistress Byron," Tiffany replied, as we walked to the garage.

It hurt me that they knew everything like that, I wanted to calmly tell my father, my brother, and Tiff, and I was still scared of the reaction they might have, with the rush this week I hadn't been able to talk to my father alone after telling him about Alpha and me, and now he found out about the pregnancy like this...

I felt my father's heavy gaze on me, I couldn't take it, I went towards him and hugged him tightly as I said through another cry.

"I'm sorry you found out like this." My voice was broken, but I immediately felt my father's hands wrap around my body, he squeezed me tightly before saying.

"It's okay, sweetheart, just be safe." My father pushed me away slightly and looked at me with a smile, his lips closed, but it was sincere.

I saw my brother say goodbye to Tiff, and my mother hugged my father tightly and instructed him to be careful at the border. Everyone got into their car, my father went with Bob to the border, and my mother went with me to the hospital, but the journey, which took no more than 5 minutes, as we lived close to the hospital, seemed to take decades, I felt every heartbeat from my heart inside my head. And when my mom parked I practically jumped out of the car.

She came after me, I ran into the reception, and it was already becoming chaos. Doctors and nurses running from one side to the other, but I saw my sister coming out of one of the rooms, when she saw me, I saw her release the air from her lungs before telling me.

"He's on 07, I just stitched up." I didn't need to ask who, I knew, she knew, and I could smell him coming from there, it was faint, like a trail, but my wolf woke up to sniff it. I didn't even care who could see, or care, I just ran and invaded room 07, opened the doors suddenly, and found Christopher shirtless, with a newly sutured bite mark on his shoulder, sitting on the stretcher, I look at the room but my eyes just saw him.

I ran to meet him and I could only breathe again when our bodies met. I slipped into his embrace, and I felt Christopher run his hands over my body, one of them pressed my back against his body and the other went to the back of my head, cradle me, as he said.

"Shhhh, it's okay." He said in a whisper. "I'm fine, honey." Christopher now slowly moved my face away so I could look at him, seeing his face was a relief, but I felt as if I needed to feel him with me, close, to calm me down, to feel his scent clinging to me. He hugged me again and now I heard his husky voice louder, reverberating through the room and vibrating from his chest.

"Leave us alone for a minute." He said loudly, and only then did I realize that there was someone else in the room. Still in his embrace, I turned sideways and saw that they were Marquardt, the head of the guard, Alef, the head of legal, and Carl, a counselor. They walked out the door, and finally, when it closed and I was alone with him, I confessed.

"I was so scared," I said but my voice was still choked with crying.

"I'm sorry for this." He responded, now pushing me away again to try and look at me. "But you're okay?"

"Now I do, knowing you're fine, but I threw up when I heard you were bitten." I lowered my gaze.

"Scarlett." He said my name. worried, as his hand cupped my face, I tried to look at him, but I looked away as I said.

"I've never felt anything like this, Christopher, I lost control, I never lose control. But when I heard you were bitten, I wanted to go with my dad to the border, just to make sure you were okay." I said and he pulled my chin so I could look at him.

"I would freak out if I saw you at the border." He said, letting out his lungs. "I already sent your father here, but you didn't try to go with him? Did you?" He asked now looking deeply into my eyes.

"Of course I tried, my mother didn't let me, she just convinced me..." I said and my gaze went to my belly and his gaze followed mine, and then I raised my gaze to face him again, "She just convinced me when she said that the future of the Pack was in my womb, and then she brought me here. But I have never felt so much fear and despair in my entire life." I said and the last sentence was a confession, the kind that only his presence made me say.

"I know honey, I would have done worse if it was the other way around, but about that..." He now placed his hand on my belly and rubbed his thumb lightly. "There is a serious matter that we need to talk about, but I needed my leaders here." He said and my lips opened in amazement, he felt my shock and hugged me from the side again. "Calm down, I just need to understand something and you can help me, okay?" He asked and I nodded, sitting next to him on the stretcher, not sure what was coming.

"Come in." He said with a loud and firm tone of voice, and at the same moment the door opened, Marquardt entered again, a tall man with red hair and beard, his fame preceded his grandeur, he was already head of the guard when Christipher’s father was Alpha, Alef was younger, tall and thin, and wore square glasses that gave off his intellectual air, Carl was a man of medium height, chubby and bald, and my father joined them too. My eyes went straight to him and he smiled, that smile was filled with relief, he approached me and kissed the top of my head like he always did, while he asked me looking into my eyes.

"Are you better?" His voice was filled with love and concern, and I understood he was talking about the vomit earlier. I nodded and said softly.

"Thanks." Right after I spoke, Christopher cleared his throat, and they all straightened their posture.

"As you know, today's attack came with prior warning, I received information that we would be attacked again on the southern border, I went with Marquardt there, and upon arriving, in addition to confirming that the attack was about to happen, it was possible to hear loud and clear a war cry from them before the attack. Death to the Alpha's heir, we will take what is ours." His last sentence was filled with pain, you could hear the resentment at having to repeat that, and my heart stopped for a second, I felt my blood drain from my face, and another urge to vomit came, but I was too much scared to even vomit. My lips opened and I turned completely to Christopher, as the air escaped my lungs I turned to find my father just as shocked and I saw from the side view what the other leaders except Marquardt looked surprised too.

"No one knew…" I spluttered, the words escaping my mouth. "But I was already pregnant at the first attack."

I saw the leaders squirm, especially my father.

"Exactly, someone knew…Who knew dear?" Christopher asked me holding my hand and making me look at him.

"My dad, my brother, and Tiffany found out just before I came here…" I started to speak and saw my dad's shoulders relax. "Before that, the only ones who knew were my mother, my sister and…" I stopped talking and felt my blood freeze, it couldn't be.

"Who else knew Scarlett?" Christopher asked, his tone gentle, firm but gentle.

"Bertha, gave me a pregnancy test after I was sick in the morning. But she's a nurse here at the hospital for years, she didn't…" Christopher didn't finish waiting for me to speak, he lifted his gaze from mine and said in towards Marquardt.

"Find her, now." He said loudly, his hoarse voice echoing off the walls and making me shiver inside and making Marquardt simply run out of the room.

Many emotions. What do you think so far?

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