The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 33

Fate whispers to the wolf; "You cannot withstand the storm."

And the wolf whispers back; "I am the storm."




A small, yet, warm body curls itself comfortably into mine making me smile in content. This is how it's supposed to be, waking up with the love of my life in my arms. Taking my time to capture her naked body that's molded so perfectly into mine, a smile stretches on my face.

Destiny's once perky, average breast. Are now an even firmer, and heavier set, that fits perfectly in my hands. Her hips are wider for sure, and her legs are even toner. Her entire back has a huge wolf on it, I'm assuming it's because of her lashes. The tattoo looks a lot like her wolf oddly enough.

My gorgeous girl has grown deliciously from a slender, sexy vixen to a full-blown teardrop body of a woman. Which makes me want to wake her up and fuck her all over again.

"Found what you're looking for?" her teasing voice says.

"Why of course, Mrs.Greyson," I answer seriously, feeling her body go tense against me. Sighing. "I thought, I made it clear the other night where we stand," I mind link.

"I know, it's just-" Destiny begins but I cut her off.

"Destiny, what's the real problem. Is it the fact that we can't have kids?" I ask. Honestly, I'm getting a bit frustrated with this topic.

Should I tell him?

"Tell me what exactly?" I growl. Now that she has marked me, I can feel her every emotion and hear her thoughts more intensely than before.

"Y-you could mate with someone else that can give you, along with the pack an heir. Someone like Kara,” she stutters slightly.

The need to dominate her roughly like a few nights ago has my wolf itching to reassure her that she's mine only.

Flipping us into the position where I'm hovering. “Do I need to remind you, where we stand beautiful?” I ask almost sadistically, as Destiny's eyes reflect lust.

Hmmm, I'd love to give in to desire but we need to get this doubt over with. “Tell me, baby, could you be okay with me having someone else in my bed?” I ask, her eyes holding anger. But I continue.

“Would you be okay with another woman carrying my child?” I ask. “Could you, really stand there and watch us happy with a family. That should've been ours?” I say calmly.

She's silent and doesn't answer. However, I can feel her internal turmoils.

“No” Destiny whispers but continues. “I would probably chop off that cock of yours, I love, and feed it to Demon. I would levitate your whore, dropping her ass in the deepest and coldest part of the ocean” she declared with so much passion and fury, I'm turned on.

“Good!” I growl, before ravishing those pouty lips.

Needing air, I release her lips. “For the last time, we can't have kids. It's us beautiful, now and always. No matter what,” I proclaimed with conviction meaning every word.

"Besides, Kara has nothing on you. Furthermore, she's not Luna material. And I've never touched her the way I touch you." Putting it out there once and for all.

Just because doctors say we can't conceive, means I love her any less. Besides, I'm not giving up on that just yet.

“I adore you, so much Tyler Greyson,” she links.

“I adore me too baby,” I smirk.

“BASTARD!” she screams through the link. I chuckle and make my way downstairs to prepare our breakfast.


“Mhmm, these taste just like my mother's,” Destiny says moaning, stuffing her face with pancakes.

“Technically, it is. I wanted to know your favorite everything, so I seek your grandmother, along with Martha's advice. That's how I learn banana hazelnut pancake is one of your favorite.” I replied, leaving out a few details. It took me some time to get the recipe just right.

“What are you up?” She questioned with a quirked eyebrow.

“That's for me to know and you to find out,” I retort and she chuckles.

“Whatever, now to serious matters. What's on the agenda for us today?” She gets straight into luna mode, I hope she decides to continue her education once all this nonsense is over.

“Well, that punk, Vargas. He got himself a mate, as an alpha couple it's required of us to send our regards.” I replied.

“Miguel finally got a mate!” She exclaimed making me growl.

“She tastes sweet doesn't she,” Miguel's voice echoes in my head. “How close were you to him beautiful?”

Setting down her fork, Destiny wipes her mouth. “Did you seriously just ask me that, aww my baby's jealous!” She squeals, then chuckles lightly. “Don't get mad, but we kissed once, I swear!” she exclaims.

“YOU KISSED THAT ASSHOLE!” I roared, breathing through my nostril.

“Baby, calm down. It was only one time, the day I left to come here. It meant nothing Tyler, you've got all of me.” She says, putting the dishes aside, crawling into my lap. “It was only a kiss, it meant nothing.”

“It better be,” I grumbled.

“We have a love-hate relationship,” she mumbled, kissing me softly. “I'm going to take a shower, we need to start our day.” She reminded me in a serious tone.


“What's next on the agenda?” I question.

“There's a call for another preschool, and an expansion for the kindergarten.” Laurel, head of our committee broad says.

“Granted, I'll sign off on that since I've personally seen the spacing issues. We should build another playground as well, the one that exists now is a bit crowded.” Destiny offered her ideas.

“That's even better Luna, we'll draw up the papers and get back to you with the plans.” Tony, another board member replied.

“Excellent, looking forward to it,” Destiny exclaims making the board of five beams in pride.

“Alpha!Luna!” Travis shouts in urgency, bragging in on the meeting. Before I can ask, he continues. “You need to see this.”

Rushing outside where almost the entire pack is assembled, a holographic image of six women can be seen.

“Alphas DeLuca, Greyson, Parker, and Santos. It has come to our attention that you four have allied yourself with an unnatural thing. We, the Crystal Coven highly suggest you turn over the hybrid, Destiny Hawthorne.” They insinuated together, sounding creepy as shit.

“She's an abomination to our supernatural world, you can either hand her over to us or your council, Or we come to get her ourselves.” They warned.

What the hell is this?... It's like a broadcasting message.

I can feel Destiny's rage along with the pack's. But before anyone can say anything.

“You'll get her over my dead body,” Dante growled.

“Alpha DeLuca, you committed a crime against your kind, the result is that thing. Your mother and the Hunter's failed in their tasks, which leaves us to take matters into our own hands.” The woman with freaky, bright blue eyes sneered in distaste.

Stepping forward like the true leader she is, head held high with a deadly aura. “The name's Destiny, Raven. Please be smart to remember that the next time,” she mocked shocking the one called Raven who happens to be freaky eyes.

“YOU DARE TO SPEAK TO US WITH SUCH DISRESPECT, YOU ABOMINATION!” Shrieked the one standing beside her.

“Disrespect, you say. Your speaking to a HAWTHORNE! I answer to no one. If anything, you're the one showing disrespect.” Destiny implied authority and dominance, making the warriors stand at attention. Their gaze held utter respect and loyalty.

Smirking. “I, Alpha Greyson, reject your demands!” I insisted, intertwining mine and Destiny's hands together. They look shocked, peering at our intertwined hands in disgust.

“You will regret this,” they say in unison. Weird.

“The Alpha has said his peace, now begone!” Cammy argued, scattering the hologram with her powers.


Conference Room

Murmurs go around the room like wildfire, it's understandable. We all have heard about the Crystals, even us wolves. They're a set of people you don't want to cross. Though our Intel on them is limited, we know enough not to get in their way.

“The Intel we originally received, seems to be wrong. We didn't get anything on those women we saw today,” Brandon says frustrated.

“It's not the Intel, the Crystal Coven is an organization. Fill with all sorts of witches across the entire Nebula. Some of them join freely, while others don't have a choice,” Destiny says.

How the hell does she know this? Sara, herself is the one who has the most Intel on them.

“How do you know all this?” Sara ask.

“Do you guys trust me?” Is all Destiny says, while looking around the room.

A string of “Yes” goes around, and I for one feel proud.

“Okay. Mickey has given each of you a profile portfolio on these women. Their names, powers, and their skills. Study them to the last detail. From now on every wolf will have both an elemental and non-elemental witch as a sparring partner,” she explains.

Murmurs go around.

“Hey! These witches aren't coming alone, they've got an army of growing rogues. If they can get wolves to fight for them willingly, why can't we put our differences and personal feelings aside and work together?!” Destiny growled.

“She's right if they can do it why can't we do it as well.” Travis voice his thoughts.

“Alpha, we're with you until the end. You just tell us what needs to be done,” a Demon pack warrior says, but it's not aimed at Dante. It's aimed at Destiny. That's right, she's supposed to be the Alpha of the Demons!

“It seems simple, but you've got to study these profiles. We also need to switch up our fighting techniques and train harder than before,” she replied as everyone nods in agreement.

"Anna, Aunt Cammy, Aunt Sonia, and Martha. See to it that the bunkers for each pack are up to date and in good condition. Jenny, I need all non-elemental witches from your coven to make a steel barrier." Destiny gives orders.

"Done!" Jenny says.

"Uncle Blue, Simon, gather every able and retire warrior you can get in contact with. I need them all." Destiny gives instructions.

"Santos, your pack is the best with the armory. It's time we share each other's resources, and compromise." I say.

"Consider it done," he says.

"Dad, have Damion select the best twenty in his age group." Destiny continues. “We need them to manage the pups.

"You got it!" Dante says.

"This battle is for everyone. Every single person will train. If the defensive barriers we set up are breached, people should be able to fight. No matter the age." Destiny argued. "We start first thing tomorrow. Meeting dismiss, thank you all for coming." She concluded, shaking hands with everyone.


“Howlers, Demons. We've all gathered here this beautiful evening for two purposes. The main reason, for us, to cherish this time with our loved ones and friends for just one night to enjoy this blissful calm, cool and lovely dinner gathering with each other before we go to war.” I say.

“Now, for the other reason. Dante, Blue, if you don't mind. ” I begin. They both get up with a smirk and nod. Walking up towards us, Dante blindfolds Destiny, while Blue guides her.

“What's going on?” she links.

“It's a surprise,” I linked back, shutting her out of my thoughts.

She looks so beautiful tonight in her tight black dress and red, pump heels. Her now short, silver-streaked hair, compliments her even more. I loved her long hair, but her short hair makes her even sexier. It's curly tonight though.

Blue gently leads her to the outside, where the real decorations and dinner setup is. It's so beautifully breathtaking, with the dim candle lights and natural settings. Giving Dante the signal, he unfolds the blindfold. Destiny blinks a few times, trying to adjust to the dim lighting.

The gangs here, even Santos. Getting down on one knee, Destiny's eyes are wide as saucers.

“Destiny Edith Hawthorne, you came into my life at the right time. The moment, where I felt like something was missing. You've enlightened me to the point where I can laugh without a second guess. I thought I lost you at one point, feeling like a failure that I couldn't protect or save you. But like the vixen you are, you've shown me that you don't need my protection or saving, but my love and support.”

“ Then you needed to leave to figure out who you are and I felt a part of me went with you, and I promised myself that when you came back—I'd ensure you never leave again. Baby, I want you to make me a very happy and complete man. Beautiful, will you marry me?” I conclude my speech with the ring.

Her beautiful eyes hold tears, yet she didn't say anything. What felt like a century, which was only a minute. She lunges at me.

“YES!! Of course, I'll marry your sexy ass.” She squeals happily making all of us chuckle, a round of applause, along with cheers fill the backyard.

Placing the ring on her finger, she stares at it in awe. “I love you, Tyler Greyson. No matter what,” she linked.

Kissing her passionately. “I love me too, Mrs. Greyson,” I replied cheekily, earning myself a slap.

“Smartass,” she links, rolling her eyes.

I know it's just the beginning of the biggest battle in history. But this happy moment deserves all the attention too, for we all know.

Some of us won't make it.


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