The Guardians of the Relic

Chapter 20

The white car skidded behind them. It was inches away now. A truck driver honked next to them as Rupert cut him off. Emily held onto her seat as he took a sharp turn. The back of the limousine crashed against a post box on the side of the road. She closed her eyes and covered her ears at the sound of the shattering glass. When the glass fell Emily turned back. She finally saw the driver. She was staring at Athena Morelli. Everything slowed down in that moment. She saw her reverse. In the corner of her eye Ethan yelled at Rupert to move. The limo jerked forward seconds before the car made contact.

“Are you okay?” asked Ethan. She nodded.

“If I may say sir, I think this woman intends to kill us,” said Rupert.

“Can’t this thing go any faster?”

“It’s a limousine sir, not a Ferrari.”

They would never make it. Athena was already back on their tail. A frantic idea popped into Emily’s head.

“Stop the limo Rupert,” she said.

“What?” asked Ethan.

“Just trust me.”

She leaned close to his ear and whispered. Ethan listened, hesitated, but eventually told Rupert to hit the brakes. She put her hands in her coat pocket just to make sure she still had the pouch. The white car screeched to a halt behind them. Emily watched in the side rear-view mirror as Athena got out of the car and walked towards them. Ethan moved to open his door but she put a hand across his chest.

“No, I will go.”

Athena was dressed in tight leather pants with a white blouse and black jacket. Her fiery red hair fell to her shoulders. She was just as beautiful as she was in her picture, although Emily noticed she had very visible red rings around her eyes and her skin was white as snow.

“Emily Carson I presume. We finally meet,” said Athena.

“Yes. I have heard a lot about you Athena.”

She clicked her tongue and shook her head. “My dear, you shouldn’t believe everything you read. Now, where is it?”

“Where is what?”

Athena rolled her eyes. “Don’t act coy with me, you know what I want.”

Emily moved a few steps closer to her. “I know what you want. What I can’t figure out is why you want it.”

“That is my business.” She pulled out a blade and pointed it at her. “Give it to me. I know you have it.”

Emily maintained eye contact with her. She didn’t look like a killer. There was definitely another reason for her actions. “No. Go ahead and kill me.”

“You’re willing to die for it?” asked Athena. Her eyes flickered. Emily’s bold statement had definitely caught her by surprise.

Emily tried to keep her eyes focused even though she saw Ethan slowly creeping up behind her. “Athena, please think about what you’re doing. So many innocent people will die.”

“I’m sorry but you leave me with no choice,” said Athena. As soon as she moved towards her, Ethan tackled her from behind. They struggled. Athena lifted him over her shoulders and threw him to the ground. Emily just watched and held tightly onto the pouch. Rupert then grabbed Athena around the neck in a choke hold. She broke free and tried to kick him but he blocked it and punched her hard in the face. She hit the ground instantly. Emily helped Ethan up. They both stared at Rupert in shock.

Rupert adjusted his clothes. “Well sir, I’m going to have to add high speed car chases and martial arts skills to my job description now.” Ethan and Emily both laughed together.

It was just after dark when they headed to Ethan’s apartment. The apartment was on the east end of London. Since the limousine was in bad shape, Ethan rented a car. Rupert tied Athena’s hands and legs with rope. As a precaution, he taped her mouth too. Emily had to hand it to him, he packed a mean punch; Athena was knocked out cold. Emily wasn’t sure what they were going to do with her. All she could think about was going home and getting her brother back.

Ethan sat in the front seat next to Rupert. He turned around and eyed Athena. She was slouched down next to Emily, her head leaning against the door.

“We’re going to have to get her to cooperate with us,” he said.

He was right. How else would they be able to get her on the plane unnoticed?

“I will try when she wakes up,” said Emily.

An hour later, Athena was still not awake. Emily glanced at her while she tried to find something to eat in the kitchen. She hadn’t eaten anything since they had boarded the plane. Emily opened the cupboard doors. They were empty except for a cereal box. She checked the expiration date at the back and promptly threw it in the trash.

At least there was a coffee machine. She made a cup and sat on the couch across Athena. Ethan was still on the balcony. The apartment was huge, not that she was surprised. Although she did wonder how he lived in such a large place alone for so long.

Athena shifted her head. She was waking up. She opened her eyes and looked down at her hands and legs. She tried to scream through the tape but only a muffled sound came out. She kicked her legs out, causing the glass vase on the coffee table to topple over. The glass pieces flew everywhere. Ethan ran inside when he heard the commotion. He folded his arms and leaned down close to her face. “Not so fun when you’re the one tied up, is it?” She tried kicking him but he stood just out of reach.

“Ethan, let me handle this,” said Emily. He lifted both hands in the air as a sign of surrender and moved away from Athena. Emily went to her and pulled the tape off of her mouth. She winced as it came off.

“Where am I?” asked Athena.

“You are somewhere safe. We’re not going to hurt you Athena; we just want to talk to you.”

“I will not tell you anything.”

She struggled again, but it was useless. Apparently Rupert knew how to tie good knots as well. He was very efficient for being just a driver.

“Please Athena, I know you’re not a bad person. Why are you doing this?”

Athena stopped wriggling and closed her eyes. The tears rolled down her cheeks now. Ethan shook his head. “Here come the waterworks.”

Emily moved closer to her, but Ethan stepped in front of her quickly “No, we can’t trust her. She could just be playing us.”

“Look at her. Does that look fake to you?” asked Emily.

Ethan turned around and studied Athena’s face. After a moment he exhaled loudly. “Okay fine, just be careful. She’s more dangerous than she looks. Trust me.” Emily nodded.

“He has my sister,” said Athena. Her words caught Ethan’s attention.

“Who? Alkron?” asked Emily. She sat beside her.

“Yes. He captured my sister Fay about three months ago. She’s already dying. I’m running out of time.” Ethan and Emily exchanged looks.

“How do you know she is dying?” asked Ethan.

“He showed me. He has cast a spell on her. She is unable to use any of her powers. She is defenseless. She grows weaker by the minute.”

“But why didn’t you tell Glohone about this? The council could have helped you” said Emily.

She just shook her head. “The council cannot be trusted. They cannot help me.” Emily untied the ropes on her hands and legs. Athena sat up properly and rubbed her wrists. “Thank you.”

“He has my brother, too. Maybe we can help each other.” Athena was silent. She stared at the ground. “What other choice do you have? We are the only ones who can help you now. Please, trust us.” said Emily.

“Okay. I will help you, if you help me,” said Athena. She extended her hand to Emily.

The flight back home somehow seemed longer. Emily didn’t get a wink of sleep. She shifted in her seat. Since Athena sat next to her, Ethan decided to sit upfront in the cockpit with Rupert. He obviously still didn’t trust her very much. Emily was surprised again when Rupert said he could fly a plane. She wondered where Ethan’s father found him. He was more of a bodyguard than chauffeur.

Ethan came through the small door. Athena was fast asleep next to her. He signaled for her to come to the front with him. It was a little cramped in the cockpit, but she guessed Ethan wanted to talk to her privately. He closed the door. His face was really close to hers now, but he didn’t seem to care.

“There is something that is bugging me,” Ethan whispered.

“What’s that?” asked Emily.

“Why did Athena say the council can’t be trusted?”

Emily shifted slightly to create a little distance between them. “Well, I don’t blame her. She probably thinks that they will just make things worse, just like when they let my parents die.”

“It doesn’t make any sense though. She knows Alastair better than we do.”

Emily glanced at Rupert but he wasn’t paying any attention to them. “She doesn’t trust them, and neither do I.”

He rubbed his face with both his hands. His eyes then moved between Rupert and her. “Emily, I understand you’re angry and you have every right to be, but just think about it. How are we going to do this without them?”

“We have Athena’s help now. We will think of something,” said Emily. Even as she said it she knew it sounded terrible.

“Athena is mortal, remember? She can die just like us. What you are suggesting is suicide. Do you want to end up like your parents?”

She clenched her jaw. “How dare you?” She turned and tried the door, but Ethan put his hand over hers.

“Please try to understand. This is much bigger than simply avenging your parents.”

“Don’t touch me.” She pulled her hand away. Emily felt like she couldn’t breathe. The cockpit seemed smaller all of the sudden. She pushed her hair back. “Don’t you think I know that?” She yelled at him now. “It’s all I can think about. I was just a librarian before all this happened. Now I have to save not only my brother but possibly the world from this evil.”

“I just want to help you.”

“Do you want to help me, or Alastair? Because all I see is a rich kid who has grown up and is looking for a way to escape reality.” She was so angry that she didn’t even think about it before she said it.

He broke eye contact with her. “Despite what you may think, you’re not alone Emily.”

“Then why do I feel like I am?” Silence. She pushed the door open and went back to her seat.

Ethan didn’t follow her. He eventually sat back down next to Rupert without saying a word. They had obviously caught Rupert’s attention but he didn’t ask Ethan any questions. He respected that about him.

Ethan looked out the window. “How much longer until we land?” he asked.

“Not long sir,” said Rupert.

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