The Heart of the Ocean

Chapter A Splash in the Water

“Your voice is as hypnotizing

as a thousand mermaids.”

The following days were awful. Aide’s cold seemed to get worse by the day, making Nana Alexandra put her serious mode on. The elder had gone ballistic when she realized that the series of innocent sneezes were accompanied by a sore throat, a high fever, and a running nose. Aide couldn’t move from her bedroom to the kitchen without the old lady popping up behind her and scolding her for being out of bed. How did she even know where she was? She was walking on her tiptoes as if she was a ninja on a mission, for God’s sake!

Besides, it was Nana’s fault -her cookies were too good to be left unattended! She had been caught red-handed too many times these past few days, but they were her favorite. Apparently, Alexandra believed that cookies weren’t the best choice when you are sick –not that her opinion stopped her granddaughter’s addiction. She still ate them, even if it felt like swallowing rocks with the soreness of her throat.

Aide was sick and tired of Nana’s lectures on what she should and shouldn’t do. To be truth, she was seriously contemplating eating the ice cream that was hidden in their freezer –perhaps, the shock would deem the elder speechless and she could finally have some peace and quiet! Nah –she would probably get mad. An overprotective Alexandra was manageable –an angered one was a whole new level.

So, Aide just rolled her eyes and kept quiet, finding comfort in memories of purple eyes and green tails. She had plenty of time to daydream about her merman –the good thing about being sick was having a decent reason to not attend school. A faint smile decorated her face as she reached for her sketchbook –she had tried to draw him, although it didn’t do him justice. And no, it wasn’t because of her skills –she was pretty good at this! He was just so majestic and unique –it was difficult to capture him on paper.

She wanted to see him again. They could sit together where the waves kissed the shore and talk about silly memories until their cheeks hurt from laughing. She wanted to hear his melodic voice and feel his soft fingertips on her skin painting comforting paths. She wanted to get to know him –learn more about the man that had saved her life twice and made her heart beat faster. She had barely met him and still, she couldn’t stay away from him.

Who was she to deny her instincts?

Aide patiently waited for her grandmother to visit the local market before she made a bee-line to the front door. She left a quick note on the kitchen table and then, she was off to the beach. She was excited and anxious at the same time –would her merman be there? Perhaps, he had returned back to Atlantis –she hadn’t visited him in a while due to her Cerberus of a grandmother. Honestly, Alexandra was a better guardian than the three-headed hell hound.

It wasn’t long before the sound of crashing waves and singing seagulls reached her ears. The smell of salt was overpowering as her feet guided her to the hidden part of the beach. The sand had messed her white sneakers but she didn’t really care. She just pushed herself to walk faster –her breathing growing labored in her attempt. When she got a glimpse of the familiar pond –her smile dropped in disappointment.

There was no one there. She had thought of this possibility but it still hurt her. She was too late –her merman was gone. Sighing in frustration, she kicked her shoes away and carefully climbed the rocks surrounding the pond. It seemed smaller than her five-year-old mind had made it seem and yet, the same danger lurked in its depths. She sat on the rocky surface making sure she wouldn’t fall, before letting her legs into the water. She didn’t care that her jeans were getting wet –she just wanted to feel close to her merman.

She splashed her feet in the water as different thoughts entered her mind. Everything was going downhill. She wasn’t hurt just by Evander’s disappearance –she was also angered with Petra’s behavior. Aileen had checked up on her a couple of times and kept her company. However, the blonde seemed to have completely ditched her after their fight. Aileen had spoken to her –she said that Petra was hurt by her words. Well, Aide felt hurt by her behavior too –if P was waiting for her to apologize, she had another thing coming at her. This was her fault –for once Petra should acknowledge it and make the first move.

A surprised gasp escaped her as something gripped her ankles, efficiently stopping their frantic movements. Her heart stopped as a familiar figure immerged from the depths of the pond. He greeted her with a breathtaking smile –his purple eyes seemed to shine with an emotion she couldn’t name. He was even more beautiful in the morning light –the scales decorating his body turned a vibrant emerald as the light hit them and his dark locks seemed to have flaming highlights in them. She could see the water droplets decorating his sculpted body as he broke through the surface and revealed himself to her.

“Could you stop that?“, Evander hugged her knees before laying his head upon them, “It’s really loud.”

Aide watched him as if he grew a second head.

“Loud?“, she asked curiously.

“Hmm”, he nodded, “Merpeople have an acute hearing –I could hear you splashing your legs all the way down to the bottom.”

“I’m sorry”, she gently combed through his hair, “I thought I was alone.”

“Why would you think that?“, he furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, “I’ve been swimming in the depths of the pond, waiting for you to return –I thought you changed your mind. Why didn’t you come sooner?“, his voice broke slightly.

Aide’s mouth opened in shock –her eyes widened.

“Y-you’ve been waiting for me?“, she stuttered in surprise, “I thought you left me...”

He rose to his full high –his arms caging her to the side of the pond. His purple eyes were looking intensely at her as if he couldn’t believe the words that came out of her mouth. He seemed offended to say the least.

“You’re my soulmate, Aide”, he stated firmly, “You may not know what this truly means are too dear to me. You could run away a million times and I’d still be here –waiting for you.”

“I’m so sorry for making you wait”, she bit her lip guiltily, “Honestly, this cold wouldn’t stop me from coming but my Nana sure did. I messed up, didn’t I?”

Before he could answer, a sneeze escaped her. His eyes widened at the foreign sound –his head cocked to the side in confusion.

“What was that?“, he finally asked.


“That sound you made”, he furrowed his eyebrows, “I’ve never heard anything like this before.”

“Oh”, she blushed slightly, “The cold I was telling you about...It will pass in a couple of days.”

“Cold”, his body tensed –the word was foreign but he seemed to grasp its meaning, “Are you sick?”

Aide rolled her eyes, unaware of his change of attitude.

“I’ve said that already, didn’t I-”

A squeal escaped her as she was suddenly lifted and placed on his wide tail. He had pulled himself out of the water before she could comprehend what was happening. Her jeans were completely wet and she was sure this wouldn’t help her cold, but she was too comfortable to complain. At least, her sweater protected her from the droplets on his chest as he hugged her form tightly. Who was she kidding? She was content to spend time with him –she couldn’t care less about her damn clothes.

“Um, Evander?“, she asked in confusion, “What are you doing?”

His chest began to vibrate as a continuing purring sound escaped him. She didn’t know why but it was comforting. She lay her head on his shoulder and let him paint different pathways on her skin.

“You are sick”, he was truly unsettled, “Merpeople don’t get sick unless they’re dying.”

Aide felt a warm feeling settling in her heart. He was worried about her –he thought something bad had happened to her. She didn’t like to worry him but she couldn’t help but relish in the thought that he cared so much for her. She gripped his chin gently, before forcing his magnificent eyes to look at hers.

“Humans get sick all the time”, she explained softly, “It’s not something you must worry about.”

His arms seemed to tighten around her –his eyes were vulnerable.

“Are you sure?“, he asked hoarsely.

“You’re not getting rid of me that easily”, she grinned at him, “I’m a beast!”

His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

“No, you’re not”, he stated firmly, “You’re beautiful.”

Aide stared at him wide-eyed, making him nervous. He splashed his tail nervously in the water, not knowing what he did wrong.

“Why are you looking at me like that?“, he finally asked.

“I don’t know if I’m excited you called me beautiful or disappointed you ruined my joke”, she crossed her hands above her chest before she narrowed her eyes, “I surely am annoyed though –why can you splash your tail in the water and I can’t splash my feet?”

“Because when you do it, it disturbs my hearing”, he explained, “When I do it, you just think I look cute.”

Her heart stopped as he gave her a big adorable smile.

“I- I do not”, she denied while blushing.

“Yes, you do”, he grinned at her.

“Do not”, she shook her head.

“Yes, you do”, he teased her.

Chocolate eyes met vibrant purple ones.

“All I see is a fish out of water”, she stated firmly.

“That’s because I’m a fish out of water”, he admitted.

“This was supposed to be an insult”, she raised an eyebrow.

“Why?“, he asked confused, “It’s the truth.”

Aide threw her hands in the air as a small laugh escaped her.

“You’re impossible”, she informed him.

“I’m very much real”, Evander gazed at her as if she grew a second head.

She stared at him intensely, not uttering another word. She was redeemed speechless and for once, Nana Alexandra had nothing to do about it.

“Anything else?“, he smiled at her silent form.

Aide did what any logical person that had lost an argument would do –she stuck her tongue out at him. She sat against his chest and watched his comical expression. Huh! Take that Mr. Merman.

“That wasn’t very nice”, he pouted at her, “Don’t do that again.”

She did it again just to get on his nerves. What she didn’t expect was for him to grab the sides of her face and kiss her as soon as her tongue was out. Her eyes widened for a few moments before she sighed in pleasure and closed them automatically. Her lips moved against his own in a passionate dance turning red by the time they pulled away. They were both breathing heavily and staring at each other.

“That wasn’t very nice”, she mumbled stubbornly.

Evander raised a dark eyebrow –challenging her.

“Fine”, she smiled at him, “That was amazing.”

They stared at each other for a moment before bursting into loud laughter. That’s how they spent the rest of the morning. Laughing and talking about almost everything –getting to know each other as any normal couple would. Speaking about their families and friends, about their homes and memories from their past. They seemed to enjoy each other’s company –it felt like they didn’t have to worry about a thing in the entire world.

Aide sighed –she could get used to this.


End of chapter 12!!

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