The Heart of the Ocean

Chapter A Royal Guard

" Missing you comes in waves.

Tonight, I'm drowning."

Reality is not always what we believe it is. It is not just what we see and what we feel, nor is it just the knowledge we receive and what they tell us exists. Even for those who have deepened in this matter, reality is not limited to our thoughts and imagination, without this meaning that they are not part of it. But, the thing is, there's so much more to it than anyone could imagine. However, people can't grasp it with their minds and can't always understand it. Something that doesn't make sense doesn't belong in the realm of reality, does it? Anything illogical is automatically a fiction of our minds and therefore a part of our fantasy, correct?

Well, that's where everyone is wrong. And the proof lay beneath the wild waves of the infinite ocean, far beneath the surface of the salty waters and the singing seagulls that flew just above the amazing color blue. For there was a majestic city in the depths of the sea that glowed golden under the sun's bright rays that reached it and could change anyone's mindset on what reality is.

The underwater city of Atlantis was as breath-taking and magical as all the myths described her to be and even more. The bright capital of the merfolk was indeed a true gem that lay in the depths of the deep, illuminating everything with its golden glow. It was a safe haven for the merpeople, who could live there a peaceful and unafraid life with their mates –the most precious treasure ever given to them.

Everything seemed unruffled and tranquil as the kingdom ran smoothly with prosperity. Children were chasing each other in the streets, letting behind them bubbles of oxygen with their moving tails and beautiful laughter. Mermaids and mermen swam around, doing their daily chores or just having fun with their soulmates.

Everything was calm.

Calm before the storm.

The huge golden doors of the throne room banged open, startling the people inside of it. King Neptune watched from his scallop-shaped throne as a guard swam quickly in front of him. Evander was glowing in his silver armor –the golden light of the palace reflected upon it like a mirror. He bowed before his King, showing him the respect and loyalty that fitted the great ruler.

"My King!", he greeted him with a deep voice.

Neptune acknowledged him with a curt nod. The man standing in front of him had come a long way. Evander was by far one of his best warriors, always efficient and with a sharp mind to accompany his skills. He had managed to kill a Tenebris by himself, proving his worth and finally being accepted in the royal guard. Right now, he was breathing heavily as he prepared to deliver the disturbing news.

"The south border has been breached, my Lord! We are already taking care of it."

That was enough for everyone to become alarmed instantly –their true nature coming out. Their eyes turned into glowing slits as sharp talons grew on their fingertips. Their teeth turned needle-like and low growls and snarls escaped from their lips. Someone threatened their territory and kingdom, forcing their murderous side to come out as it always did when they felt threatened. They weren't characterized as predators for nothing –the legends were all true.

"Nobody has provoked us in centuries! Who dared to cross the borders of Atlantis?", the King shouted in rage, standing up from his throne and swimming in front of it.

Evander remained silent, not wanting to anger his ruler any further. For he knew, the moment he uttered the truth, the King would become furious.

"Your King asked you a question, soldier. You'll do good to answer him", Osmond stated firmly.

"Tenebris." He spit out in disgust, the words feeling like ash in his mouth.

The King snarled furiously at the cursed word, his nails marking the golden walls of the beautiful throne room. How dared these abominations set foot close to his kingdom? To his city? To his family? For they were nothing but lost dark souls that had become a danger to his kind and his city after losing every sense of sanity from their minds. Bloodthirsty rouges that wanted nothing but to destroy the happiness and peace of everyone else since they have lost their own. Murderers and killers they were and a pain he didn't have to deal with for a lot of years.

"They were quite a lot of them, my Ledge. Apparently, they passed the south border the moment the guards were changing", Evander enlighten them.

"And how in Thalassa's name did they know the time the guards were changing? How did they even think to do that?", commander Amias asked in confusion.

"That's strange, indeed! To become a Tenebris, it means you lost all logic and are walking on the path of insanity. They have lost the ability to think! It is impossible they could have thought of something so clever on their own", Osmond agreed.

"What's worrisome is that they seemed to be working together –like a pack of some sorts. We all know that these rogues work always alone. They even kill each other, when they don't find anything else to murder!", Evander stated firmly.

"What are you saying, soldier?", the King snarled angrily, "Speak clearly!"

"My Lord, all these things cannot be a coincidence!", Evander sighed deeply, "Something or someone found a way to unite them."

An awkward silence fell in the throne room as everyone took the time to digest his words. Then, all hell broke loose. People were speaking frantically, wanted their opinions to be heard. Eyes filled with fear of the past repeating itself. Hearts began to beat faster as the instinct of survival started to kick in.

"The person that you speak of can do no harm anymore", the King stated firmly, "We made sure of it a long time ago."

"But, my Lord", Evander insisted, "We can never be sure-"

"Commander Amias! I thought you've taught your men to behave better", the King cut him off abruptly.

Evander met his brother's golden eyes, knowing he's beyond furious with him. He turned his hands into tight fists and clenched his jaw in his attempt to not let another word escape him.

"My apologies, my Lord", Amias mumbled through clenched teeth, "This one is more stubborn than others."

The King nodded in agreement before giving direct orders to his generals. He wanted the situation handled as soon as possible. The Tenebris would soon find out that Atlantians were a force to be reckoned with –they would do anything to protect their city and family. They wouldn't be intimidated in their own waters. When the meeting was over, Amias guided Evander towards their home.

"Your behavior was unacceptable", the elder brother said angrily.

"You and I both know that these rogues work on their own. If they are working together, it is only logical that they have a common goal. They couldn't think of it on their own, so someone else must have done it for them", Evander didn't back down, "This person is a sworn enemy of Atlantis –he is the only one who would dare do something like this."

"Perhaps, you're right. But this was no way to speak to your King!", Amias greeted his teeth, "You know what this person did to him –what he lost because of him. You're only putting salt in his wounds."

"So, what did I have to do, brother?", Evander shouted just right outside of their door.

"He is your superior –you watch the tone and the words you use with him!"

"Atlantis was in danger!", Evander shouted furiously, feeling a wave of anger like nothing before.

"Evander?", Amias whispered in shock.

He didn't seem to hear him anymore. Not even when the door of their home opened and Jedrek appeared on the doorstep. Amias pulled his mate towards him, efficiently hiding him behind his back. He couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing.

"I already lost my mate because of them! They are the reason she run away from me! She was so fucking scared, she never returned to our pond!"

Evander was breathing heavily –his teeth and talons had grown out without him even realizing it. Amias swam slowly a few feet away from him, terrified of his brother's state. He didn't seem to comprehend that he had changed to his true form.

"Evander", Amias tried yet again, "You need to calm down."

"You don't know how that feels like! How much it hurts! Jedrek is always here for you –you return home and know that he'll be there! I don't even know if she's safe!"

His form seemed to tremble, not from sadness but from wrath. He had tried to keep it together for so long and now everything was falling apart. He was so tired of pretending to be okay because in reality, he was far from it. He9 tried to forget his worries –he thought work was a good distraction. But he had reached his breaking point.

"Evander", Jedrek spoke in a soft voice, "Please, try to calm down."

"I lost her! I'll be damned if I lose my city too!"

The growl that followed was terrifying. His tail hit their home's wall with force, creating a huge hole in it. He didn't seem to realize his outburst –his emotions were clouding his mind too much. Before anyone could say anything, he had swum far away from them. Amias could only watch his form disappear as his heart was beating painfully.

"Amias", a gentle voice brought him out of his thoughts.

"Yes, my love?", he turned his attention to his soulmate.

"His eyes...", Jedrek mumbled with difficulty.

"I know", Amias whispered brokenly, "I know."

Purple had turned red.


End of chapter 17!!

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