The Heart Sees

Chapter 4

Unknown P.O.V

"Alpha this is the rogue, we managed to track it down easily because of it's injury" one of my warriors said to me.

"When did it get here?" I growled.

"It crossed the border about 30 minutes ago" he answered and I nodded.

"I'm going to go check it out, I think it's unconcious based on the sound of it's breathing so I shouldn't have any trouble" I told the warrior who responded with a quick 'yes alpha'.

I walked towards the rogue, not knowing what to expect when I suddenly got a whiff of the stranger. 'An omega? What is it doing outside of a pack! They're really hard to find these days' Brax growled.

'And a female one.... this makes no sense' I replied as I walked cautiously towards the rogue. I didn't feel threatened but I didn't want to startle it too badly.

' I know a bunch of packs who would kill to have a female omega.... they're the best breeders and an easy way to add numbers to the pack' Brax replied.

I walked closer, listening to the sound of light breathing. I crouched down, reaching out and touching the rogue. I only touched her arm when I realized that she was freezing and naked. "Someone give me a shirt!" I growled.

I heard footsteps approaching and reached my hand out as someone passed me the clothing. I picked the rogue up gently, she was light... too light, as if she had been starved for some time. I growled a bit as I leaned her against my chest and slipped the shirt over her head. I noticed as I did this that there was a strong smell of blood. I reached down again, gently sliding my hand over the rogue's side until I reached her leg. I felt the blood on my hand and felt confused. These felt like bite marks, fresh ones too.

I wrapped my arms around the rogue, scooping her up into my arms and pressing her against my chest. As I suspected she was as light as a feather. "I'm taking her to the pack doctor, she can't be interrogated if she's dead" I answered the curious eyes I felt staring at me. Being this close to her, her omega scent was sweet to me, calling me to her. No wonder omegas are so highly saught after....

I started walking back to the pack house, mind linking the doctor to meet me there. I didn't walk too fast, not wanting to jostle the injured rogue too much. 'I don't know why I'm being so careful with this rogue' I grumbled to myself 'usually they're dragged by their hair to be questioned'.

'Because she's an omega... we have a strong urge to protect her, especially in this weak state' Brax replied.

I walked into the pack house and felt eyes on me again. I growled in warning before walking upstairs to my room. I opened the door and walked in, smelling that the doctor was already waiting. I set the rogue gently on my bed and turned to the doctor. "Who is this?" He asked as he walked over to the bed.

"A rogue.... found tresspassing" I stated sternly before I heard the doctor take a deep breath.

"She's-" He started but I cut him off.

"An omega yes..." I stated as I listened to him rustling around.

"Wow.... I've never treated an omega before, they're so rare. And a female one!" He said excitedly and I felt a low rumble in my chest. "What was she doing running in our territory and why is she not in proper clothing?" He rhymed off questions.

"The warriors told me she ran, injured, into the territory as a wolf. She must have shifted because when I got there she was naked" I replied.

I heard more rustling before the doctor spoke, "this is a pretty nasty break, she was clearly attacked by another wolf. Probably on her way here, possibly another rogue. It will take a couple of weeks to heal, her wolf is weak" he explained.

"When will she wake?" I asked.

"Well... based on the trauma she's in it could take a few days... a week at most. I can sense that she has been through something emotionally traumatic but I'm not sure what. I've bandaged the wound, it will need to be cleaned twice a day to avoid complications" he explained as I heard the click of his bag closing.

"Thank you doctor" I mumbled.

"I'll be back tomorrow to check on her. Until then, I recommend someone stay with her. She might be startled when she wakes up" I heard the doctor's footsteps, followed by a door latching and I knew he had left.

I mind linked my beta, "the rogue is a female.... and an omega".

'What? What is she doing outside of a pack? People would kill to have a girl omega' my beta replied.

'I'm not sure and I can't ask. She's unconscious and the doctor said it could be a week before she is alert again' I growled. 'He also mentioned some kind of emotional trauma' I added.

'Well something obviously happened... what are you gonna do with the rogue in the mean time?'he asked.

'I'm going to stay and keep an eye on her. I don't want her going crazy and killing everyone in the way when she wakes up' I mumbled.

'I doubt an omega would do that, they're instincts are to care for others' my beta chuckled.

'Either way, I'm going to stay and keep an eye on her' I replied as I pulled up a chair beside the bed.

'Very funny. Shouldn't you get someone else to watch her?' My beta joked.

'Quit your teasing. You know I'm the best person to do this. Who knows what the other males would do if they were alone with an omega' I explained.

'Are you jealous? Do you like her?' My beta asked with surprise.

'No' I mumbled, even though I didn't know the answer to that yet.

'I'm quite drawn to her... she's such a fragile little omega....' Brax said to me.

'I know... who would neglect such a treasure like this?' I sighed.

'Do you think she has a mate?' Brax asked.

'Let me check' I leaned forward and took a deep breath. Then I leaned in and ran my hand gently around her neck. But I quickly moved my hand when I heard her make a soft whimpering noise. 'I didn't feel a mark and I don't smell a male wolf on her'.

'A pure femlae omega... this is a find!'Brax said excitedly. 'Maybe we can take her for ourselves' he added happily.

I sat there in shock, Brax had never taken interest in anothet female after Martha... this omega must really be something special to have him acting like this.... and I feel drawn to her too... what does this mean? Is it just because I'm and alpha and she's an omega? I leaned my head in my hands.

'I wonder what she looks like....' Brax sighed and I started to wonder that myself...

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