The Grateful Rejection

Chapter 26


The club was mildly crowded when Thomas entered. With a thumping head and a heavy heart he quietly walked to the bar and sat down with an acknowledging nod to the bartender. His head was throbbing painfully, with all the emotions going around, he was sure his brain would burst any moment now.

He has been a fake since the start. He was the “golden boy". Everyone expected the best from him and that was the problem. Expectations. Initially he also fed off the lies, he did too believe what others thought him. A part. very very very small part of him knew better. He was not. But he didn't understand that part quick enough, at least not untill it was too late.

It wasn't their fault that he became the monster he is. It was his. He made a choice. And that's exactly why he is where he is now. The parents who's eyes used to lit up with pride everytime they saw him now sneers at him in disgust. All the people around him who used to once pat his back in praise is now snickering Everytime he walks by. He has lost his kids in a battle, his wife is withdrawn from him. And all of this because because he is a eunuch.. or is it?

It is and also the fact that.. he killed his sister and watched their own do it. He was a monster. It wasn't untill he held his kids for the first time he understood what had he done. What he had let them do. The dire mistake he made.

He remembers the day vividly, the day he lost himself. The day he lost his kids. Even after the rouge attacked him and snatched a part of him, all his concern was his kids. His two little ray of lights, the only one he really loved.

He cried silently as he crawled through the maze of dead bodies and hid under one whenever a rouge would be around. Only he knows how his life was dangling by a single thread but all he could think was the safety of his kids. His entire world turned upside down when he saw his young kids shredded into pieces. It was a parents worst nightmare, and unfortunately for him it came true.

His hatred for everyone around him increased, he knew he made a mistake but his choices but that didn't give the goddess any right to take away his kids lives. They were just babies, couldn't even utter a fucking word. They were innocent. But not for that woman who calls herself the moon goddess. They were just pawns in her game to make him feel worthless and powerless. And she did a fine job in doing that.

The only one he couldn't hate was his mate.

Ah a joke of a mate she is! That woman didn't even cry for the death of her kids. The same kids that she carried in her womb for months. Initially he thought it was her way of dealing with the situation with the lack of emotional connection she had with them but no. She is just that. An emotional-less shell. He was just disappointed.

He gulped the fourth glass down and sighed in frustration, "It's too fine of a glassware to be broken by you" a voice snorted. He released the breath he was holding, time to make things right.

"Did you call me here just to show that your glare couldn't even brake a fragile Christmas glass?" she said sarcastically as she sat down. Thomas looked up at the familiar grey eyes that have been riding his nightmare for 13 years now.

"Nora" he acknowledged her with a nod

"Thomas" she replied with a sarcastic smile.

There was a few minutes of silence, "Seriously dude! Our judicial system works faster than you!" she snapped at him. Who just rolled his eyes.

"Still impatient, I see” he chuckled, a light that had been gone for years just came back.

"Still stupid and beating around the bush I see” Nora said and ordered a glass of wine.

He sighed, "Nora, I am sorry." He whispered

"Is that why you called? To apologize?" She asked nonchalantly.

"Don't you think it's too early to make amends?" The corner of her lips tilted into a smirk.

His head automatically fell down in shame. Tears had gathered around his eyes, he never thought it would be as hard as it is. His heart squeezed with hatred for himself as a sob left his mouth.

"Why now?" His head snapped to Nora who was glaring at him with loath making him flinch.

"Why now after all this time? Why after a year you knew I was alive? Why now?" She spat vemon at him.

He looked at her in shock, "H-how did you know?" He asked making her snicker humourlessly. "What did you think? You're the only ones keeping eye on the 'enemy'?" She mocked air coated the last word.

"You're not an ene--"

"WHY!!!" She yelled banging her first on the table. The anger in her had now taken complete control of her. She was shaking in rage, her lycan howling-growling to tear the man I front of her apart. "BECAUSE I WAS SCARED, OKAY? I was scared to confront you sooner. I was chickening out every time I thought about talking to you!" He said as the tears he was holding leaked out of his eyes like a free flowing river.

She scoffed at him folding her arms, "And I believe you" she said with a sneer. He shut his eyes tightly, "I know nothing I can say or do can make things better or change the past. But please hear me out!" He begged with his hands clasped together. Nora's nose twitched with anger. She fisted her hands as her nails digged into her palm

"No matter what you say, it won't reverse what has ready happened. And you my dear, dear brother are and always will be a murderer. Murderer of his own sister! And even though you didn't rape me, it still makes you a rapist. Because you just stood there, watching me.. Being. Degraded, with a fucking smile” she sneered at him and got up to leave. Her lycan had unleashed herself, trembling in exorbitant rage and there are too many people here for her to kill him.

"Nora wait please!!" He begged as she dashed out of the club with him hot on her trail.

"Nora! Please! Give me a chance! At least let me explain my self" he begged her. She let out a warning growl, her eyes had turned devilishly white when she saw one of her murderers.

"How can I trust you?" Nora yelled turning back to face her “brother’

He looked at her pleadingly as tears kept running down his eyes. She sniffed, "Give me a chance Nora! Please. I promise you won't regret it" he said softly. His heart tugged in grief and guilt, in front of him wasn't the Nora he once knew. The one who was kind and always those guys of others, put others before her. No. This Nora was far from that Nora.

She is wild beast, ready to kill anyone at any moment. One should be cautious of how they breath her way, even that could aggravate her enough to tear their limbs apart.

"How do I know you and you mother are not playing again? Tell me??" She said memories of last week came back when her entire hard work was on fire before her eyes.

"After what your mother did last week?? How can I trust you? TELL ME!!" she yelled out the last part. Thomas looked at her in confusion, "What are you talking about?" He asked. Nora furrowed her brows, she could tell he genuinely had no idea about what she is talking about. She pulled out her phone and showed him the video where Thomas’ mother was pouring gasoline all over a place that looked like a restaurant.

He watched silently, confused as to why it is even related to Nora. Brianna, Thomas's mother lit a torch on fire and threw it on the very expensive looking restaurant. Then he remembered, "Yes! I remember a well known chef's restaurant was set on fire last week. I read it on news." he told Nora. "But why would she set the restaurant on fire? And how is this related to you?" He asked her. She rolled her eyes, "THAT chef is me and THAT restaurant is mine" she said incredulously to him. Shaking her head.

"Why am I even telling you this" she said to herself and walked away. In desperation to hold her for a second Thomas said the first thing that came to his mind, "I'll help you" Nora stopped hot on her tracks.

He cautiously walked to her, "I'll help you get the justice you deserve..." He said as he stood in front of her. She cocked her head to the side and folded her arms in front of her, "A word like justice does not suit coming from you" she mocked him

"I know, you are thinking this is some kind of joke or an evil plan to bring you down. But I swear Nora! I swear on my dead kids that it's nothing like that. I just.. I just wanna mend our relationship" he said in all honesty, "I have done a lot of unforgivable things in my life, I wanna mend everything. I wanna right my wrongs" he pleaded. Nora's heart tugged at her once chauvinistic brother to see him begging for a chance.

"Fine" she exasperated, "But if you mess this time, I'll roast you alive!" She warned him. A smile tugged on his face, "I'll lather my body with barbeque sauce that day" he joked. Nora shook her head chuckling.

That night both of them went to another bar and drank their feeling. They shared a lot of tears, laughs and heart breaks. That night they finally bonded as brother and sister. But the night hadn't come to an end.

"Urgh.. I wanna sleep” Nora said yawning and stretching her limbs out.

Thomas looked at his watch that said 3.27 am

"It's pretty late." he muttered. Nora groaned and looked at the watch herself then another groan left her mouth, "The guard would have already closed the compound and the gates by now" she cried in frustration and leaned back to the plush chair.

Thomas looked at her hesitantly, "You know... You could crash at my place tonight" he offered kindly. He was 100% sure that she'll turn down the offer. But she looked him them shrugged, "Okay, just don't let they weird mate of yours came near me or else I won't be responsible for the damage" she said with her hands up in surrender.

Thomas chuckled, "I remember when I first introduced her to everyone. Nobody liked her" he snorted along with Nora who snickered. Now he knows what others saw in her before he did, a pathological liar and many more adjectives. But that one standing up the most.

They both quietly went to Thomas car and drove to the TealRiver pack ground. Thomas had told Alice (his mate) that he'd be out for two days and she did too inform him that she'll be at her friend's house so their place would be locked. Thomas didn't have to worry about Alice running into Nora. He didn't want that mate of his to spoil his quality time with his sister.

Thomas parked outside his house and opened the door for Nora. She smiled at him and walked towards the house. A part of her was glad that Thomas doesn't stay at their old house. Too many haunting memories.. for both of them

Thomas's heart quicken it's pace when he heard two heart beats already in the house. He furrowed his brows in confusion and looked at Nora who just shook her head. She looked at him sadly, "You should go to your bedroom” she said softly.. as if trying to console him.

He didn't question her, just quietly walked to his room. The further he came the noises increased. He didn't wanna believe his ears, it was her. His mate, her moans. With a aching heart he opened the door.

A lone tear fell from his eyes. People always underestimate the power mates have over each other. If they can built you. They can break you just as easily. Wolves go through so much just to have a mate and that's all they need mates. Nothing else from them apart from love. But love has become an inanimate object now. It's nothing but materialism and sex. Nothing more nothing less

And there she was, the one he loved, riding another man's cock. The sudden rage that ran through him not only shocked him but also the other. In a blink of an eye Thomas's hands clutched the man bloody throat. A shrieking scream made him snap, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO??? WHY DID YOU KILL HIM?" Alice screamed at him.

Thomas's anger flared even more if that was even possible, "YOU FUCKING BITCH!! THAT WHAT YOU'RE CONCERN ABOUT?? I KILLED YOUR BOYTOY? HOW COULD YOU ALICE?? HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME??!!" He yelled back at her as tears kept flowing from his eyes. Alice didn't even try to hide her indecency, she stood proud against him

"BECAUSE YOU'RE A FUCKING EUNUCH!! YOU DON'T HAVE A DICK!! AND I HAVE NEEDS!" She snapped back at him in fury. Thomas's eyes flared with hatred, "You fucking whore!" He yelled and charged at her. He pushed the bloody throat in her mouth and smashed her head against the wall Alice was shocked, ever since he lost everything he became a quite person. Not bothering to speak against anyone.

He kept on smashing her head to the wall untill her blood had splattered around the wall and she fell unconscious. Thomas dropped her and stumbled back, wailing loudly.

"Why? Why did this happen to me??" He cried loudly on his knees with his head down. Nora quietly walked towards her brother and wrapped her hands around his head and pulled it to her chest. She tried to shush him, console him.

He cried in her arms for what felt like eternity. He looked up at her with vulnerable eyes, "Why?" He sobbed. Nora took a deep breath, "It's true! It's all because of you" she finally said. Thomas looked at her in shock. How can she say that when I am in such a state? He asked himself.

Before he could say his mind, Nora interrupted him, "You always let the oppressor push you down. You have been bullied for years, physically, emotionally and psychology. You let them walk all over you and now look where did that got you. Instead of apologising to you she yelled at you for killing him! You alone are the reason for why are you here now!" She sneered at Alice who was still unconscious because of loss of blood.

A buzz ringed Thomas's veins.

"Are you really gonna let her do that? After everything you gave her, after everything to did for her. She rewarded you with this. Enough is enough. You have to take an action.” Nora whispered the last part, "Set an example”

A groan left her mouth when she opened her eyes. The throbbing in her head made her cry out in pain. Her nose scrunched up in disgust when a repugnant smell of decaying meat hit her. Her head swirled in confusion for a moment as she sat swaying to incoherence.

"Ah you're awake!" A voice said. She looked up to see Thomas with an evil smile.

She tugged her arms and legs but that was all in vain. Her limbs were tightly tied to the chair. "What have you done? Release me now!" She tried to yell at him but the killing pain in her head didn't let her do that. Thomas pouted, "Aw come on! I thought you liked bondage" he said. An soulless tone had been embedded in him, but Alice didn't seem to notice it.

"No you psycho! I don't wanna do anything with you!" She said through her teeth. A wife smile spread on Thomas's face, "Oh love you haven't seen shit!" He said and grabbed her throat softly. "Tell me, Alice. Did you take other man's dick in that pretty mouth of yours? The same mouth which declared your 'love’ for me everyday?" He ran his fingers on her lips. The light just above her made her hiss, "Are you out of your bloody mind, dickless? But if you really wanna know then, No. I never loved you! That was all just an act! I just wanted to stay in a pack.” She snapped trying to instigate him but what she did know was she was digging her own grave... If she has the privilege of getting one.

Thomas left her throat and stepped back a little, "You have a visitor" he said with a crazy smile. From the darkness walked Nora, her eyes were white. Her demon wolf was showing her presence.

"Hello Alice” her voice as deep as sea, leaking with unknown danger. Alice looked at Nora in fear, everyone in TealRiver was familiar with that smell. The smell of death and a pure child. This smell was all over the battle field, that smell haunts even the bravest of hearts till this day.

"YOU MURDERER!" She yelled at her, struggling to free herself, "YOU KILLED THEM!! YOU KILLED THEM ALL! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO US?? WE GAVE YOU, A RAPE CHILD A HOME!! YOU UNGRATEFUL BITCH--" She kept on yelling curses at both Thomas and Nora.

Nora turned to Thomas with a bored expression, "She talks too much" she snickered. Thomas smirked, "I know! I still can't believe I handled her annoying voice for years!" He chuckled. Nora's ears started to throb with Alice's constantly whining.

Thomas picked up a baseball bat and went behind Alice, taking a note of his moment, Alice started freaking out, "THOMAS!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOI--" Before she could complete her sentence, Thomas took a very powerful swing of the bat that hit Alice right at back of her neck.

Alice fell down in her face cold on the ground with a huge crack on her back. She wailed in the unendurable pain, "Why are you DOING this??? Please leave me!" She cried when she suddenly stopped feeling her body from neck down.

Her eyes went wide, "WHAT DID YOU DO??? I CANNOT FEEL MY BODY!" She shouted in shock. Thomas skipped in from of her and picked her limp body and placed it on a table, "Nothing to worry about love! It's just the nervous system, which you don't have anymore” he giggled and pushed a piece of hair from her face looking at her in much love.

Her heart started beating faster than anything known to man, her breath hitched, "Y-You para- paralyzed me?" She whispered in utmost horror. Thomas just hummed swaying softly, "It's one way to put it.. but I promise it won't last long!" He said and looked at Nora who was smirking at Alice's misery. She gave him a nod to continue.

Thomas looked back at Alice with the widest smile, "You know, being a werewolf myself. I have always hated animal cruelty" he said picking up a tool box from beneath the table and put it with a huge thump on the table.

"They think skinning animals is fun. Many do that." he said opening the kit and putting all the objects on the table as told by Nora, "Then I thought it must be something really fun and I was just being a spoil sport" he pouted and plopped his elbows on the table, resting his face on his palms. "So I thought of giving it a try!" He jumped up and clapped his hands in excitement.

Alice was petrified, "NOOOOOO" She yelled trying her best to move her limbs but to no vain. She sobbed begging him to leave her, "Thomas I am so sorry! I am so sorry for cheating on you. I am sorry for everything. PLEASE LEAVE ME!" She wailed for mercy.

That all pleas went to deaf ears, Thomas simply took a skinning knife humming to the classic Mozart. Alice screamed in agony as Thomas sliced through her skin like cheese. She watched in horror and kept on begging them for some mercy. She cried her heart out, begging, rubbing her nose to the ground.

"LEAVE ME! PLEASE. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" She cried as he finally skinned her entire body except for her face. Her face was swollen red as tears kept flowing from her eyes, she shook her head in defeat, "Pleasee!! I beg of you! Please! Let me go!!" She cried with the little life she had left in her.

Thomas stepped back with a smile and looked back at Nora, who was leaning on the wall with her arms crossed, "Gotta say, it was therapeutic” he said making her chuckle. But it was not funny, at least not for Alice who cursed her existance in the world.

This is the very day she hated being a werewolf. Even after all the pain, she is still alive.

Nora just smiled, "How does it feel Alice? To go through so much in such a short time? At least you still have your voice.” She said kindly and walked towards Thomas.

"Your kids didn't, they just cried when their own mother threw them in front of the rogues just so that she doesn't get eaten up!" She spat vemon. Her nose scrunched up in disgust and hatred. Thomas's head snapped towards Nora, "W-what?" He stuttered. Nora looked at him with empathy, "She killed your kids" Nora said. Thomas whole being set on fire as the hatred for the woman laying in front of him

"WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT???" He yelled at Alice in fury, who just sobbed and apologized profusely.

"IS THAT TRUE?? YOU THREW MY KIDS? OUR KIDS IN FRONT OF HUNGRY ROUGES??" He yelled not believing his ears.

"l am sorry” she sobbed shaking her head.

"IS THAT TRUE?" He yelled at her. His body was shaking in rage.

Alice just nodded, "I am sorry" she cried in shame and pain

Thomas clutched his hair and shouted on top of his lungs. Fire was bringing in his eyes, even his wolf was shaking it's fur wanting to rip apart that vile woman he once called a mate.

"You're gonna regret it bitch!” He growled at her and pulled her on to the chair tying her tender wounded hands and legs to the chair.

"Thomas please!! Let me go!! I am so sorry for what I have done. It was nothing but a mistake. A huge one. Please!!" She cried as Thomas turned his back on her doing something on the far end of the room.

She kept on begging him but of course that was all in vain. Thomas came back with a huge mug, "Nora, the sliver retractor” he said without acknowledging Alice.

Nora forced the sliver retractor in Alice's mouth making her shut up. Thomas's eyes were black with hatred, "This is for my kids" he said and wrapped his hands in her hair pulling her head back. Before she could cry out in pain an excruciating tribulation shivered her soul as the burning hot oiled ran down her throat, instantly frying all the sensitive flesh it touched.

Alice's body writhed in affliction. Her eyes had melted, causing it to dripping down her sides. Her heart instantly stopped beating and the heat of the oil was enough to even melt her heart. In a few seconds her misery came to an end. She finally died in pain.

But Thomas wasn't done just yet, he took a big steel rod and smashed it on Alice's face. In one swing her face split and the bones and meat of her face splattered on Thomas's face along with her brain

Nora sat on the bar stool as she silently poured herself a glass of finest whiskey in her collection. She signed in content when the burning sensation of whiskey travelled down her throat, leaving a rubbery mud taste behind.

"Did the spell work?" A voice said from behind making Nora smirk without looking back.

"Like a magic” she joked and turned around to see her sister. She smirked back at Nora and joined her on the seat next to Nora's.

"He called me back to his place and to our convenience that whore was where I wanted her to be. The only thing required was a little fuel to his subdued fire and that was more than enough” she chuckled looking at Arora.

Arora plopped her elbow at the table and looked at Nora, "But why him? I mean you could have done it by Gilbert's or Janine's hand but why him?" She asked in curiosity.

"Because he was already in his rock bottom and it is easy to manipulate him to my will" she let out a laugh as her white eyes twinkled with mischief.

"You're evil, Nora. Pure evil." Arora chuckled clicking her glass to Nora's.

"You have no idea!" Nora smirked and gulped down the glass of sliver and whiskey.

The last hunt of the demon wolf has begun.

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