The Heart Made of Broken Gold

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: A New Life

King Henry and Catherine are already happily married and have been blessed with two sons, Matthew and Arthur. Catherine is currently pregnant with their third child, and they are eagerly anticipating the arrival of their new addition to the family. King Henry has expressed that he does not mind if the child is a girl, as he already has three sons. However, if it is a boy, they plan to name him Jason, and if it is a girl, the name Claudia has been chosen. Meanwhile, Anne and Jack have two sons, Paul and David, and they both adore their big sister Elizabeth.

Jane remarried a man named Martin Wilson, who is a wonderful stepfather to Edward. Martin is employed at the same law firm as Jack and Paul. Edward has a good relationship with Martin, and Martin has two daughters who are the same age as Edward. These daughters, Emily and Emma, are twins and unfortunately lost their mother shortly after birth. As a result, they have never experienced having a mother and have developed a strong fondness for Jane, whom they affectionately call “mom.”

After Jane and Martin got married, Jane moved into Martin’s house. She decided to rent out her own house and put the money she made from the rent into savings for Edward. Jane wanted to make sure that Edward had the opportunity to go to college and live a normal life. She could see that Edward was very happy and that made her glad. However, she was worried about Princess Mary. Jane tried to call her, but Mary wouldn’t answer her phone calls.

Jane debated whether or not to approach King Henry regarding Princess Mary. However, she was aware that King Henry did not hold any affection for Princess Mary. Furthermore, she had heard rumors that Princess Mary had been expelled from the castle for being disrespectful to her stepmother Catherine and half-siblings.

Christmas is approaching, and King Henry is eagerly anticipating the reunion with Elizabeth and Edward. Catherine has proven to be a wonderful stepmother to Elizabeth and Edward. Both Elizabeth and Edward have developed a fondness for Matthew and Arthur. They are excitedly awaiting the arrival of their new sibling, as Catherine is currently pregnant. Edward and Elizabeth are diligently saving money to buy Christmas presents for everyone. Anne and Catherine maintain a strong friendship, and Jane harbors no ill feelings towards Catherine, instead wishing her well.

It’s the last day of school before the Christmas break and everyone is abuzz with excitement. The school has organized a party and a Secret Santa gift exchange. Elizabeth drew Andrew’s name and decided to give him a watch as his gift. What’s interesting is that Andrew is not Elizabeth’s Secret Santa, but he surprises her with a gift anyway. He presents her with a beautiful locket that leaves Elizabeth thrilled and grateful enough to kiss him. Little does she know that Andrew has been in love with her since the day they met. Moving on, Edward is assigned Sara’s Secret Santa and he gifts her a diary that she is absolutely delighted with. Jessica is tasked with being Susan’s Secret Santa and she gives her some makeup that she is sure to love. Lastly, Andrew is assigned Steve’s Secret Santa and he chooses to gift him a paint set, which is sure to bring out his artistic side. Everyone is leaving for the break with happy hearts and a sense of camaraderie.

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