The Heart Made of Broken Gold

Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Something to Think About

“Hey Andy, I need to talk to you about something. My father forced me to marry a princess whom I didn’t love. He only wanted me to marry her because of her royal status. Princess Katherine and I spent years being miserable together. I knew that she didn’t feel anything for me. Eventually, I had to divorce her and we both got married to people we truly love. My wife isn’t of royal blood, and neither is Princess Katherine’s husband. But the important thing is that we’re both happy with our respective spouses now,” shared King Henry.

“I am sorry, but what does this have to do with me?” Andy asks. The situation seemed to be quite confusing for him.

“If you love Princess Mary fight for her. Do not let her royal station stop from being together,” King Henry advised, trying to give his two cents.

“I do love Danielle, but she is going to be the future queen of England. I do not know where I came from. Danielle deserves better than me,” Andy replied, feeling a bit helpless and unsure about what to do.

“Who? I thought we were talking about Princess Mary,” King Henry questioned, clearly puzzled.

“That is the name that Princess Mary’s kidnappers gave her,” Andy explained, hoping to clear up the confusion.

“Have you talked to Princess Mary about what she wants?” King Henry asked Andy. “She could marry a prince or a duke, but that doesn’t guarantee her happiness. True love isn’t about status or wealth, it’s about what’s in the heart.”

Andy replied, “I don’t want to be king.”

“You don’t have to marry Princess Mary,” King Henry explained. “You two can be lovers without the kingdom knowing about it. You should do what makes you happy, not what society expects of you.”

Andy felt lost and uncertain of what to do next. He was acutely aware that he didn’t have any royal blood in his veins, and that his wealth and status were only because he had been adopted by King James. People were already giving him a hard time about it, questioning why King James and Queen Laura couldn’t just be happy with their newborn son. Andy knew that pursuing a relationship with Princess Mary would only make things worse, as people would see it as him trying to use her for his own gain. He couldn’t help but think about what King Henry had said, and the weight of his words hung heavily on Andy’s mind.

Dr. Bruce Burnett, the physician who assists in the delivery of Anne Brooks’ baby, is present at King Henry’s party. Dr. Burnett becomes concerned when he observes Andy conversing with King Henry. Upon returning home, Dr. Burnett feels compelled to contact Princess Mary.

In a hurried manner, he dials Princess Mary’s number and exclaims, “Mary, we have an issue.”

Curious, Princess Mary inquires, “What seems to be the problem?”

Dr. Burnett responds, “I witnessed your father engaging in conversation with Andy.”

Surprised, Princess Mary questions, “Why is my father in New York? I thought he was hosting a gathering for my cousin Jessica. It’s hard to believe that Jessica is my cousin; Aunt Jackie has always been rather foolish!”

Dr. Burnett informed Princess Mary that her father is currently in England hosting a party for Jessica. Additionally, King James has officially adopted Andy and attended the party with his family. Princess Mary expresses her frustration, stating that she expected Dr. Burnett to prevent Andy’s adoption. In response, Dr. Burnett explains that he has no authority over the social workers and did not anticipate anyone wanting to adopt Andy due to his hemophilia.

“Do not worry about Andy. I will find a solution for dealing with him! I will not allow Anne’s son to take my father’s throne. I will eliminate Andy before he has a chance to claim the throne!” Princess Mary responded.

“I am going back to New York and I will remain there,” Dr. Burnett stated.

After finishing her conversation with Dr. Burnett, Princess Mary contacted Felicity. “I need to speak with you,” Princess Mary informed Felicity.

“What is it that you want to discuss?” Felicity inquired.

“I cannot disclose it over the phone,” Princess Mary replied.

“We can talk at my house,” Felicity suggested.

“I will come over tomorrow,” Princess Mary agreed.

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