The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter Epliogue Pt. 2


14 years later

"ROME! B! MYSTIC! DANNY!" I scream. Ancestors, these kids will be the death of me.

"Good morning, Luna," Kendra's sweet voice mumbled. She's a young witch and my very first student at the school.

I made Kendra my assistant once she had graduated, but she insisted she wanted to help me around the house too and I didn't have the will to crush her determination.

The Hawthorne Coven has grown over the last few years. My girls look out for each other as sisters and that's all I can ask for.

"Hey Kendra," I replied, offering her a beaming smile; a blush appeared on her porcelain skin. How cute. “Sweetheart, could you go and wake up Tyler's children please," I grumbled, sighing in frustration.

"Glad to know they're just mine, " Tyler's sexy, yet raspy morning voice whispers in my ear.

"Morning, Alpha, " Kendra squeaks, bolting out the kitchen.

"Mmmm, morning beautiful," Tyler says, kissing me while he squeezes my ass. Moaning, he takes it as an opportunity to ravish my mouth thoroughly.

"For fuck's sake!" B's disgusted voice breaks through my lustful moment. Damn him!

"Hey! Watch your fucking mouth boy!" I exclaim. And he's smirking mischievously, then I realize why; I cursed. Grumbling, I head back towards the stove to finish breakfast.

Finishing up my homemade granola bars, strong arms snake themselves around me a few moments after. "Morning mom," his rough voice says.

"Morning bambino, or, should I say Alpha," I retorted, smirking, causing him to smile brightly, taking a seat on one of the barstools.

"Mystic Sara Hawthorne! Both you and your brother have exactly a minute to get your asses down here or else!" I yelled.

"Morning mom, " Mystic sheepishly says and I roll my eyes. This girl worries about her looks the majority of the time no matter how often we tell her she's very beautiful.

"Where's the fire mom?" Danny grins and I scoff. This prick was a total surprise.

Imagine my shock when Micky said, "Baby number two" is coming. Turns out Rome was right, The baby's heartbeat kept echoing because it was twins.

“Make yourself useful by setting the table,” I ordered.

Pecking my cheek. “On it,” he replied with a grin.


After eating breakfast like the savages they are, we're all in the lounge room just relaxing and enjoying each other's company until the kids are ready for school. It's a daily thing for us to do as a family.

"Luna, your parents are here," Kendra announces.

"GRANDPA!!" They all shout, including Rome. They act like my dad's not over here almost every day. They're closer to him than Tyler's dad, I just never forgave his mother or his family for the way they treated me that Christmas. But I did keep in touch with Aunt Sonia, she's like their second grandmother.

"We're here too you know, " Anna and Aunt Sonia say at the same time, pouting, making the kids chuckle.

“How're the preparations coming along for Rome's carnation?” Dad inquired.

“We're in the final details dad, it also includes B's official take over as the Beta,” I replied as the two brothers began to tease each other.

"Nathaniel, Is that a hickey or a bruise?" Mystic voice asks, gaining our attention.

"What?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

Glaring at his twin before turning to me. "Mom come on, what can I say?... The ladies love these silver orbs of mine." Is Danny's defense.

This boy is the only one who came out looking like I had something to do with their existence. His brothers are replicas of their father, even Mystic and here he is giving me such a bullshit explanation.

"If I find out you had some gold-digging she-wolf here in my house boy, I will let my girls use you as target practice. Understood?" I sneered and Danny's head bobs up and down which only caused me to glare with angry eyes.

"Understood mom," he says gulping.

"There are girls out there who will do anything to get any one of the Greyson boys in her bed, so be careful," I told him softly, and he nodded. "And Mystic, you're supposed to be his twin, yet you're ratting him out. Better hope he doesn't have any dirt on you," I retorted, causing Mystic to stare at Danny wide-eyed, making him smirk.

"With that wrapped up, let's get back to Rome's big day guys," B says excitedly, and we all chuckle.

Ever the one to bring smiles to our faces.


"T-T-Tyler, yes! Right there baby." I moan as my orgasm hits me like a ton of bricks.

"I adore you beautiful," Tyler says, kissing my lips, before snuggling closer to me.

"I love you too," I responded, trying to regain my breath along with my senses. "Are you sure he's ready?" I question after a moment of silence and he chuckles.

"Babe, he's been ready since he was sixteen," Tyler replied with a small laugh.

"I know but he's my baby, and only nineteen," I say, tearing up a bit.

Rolling us over so he's hovering over me. "I know beautiful but Rome's ready and the pack has nothing but respect and love for him," Tyler says in confidence. “He's stronger than I ever was at that age, his agility is out of this world, and his speed is inhuman even for us. He shows compassion for everything and anyone without a thought, stop worrying.” He adds to tighten his hold on me.

He's right, our baby can do this. We merged the pack all those years ago and now we're known as The Demon Howlers. Everyone loved the idea including my brothers and so we made it official. Everything had worked out perfectly and the pack's been stronger than ever.


"I, Romano Darren Greyson, pledge to protect my pack, honor my alliances, and uphold justice as the alpha." My baby recites as both Tyler and I’s Alpha powers transfer into Rome making him a bit bigger.

"Demon Howlers, special guess. I present your new alpha, Alpha Romano Greyson!!" Jenny shouts which leads to the uproar of the pack. Jenny decided to keep our alliance and that's why we're even stronger than before.

"Thank You, we all know an Alpha is nothing without his Luna. Ain't that right Dad?" Rome teases and we all chuckle. Assuming he's talking about his longtime girlfriend Lexie, whom I strongly dislike. There's just something about her that irks me to no end. She tried way too hard to impress me. But he loves her very much so I have to respect that.

Rome has been smiling the entire time until a shadow takes over his happy feature. His beautiful green-forest eyes with specks of silver blaze in fury. That only happens when he's pissed.

"Bambino, what's wrong?" I ask with concern. Rome doesn't answer, he only shifts, exiting the stage abruptly—leaving everyone astonished.

"What the hell was that?" Luca asks worriedly like the rest of us.

"Don't worry mom, I'll go and find him." B offers and I'm grateful for that.


Pacing back and forth, I grip the edge of the table. "That's it, I'm going to look for my son myself," I exclaimed agitated. It's been seven hours since Rome's disappearance and no one's able to find him and I'm getting worried.

"Destiny, we don't know where he is. The best trackers couldn't find him, what can you do?" Tyler says in clear frustration.

Glaring. "I'm his goddamn mother and that title is more powerful than anything else," I declared walking out the room fuming.

Focusing, I breathe, trying to pick up Rome's tropical woods scent. It took me a few tries, but I finally caught it and levitated from off the ground, heading towards the sky where I can cover more ground. Over the years, I've mastered my element and being one with it. I can fly along with the air itself.

I've already covered most of the land and just as I'm about to look somewhere else, I see the midnight fur of my son flashing through the moonlit night. We're still not sure how he has that particular shade of fur. B has Tyler's brown coat, while Danny shares the traditional silver-white pelt of my side of the family.

"Rome! Bambino!... Boy, if you don't come out right now! " I called out, lowering myself to the ground.

It takes a while, but eventually, the rustle of leaves and thundering paws can be heard. "Wanna tell your momma why you took off so abruptly?" I ask softly the moment he came into view. He didn't use the link, nor did he shift. He just stood there staring, looking lost.

Walking up to him, I run my fingers through his soft fur, handing him a pair of shorts. "You know you can tell me, anything sweetie," I retorted, placing a kiss on his snot. He takes the shorts and I turn around, giving him some privacy.

"S-she kk-killed him, momma. H-h-ow could she do that?" Rome wails, holding onto me tightly like a small child, inhaling my scent for comfort. "S-she promised me, mom!" He added still rambling on.

"Bambino calm down, you're not making any sense." I try my best to soothe him, but my heart breaks, even more, when he shifts unexpectedly in my lap—howling in distress.


Three Years Later

Marching my way to the office door, I bang it wide open. "Put your clothes on, and get out!" I growl at my son's flavor of the day.

The blond twink pouts while adjusting her dress and I make a disgusted face.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to? You're ruining our damn moment!" Blonde, spits out in all confidence.

Suddenly she's pinned to the wall, Rome's iron grip holding her in place. "Don't you ever disrespect my mother." Rome sneers in her face to which she pales. "GET OUT!!!" He shouts and she runs out of the office like a bat out of hell.

"Well then. Boy, don't you know that's not a scene I wanna see when I come to your office," I whine trying desperately to clear the image of my son pounding the hell out of that blonde from my mind.

"Now you know how we feel walking in on you and dad," he replied with a scoff, making me hit him hard behind the head—blushing like crazy. It's true though. The kids have caught us on a few occasions in very compromising positions.

"Whatever. Can I expect you at dinner tomorrow tonight?" I ask hopefully.

"Mom, I'm sorry but I have too much work to do," Rome says, not even looking me in the eye.

Sighing I stand on my tippy toes, kissing Rome on the cheek and he hugs me. "I love you, my baby boy," I whisper and he hugs me closer and I already know he means, ‘I love you too’.


"How's he doing?" Tyler asks later in the night.

"He's fine," I replied softly.

"Which means he made up some excuse and didn't say those three words back to you," Tyler concluded with a sigh.

"It just hurts a bit that he hasn't used those words in three years nor had a serious relationship. How the hell am I supposed to watch my baby suffer?" I tear up, stroking my hair with the brush with more force than necessary.

"He'll come around eventually, beautiful, give him some time," Tyler says, trying to reassure me.

"I don't know Tyler. He's so wild, impulsive, and so unpredictable." I ramble. "He snaps at people for no reason at times, he's got a different woman in his bed every night, he barely eats and sleeps for fuck sakes!" I spit out angrily, the slight dark circles around Rome's eyes didn't go unnoticed.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay, beautiful. He's going to be fine, he's not unhealthy. That counts for something right?" Tyler declared, hugging me and I inhaled his scent to calm my nerves.

Getting into bed, we cuddle together. "You're right, I'm sorry. Let's get some sleep." I mumbled, lightly kissing his lips.

“Oh, B called while you were out, he'll be home by morning,” Tyler says, and I only hum my response since I'm tired as hell.


Moaning, he licks his lips, grinning at me. “Mom, have I told you just how much I love and missed your cooking?!” B exclaims with a mouthful of my veggie nuggets.

“You're behaving as if you haven't eaten in years bro,” Danny says with a chuckle. “Bye mom, see you later at dinner,” he exclaims, grabbing his gym bag.

"Bye baby, have a good workout," I replied, kissing him on the cheek.

Chugging down the glass of orange juice, B pats his bloated stomach. “The only thing better than sex is your cooking mom.” He praised making me laugh.

“Hmmm, don't think for a second I didn't smell whoever you were with the moment you walked in here. I don't know which of the three of you are worse.” I grumbled, glaring at the smiling idiot.

“Χαλαρώστε τη μαμά, δεν είναι αυτό που νομίζετε [Relax mom, it's not what you think]." B reasoned, getting up to hug me—the jasmine caramel scent I smelled earlier still on his shirt.

“Why don't I believe you?” I retort with a suspicious glare.

Laughing out loud, “The only thing I went to Barbican for is strictly pack business. Lighten up mom, not all of us will become like Rome where a woman is concerned.” He reassures me.

“You better,” I replied, kissing his cheek affectionately.

“Is he coming for dinner?” B asks.

“Your brother hasn't stepped foot in this house since he was nineteen, I think it's time we give up on the notion of him ever coming here again,” I responded with a jarred breath.

“Don't give up on him just yet mom, Lexie couldn't have done that much damage. He needs time that's all,” B lets out, reciting his father's exact words.

“You sound just like your father,” I replied.

“I love you mom, see you later.” He says with a kiss, striding his way outside.

Making my way upstairs, I stop at the first door on the left. Opening it, a wave of nostalgia almost knocks me off my feet. Grabbing one of the few photos from off the nearby desk, I smile. Rome looks so happy here, his smile lights up the entire picture.

I miss my son, not the distant one that currently exists. The one that showed empathy for everyone. Sitting on the edge of the bed, a sob slips out—before you know it I'm full-on crying.

That bitch, Lexie did this! It was just for show, she used my son to gain her inheritance from her father as an independent. She then dared to say she could never tie herself to someone like Rome. To make matters even more unfair for him, the retch was pregnant. She did an abortion as if it was the solution to everything.

I knew I should've crushed her insides the day Rome brought her home.

“Goddess and ancestors help my son to love and open up his heart again, let him find a woman that accepts him completely.” I silently pray, clutching my necklace very tightly.


A/N- We've come to the end of Destiny's journey. Thanks to all of you who've been with this book for each revision. Special thank you to the new readers, much appreciation.

What happens next?... You gotta stay in tune 😜😜😜😜. Vote, share, and comment on your thoughts.

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