The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 31

For every dark night, there's a brighter day.


Mature warning - Mild sexual content below.



"You ready, pup," Dad's voice echoes throughout my mind.

"No, But I have to face the consequences," I replied, rubbing my sweaty palms on my jeans.

The Mansion is only a mile away, however, we stopped because I'm beyond anxious. It's been almost a year since my dad and I left the pack lands.

All that time in the wild gave me a sense of clarity over the past few months, enough for me to have both shame and guilt eating away at me.

I messed up badly with Tyler and the gang, especially Tyler. My chest hurts every time I think about him. I was a bitch towards him, we both lost something precious to us and I treated him as though I'm the only one who feels this void.

He is the first person I wanted to mindlink about my growth, along with my new ability, but I had stopped myself because it isn't fair to either of us with the way I had handled things.

Taking a deep breath, I sigh. “Let's get going dad, I can't hide out here forever,” I murmured.

“Are you sure? We can stay a while longer if you wish,” he retorts.

“Yeah, no sense delaying any further,” I replied with a shrug.

“Okay,” he mumbled, as the crease in his forehead deepened in confusion.


"We're here,” Dad announced.

Huh? Damn it! I zoned out again.

Giving my dad a sheepish look, I can see he's fighting off an eye roll by the twitch in his eyes.

The familiar heavy, metal, design gates spread wide open allowing dad to drive the car through—parking in the driveway.

The massive crowd that's gathered at the front of the house, takes away a fraction of the heaviness within my heart.



Those words are written on banners, some having various colors of glitter on them and I'm positive the pups are the ones who made them.

Taking another much-needed breath, I exit the car. I'm barely out when little hands attach themselves to my legs as soon as my feet touched the ground. Looking down, light-golden eyes stared right back into my deep, silver, ones.

"Hey Olivia," I chirped, picking up the little girl. The last time I saw her was the night we had escaped.

"Welcome Home Alpha," she squealed, beaming at me and I return the gesture with a genuine smile, which made her grin.

Practically running up to Anna, dad kisses her with so much intensity, some of us end up looking away. After he devoured his wife, dad goes on to hug my brothers, while I just stand where I am rather awkwardly.

"Destiny," Grandma Sara's voice called out gently.

My eyes started stinging as the tears welled up inside of them as I stared at the woman who raised me. "You have no power over me, not anymore, so get out!" Those bitter words all those months ago, loud and clear in my mind like it was just yesterday. How can I look her in the eyes now?

"I'm sorry grandma Sara. I should've never-" I don't get to finish. She grabs my face, looking me dead in the eyes.

"You have nothing to apologize for. If anything, we, owe you an apology. I think at times we forget that just because of your power, it doesn't mean you don't have normal feelings,” she retorts, as her tears stream down her slightly wrinkling face.

“We were all just so happy you made it out of that coma. We forgot that just because your body survived, it didn't mean your mind did. We pushed you without even knowing your full ordeal, for that baby girl, we are utterly and truly sorry." She says without any resentment, only relief.

Everyone heard and they were waiting patiently for my response or reaction. The only thing I could do was throw my arms around her neck, hugging her as if my life depended on it.

"Don't you ever do that to us again." Damon declared as he hugs me the moment I'm out of Grandma Sara's arms.

"Yeah, we missed you." Dimitri agreed in a wobbly voice.

"You're a jerk, ya know that. Leaving us the way you did, you do that again and I'll forget you're my big sister—kicking your ass myself." Damion warned, tears running down his face making everyone gasp since he's the type that doesn't show his emotion

"I'm sorry, I promise to never leave you guys again." I sincerely apologized.

"You're back!" Deans exclaims as he tackles me to the ground and everyone chuckles.

"That's enough, let's all get inside and eat,” Anna suggests. “It’s good to see you Destiny, welcome home,” she adds with a smile.

“It feels good to be back,” I replied.

The pack cheers and I genuinely grin. I've missed this and it's going to be a long ass day because I've got a ton of people to make up with, but all in due time.


Standing in front of the door, hesitantly I ring the bell.

“Destiny!” I'm tackled into a bone-crushing hug. “You're back, oh my goodness,” the petite woman exclaims hugging me again. “Luca, someone is here to see you!” She calls out.

“Mom, I swear I'm not in the mood for your dramatics today!” Luca's voice hollered back.

“LUCA PARKER YOU GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE RIGHT NOW!” He screamed, making me internally cringe by the high pitch in her voice.

“Hold your horses’ mom, I'm coming,” he grumbled.

“He'll be down in a minute, why don't you wait for him in the living room where it's more comfortable?” Mrs. Parker implored.

“Sure, that'll be great, thank you,” I replied.

“Pssh, it's okay. It's good to see you Destiny, you look great. I'll catch up with you another time.” She says hugging me tightly.

“Mom, what's so important-” Luca says stopping mid-sentence.

“Hey,” I muttered.

“Okay then, that's my queue!” Mrs.Parker says hightailing it out of the intense room.

“Hey!? That's all you can muster after almost an entire year?!” He yells.

“Luca-” I begin to say, however, he cuts me off.

“No, I don't want your apology, keep that shit!” He growled. “You left, graduated by the way if you give a shit!”

“I needed to leave, you don't understand.” I plead my point.

“Don't understand?” Luca mocked me. “I'm your best friend, you're supposed to make me fucking understand, ” he declared.

“Instead, you distanced yourself, bullying us along the way of your tantrums,” he retorts, tears glistening his eyes. “If it wasn't for your idiotic duel, I never would've known you'll never reproduce! How the fuck do you not tell me that Destiny! I've been there for you ever since you got here, and you shut me out when it mattered!”

“I'm sorry!” I yelled. “I never meant to hurt you, but I did. There's no excuse for the way I handle the situation.” I continued crying, the way I treated him fresh in my mind.

“You pull that shit again, and I swear I'll sic my mother on you.” He exclaimed, yanking me into a hug.

“I'm sorry,” my apology gets mumbled.

“No, I'm sorry, for everything you've been through.” He muttered in my hair, tightening the hug. “How dare you cut your hair,” he grumbled. “It looks nice,” he complimented afterward.

Chuckling at first, we burst out laughing. Leave it to Luca to criticize and compliment me in one go.

“Well, I'll be damned, the rumors are true. You're back,” Brandon's voice rasped out behind us, disturbing our emotional moment.

“Hey Brandon,” I greet with a smile.

“Look at you, welcome home!” Brandon cheered, scooping me up, spinning me around—making me squeal in delight like a child. “It's good to have you back girl!” He hugs me.

“Thank you, Bran,” I replied, returning the hug.

“Enough of that,” Mrs. Parker comes out sniffling. “You're staying for dinner,” she quickly adds wiping her eyes.

"Thank goodness, I'm starving!" I exclaim and they all roar in laughter.


Sighing, I let the hot water soothe my aching and tired muscles. I spent hours with the pack making up for lost times along with getting up-to-date with everything.

I apologized to everyone, including the rest of the gang. German was a complete drama queen on me, crying and whatnot. Everyone was just happy I came home in good spirits.

Tyler wasn't there, neither Demon—the feeling of that unbearable weight again made my chest heavy like an uninvited guest. Brandon said he didn't attend only because he didn't want to upset me, and I can't blame him.

Stepping out of the shower, feeling relaxed and refreshed. I didn't bother with a towel, wanting to see the developments with my body in plain view.

Standing in front of the mirror, I stared at the woman reflecting at me.

Gone was the scared girl to a now scared woman. My fingers begin to trace the scar on my abdomen unconsciously. I can't have kids. I reminded myself. Tyler will never touch me again, even if I wanted him to. I thought.

An angry growl startles the crap out of me and I whip my head around to come face to face with Tyler's intense stare. My hands try desperately to hide one of my few hideous marks. He growls even more furiously, and before I can even blink, my naked ass is backed up against the cool wall.

"Why don't you say that out loud," Tyler grits out. I can see his jaw ticking and I know right now, he's trying to control his anger.

But is it normal for me to be turned on like this with his rough handling? The anger in his eyes dims somewhat. His face now twitches into that dark, yet sexy, smirk and I'm about ready to beg for him to give me what I've been lusting for all these months.

His forest green eyes stare at me with intense desire, passion, and love. I don't get to think about it for long though.

Cupping my face, he smashes his lips to mine. The kiss is hungry but tantalizingly intoxicated. The taste of apple vodka mixed with something sweet invades my mouth, mind, and senses.

My body has a mind of its own the moment Tyler's hands reach the curve of my ass. My own hands wander around his body, which appears to be a lot bigger. Moaning at the very thought, my legs wrap themselves around him like a vice grip.

Walking us out of the bathroom without breaking the kiss as we stepped inside the room, but he doesn't stop at the bed. Instead, he gets a towel, drapes it over my naked body, walking us out of the spare room completely.

I'm thrown on our king-size bed roughly, opening my mouth to protest. “You shut your damn mouth, Destiny. Any form of intimacy between us will be conducted in our bedroom because I'm sick of your sleeping separate nonsense.” Tyler declares.

"Now open up, my sweet, little vixen. I want to taste what's mine," he growled, yanking my legs wide open, plunging his magical tongue into my already soaking vagina.

"Mmmm..... T-T-Tyler," I stuttered in pleasure as he nibbles, sucks, and slurps my posts like a starving man.

Applying a small amount of pressure with his fingers, I can feel my climax building up stronger and more intense, but Tyler abruptly withdraws them and I whimper at the loss of satisfaction.

Easing up, Tyler begins to stare. On reflex, my hands move to cover up. Grabbing both of them, he glared at me with a shake of the head.

"Don't hide from me, beautiful. This changes nothing," he says, tracing the scars, kissing them. "Mmmm... your hips are wider, you've grown haven't you." He whispers in a husky voice.

His hands continue to roam every part of my body. It's like a musician with his guitar. The way he gently caresses me with each touch, leaving a fiery desire in the pit of my stomach.

"Tell me, baby, what is your deepest desire?" Tyler whispers against my skin, his hot breath turning me on even more.

"You," I whimpered out.

Tyler appears a bit too pleased that I'm putty in his hands.

Capturing my lips, the kiss starts gentle and passionate, up until our tongues started fighting for dominance—which he eventually wins. That sinful tongue of his begins to tease my already sensitive nipple while pinching the other.

Ugh. I tried moving my hips, but Tyler's muscular hand stops my movement. "Impatient are we," he teased, but I also know he's holding on to his self-control. But only by a thin thread since his eyes are almost pitch black.

"Tyler, come on. I need you inside of me, please," I begged, getting frustrated.

Smirking, giving his erection a few good strokes before positioning himself at my very wet entrance. I didn't see it coming until Tyler harshly thrusts inside of me, making me feel full.

I don't get time to adjust either.

"Did you think we were going to make love Destiny," Tyler says almost sadistic and I gulp. Smirking at my reaction. "No beautiful, when I'm through with your body, you won't be walking for weeks," he declares.

Damn, that sounds so promising as I bite my lip in anticipation. Tyler's hooded eyes follow my movement, recapturing my lips instead and I taste blood.

He bit me.

With his canines on display, Tyler licks my blood off his lips and smirks deviously. Oh shit.


I'm being slammed into the headboard of the bed, Tyler thrusts in and out of me so mercilessly and I hear a crack. Ancestors, I think he intends to kill me. We've been at it like wild animals for hours, I for one am on the verge of passing out, but not him.

"T-T-Tyler, I-I-I think w-we mm-might have broken the head broad or the mmmm...goodness. Right there baby," I moaned.

The more Tyler pounds inside of me, the more I keep hearing that cracking noise. "Baby I-I-I mmmm..." ugh. I can't say anything remotely accurate right now.

"You should worry more about me breaking your sexy body instead of the bed, now get on all fours," Tyler orders me. Doing as I'm told without hesitation, even though I'm already sore as hell and tired. "Good girl," he praised.

A stinging sensation goes straight to my throbbing core and I moan.

"You left me." Slap.

"You accused me of wrongful bullshit." Slap.

"You treated me like shit." Slap

"You acted like you were the only one hurting," Tyler growled out.

Each slap getting harsher than the previous. Flipping me flat on my back, I see hurt in Tyler's lust-filled eyes and guilt eats at me.

Grabbing my foot, throwing it over his shoulder, he sinks even deeper inside of me. "Your mine only, you'll be the only one I'll forever be doing these things with." Tyler snarled, sinking his canines in the crook of my neck, marking me yet again.

He's not the only one, because this time I also have the urge to mark him.

Extending my canines, I skin them into his soft, yet, sweaty flesh. The salty, earthy taste, sending me into overdrive—as we both climax at the same time trying to regain our breaths.

"Tyler," I begin but he shuts me up with another heated kiss.

"I love you beautiful. Get some sleep, welcome home." He mumbled, wrapping his arms around me as I sigh in utter satisfaction, welcoming the blissful sleep.

Welcome home indeed.


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