The Grateful Rejection

Chapter 23

Third person's POV

Dizziness had consumed Nora as she stood still, looking at the duo in front of her. Her brain had shut down for a second not wanting to process what she heard and saw.

"D-daughter?” She whispered, betrayal and hurt was evident in her voice. The father and daughter duo's attention snapped at her. Sebastian's looked pale as his heart hammered against his chest. The beautiful brunette furrowed her brows in confusion but the similar smile that Nora knows from her Erastis didn't flatter.

Kristen looked at her father's paled face, "Who is she dad?" Her voice smooth as silk dripping with sweetness. Sebastian looked at her daughter with a smile, "Come on, I'll introduce you guys" he tugged her gently.

Nora was broken, how could he do this to me? She asked herself over and over again. She was Nora Huntsons, The Nora Huntsons, the cold blooded and emotionally woman. She didn't let even a single emotion leak from her stance and eyes. She had mastered faking emotions years back.

It's scared him that he couldn't read her emotions or her thoughts like a wall of titanium is blocking him to do so. He cursed under his breath for teaching her how to cage her emotions, now he is the victim of her emotionless eyes.

Sebastian forced a smile as he stood in front of Nora with his daughter by his arms, "Kristen, meet my Erastis, Nora. Nora this is my daughter Kristen.” He gulped shakily. Kristen looked at Nora in shock and awe, "Nora Huntsons? You mean the chef Nora Huntsons?" She screeched happily. And jumped to hug Nora, she was half confused about his daughter's behavior.

But she knew better than to hurt a daughter's feelings. She herself knows the loss of losing one, so she did of course had a soft spot for daughters in general. She embraced the brunette in a warm hug. Her heart tugged in pain, feeling the warmth of a daughter's love. The only thing she could think of was how her daughter's arms would have felt around her,,,, if she was alive.

Kristen pulled back, "It's an honor to meet you ma'am" she beamed in happiness, "I absolutely ador- "KRISTEN!!! DONT EVER RUN AWAY LIKE THAT!!" A voice boomed in anger the three looked at the direction of it, a man came stomping towards them with a scowl on his face. Sebastian pushed Kristen behind him, his parental instinct kicked in. He let out a warning growl! at the approaching man to lose that fucking stance. Hearing the powerful growl the man stood still then dropped his neck as a sign of submission.

"Dad! It's just Victor!" She giggled at both the men’s stupidity. She came out from her father's protection and skipped towards her Erastis who still stood showing his neck. She tugged him towards her father, "It's dad!!" She said with a smile.

"I hope you're treating my daughter right, Victor" Sebastian said threateningly when his daughter came with the dark headed man with blue eyes, he stood almost 6'2" tall with beautiful chocolate brown skin glistening beautiful under the northern lights. Victor tried to look strong but the mere power radiating from Sebastian and Nora made it difficult, "With utmost respect and love, sir" he said with a nod. Sebastian just hummed and turned to his daughter, "What are you doing here, love?" He asked softly pulling Kristen to him.

Nora pressed her lips together trying to shut herself from saying anything at the moment. When we'll be alone then I'll talk, she told herself.

"I was actually visiting all of Norway and yesterday itself I came to Alta .... So came to see the northern lights..." She trailed off looking up in the sky awestuck.

"Where are you staying at sweetie?" Sebastian asked, Kristen looked at her father with her big hazel eyes, "Silvers" she replied.

The four of them exchanged a few more words before Sebastian's ordered them to come back home with Sebastian. Kristen being her Papa's little one agreed with him where as Victor was hesitant but still agreed. The two couples went their own way.

Nora didn't wanna stay out so she just went to the direction of their car, without saying a word. Sebastian knew he was in big trouble, hell even he would have been like this is he found out Nora had a literally grown up daughter.

The ride back to the hotel was quite tensed. Only Nora knows how she controlled herself from not screaming at him, she just had a wait a little while and she'd get her answer. Sebastian feared for how calm she looked, he knows how deadly her calmness is, or does he?

As soon as they reached the hotel Sebastian tossed the car keys to the valet and rushed towards Nora who was quick in her steps towards the elevator. Thankfully he reached the elevator before the door closed, there were people in the elevators which delayed Sebastian's fate in Nora's hand. Nora's POV

I heard him softly close the door of the penthouse as I prepared a strong drink for myself, I filled the cup full and gulped it all at once. My lycan was raging with fury wanting to claw out Sebastian. Silence had consumed us as I waited for him to explain himself. I didn’t turn around to look at him but I could heard his erratic breathing and heart thumping.

"I-i was about to tell you..." He started off softly. That line. That one fucking line broke the calm facade I had been keeping. I turned to him with fire ignited in my veins, "WHEN???? WHEN THE HELL WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME???!" I yelled at to of my lungs.

He massaged his eyes with his forefinger and thumb in annoyance, like he usually does, "I was about to, okay? That's when Kristen came up!" He threw his hands up in the air. I looked at him in disbelief.

"How long has it been Sebastian? Six - seven months since we have been together! And now you were about to tell me!" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"It's difficult okay? I was afraid you'd judge me or my daughter” he sighed slumping on the couch. "Don't give me that lame ass excuses! Me of all the people would judge you? Or your daughter? You know everything about me yet you have the audacity to say that!" I snarled at him.

His head snapped towards me, "Why yeh hell are you making a big deal about it?? I have a daughter, so? What did you think? That I'd be walking virgin till I met you? I have needs just like you and anyone else in the fucking world! What do you want me to be a 300+ year old virgin? Are you kidding me?" He said jumping on his legs looking at me accusingly.

"Are YOU fucking kidding me? When the fuck did I tell you I wanted you to be a virgin? I know you have slept with half of the Caribbean population last decade itself! It's doesn't fucking concern mel! And that not even the fucking point!

You have a daughter is also not the fucking point!!! The fact that it took you almost seven months to tell me is the point!.2

Wait you didn't actually tell me, it was your daughter who jumped on you calling you dad! Only then I got to know that you have a fucking daughter!!!" I threw my hands up in the air, tears began to gather in my eyes as pain and betrayal stabbed my heart.

I sat down on the couch, my face hidden in my hands as sadness engulfed me, “As I told you!! I was afraid!" He said and sat down on the other side of the couch.

Nora shook her head, "You know that's far from the fucking truth!!" She spat venomously looking at Sebastian.

"That night, I told you everything! Everything motherfucking thing! I poured my heart and soul! FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER I MADE MYSELF VULNERABLE IN FRONT OF SOMEONE!! AND HERE YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT BEING JUDGED? Don't kid yourself or me!" I yelled at him as tears leaked from my eyes.

"I AM NOT FUCKING LIKE YOU WHO POURS THEIR DARK SIDE TO THE FIRST PERSON WHO SHOWS THEM A LITTLE CONCERN LIKE A NAIVE 13 YEAR OLD DESPERATE FOR ATTENTION!" He yelled at me standing up in a defense position. A snarl pasted on his face, I looked at him in shock, another jab at my wounded heart.

"HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?? IS THAT WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT ME?" I slumped on the couch as tears leaked freely from my eyes, I stifled a sob, "Out of all the people you would be the one to say things like that" I whisper, my head instinctively shook in disappointment.

I heard him curse under his breath, "Shit, Nora. I-i didn't mean to say that--"

"Stop. Just stop. I don't wanna talk to you or see your face. Get out” I said as calmly as possible trying to control my anger.

"Baby, I am sorry" he whispered coming a little close. I just got up from the couch and went to my room.

It has been almost three weeks since I talked to Sebastian... Well more like screamed. I have been acting civil with him in front of our families. I only reply to him with just hmms.

Christmas was... awkward to say the least. We all exchanged gifts in our parents home but I didn't even glance at him. He gave me the perfume that I wanted for so long but the company had discontinued that perfume. I just thanked him politely and began giving the gifts to other.

At least his daughter was a sweetheart. Yup, you heard it right. Kristen and her Erastis was with us during Christmas. Though we hardly got to spend time with with each other, I know for sure that she is a sweet girl.

Kristen was so happy to spend her Christmas with her father and “soon to be step mom’. Her words not mine. I actually felt bad for her as well, she loves her father so much and there is her father. *Disappointed sign* He didn't even have the guts to say that he had a daughter to his Erastis. How bad she'd feel if she found out.

He tried to apologise many time, even sent me flowers, sang a song in the parking lot of my restaurant and what not cringy things. But I gave him nothing but cold shoulder, I mean come on. Could you blame me? If it were someone else they would have dumped his ass. But as much as it hurts to say this I still love him though my respect for him has fallen.. I still love me.. or it's just me being in heat. I don't know.

Never in a million year I would have thought that my Erastis, the one who chose to love me till the end of eternity would think so lowly of me.

Anyway, now the entire family is in a big new year's party. I was talking to Ariana when Kristen approached me. I turned back to look at the bubbly girl with a huge smile. Doesn't her cheeks hurt? "Can I talk to you for a second” she said, I have her a nod and a polite smile. I excused from Ariana and went with her.

"Everything alright, Kristen?" I asked thinking she didn't like the party or was sick or something. She just shook her head, "No everything is alright. I just...” She trailed off fidgeting on her feet making me raise my eyebrows in confusion, "I just want to spend some.. quality.. time with you" she said blushing looking down at the floor.

I was awestuck by her innocence, I cupped her face and lightly pecked her forehead, "I'd love you spend some time with my stepdaughter” I said with a bright smile. She replicated my smile and hugged me tightly.

"30 SECONDS LEFT" The announcer announced through the mic. Kristen jumped and pulled me to our families, the Huntsons, the Hounds and Sebastian's pack, Sebastian was on the other side drinking with one of his friends I didn't recognise. Though out the night I could feel his heated gaze on me but as usual I ignored him. I stood beside Jessica as all of the couple held hands ready to kiss when the clock stuck 12. The crowd started the count down,

"10" I saw Sebastian heading towards me

"9" my heart started thumping anxiously both in hurt and impatience.

"8" he stood in front of me with a sad look on his face.

"7" "l am so sorry my love" he whispered and pulled me to him by my waist

"6" "Your silent treatment is killing me" he said

"5" I still didn't say anything just looked at his face with a hard gaze.

"4" he sighed in disappointment

"3" "I understand” he said handing his head low

"2" he was about to pull away when I caught his face in my hands looking in his eyes

"1". "Last chance" I said and pulled him in a heated kiss

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" Everyone cheered as people popped confetti cannon and champagne. He gave me his million dollar smile, "Last chance, I promise I won't mess it up!" He whispered and pecked my lips.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hold on my waist increased pulling me more into his body, "God I missed kissing those lips" he groaned and kept on pecking my lips making me giggle. He looked at me sadly, "You do know that I didn't mean anything I said that day?" He said softly. I bit my lips, "Honestly I don't know. Did you?" I asked him. His jaws clenched but he shook his head, "Didn't mean shit" he said. I nodded and started to wish everyone else.

What the family didn't know was they were about to get torn apart.


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