The Heir of Depths

Chapter 18

Arline woke up to the smell of brewing coffee and the blurry sight of Zeroun and Merrick chatting near his desk. She felt the weight and comfort of Merrick’s coat over her as well as his lavender scent.

“Good morning” she instinctively said while rubbing her eyes, still trying to focus her vision.

“Good morning” both responded in unison.

Zeroun simply pointed at the cup of coffee sitting in front of her.

They continued talking for a little longer and her friend left the room, leaving Merrick to focus entirely on her. “I need to talk to you” he said sitting in front of her.

“All right, about what?” Arline had her hands wrapped around the mug, smelling the dark liquid.

“About your future”

“What do you mean?”

“What did you think it was going to happen after this?”

“Honestly, I thought you were going to fail miserably” she confessed and took a sip of coffee.

“Wow, thank you for the hope” Merrick didn’t mind her not believing in the mission, it was madness, but it did hurt that he remembered his mother.

“We can both see I was very mistaken, Merrick” she smiled to herself. The Prince couldn’t wrapped his mind as to how she had spent the last weeks on the verge of death and still managed a sincere and beautiful smile.

“We will keep the training” Merrick continued, trying to ignore her smile “You will practice combat and sword at the barricades all day with the soldiers” She was actually very excited to not have to spend her time on the library anymore “And your powers at night, with Zeroun and I” he ended.

“All right” she simply agreed. She had no complaints, excuses nor conditions.

“You really don’t want to argue about anything?” Merrick expected some kind resistance from her, considering their latest feud.

“I’m glad you will be taking me out of the palace” she sighed.

“Why?” Merrick furrowed his eyebrows “I thought you liked it”

“I do but that place is more intimidating than you” He laughed and took it as a compliment.

“You can’t tell him what you have been through, Arline, not yet” This time he changed his cheerful tone for the one of a General.

“It’s not like he won’t know”

“I mean about your encounter with Pelagius” he specified “I don’t trust him with that kind of information, you will be in severe danger if anyone finds out”. It is not normal for guardians to meet their deities, more so considering this particular deity was supposed to be hibernating. That encounter alone, despite the intentions to murder Arline, could put people on the wrong side just by thinking they would be allying with Pelagius.

“Because I’ve been very protected lately” she sarcastically said and Merrick stood by her side.

“If you think Aidan is the worst kind of person out there, embrace yourself because you will get utterly disgusted”

The ship arrived on deck before the Sun was out the next morning. The crew couldn’t even look at Merrick nor Arline’s direction when they disembarked and just bowed their heads respectfully. But Arline, Merrick and Zeroun didn’t have time to analyze their behavior and headed to the barricades, where the first lanterns started to turn off and a few soldiers started getting ready for the long day ahead of them.

Zeroun handed her a spare set of clothes for her to change into and then they joined the people in the training grounds. She got introduced to Michaela Alpik, member of the Order of Huntresses. This girl was barely a few years older than Arline. Her beautiful olive skin was glowing thanks to the surprising Sun that was above them, had beautiful black, braided hair that went all the way down to her waist and honey colored eyes. Her frame was muscular and was considered was of the most ferocious members of the Huntresses.

The General made his presence noticeable by just standing in front of his army, and it seemed as if the entire property had gone silent. His only announcement involved a newly found guardian who had the obligation to be trained in combat and nothing else. He didn’t mention what powers she held or how skilled she was. He then left to the War Room and allowed them to begin their day.

“Finally a girl to side with, I’m Michaela Alpik, a pleasure to meet you” she said coming to her side and Arline just smiled, feeling a little overwhelmed by the environment “Does the girl have a name?” She inquired.

“Arline Cole, it is a pleasure” she simply replied and took the hand her new partner was offering.

“Well Arline, I will help you with bow and arrow, and Calix and Zeroun with combat and sword”

“How did the voyage go, little dragon whisperer?” Calix’s familiar low and cheerful tone surprised Arline from behind her back, she couldn’t hold back the huge smile that formed on her lips. Out of the three boys that had rescued her, Calix was the one who she saw least, and it was a shame for her.

“Chaotic to say the least” Arline surrounded him with her arms and he squeezed her back.

“Very nice encountering but we need to get working” Michaela cut them off “You have a lot of work to do” she grabbed Arline by her wrist and pulled her towards the gear storage.

“What a way to kill the moment Caili” Calix followed from behind.

“First, don’t call me that” she warned him “Second, Merrick ordered to have her skills as polished as possible” she reminded Calix.

“Really?” Arline knew Merrick wanted her sharp but she didn’t know he gave the orders to rush everything.

“Yes, he wants to make you part of their Order” Calix spoiled the surprise and rightfully, Zeroun punched him on his arm.

“No way that’s true” Arline thought it was a very lame way of motivating her and playing with her feelings but Michaela’s eyes were shining with happiness at the thought of having someone like Arline, a water guardian, on the Order.

The Prince had taken the liberties of announcing to the Order of the Huntress about their expedition and how he would prepare Arline for them to test her so she could be part of the Order. It was his plan to keep her occupied but in a way that it fulfilled her, without wasting her talents.

“Very true, but act like you don’t know when he breaks the news to you” Zeroun advised.

They began training the sword. Helping Arline with her stance, strength, balance and predictive abilities, as well as battling a little bit. Her body was aching and sweaty, her hands were stained with the oxidized metal of the sword.

“We’ll give you a minute” Calix said while patting her shoulder.

“Can any of you be bad with the sword?” She laid her head on his shoulder, remembering the duels she had with Merrick back in Tessenisit.

“Some are” Michaela calmed her down and passed a cup of water “But you are very decent” Arline could only form an imperceptible smile.

Right there, a familiar tall figure was approaching them with a light pace, hands on his pockets and his chin up. It was Larsin, and was guarded by two men as tall as him but with torsos the size of a tree trunk.

Arline was backwards to him, making conversation with her new friends, but Larsin recognized her instantly, he was shocked to see her in that place and thought his mind was playing games with him. He rapidly approached the gathering and embraced Arline in a tight hug, that she retrieved once she understood who was grabbing her waist protectively.

“When did you come back?” When Larsin broke the hug could see how full of life Arline looked. The trip suited her well, despite not wanting to admit it. Her skin was glowing, not just because of the sweat, and she looked happy and filled with energy.

“Before sunrise” she replied a little out of breath, without looking away from the two buildings standing behind Larsin, who didn’t bother to introduce them.

“We thought something bad had happened” he took her apart to talk more privately.

“Things certainly happened” she was measuring her words for him, just like Merrick would’ve wanted.

“You will tell me everything before dinner, right?” Larsin was eager to hear her voice again, rambling about things he didn’t really care. He just wanted to be with her, to have her all for himself.

“I’ll think about it” Arline was teasing him, and before he could grab her, she turned around and went back to Michaela who was waiting for her with a bow and arrow.

“Zeroun” Larsin called his friend over “What the hell is she doing here?” His sweet and tender tone had completely turned around and became one of disgust and disappointment.

“Really?” Zeroun was astonished by such a stupid question “Let’s say, you were right back on the island, she is one of us Larsin” Larsin’s lips were parted open in disbelief “Your brother has planned this since she fell ill” Zeroun then knew he made a terrible mistake by mentioning Merrick.

“Where is he?”

“Stay and train Larsin” he recommended him, almost begged him. But his friend was already on his way to the War Room to have a chat with his brother.

Larsin stormed the extensive room, making Merrick widen his eyes at the sound of the doors opening “What on Earth were you thinking?” He spat, hitting his desk.

“Very good to see you too, brother, I have missed you” Merrick sipped from his cup of coffee, ignoring his brother’s anger.

“Go to hell Merrick”

“Oh please, she enjoys it” Merrick knew exactly why he had come for.

“What could she possibly be enjoying? Please enlighten me”

“The challenge and being taken seriously” the Dark Prince knew that Arline was not going to complain because she didn’t like seeming fragile “What you don’t like is her gaining strength and independence”

“What happened back in your little ship?” The Princes were looking at each others eyes. If looks could kill, that room would be a blood bath by now.

“Let her tell you Larsin, she still likes you, don’t worry” he pat his little brother’s shoulder “Now leave and go back to train, I have a Council meeting”

Larsin left back to the training grounds with every hateful thought that crossed his mind, focused on his brother. He was scared that if Arline and Merrick had spent so much time close, she might prefer him. He wasn’t fond of the idea.

On the other hand, Arline was holding on by a threat. She was exhausted and famished. When they called off the training, she was thankful for it and quickly, Larsin took her hand and left the barricades behind “You’re still a guest in the castle” he pointed out before she could argue “Now, tell me what I have missed”

Despite her exhaustion, Arline told him everything Merrick allowed her to talk about. When they crossed those intimidating doors at the entrance, the wolves knocked her down and started licking her face. She gave in, her muscles were non-responsive to fight them back.

“Now now” the familiar deep voice of King Cadel echoed in the entrance, making the wolves move away from her “You are finally back, dear” the King hugged her tightly “You seem exhausted and hungry”

“Good afternoon your Majesty” she bowed her head, always remembering to be respectful “I am” she laughed.

“I am glad Merrick suggested you training alongside the army”

“I’m glad you allowed me to do so” Larsin rolled his eyes. He hated to admit it but Merrick was right about Arline. She liked a challenge.

“Larsin, my son, join her in the kitchens and eat something” the King winked an eye at them and left.

“Yes indeed father”

They continued their way to the kitchens. There, they were served some hot tea, ideal for the numbing cold day, alongside biscuits with macerated berries. They continued talking about what they have missed.

Arline had missed her room and wanted to throw herself to the bed, but chose to have a very long and warm bath after Larsin had retained her in the kitchens. Then Pauline knocked on her door and helped her get ready for their welcome dinner. The dining table was filled with a feast of delicious food. Arline’s stomach growled at the smell of heavy condiments that flavored the chicken and the roasted vegetables on the side, and when she saw the desserts she couldn’t wait to begin. It was like the usual evening, except Calix and Zeroun joined them. And Arline went from just being a listener of other people’s stories to become the storyteller, and everyone listened attentively.

When the evening ended, Larsin accompanied her through the halls, to her room and wished her good night with a kiss. He didn’t know the last thing that Arline would do now was sleep. She couldn’t deny that she had missed him, the way his attention was on her, but something had changed. He was becoming more possessive and it didn’t sit right with her. It’s your imagination she said to herself and brushed those thoughts of her mind.

Once alone in her room, Arline slowly started getting changed into some clothes Merrick had set for her, every muscle in her body clenched at even the smallest move, and it hurt too. They were going to begin training her powers that night. It didn’t matter how bone-tired either of them felt. When she heard the soft knock on her door, Arline immediately opened up.

“Ready?” Merrick enthusiastically asked her, she simply nodded.

They headed to the woodlands, making sure they avoided any kind of route where they could encounter anyone and have to give explanations. Zeroun was already waiting for them.

“All right, take a seat” her friend said standing on the shore of the Great Lake and Arline obeyed.

“How necessary is this?” She covered her mouth as she yawned, making her eyes wet a little.

“Very if you want to become a Huntress” Merrick squatted by her side.

“So that’s why you want to murder me in training?” Arline sounded excited and even some of the tiredness faded away for a moment.

“The sooner the better”

“You can explain everything later, Merrick” Zeroun interrupted them “You’ll start with basic stuff. With the amount of power that you have this should be easy” he said to Arline.

“We are going to teach the right way of using it” Merrick added.

“First lesson then: lift the water from the bowl in front of you without making a mess”

Arline hadn’t notice the bowl until now. She gave them a funny look, thinking they were joking but neither of them were laughing. She just narrowed her eyes and put the palms of her hands above the silver bowl. Arline didn’t get any instructions on what to do and just proceeded as she found it fitting. She could feel some water touching her skin at how her headed started pounding from holding her breath.

“Good” Zeroun simply said “Now breathe”

“You even managed to make the water drops form a pulley” Merrick described to her “But I don’t need you to showoff, not yet”

“I just don’t get it” she lowered her hands, letting them rest on her lap. It wasn’t that Arline didn’t get magic, magic wasn’t supposed to make sense, but she needed instructions.

“Leave logic on the side and believe in magic” Zeroun advised her “Also, believe in yourself, you are a water guardian and nobody can change that, not even you” Arline’s cheek heated up a little bit and she was thankful it was dark.

“Feel the connection you have with the water with every breath you take” Merrick explained to her “If you force it, the powers drains your energy and you end up relying on how well rested you are”

Arline couldn’t do anything else but nod and try to execute what they said. She tried again, focusing harder on the skin of her hands, on the tips of her fingers and on the still water on the bowl. It took her a few failed tries before she could get the water to rise and descend decently, without spilling much. Merrick and Zeroun didn’t congratulate her but smiled at her widely.

“Next lessons will be longer and more complicated but for now, good job dear” Zeroun said to her, kissed her forehead and then left.

It was past midnight when Merrick and Arline were slowly heading back to the castle “You did great” Merrick broke the silence between them “Zeroun doesn’t tend to butter up anyone”.

“Better, it keeps you grounded” she instantly responded. Arline wasn’t expecting a celebration because she could lift water when it was expected of her.

“You are exhausted Arline, I was not expecting you to move the lake”

“I could do that?” Arline had to work on not sounding so surprised every time Merrick told her about what she could do.

“I know you can, your powers have no limits as long as you nurture them properly”

Their figures were condensed with the shadows, and the only source of light was the bright full moon that reflected over the trees. He guided through the trees, across the carved trail on the ground, all the way to her dormitory.

Arline took another warm bath, scented with chamomile to help her relax her muscles for the first time since she left Tessenisit. That late night, she cuddled in bed and immediately fell asleep, letting fatigue take over her.

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