The Hawthrone Heir(UNEDITED)

Chapter 15

Action proves who someone is, words just prove who they want to be.




Today's the Annual Rosewood High School Ball, which traditionally includes a father-daughter dance, and unfortunately, it's a must-attend for every student.

I had originally signed both Blue and German up as my dance partner, but we were notified that it's fathers only. Whether biological or adopted and unless he died or cannot attend for political reasons, you can have no other representative.

Bullshit is more like it if you ask me.

Tsk. I'm so going to be the joke of the night. I thought, scoffing. It is not like he would ever claim me in front of all those bastards anyway. I mean, he didn't let them know that he was more than just screwing my mother. Damn it! I'm getting pissed. I need to keep calm.

Haven't seen Dante in over three weeks, and I'm starting to think he's avoiding me too. Which weirdly makes me kind of sad since I thought he would've fought harder for me, no matter what.

"Yeah right," I scoffed out loud, dragging myself out of my room.

"Well hello, you're alive," Grandma Sara greeted me but I only murmured my response. "Uhh, good day to you, too. Grumpy," she added, walking by me with a tray full of muffins as the gang snickers at my dismay.

Some friends, they are.

Grumbling, I join them on the floor, but I plant my ass on Tyler's lap. I'm so glad I got myself together after a day and a half of nonstop sleep after my little outburst at the gathering.

When I woke up, I had apologized to everyone, especially Luca. We cried like two bitches, his exact words. Only to find out Alexis is my guardian!

A guardian for the likes of me. I'm truly grateful and excited. It made sense how she would randomly pop up out of nowhere whenever I'm around.

"Hey, I gotta go, beautiful," Tyler whispered in my ear as he squeezed my hips.

"Where to?" I ask inquisitively.

"Pack business," he replied. "A few documents need my approval, I'll be back by evening." He added, pecking my cheek.

"Okay, see you later," I retort.

There's no need to distrust Tyler, yet I can't help the feeling of doubt that's brewing in my chest every day. Especially since he hasn't touched me intimately in a week, we're barely even kissing these days. Just a few pecks on the cheeks and lips compared to the open mouth and tongue that I'm used to.

"Destiny, about we go for a run before a little bit of sparing?" Jenny asked, her compelling icy-blue eyes staring at me expectantly.

Thinking about it, I nod, might as well get some of this pent up anger, and stress out of my system. "Okay, let's go," I replied.

"We'll see you two later," Luca says, turning to Alexis, who nods in agreement.

"I'm going out for a bit, grandma Sara!" I yell, grabbing my racing sneakers from the corner of the front door.

"OKAY!" Grandma Sara shouted just as I closed the door.


Sprawled out on the hard, ground panting, Jenny and myself enjoy the evening breeze after our twenty laps around the perimeter of the training ground.

"Let's spare!" Jenny says in excitement once we've gathered our breaths.

Feeling extremely lazy, I grumbled to myself before answering. "Jenny, we just did twenty laps," I whined.

"Oh come on!" She huffs, dragging me to my feet making me roll my eyes.

Jenny's hair is in a messy bun, while I have mine totally untamed and sticking all over as we enter the iron ring.

Warming up, we start circling each other. Jenny waves her hands rotational, creating a medium air vortex. Giving her the chance to use it against me. She launches it, and I'm thrown a good distance outside the ring; landing heavily against a tree with a huff. I admit she's strong, but the air is my element.

Recovering quickly, running full speed at her while creating my vortex. Jenny's shocked at my speed, but I don't launch the thing. Instead, I give her a roundhouse kick to the stomach. She would've landed very painfully on the ground, had I not levitate her body before she could hit the floor.

"Bloody hell!!!" Jenny exclaims in awe. "I've never seen air used like Destiny! And you're wicked fast!" she stated.

"Years of practice really," I replied, and she scoffs.

"That's a lie and you damn well know it, you're just trying to be modest," Jenny accused, poking me in the chest with her index finger.

"Okay, so I lied," I replied. "Seriously though, in all honesty, you're strong Jenny. I truly believe you'll make a great coven leader, and a Luna," I say sincerely.

Before I know it, she tackles me with a hug. "Thank you, your words mean so much more than you'll ever know," Jenny mumbles, her icy blue eyes tearing up at first, then going wide as saucers.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Y-you called me Luna," she muttered with red cheeks.

"You and Brandon," I cheekily replied, wiggling my eyebrows.

Swatting me on the arm, Jenny's entire face is red as she slaps me again. Looking around cautiously, she moved forward, almost in my face. "He's my spirit spouse," she whispers.

"BRANDON PARKER IS YOUR SPIRIT SPOUSE!" I yelled, rather, dramatically.

"Would you keep your voice down!" She jabs me in the side and I groan.

"How long have you known?" I asked curiously.

"Ever since he gave me a ride home one night, days ago," she answered. "We looked in each other's eyes and the connection was instant, I could see right through his glowing blue aura. He's not aware of it though," she murmured.

"Why not?"

"I would never ask him to give up his pack for me, you know the rules about a mixed couple." Jenny reminds me with a deep frown. "Plus, he's such a player."

"You're so lucky we're friends because I don't know whether to hug you or strangle the shit out of you, and the second option is sounding very much alluring to me right now," I replied.

"Oh, come on, Destiny!" Jenny exclaimed, shaking her head. "What could a high schooler like me possibly do for an experienced alpha male such as Brandon?"

"Whoa, first of all, we're seniors," I snapped, offended by her claims. "Secondly, Brandon likes you just as much Jenny, and I know for sure if you give him the chance he'll show you just how much," I added.

"Besides, your status as a witch isn't that of a slave," I added, wrapping my arms around her in comfort.

"Speak for yourself hypocrite," Jenny scoffed, making me frown. "Tyler practically worships the ground you walk on, and you're refusing the man." She added.

"Oh yea, then why haven't we been intimate in an entire week huh?" I grumbled.

Sighing. "Let's forget about our men for a while," Jenny says, quickly closing off the topic. "It's good you think I'd make a good leader though," she squeals.

"Hey, it's only the truth," I replied. "We've been here long enough, let's get back. Thanks for today." I added, hugging Jenny.

"See you at the dance!" She yells over her shoulder as we part ways and I run back to the Inn to get ready for the stupid ball.




That's what greets me the moment I walk down the stairs as I give them a little twirl then a bow making my family laugh.

To be honest, I'm killing it!

My hair's style into a neat, high, ponytail. Wearing a short, half-top lime green dress—that shows off my tattoos beautifully has given me a newfound confidence.

The dress is accessorized with a thin golden belt at the waist, and my feet are clad in green pumps with gold chains at the back and I top it with a gold purse and diamond studs along with my family heirloom, something I never take off.

"You look, breathtaking honey," Martha says to me, teary-eyed as Grandma Sara nods in agreement with her own set of fresh tears.

"Come on guys, no tears. It took me forever to get my minimum make-up right!" I whined, stomping my left foot that caused them both to chuckle.

"Have a great time, Muffin," Blue says, kissing me goodbye.

"Not too much of a great time," German grumbled, making me roll my eyes.

Walking me to the black limo the school provided, Tyler grabs me by the waist, pinning me against the car. "I'll be waiting for your pretty ass later, and just so you know. I have eyes at that dance. You. Are. Mine," Tyler growls, before pecking my cheek.

He's been uttering those words to me for weeks now, but at this moment I truly believe him. And I wanted so much more than the little peck, but it took me hours to get this look perfect and I will not ruin it before I even get a chance to show it off.

"I'll see you later," I tell him, getting inside the car.


"Oh my god, you look...Oh my god... I'm so lost for words right now babe. And finally, you've dressed accordingly," Luca praised, before scolding me.

His sentiment only makes me scoff. It had taken me some time to put myself together and the prick still grumbles.

"You look smashing," Jenny compliments.

"Yeah, what she said." Alexis agreed.

"Why thank you, ladies, now let's go and show off." I retort with a cocky smirk.

Sighing heavily, I fight the urge to go home since I've been here for two hours now and at any minute, names will be calling and the father-daughter pairs will go up for the dance to begin the ceremony.

"Jennifer Silverstone and John Graham," the announcer calls out.

I watch in slight envy as Jenny and her dad get called up. Jenny's low cut, white mermaid dress, fits her body like a second skin as her dark makeup makes her icy blue eyes pop even more beautifully. Her dad is wearing a crisp black tuxedo, looking handsome as ever.

"Alexis Steele and Stefan McGuire."

Alexis is next, she's so beautiful. She looks elegant in her short black and white dress, her black wedge heel and her hair is fish braided to the right side. Her dad's wearing a black tuxedo too. They step on the dancefloor gracefully and await the rest of the names.

"Destiny Hawthorne. Destiny Hawthorne? Destiny..." the speaker keeps on repeating like I'm gonna answer.

Not a chance.

"Destiny Hawthorne and D-Dante DeLuca." The prick repeats with the audacity of saying that man's name with a slight stutter.

He repeats it, and this time, a hand appears in front of my face. Peeking up, I'm greeted with the replica of my eyes. Should I accept his offer? I wonder to myself as I stare at the hand for a moment and with slight hesitation, I eventually took it.

Both Dante and I headed towards the dance floor with our heads held high, when the announcer called our name again.

Dante's wearing a dark-grey suit, with a few of his lime green shirt buttons popped open; giving a peek at his tribal tattoo. We're the only ones that are matching, I grin to myself.

Everyone's stun beyond belief and some of them are boldly looking at us in disgust, mostly the parents. They kept on glaring at us with distaste and started to whisper among themselves as the speaker tried his pathetic best in shushing them down.

Dante growls, pulling me closer to him. "Do any of you have shit to say to our faces?" he sneered, glaring through the flock of cowards who quickly averted any further eye contact.

"Thought so," he says smugly, making me smirk when no one uttered a word

Soon enough the theme song starts and we begin to move.

"You look very beautiful," Dante compliments. "Tyler is a very lucky, young man," he further added when I didn't respond.

'There goes my heart beating

'Cause you are the reason

I'm losing my sleep

Please come back now

There goes my mind racing

And you are the reason

That I'm still breathing

I'm hopeless now

I'd climb every mountain

And swim every ocean

Just to be with you

And fix what I've broken

Oh, 'cause I need you to see

That you are the reason'

The song by Callum Scott plays throughout the venue.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask Dante confused, as he twirls me around, our feet constantly shifting in sync.

'There goes my hand shaking

And you are the reason

My heart keeps bleeding

I need you now

If I could turn back the clock

I'd make sure the light defeated the dark

I'd spend every hour, of every day

Keeping you safe'

"You're mine," Dante replied as the song continued. "My daughter," he declared. "Look, Sara had mentioned you always wanted a father-daughter dance, plus you're more like me than either of us is willing to admit," Dante replies softly, tilting me from one side to the next as we continue dancing.

'And I'd climb every mountain

And swim every ocean

Just to be with you

And fix what I've broken'

"Just so you know, I haven't been avoiding you. So we're clear," Dante says, laughing when he sees my confused facial expression but I ignore him as we continue dancing.

'Oh, 'cause I need you to see

That you are the reason, oh

(I don't wanna fight no more)

(I don't wanna hurt no more)

(I don't wanna cry no more)

(Come back, I need you to hold me closer now)

You are the reason, oh

(Just a little closer now)

(Come a little closer now)

(I need you to hold me tonight)'

"As I said, we're more alike than we like to admit. I... I... I've been trying to come up with ideas in earning your forgiveness. That's why I seemed so distant lately," he admits nervously.

I smile.

"Okay," I tell Dante, who stares at me in confusion. "You get one chance. I... I... I don't want to end up like Mom," I whispered as the song comes to an end and he hugs me.

And for the first time in my life, I feel completely safe. It's like nothing can hurt me.

"Just so we're clear, this is the first step in forgiving you... f... father," I hesitated at the end as he beams at me almost childlike.

I try not to snicker at this moment, but this is just one tiny step closer to forming our bond.

Something hot shifts inside of me causing me to hunch over and groan, but it went quickly.

"Destiny? Are you okay," Dante asks frantically, supporting me by holding onto my midsection.

"I'm okay now. I don't know what just happened," I replied, but Dante looks at me disbelievingly.

"Yeah... I'm taking you home," he insists, making me whine like a small child when he snatches me up unexpectedly in his arms.

"But I can walk!" I exclaimed, covering my heated face in embarrassment when everyone started to stare.

Dante didn't budge as he continued to walk across the dancefloor for the nearest exit. And truth be told, I enjoyed the proximity, it reminded me of all the dreams I once had about getting carried by my father.


Dante had dropped me off about half an hour ago, much to German's satisfaction. But I spent most of that time pondering on that sensation I felt at the ball and what consequences would Dante face for that stunt he pulled.

For the past ten minutes, I've been under the steaming hot water enjoying my shower after getting frustrated with my thoughts.

Out of nowhere, familiar large hands cup my breasts from behind as slight jolts of electrical vibrations rush throughout my body. Tyler!

Pinching my left nipple that now stood harder than a pebble. "Did anyone touch you?" Tyler growls and I shake my head no, but it's not enough for him.

Nibbling on my neck, rather roughly. "Words baby, use your words," Tyler whispered as his hard shaft pressed against my back.

Swallowing down my saliva, I tried collecting my thoughts. "No. Dante and I just danced and left, because I wasn't feeling good," I replied breathlessly.

Whirling me around to face his pitch-black eyes. "That's my girl," Tyler growls, before smashing his delicate pink lips to my pouty ones, how much I missed them.

After an intense make-out session in the shower. We got out, and are currently dried and dressed for bed. Well, I'm only wearing Tyler's shirt and panties while he's only wearing boxers.

My back is pressed firmly to Tyler's hard, muscular chest. While one of his hands is secured protectively around my waist. He kisses me. "Goodnight beautiful, I love you," he says lovingly.

A whine breaks the peaceful silence. Chuckling. "Goodnight boy, I love you too," Tyler uttered causing Demon to bark happily.

I snicker at their drama. "Goodnight Mr. Greyson," I say, pecking Tyler's lips, in return, he cuddles our body closer if it's even possible.

This I could get used to.


Well finally! What do you think of the father-daughter encounter?

Song by Calum Scott and Leona Lewis the owners.

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