The Guardians of the Relic

Chapter 16

Ethan paraded around his apartment in shorts and a t-shirt. The t-shirt had a picture of The Incredible Hulk on it. Very mature, he thought, it’s no wonder I haven’t been on a serious date in ages. Then again, he really wouldn’t be able to explain to any girl that he was currently chasing after a supernatural pendant with a bunch of wizards. He would definitely be pegged as crazy.

He didn’t have a chance to change, and it was already midday. He didn’t even get a chance to call his secretary to tell her he wouldn’t be going in today. Well, not just today. He’d probably be out for a couple of days.

He made some coffee and went back to his desk. He took a sip and stared at the computer screen. Ethan had opened the police report from the second murder, a report which he had obtained through less than legal means. But it was for a good reason. That’s what Jack had probably thought before he got arrested. He would just have to take his chances.

Ethan read over the report again. It wasn’t the actual report that he was interested in, but the footage from the surveillance camera. He clicked on the video and watched it carefully. The figures in the video were blurred and it was very dark. There was a sudden flash, and then nothing.

Ethan’s doorbell rang and he checked his desk clock. He wasn’t expecting anyone. He clicked on his own personal security camera outside his apartment. He had installed it after Athena assaulted him. Emily stood there with her arms folded. He got up to go answer it.

“Ethan, why aren’t you answering your phone?” asked Emily. She looked a little pissed off.

“Well hello Emily, it’s nice to see you too.” She scanned him from head to toe, shook her head, and walked right past him. “Yes come right in,” said Ethan sarcastically.

“Why aren’t you at work today?”

“I could ask you the same thing.”

“I decided to take a long holiday. My head is just not in it, especially with everything that’s going on now. I can’t concentrate on my research.”

“Beautiful and smart but somehow you choose to date Jason Calhoun.”

“Hilarious. I was seriously worried when you didn’t answer your phone.”

“I’m touched you care.” She looked even more pissed at him. “Okay sorry. I am a little busy. Besides, I thought I would give some time to work it out with your pretty boy. Did he know I was there?”

“Yes. No. I don’t know. But we are fine, and don’t call him that.” He just grinned.

She glanced around his apartment. Everything was a mess. There were dirty dishes in the sink, mostly cups. She guessed he was a coffee lover, too, based on the number of coffee mugs. Some empty soda cans lay strewn on the counter. His desk was stacked with papers, and small balls of squashed paper were on the floor. The image on the laptop screen caught her eye. “What’s this?”

“Surveillance footage from the last murder. It’s what I’ve been working on.”

That explained the current state of his apartment, she thought. “Where did you get this?” she asked.

“You really need to ask that?”

“Fine. I don’t want to know. So what’s on it? Is it Athena?”

“I don’t know. That’s what I’m trying to figure out, but my gut tells me it’s not her.” He sat down at his desk.

Emily didn’t move from where she stood. She looked at his window. The curtain was still closed. He really seemed to be hibernating in his apartment. She remembered how he had looked when he had been beaten and tied to the chair. “Well I guess you would know. You met her.” she said.

He didn’t look impressed. “Yes, we got well acquainted. I have scars to prove it.”

Emily smiled. “The mayor said they will release her photo later today. Well, he didn’t say her name. He just said the suspect’s photo.”

“So you went to the town meeting?” asked Ethan. He wanted to take another sip of the coffee, but after he tilted the cup he decided against it.

“Yeah. Almost the whole town was there.” She paused. “How well do you know Alexander Graham?”

Ethan shrugged. “Not well, but I have bumped into him a couple of times at some boring parties my father hosted. Why do you ask?”

“No reason. He was at the meeting with Michael.”

Ethan raised his eyebrows. “Since when does Emily Carson ask a question for no reason?”

She finally sat down on one of the couches. “He’s just…it’s probably nothing. Forget it.”

“Okay then,” said Ethan. The alarm in the apartment went off. The loud sound pierced through their ears. Emily covered hers. Ethan checked his laptop. “Someone entered through the bedroom window. Stay here,” he whispered.

He grabbed the gun from his drawer and moved slowly towards the bedroom door. When he kicked open the door and pointed the gun, he saw Glohone lifting both his hands up. “Seriously? Do you people not know how to use doors?”

“My apologies, Ethan.” Glohone tilted his head to study the gun in his hand. “I really don’t think that thing would have done you any good.” He closed his eyes.

Ethan was about to ask what he meant when his hand suddenly twisted at an awkward angle, causing the gun to fall to the ground.

“You see what I mean?” asked Glohone.

Ethan stepped back. “Well, unfortunately for me, I don’t have magic like you.” He rubbed the palm of his hand, trying to get the blood flowing again.

“Is Emily here?”

“Yes, she’s here. But you probably knew that before you decided to play Spider-Man.” Glohone looked at him blankly. Ethan sighed. “She’s in the lounge.”

“You wear strange clothes,” said Glohone staring at his t-shirt.

“Thanks.” As if invading his whole life and privacy weren’t enough, now they were picking on his wardrobe.

“Oh thank god Glohone, it’s only you,” said Emily when she entered the room. She covered her ears again. “Please turn it off before I go deaf”

Ethan quickly ran to his desk and disabled the alarm. “Sorry, I had to take precautions,” he said to both of them.

“Alastair wants to see both of you,” said Glohone.

“So I’m guessing you people don’t know how to use a cell phone either?” asked Ethan. Again no reaction from Glohone. Why did he even bother?

Emily turned to him “You’d better get dressed.”

“Yes, you cannot go out in public in those clothes,” said Glohone. Ethan just rolled his eyes.

* *

On the way to the shop Ethan saw the flyers everywhere. The police worked fast. The press had already released Athena’s photo. He noticed the way Emily kept looking over at Glohone, but he didn’t say a word out of fear of Glohone’s temper. The people on the street went about their daily activities like nothing happened. The mayor’s speech probably gave them some comfort. Ethan knew better. The police weren’t dealing with normal criminals.

When they reached the shop the sun was already setting. As they entered Emily gently tugged on Glohone’s cloak. He turned around.

“Can I speak with you?” When he didn’t move she said, “Privately.” He nodded. They went to the corner of the room. Ethan, noticing that they wanted privacy, went and spoke with Izdel and Erhan.

“I am sorry about Athena,” said Emily.

“You have nothing to be sorry about,” said Glohone.

She noticed Glohone didn’t look directly at her. “I know, but this still must be hard for you.”

“You are very intuitive Emily.”

She smiled. “Well, I am, but Izdel also told me a little about what happened between the two of you.” She half closed one eye, worried about how he would react, but to her surprise Glohone laughed.

“Izdel has a very big mouth,” he said.

“I can’t argue with that statement.”

The smile on his face faded slowly. “Athena has chosen her path. She must now deal with the consequences.”

“For what it’s worth, I honestly don’t believe she killed those people.”

Glohone didn’t respond. She felt awkward and fidgeted with her hair. It was obvious that he didn’t fully agree with her about Athena. Maybe he had already given up hope for her. It made her sad. Eventually he broke the silence.

“Thank you for your concern Emily. You have a good heart. ” He put a hand on her shoulder.

“Well it runs in my family. It’s how we Carson’s are made,” said Emily and smiled.

“Wait. Did you say Carson?”

“Eh, yeah. It’s my surname. Carson” Glohone looked like he saw a ghost. “What’s wrong?” she asked.

He gave her a fake smile. “It’s nothing. You stay here. I just remembered that I need to speak to Alastair about something.” He left the room before she could respond.

Emily stood in that spot looking confused. Ethan headed towards her. “Hey, what was that all about? He looked like he was in a hurry,” said Ethan.

“I have no idea.”

They waited for the two men to return. It was now dark. Although they hadn’t been gone long, Emily was getting restless. “You think you can find us something to drink? I’m thirsty all of the sudden,” she said to Ethan.

“Sure, I think I saw a mini fridge at the back.”

Ethan went to the back room. He scanned the room for the fridge. Strange, he was sure he had seen one back here. But then again, why would they have one. Did wizards even get thirsty? He heard Glohone’s voice. They were outside and it sounded like they were arguing. Ethan put his ear to the door.

“When were you going to tell us?” asked Glohone. He sounded furious.

“Please, calm down Glohone,” said Alastair.

“I will not calm down. You should have told us she’s Peter and Beth’s daughter. This changes everything.” There was silence for a few seconds. Ethan became worried that they had sensed his presence, but Glohone continued. “It all makes sense now. Why you wanted us to keep a close watch on her.”

“I am deeply sorry that I lied to you. But you must understand. I am the reason her parents are dead. I had to make sure she and her brother were safe.”

“Do you know if she has the pendant?” asked Glohone.

Ethan couldn’t listen to any more. The shock hit him like a ton of bricks. He slowly moved away from the door. After a minute of going through it in his head, everything suddenly began making sense. Alastair’s insistence on keeping Emily safe. It was guilt. Ethan tried to gather himself before he faced Emily again. He sure as hell wasn’t going to be one to tell her this news.

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