The Guardians' Blade

Chapter Chapter One - Fortress of Shaylo

Two years after the battle near the Emerald Valley, Boar the ex-Shadow Warrior was settling comfortably into the life of a Guardian. His memory of the twin sisters who had sacrificed themselves for a desperate people was a constant reminder of why he had changed his life. Katarna and Mysterious had fought both an internal and external threat to save all Guardians from being disbanded and completely over-run by dark forces. Boar had been there at their sides, he had buried each sister as they had died in their duties. He had gone on to be named a hero, and was given the robes of a Guardian to wear as acknowledgement of his actions. A Shadow Warrior lived with death, destruction, deceit and betrayal, Boar however, had come to realize there was more to life than blindly obeying orders. The Guardian code and way of life had changed his outlook and altered his perception. He was still looked upon with suspicion due to his past, but he hoped that in time he could earn complete respect from everyone.

He believed that if the Shepherd King could accept him, then so could all the others. He would never forget the twins Mysterious and Katarna. He had thought he knew what love was until he joined them on their final adventure to save the desolate lands of Hymbroli from the clutches of the Dark Warlords. The gaining of a new name in the presence of the Shepherd King was the pinnacle of his experience so far. ’Lionheart’ was the name he would hope to wear with pride.

A clash of steel brought him sharply back to the present as he quickly deflected a blow from a fellow Guardian. His booted feet kicked up sand as he spun to regain the advantage. His opponent was deceived into thinking Boar was retreating, only to blunder straight into his attack. Unlike most Guardians, Boar was able to wield two blades at once, and soon had his sparring partner tripping up over his own feet in an effort to evade the two whirling blades. The other finally shouted, “YIELD!”

Boar grinned as he lowered his swords, tilting his head, causing grey braids to shift about his shoulders. “Getting a little slow there, aren’t you?”

“Your focus was somewhat lacking earlier,” was the grunted response as the other Guardian wiped his blade with a black cloth. He offered Boar a slight grin. “However, it’s always good practice against you, my friend. It keeps me primed should we have to go up against the Shadow Warriors.”

Boar snickered quietly, shaking his head. “In your current state the Shadow Warriors would be all over you, I’m afraid. Need to pick up that speed or lose some weight, Soryn.” Smoothly he sheathed his own two blades, dusting sand from his tunic before glancing back at his companion. “I have reason to believe, however, that the Shadow Warriors are taking things into their own hands now, rather than simply following the orders of the Warlords from the north.”

“Well then, that is a good thing. I hope it is because you have been sending them word of what life is like amongst us?” Soryn Krammer smiled as he wiped sweat from his brow. He was well over six feet tall, strong in muscle and well built, wearing his hair in a long black braid down his back with braids framing his features. He was a veteran of various wars, close to gaining the highest rank in the Guardian order, known as the Black Wolf’s Blade. He had met Boar two years ago when the Shadow Warrior had made his way to the Fortress of Shaylo, along with Alixa and two destriders. It had been intriguing getting to know this former enemy. Before Boar could reply to Soryn’s comment, a novice Guardian hurried across the sandy arena to where they were standing. Panting a little, the youth bowed slightly before speaking. “Guardian Lionheart and Guardian Krammer, you are wanted by the Council.”

Krammer nodded to the youth and motioned towards the archway that led out of the large training arena. “Let us not keep them waiting.” Quickly he strode off, Boar hurrying along at his side.

“I wonder what the Council wants?” Boar was always eager for a mission – he had been rather disappointed that the Council hadn’t let him stray far from the main Guardian stronghold since his arrival for training. He was hoping they would give him a chance to prove himself soon.

“I am sure that we will find out soon enough,” Soryn returned dryly. He had been chosen to teach Boar the code and ways of the Guardians, and he had found it rather challenging at times. The Shadow Warrior’s arrogant nature was difficult to curb. However Boar had surprised him, showing his determination to learn and try to change his ways.

Shaylo, like any Guardian mountain city fortress, was vast and sprawling. The chambers of the Council were to be found in the center of the city, inside a structure that resembled a gothic cathedral. All the buildings were constructed out of mountain rock, carefully carved by loving labor. Sunlight filtered in through several openings in the rock above and reflected off a series of strategically placed mirrors around the city. It never failed to astonish Boar how the Guardians had carved out massive cities so far beneath the surface of the lands above, or how they had made use of the various mountain ranges, which were natural barriers against the Warlords.

Through the cobbled streets the two walked, until they reached the Council Great Hall. They mounted a series of stairs up to an elegant porch, with two black doors through which they entered, making their way through corridors until they reached a guarded room. Soryn spoke to one of the Guardians on duty. “Allow us entry, the Council is expecting us.”

The guard inclined his head and went inside. Several minutes later he returned and motioned the two to go through the now open doors. Soryn and Boar nodded, passing over the threshold to enter the Shaylo Council rooms, where a group of eleven sat around a circular stone table. The walls were covered from ceiling to floor with bookshelves, which were filled with books of all kinds. The only other furniture in the room was the stone table and the eleven chairs the Councilors sat on. The two Guardians quickly approached the table and bowed, with fist to chest honoring these veteran warriors who held such a prestigious position.

One Councilor rose to his feet with a smile on his lips. He touched a fist to his chest and gave a slight bow. “Welcome, Guardian Lionheart and Guardian Krammer. We have sent for you, because it has come to our attention that there has been a good deal of movement along the Drakebare ranges by forces of the Warlords. I have reason to believe that one of the Warlords may put the mountain passes of Eagle’s Point and Dragon Keep to the test very soon. Therefore, I need you to venture into the lands south of Drakebare and find out why the Warlords are stirring.”

“Guardian Mycol, we will find out what we can and report back as soon as possible,” came Soryn’s grave response. He knew the lands beyond the Drakebare Mountains were rich in resources, and were home to several races not found anywhere else throughout the continent of Aur. But he could only guess at what the Warlords might be up to at the moment.

Mycol nodded. “I will travel with you. We will first pay a visit to the Guardian Fortress of Ramoth and meet with the Council there, before travelling onwards in our quest.”

Soryn and Boar glanced at one another. This was an honor, to have one of the Shaylo Council members travelling with them. They quickly clasped fist to chest and bowed, acknowledging their given assignments. “We will head out at dawn on the morrow,” stated Mycol, dismissing them.

The two Guardians turned as one and took their leave of the Council chambers. Soryn had been in there more than once over the years but it had been Boar’s first time and he felt as if finally he was going to get somewhere. He had been impatient for them to give him an assignment and now that he had one, he wasn’t sure if he was excited, relieved or nervous. They were going to lands neither had ever visited before, expanding their horizons and knowledge of the various lands to the south. He hoped he would not let anyone down, it was a great honor to be asked to serve as a Guardian and even with his checkered past he was determined not to let anyone down.

Soryn’s mind was on other matters, he had done much of his service in the north in Hymbroli and the land of Sorrows, as far south as he had ever gone was along the mountains northern borders to assist in setting up the various check points, keeps and towers the Guardians had to keep a watch on the Dark Lords of Dryn. Entering the southern lands was going to be a unique experience, and being further away from Nainya would stretch the limits of his resistance to the guardian’s bane.

The bane was in the back of every Guardian’s mind who left Nainya. It was their one greatest fault and yet it made them aware of the emotions and reasons for why people acted the way they did. Empathic in a sense and yet it could be very painful if they let it get to them and wear them down. Soryn was a veteran, he had long disciplined himself against showing the wear and tear that the young Guardian’s might show in their first few assignments from home. Boar was simply lucky that he was not born a Guardian otherwise he’d have to suffer along with Soryn in this expedition.


Boar strolled through the Tower gardens, hands clasped behind his back, a curious frown upon his forehead as he contemplated the upcoming journey. He did not mind Soryn Krammer as a companion in the least, as the man had been a mentor to him since he had donned the Guardian tunic. But Guardian Mycol Wolfsbane was something else again.

He was considered a war hero, and had been one of the first Guardians to make contact with the races of the Golden Realms. So Boar could see why the elder Guardian might be sent with them, because of his superior knowledge of the lands. But was that the only reason? Was there something more to him than met the eye? Only time would tell, although Boar’s instincts told him Mycol was trustworthy. Hhis curiosity about the man was insatiable; he wanted to know everything about him. Such as: What was so special about the Golden Realms that would cause Mycol to travel all the way from Shaylo with them? “Guardian Lionheart.” A voice quietly spoke from behind Boar, causing him to start and interrupting his thoughts. He turned to see the very man he was thinking about slowly approaching him down the winding garden path.

This garden was one of several in and around the city. Even though the city was constructed underground, there was a means of bringing in light that allowed plant-life from the surface to grow in just as much abundance as up above; and some plants liked shadow and shade. This particular garden surrounded a Tower of white stone that was central to the city. Every Guardian City had a Tower with four great mirrors standing on the flat top surface of the roof. They were responsible for siphoning sunlight down through these mountainous cities, capturing the reflection from the streams of light that filtered in through carefully cut openings in the stonework high above. These openings had a two-fold use; they not only allowed the sunlight in, but also acted as vents, allowing the air in the cavernous cities to be recycled. The Tower was often known as the Tower of Mirrors.

The two men were standing in the south part of the Tower gardens, where green and white rose bushes lined the walk. Boar scrutinized Mycol, seeing the elder Guardian as a man of average height, with short-cropped white hair and a neatly trimmed beard. His face was tanned and weather-beaten from much exposure to the elements and the sun. For a man of the veteran’s age, he still moved with a youthful spring in his step. There was wisdom to be found in the depths of his green eyes. A smile seemed to linger constantly upon his lips unless he was focused on something serious, then his features took on a sterner countenance. At this moment Mycol was in a good mood, waiting for Boar to acknowledge him. Boar quickly cleared his throat, suddenly aware he had been rather obvious in his perusal. He clasped a fist to his chest with a slight bow before speaking. “Guardian Wolfbane, forgive me.”

“You are forgiven. You are settling in well amongst us, I take it?”

“Quite well.” Boar nodded; his thin braids shifting against his sharply defined cheekbones. “I am overwhelmed by the hospitality of your people and how welcome I have been made to feel. I almost feel like one of you.” He smiled, showing his sharp teeth.

Mycol chuckled softly as he regarded the former Shadow Warrior. “It is not often that we have one of your kind join our ranks. But it is normal to accept those from other races. Usually it is because, like you, they have taken part in something of importance that brought them into contact with us. So we had a first-hand view of their strength of character.”

Boar listened as Mycol explained in detail how the Guardians filled their ranks with outsiders. He was finding the Guardians very friendly and hospitable towards their neighbors –even kind to those who hated them – though precautions were taken in such circumstances, as evidenced by the loss of Tuchmore to a Black Robe. That had been a sad moment and a wake- up call to the Guardians when they realized that even they could be corrupted by the Warlords of Dryn. “I find myself feeling somewhat honored then, that you and yours have taken me in. I was not expecting such kindness, especially when I was unable to save the sisters Katarna and Mysterious.” Boar bowed his head slightly. The fate of both of those sisters would haunt him for the rest of his life, and his regret was most likely the reason behind his changes in character. He was no longer as arrogant or cold-hearted. He had learned how to care and what personal sacrifice meant.

“You did the best you could, and it was their departure that placed you on the life path you are now following.” Mycol made a wide gesture. “Enjoy and learn. There is much knowledge to be found as a Guardian. We are constantly learning.”

Boar nodded and smiled. “Thank you,” he said after a few silent moments. He began to walk along the garden path to a nearby gate, a way out of the Tower Gardens that opened into a cobbled street. From there he would continue on through the streets of this underground city until he turned off and mounted some stairs that led up to a doorway. This was the home that the Council had assigned to him during his stay here at Shaylo.

Easing the door open, he made his way inside. It was a comfortable and quint little flat, with a small kitchenette, seating area and a bedroom. The homes of the Guardians were mainly for socializing outside of training and work time, and sleeping. The rest of the time a Guardian’s time was spent in the Arena training or assisting in training of fellow guardians, or out about the lands on missions. Boar’s house held little in the way of decoration, mainly because he was far too busy outside his home than being in it to do anything much with it. It held the basic necessaries and that was satisfactory to him.

Sitting on the edge of a bed Boar tugged off a boot though he wasn’t paying much attention to what he was doing, his mind was still going over the fact that tomorrow morning he would be riding out of the city on his first mission completely away from Shaylo. He felt as if the Guardian’s now felt him ready to test what he had thus far learned and put it into action. It made it even better that Sir Mycol would be traveling with him. A man he held in high regard. He would be able to observe Sir Mycol in action, and learn further about the values and ways of the Guardian while on the road.

“I’m going on an adventure.” He grinned to himself as he laid out in his bed and stared up at the ceiling. Feeling like a young Shadow Warrior all over again, out for his first kill, only this time it was different. There was a well of excitement growing in his being, he had never felt this feeling before. A sense of excitement, which was a whole lot different to the apprehension he had felt back in the days as a Shadow Warrior on his first mission. After a small time of simply imagining what kind of adventures they would have, he closed his eyes and was able to settle himself enough to get some much needed rest. As he didn’t think he’d be able to get this kind of sleep for some days to come once they left the safety of Shaylo.

Alixa packed her things, folding up a spare tunic and easing it into a saddlebag. She had been very sneaky; she had eavesdropped on the meeting that Soryn and Boar had gone to. She didn’t want to miss out on any grand adventures. She turned her head when she heard a soft knock on her front door and quickly moved down the hall to answer the door. There she found Soryn standing there. She grinned a little as she leaned against the door frame, tilting her head slightly. “I wasn’t expecting a visit from you. Shouldn’t you be getting ready for the big day tomorrow?”

“I’m just checking to make sure you’re not going to try and follow us.” Soryn saw the look on her face shift into a frown. “One of the Guardian’s saw you eavesdropping my dear. You have your duties here to full fill.”

“I’m not going to stand by and be wrapped up in cotton wool. I am capable of doing assignments and missions as well as guard the crystal.” Alixa stepped back from the door frame as she regarded Soryn coolly.

“I know but…”

“If I come I will come. Of course I will ask permission first but I want to see what’s beyond the mountains! I want to have adventures and travel the world. Isn’t that part of the Guardian way of life? I don’t care about the bane. I don’t want to be stuck in one place for the rest of my life. I’m a Guardian Soryn and I want to be treated as such.”

Soryn smirked slightly and inclined his head in quiet defeat. “Then if you tag along, you tag along and I won’t stop you. Just be well prepared. Even I have not traveled that far south of the mountains before. It will be a learning experience for all of us.”

Alixa relaxed, easing off the defense and allowed a smile now to appear on her lips as she flicked some black tendrils out of her eyes. “Well then I guess I’ll be seeing you real soon.”

Soryn nodded his head slightly and stepped back as the door was closed. He turned on a heel and chuckled ruefully as he made his way slowly through the streets of Shaylo. For a moment pausing to admire the towering structure of the white tower before slipping into his own little home to retire for the evening as tomorrow would be a long day.

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