The Handsome Billionaire Surprises in Form of Two Cute Babies

Chapter 1

1   Connected dots 

Flora had decided to take a break and unwind at the hotel’s bar after a long day. The soft hum of conversation and gentle clinking of glasses enveloped the dimly lit space. Meanwhile, back at their suite, Kendra and Kayden sat in hushed tones, perched on the edge of the plush sofa. 

“I can’t believe we were so close to finding out,” Kendra whispered, her voice tinged with disappointment. 

Kayden nodded solemnly, his brows furrowed in contemplation. “Yeah, we were right there. But now… who knows if he’ll still be at the hospital tomorrow?” 

Their major candidate for their father’s identity had seemed within reach, but the unpredictability of the situation left them disheartened. The twins had spent days narrowing down possibilities, only to come so close and potentially miss their chance

Kendra’s voice wavered with emotion. “I’m really sad, Kayden. Mom knew about our plan… she must be so unhappy. I hate that she might feel like she’s not enough for us.” 

Kayden mirrored his sister’s concern, his eyes reflecting the weight of their quest. “We didn’t mean for her to feel that way, Ken. We were just curious, trying to fill in the blanks.” 

Their intentions had been rooted in a longing for answers, not to cause their mother any pain. But the realization that their pursuit might have inadvertently hurt Flora unsettled them deeply. 

Kendra buried her face in her hands, feeling a’pang of guilt. “I don’t want her to think we don’t appreciate her or that we’re not grateful for everything she’s done for us.” 

Kayden placed a comforting hand on his sister’s shoulder, understanding her turmoil. “I know, Ken. Mom’s done everything for us. We just wanted to know, that’s all.” 

Their mother’s unwavering love and dedication weighed heavily on their minds. They cherished her beyond measure and hated the idea of causing her any distress. Yet, the yearning to uncover the mystery of their father’s identity tugged at their hearts, creating an inner conflict they couldn’t easily 



In the brightly lit hospital room, with his face etched with concern, Axel hovered around his brother’s bed. Marc lay there, his injured leg propped up and enveloped in layers of bandages, the pain etched in his furrowed brows. Normally, Axel’s attention would have been undivided, but tonight was different. 

Axel was embroiled in his tablet, his fingers tapping away, absorbed in a series of codes and encrypted data. Despite Marc’s grimaces and occasional moans, Axel seemed utterly consumed by the task at hand. It wasn’t that he didn’t care though. 

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Sweat beaded on Marc’s forehead, his frustration growing with each passing moment. “Axel, I’m hurting here, and you’re acting like I don’t even exist. How can you focus on work when I’m in this much pain?” 

Axel hesitated for a moment, torn between the urgency of his mission and his brother’s evident agony. There was an inner conflict raging within him, evident in the way his gaze flickered between the screen and his anguished brother. There was something more than just a workload, something darker lingering in his mind. 

With a hint of impatience, Axel retorted, “Remember how you got hurt? That you were reckless enough to jump off the car and hit your leg on a stone.It was more straightforward than you’re making it seem” 

Marc winced at Axel’s words. Yes, he had taken a leap, but the ledge hadn’t been kind to him. The fracture was the result of an unfortunate rendezvous between his leg and a particularly sharp. protrusion. Admitting to such a foolish misstep was out of the question. He had returned home, clutching his leg, making it seem like a freak accident. 

Feeling the sting of Axel’s indifference, Marc whined, “Can’t you at least show a little concern? I’m in pain here!” 

He couldn’t fathom why Axel couldn’t see beyond the work he was busy with. Isn’t my accident related to your work? Shouldn’t you at least offer some understanding or try to act understanding?” Marc wondered out aloud, feeling the weight of both physical and emotional discomfort. 

Yet, Axel remained unmoved, his mind seemingly occupied by something beyond Marc’s comprehension. Marc understood him well, but at this moment, he seemed wrapped in a puzzle, inscrutable and distant. 

“Stop complaining and whining. Did you find anything on your trip? Did you follow the lead I gave you?” Axel’s voice held a tinge of frustration, his patience running thin. 

Setting aside his pain which wasn’t as much as he described it to be, Marc focused on the task at hand. “Yes, I found something. 

“Skip the details and get to the point,” Axel interjected, his eyes never leaving the screen on his palm. 

“Alright,” Marc replied, “The hacker I met with provided me with leads. He mentioned the top one had a hand in developing the program you showed me. Despite limited resources, he managed to gather intel. Turns out that the twins were last sighted at the airport in Billy city moving from the place I visited.” 

Marc moved his legs a bit and tried resting his back on the edge of the bed, his expression serious. I’ve got something else, Ax. Found a lead on a chief designer at the jewelry company we acquired. Her 

name’s Flora.” 

Axel, intrigued by the mention of the name, leaned forward and set his phone aside, his eyes narrowing with recognition. “Flora? She’s the second person I’ve been after in the last few months. I admired her work without knowing her even though I never told you about it, which led me to acquire 

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the company when the previous owner faced bankruptcy.” 

His fingers tapped restlessly, conveying the depth of his interest in this particular pursuit. “However, despite acquiring the company, there’s barely any concrete information about her or her work. It’s as if she’s deliberately obscured herself.” 

Axel’s brows furrowed, contemplating the implications of this new information. “But how does Flora, the chief designer at the jewelry company I acquired, connect to the search I sent you on?” 

Marc blinked in surprise, slightly taken aback by Axel’s already existing knowledge. “You… you knew about her?” 

Axel nodded, a note of frustration coloring his voice. “Yes, but despite acquiring the company she works at, I couldn’t penetrate her defenses. It’s like she’s made herself invisible deliberately.” 

Marc connected the dots between Axel’s pursuit and Flora’s reluctance to relocate. “Maybe she’s more entwined in this than she lets on. Her attachment to her former residence might hold a clue to her connections.” 

Axel’s mind whirled with possibilities. “There’s something she’s guarding, something tying her to the trail I’ve been following.” 

Turning to Marc, Axel’s gaze held an intensity that spoke of his determination. “Any further connections or leads to Flora that could explain her elusive behavior?” 

Marc shook his head, a sense of urgency rising within him. “Not yet. But she’s the missing link you’ve been searching for. Her insistence on staying might be more than just sentimental.” 

Axel’s expression hardened with resolve. “We need more. If Flora holds the key to this mystery, we have to uncover why she’s shielding herself and how she’s linked to the search.” 

“I still wonder who this Flora is and how she is connected to this whole event and if she later decided to move down to Billy city to continue her job.” Marc wondered. 

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Stepping out of the hospital room, Axel felt a high level of urgency wash through him. The revelations about Flora had left him restless, a myriad of unanswered questions swirling in his mind. He needed 

more information, a deeper understanding of this elusive woman who seemed to be shrouded in 


His fingers tapped the screen of his phone, speed dialing the familiar number of Eric, the family chauffeur, who often took charge in handling the family’s peculiar situations. 

“Eric, it’s Axel,” he spoke briskly as soon as the call connected. “I need you to delve deeper into Eisen Group’s Chief Jewelry Designer, Flora. I want every single personal detail you can lay your hands on.” 

There was a pause at the other end of the line, and Axel could almost hear the gears turning in Eric’s mind. “Flora, sir? I managed to access the file at the company. Unfortunately, it’s terribly insufficient. I can’t come to you with such scanty information.‘ 

Axel’s frustration was palpable. “What do you mean by ‘insufficient“?” 

He sighed, the sound crackling through the phone. “The file is barely informative. It mentions her role and her responsibilities, but nothing substantial about who she is as a person. It’s as if she’s carefully hidden any trace of her past.” 

Axel clenched his fists, his impatience mounting. “We need more, Eric. We have to know who she is, why she’s so secretive. Find anything, dig into her past, her connections, anything that might give us 

a clue.” 

“I understand, sir,” Eric responded, his voice laced with determination. “But it’s proving to be quite the challenge. The company has erected walls around any details regarding her.” 

Axel’s mind raced. “Try another approach. Contact the Human Resources Management of the group. Maybe they have more insight into her background, something that might give us a lead.” 

Minutes felt like hours as Axel waited for Eric’s response. Finally, Eric’s phone call broke the silence.” I reached out to the HR manager. According to them, Flora was personally brought in by the owner. Her work mainly involves submitting three jewelry designs each month. She operates independently and doesn’t need to be physically present at the office.” 

Axel sighed in exasperation. It seemed Flora was adept at concealing her past, crafting a mysterious existence that avoided prying eyes. “Keep pushing, Eric. We need more. If she holds the key to what I’ve been seeking, we have to uncover her secrets.” 

Eric nodded, even though Axel couldn’t see him. “I’ll keep digging, sir. I won’t stop until I find something substantial.” 

As the call ended, Axel paced back and forth, a sense of unease settling within him. Flora’s mysterious nature and her ability to evade scrutiny only fueled his determination to unravel her secrets. 

Axel reentered the hospital room, his thoughts still on Flora. Marc lay on the bed, flicking through at 

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magazine, a hint of curiosity in his eyes as he glanced up at Axel. 

“Hey, everything alright?” Marc asked, sensing the underlying tension in Axel’s demeanor. 


Axel pulled a chair closer to Marc’s bedside. “We’re still in the dark about Flora. She’s a true puzzle. Eric’s on it, trying to uncover more details, but it’s like she’s deliberately hidden her past.” 

Marc frowned, the concern mirrored in his eyes. “Does it relate to what you’ve been searching for?” 

Axel nodded, a trace of frustration etched on his face. “I’m almost certain she’s connected, but she’s keeping herself well–guarded. 

The conversation lingered for a while longer, lightening the atmosphere in the room. Marc’s inquiries about Axel’s plans outside the hospital subtly indicated his longing to know when he would leave. 

“I might head back to the hotel for some rest,” Axel mentioned casually. He understood his brother’s unspoken question about when he’d be discharged.Axel had a place in Billy City, but it was located a bit far from the company. 

Marc nodded, a knowing smile on his face. “Right, I think you could use some proper sleep. Don’t worry about me; I’ll be fine here.” 

Axel stood up, giving Marc a pat on the shoulder. “I’ll catch you tomorrow, then. Try not to cause any more trouble in the meantime.” 

Marc They exchanged smiles, a silent understanding passing between them. As Axel left the room, settled back into his hospital bed, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. It was typical of Marc to stir things up, but in the serene atmosphere of the hospital room, he knew better than to instigate further 


Flora sat calmly in the living room, a book resting in her hands, as Kendra and Kayden walked in, their expressions were a mix of apprehension and remorse. They exchanged glances, silently steeling themselves before approaching their mother. 

“Mom, we’re really sorry about sneaking out,” Kendra began, her voice a bit shaky. 

Flora glanced up from her book, meeting their eyes with understanding. “I know you two are incredibly bright and curious. But leaving the building without permission wasn’t the wisest choice.” 

Kayden nodded, his tone laced with regret. “We also… we tried to find Dad.” 

Flora paused, her gaze softening. “I understand why you would want that. You both need him, and. it’s natural to be curious. But finding him is something adults should handle.” 

Kendra took a deep breath, her words coming out in a rush. “We just thought maybe if we found him, things would be clearer, and you wouldn’t have to worry about it.” 

Flora closed her book, setting it aside, and gestured for them to sit beside her on the couch. “Come here, both of you.” 

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They sat down feeling a bit tense, unsure of what to expect. 

“You two are brilliant, and I love that about you. But some things are too big for young minds to handle alone,” Flora explained gently, her hand finding theirs. “Your fatherIt’s a complicated situation. It’s something I’ve been trying to sort out for a while now.” 

Kendra bit her lip, her eyes showing remorse. “We’re really sorry, Mom. We just thought we could help.” 

Flora pulled them into a comforting embrace. You have such big hearts, wanting to help and understand. But sometimes, the best way to help is by being patient and letting the grownups take care of it. I promise I’ll tell you everything when the time is right, okay?” 

They nodded, relief washing over them as they hugged their mother. They knew they had overstepped, but hearing Flora’s reassurance brought them comfort. 

Flora felt a subtle tension, an unspoken resolve. She pulled away slightly, meeting their gaze one by one, understanding dawning upon her. 

“I appreciate your apologies, I truly do,” Flora began, her tone gentle yet firm. “But I know you two well enough to see that behind these apologies, there’s a resolve. Am I right?” 

Kendra and Kayden exchanged a quick glance, their expressions shifting to sheepishness. Kayden spoke up, “Mom, we’re really sorry for worrying you. But…” 

Flora cut in. “I want it to end as but. Thanks for your understanding so I need you to promise me not to do anything like that anymore.” 

Kendra and Kayden shared another look, a silent conversation passing between them. “We promise,” Kendra said finally. 

Flora smiled softly even though concern was evident in her eyes. “Just leave this to me. Deal?” 

The twins nodded in unison, their expressions resolute yet softened by their mother’s understanding. They hugged her once more, a silent agreement passing between them which was a promise to be patient but never to fully let go of their pursuit for answers. 

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