The Guardian's Sword

The Guardian’s Sword By Talking Cigarette Chapter 1222

Chapter 1222
At the gate.
Two security guards were standing guard.
Queen Children’s Orphanage often received visits from kind people, who sometimes donated things.
Therefore, the presence of strangers was not surprising.
Sean took out his identification card for registration and entered the orphanage.
Some children were playing in the yard.
They were young. They looked like they were five or six years old.
Their clothes were simple.
Their clothes were clean even though they were not some luxury brands.
Several kids grinned at Sean when they saw him coming.
It brought a smile to Sean’s face.
Because that was how he was when he was a kid.
Whenever strangers came, they brought them supplies.
It was also their happiest time.
The orphanage had expanded quite a bit.
The office and dormitory areas looked well–furnished and even had air conditioning.
Anyway, it looked a lot different from the run–down home Sean remembered.
It was not easy to go from being a privately run orphanage to where it was today.
Sean recalled the woman named May Randall.

She was the orphanage’s founder and gave her everything to children.
At that time, Sean and the rest would call her Aunt May out of affection.
Over the years, new children had come in, and many had grown up and left.
Sean was no exception.
The kids who were Sean’s age back then must have left too.
After all, orphanages fulfilled their duty by raising the children until they were 18.
If the child was not disabled or unable to take care of themselves, they must leave to make their own living.
“Hello, what can I do for you?”
Just then, a girl in her 20s came over and asked, smiling.
The girl was young and beautiful. She had a neat ponytail and was pretty.
She also wore the armband of a volunteer.
She should be a volunteer from nearby schools or other organizations.
“Hi, I’m looking for Madam Randall. I wonder if she’s still around...”
Sean came to his senses and replied.
“What are you saying? How can Madam Randall not be around?
“I’ll take you there.”
The girl was speechless. Sean looked like he had not seen Aunt May in years.
Sean followed the girl without explaining much.
At this time.
A room.

The room had simple furnishing–a table, chairs, and a bed. There was nothing else.
The two clothes next to them also looked shabby.
A middle–aged woman who appeared to be in her 40s was mending something.
She was May, the director of the orphanage.
She wore simple clothes and looked kind.
Knock knock
“Aunt May, someone wants to see you.”

There was a knock at the door, and May slowly looked up.
“Come in.”
May put down what she was holding and prepared to get up to meet them.
The door opened, and Sean slowly stepped in.
“What do you want, young man?”
May could not help but feel slightly surprised to see such a young man.
It was because people who came to the orphanage were either kind older people who donated supplies or middle–
aged couples who came to adopt children.
It was rare to see someone as young as Sean.
Sean said nothing but stared at May.
As far as he could remember, May was in her 20s, not much older than Sean was now.
May was only at the ripe age of over 30 when Sean left.

It had been 13 years since they had last met.
May was already in her 40s today.
Besides that, May even looked like a woman over 50.
Her hair was partially gray, and her face was wrinkled.
Sean remembered how May looked when she was young and was sad to see her so old.
May had devoted all her time and effort to the orphanage. It was probably why she looked so old.
The orphanage had been around for more than 20 years.
May had spent the best 20 years of her life providing a safe haven for countless children.
Anyone would be touched by such unconditional love.
Humans were not great, but they could do great things.
Sean remembered that May was gentle and loving to each child
She said abandoned children deserved love as they could not enjoy their parents‘ love.
Therefore, she would do all she could to give more love to these children.
Not only did she say so, but she also kept her word..

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