The Heir to the Alpha

Chapter 12


But so far with no news from him, it was a matter of a few minutes before the emergency room was full of guards, some had been injured by bullets, others by swords, others bitten and there were two amputated, one was the arm and the other the leg.

Nothing from Thomas.

I saw my sister running from one side to the other, suturing, saving, and doing her best, but I saw that she was broken inside, not knowing what to do, not knowing what to think, without news of her mate.

I also saw my mother, doing her best, trying to organize the mess that was forming in that emergency, just as I saw all the doctors, nurses, and technicians, saving as many lives as they could.

One of the patients I was caring for, named James Werner, had received a huge bite on his stomach, the bleeding was very deep, I did absolutely everything to save him, but he died.

There, I lost a little bit of myself too.

We tried to contain ourselves, not take it personally, but my heart felt, I felt for him and his family, and he died protecting the Pack. When I left the room after certifying the death, another batch of injured guards arrived, but this time instead of sadness I was filled with relief when I saw Thomas okay, entering carrying a colleague in his arms, I pulled a stretcher that was in the corridor to reached it, and shouted at the top of my lungs to the office she was attending.

"Karen!" My scream was enough for her to stick her head out, the feeling of relief she felt was written all over her face, and I saw her dropping the stethoscope she was using to run toward Thomas.

He placed his colleague on the stretcher, and I saw her body collide with his shortly afterward, Thomas let out the air from his lungs as he turned his body to hug her.

"I was so scared." She said against his chest.

"I know honey, I'm sorry. I wasn't able to tell you sooner." I heard Thomas say but my body was already turned to push Thomas's colleague into one of the rooms, apparently, he had a broken leg and another bite. I took him quickly and started the stitching and it took all my strength and stomach to get his leg back into place to heal properly, I provided painkillers and within minutes I took him out again.

When I reached the corridor, the last guards we rescued were being brought in and practically everyone was taken care of. But I saw a soldier on a stretcher, being attended to by Dr Riegel, he was about to put the anti-silver serum through the soldier's IV when I saw a purple mark on his leg, this indicated that he had something silver still inside it.

"No, Riegel wait," I screamed and luckily it was just in time for him to stop and look at me.

I quickly grabbed a scalpel and surgical forceps.

"I'm sorry, this is going to hurt a little." I said to the soldier while with the scalpel I opened the wound that seemed to be from a silver sword a little more, I opened it and using the forceps I removed the tip of the silver sword, which was embedded in his skin, and thus I saved the soldier life. Applying anti-silver serum when there is silver still in contact with the body causes cross-intoxication and leads to death within seconds.

"Doctor, you saved my life." The guard told me in astonishment, with wide eyes.

"That's the idea soldier," I said smiling at him.

"Thanks." He said it in the most genuine way possible, which filled me inside, and the feeling of peace and accomplishment made me smile even wider and more open.

"I thank you for your services," I said squeezing his shoulder.

And at that moment I was going to warn Riegel, that he was inattentive and it almost cost the soldier his life, but I felt a hot gaze on me, consuming me and enveloping me, and it was then that I looked towards the corridor, and he was there, the Alpha, his shirt covered in blood and him looking directly at me.

At the sight of the blood my lips opened in astonishment, and my body was consumed by fear and despair, I ran towards it but stopped a few steps away. We didn't talk about public demonstrations, I was afraid to talk about it yet. But I was more afraid of him being hurt.

"This blood?" I asked simply.

"Is not mine." He said quickly and I closed my eyes sighing to reassure myself.

"So, you are okay?" I needed to know, I needed to hear it from him.

"Yes." He said and was about to say something else, but a loud sound interrupted our conversation.

"Dr Scarlett Byron, emergency room 03." The sound came from the speakers, and it was probably another soldier, at the same time his cell phone started ringing.

"I need to go," I confessed, with my heart in pieces at having to leave them there.

"I know, you can go, but..." He grabbed my arm before finishing the sentence and pulled my body to be close to his, to the point where my ears were almost touching his lips, and I felt the heat of his body so close it made me shudder. "Sleep with me tonight?"

The request came out like a plea, I could feel in his eyes that it wasn't about sex, it was about company. I knew I needed it too, it had been a difficult day for all of us.

"Yes, I'm just going to stop by my house and pick up some things and I'll meet you at your house, okay?" I asked and he smiled, a sealed smile, but he smiled and nodded.

I smiled back, trying to respond, I wanted to show through the smile that I also needed him that night. I turned to move away, and his hand, which was on my arm, slipped, but it slid slowly, touching the entire length of my arm, until our hands met at the end, and my fingers tried to intertwine with his, perhaps in desperation at losing his touch. This made my face turn too and smiled back, it was wider and more genuine, and after squeezing his hand, I let go.

I went to the room where they called me in an emergency, and then I attended to three more soldiers, when I left the room, nurse Jack came to meet me.

"Doctor, Werner's family is there." Jack pointed to a very young girl, she must have been only two or three years older than me, she was dark haired, short, and had blue eyes, she was holding a boy of approximately one year in her arms, and that broke my heart. She was the child who would grow up without a father.

I just nodded at Jack, I knew what he needed to do, and it was simply the worst part of medicine, the part I dreaded and ran away from whenever I could. I took a deep breath and approached with determination.

“Mrs Werner?” I called out as soon as I got close to her, she turned around and her big blue eyes hit me, I confess that my legs wobbled a little when I saw them filling with tears. "I attended your husband, as soon as he arrived, he was bitten, the wound was very bad, I tried absolutely everything, but unfortunately he didn't survive." With each word her crying increased, and at the end she collapsed in front of me, I forced myself to put a hand on her shoulder. "I'm very sorry." It was sincere, but I knew it wouldn't solve it, nor would it comfort me. She just sniffed hard and placed the child on her lap.

"Thank you Doctor." She just said and turned to leave, there another little piece of me died.

After this crazy and heavy day, when we ended at night, and I just wanted a shower and sleep, I went to the reception and my mother and sister were already there too.

"Shall we go home? After this day I just want another shift next week…" Karen said raising her arms.

"Come on, I'm exhausted too. And I still had a death." I said, closing my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose.

"There were 3 in total today." My mother responded and kept some medical records. "But let's go home. Do you want a ride Scarlett? Your car stayed at home today."

"Actually, I have one of Christopher's cars, but I'm going to go home and pick up a few things." I said waving the Mercedez key in front of my eyes.

"Christopher?" Karen said letting out a laugh.

"I know, I'm not used to her calling him that." My mother said laughing. "Alright, I'll meet you there then."

Each one went with their car, but Karen went home to stay with Thomas, I parked in front of my parents' house and went in to get some things, I went upstairs and packed a small suitcase of clothes, and some hygiene items, when I got off my Mom was already preparing dinner, it was late, but being an attack day, the whole family was involved.

"Are you staying for dinner Scarlett?" My mother asked, and I was starving.

"I think so." She said, taking a plate and serving some of the pasta that was ready.

I heard movement outside, it was probably my dad and Bob, and I had already started eating before they arrived. Suddenly Bob and Dad arrived through the garage door, but Bob ran in first, and it seemed like he was disappointed when he came in and found just me and Mom.

"Hey, where's Alfa? I thought he came here, his car is out front." My brother said scratching his head and my father walked in behind, furrowing his eyebrows. A chill ran up my spine, and it was time for me to start talking.

"Actually, I have the car." I said, taking the keys from my pocket and placing them on the table, I saw in my peripheral vision my mother's eyes widen, but it was my father who opened his mouth.

"And why would you be with one of Alfa's cars?" His question made my stomach turn and I took a deep breath before letting my bile rise in nervousness.

"Because we're together. And he's the one I went out with last night." I said and my father just opened his eyes wide and sat at the table.

"Okay." My father said simply, but I just thought about how strange it must be for him to think of his boss dating his daughter.

I had already eaten half the plate of pasta, and I knew I wouldn't have any more, so I took the opportunity to leave.

"Actually, I was leaving, I had just stopped by to pick up somethings, see you tomorrow. Good night." I said as I got up and gave each one a kiss on the cheek. I could see from their faces and feel from the atmosphere that everything was still very strange, but my staying there would only make it even worse.

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