The Grateful Rejection

Chapter 21

"Louis Kyla Hounds" a smile broke on my face, I tried my hardest to to screeched in joy. The corner of her lips curled up slightly, "Nora Huntsons, I should have guessed when my son told me." her voice as cold as ice held nothing but power. I have her a smile and put my hand forward for a shake, "It's nice to meet you sir.. ma'am" I said politely and shook hands with Sebastian's father and mother.

Louis Kyla Hounds is my idol since I was a kid. I remember reading about her in our transcendental history class. She was one of the first feminist to oppose the misogynist hold in the earlier patriarchal society of the supernatural world, during the early 16th century. She along with a couple of alike thinkers led a rally but that didn't do any good because no one neither joined them or paid heeds to their words. Instead there were beated in the middle of a busy street. But they were too determined, a few broken bones were nothing. Nothing was enough to deliver one very important message, "We are one, We are equal’

Their path to success wasn't easy, the high powers and the council threaten to kill them and their families in the dark realm. Everytime they used to talk about something wrong they'd get their lycan temporary taken by the high council or their mates were beaten black and blue. In the start she was shunned even by the woman who were a victim of gratuitous abuse by the men

The finally push came when one of the feminist of their pack was brutally murdered in the daylight. She was tied upside down in the middle of a market Street and burnt alive. The scene was more horrendous because the men were crackling with pride while their mates stood in the corner horrified with the scene before her. And that's how more and more women joined the movement, they used to do all sorts of things to get the message into the thick skulled mates of theirs. It almost took over a century for their voice to be heard and the rest is history now. But

His father gave me a comforting smile while his mother gave an indifferent nod.

I showed them the way towards the sitting are where everyone was having fun, laughing and enjoying the moment together.

Suddenly his mother stopped in her tracks, "Look who we have here! Wicked witch of the west" She smirked looking at my mother. Everyone in the room stopped breathing, I went wide eyed in horror to the way she addressed my mother. She put down Adrian who was on her hip and gave a stinky eye to Sebastian's mother, "Did you forget frisbee at home, talking dog?" My mother smirked back at her.

She made a wooden log appear out of nowhere and threw it out of the window, "There you go, a good substitute! Now go fetch!" she flickered her wrist shooting her away. Louis took two steps forward and snickered, "Why are you so sour? Did Dorothy escape with the red shoes again or did Voldemort did recruit you I'm his group?" She chuckled.

"Mom!" Sebastian screeched at his mother in horror as he stood by his mother's side, huffing in annoyance. My mother pouted and took few steps towards her as well, "Look you embarrassed your son as well! Old habits never die. Typical Louis" she said and now they were face to face. I looked at dad signaling him to stop mom but he just flicked me off. I looked at Erik who had a bored expression on his face and continued eating the appetizers

"Oh you're the one to say about embarrassment? Because as long as I remembered, it was you who threw up all over Earl on your wedding night!" She snickered making my mother gasp in horror while the rest of the people in the room either choked or stifled their laugh with a cough. I bit my lips to stop myself from laughing my ass out.

"At least I wasn't the one to be found dead drunk by my father in the barn where my ex was about to get married with cows licking my face” my mother sang with a evil smile on her face.

"You promised never to say it to anyone!" Louis pointed out her finger at mom then crossed her arms huffing and puffing in annoyance. Mom's nose crinkled, "Well you did too! But you had to run your mouth so I returned the favor” she crossed her arms. There was a staring contest for a second then they both broke into a smile and hugged each other.

"What's happening?" Ariana whispered to Edmund who only shrugged his shoulder.

"They both go long back..." Erik commented as he sat on the lounge chair. My dad gave a smirk, "I remember that day!" He chuckled looking into space.

We all sat down for dinner as the loud chattering started yet again. The waiters kept on bringing tons and tons of dishes to quench the hunger of us, supernaturals. Louis and mom were busy reminiscing old memories and talking about incidents that made us all laugh. The night finally felt complete, like a missing piece has been put in it's place, the only thing missing is Arora.

"It's baffling how we used to talk about our kids getting married and now look.." Louis gestured her hand between me and Sebastian, "They are Erastis now!" She said with a warm smile. Sebastian looked at me with a heart melting smile and kissed my nose. My insides fluttered when his hands firmly grabbed mine just before kissing me. I blushed and looked away, "You're so beautiful” his hot breath fanning my neck as he whispered in my ears.

"I am so glad that one of the imbeciles of my son had enough brains to settle down with such a powerful woman. Now a day men want helpless damsel in distress wanting to get their ass swiped" she snorted making us all chuckle.

"I am glad to have him, a powerful woman needs just as powerful man beside her” I said looking at Sebastian who gave me a loopsided smile.

"He is so much happier with you than he was with that whor--"

"MOM! That's enough” Sebastian snapped at his mother. I gasped and hit his chest, "Don't speak to your mom like that" I snapped at him. He looked a little agitated but didn't say anything. I hate it when people disrespect their mothers in front of me, it's just there is an itch I have to snap at them. "She also has a backbone" his father whispered to Louis who just sat there baffled. I could feel them communicating through mind-link. I don't know what they talked about but both of their parents looked furious to say the least, Sebastian had his head hung down in.. shame?

Wait, what is going on?

Everyone was in their own world mingling with the rest that they did hear the little commotion going between the four of us.

"What's going on?" I asked Sebastian who was receiving stinky eye from both his parents. From the corner of my eyes I saw his pack giving him sympathetic or disappointing glances. Sebastian put a fake smile on his face, "Nothing... Just missing my siblings.” he lied smoothly, "Seeing your family I wish I had that bond with my siblings as well..” he said in a sad tone. I gave him a comforting smile and held his hands under the table.

Who does he think I am? I have been acting and faking things half my life. I know he is sad about his siblings who were never close to him as I am with mine. But that's not the reason for his sadness right now. Sebastian Hounds doesn't do much of emotion, he is clearly lying. I am Nora Huntsons, no one can fool me. I can see right through his act. But the question is why is he lying?

I didn't prey on the matter for now, clearly he would lie yet again to cover up. But I won't leave this here, not untill I go to the depth of it.

After the dessert was served both my fathers and brothers asked Sebastian to follow him in my office while Louis and Erik pulled me in the corner.

Louis's brown eyes shined with pity as she spoke to me, "Sweetie, I really wanted to be a little cold towards you to know your true intentions with my son but knowing Aurelia is your mother. I have no doubts that you have been raised excellently with good morals.” She softly admitted with a small smile.

"But you can't expect us to trust you so soon. I know you don't have any mal intention towards our son.. but I'll take us a little time" his father said. I gave them a smile, "I of course don't expect you to trust me so soon regardless you have known my mother for so long. I want to prove myself worthy of your son" I said meaning every word coming out of my mouth.

His parents looked at each other and smiled at me, "Sweetie whatever happens just be there for him... He has already been through much in his life, it's high time that he too has his happy ending.” Erik said as his smile almost turned pained. Louis gave her husband a knowing look.

"Before you make any decision. just... Hear him out. He is a good kid, Nora. He wouldn't do anything, intentionally to hurt you.." she whispered and hugged me, I stood still in both confusion and irritation in my childhood ideal's arms. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close. I didn't understand what she was talking about but clearly was distressed about it. When she pulled back from the hug she sighed in relief then looked at me giving me a teasing smile, "Now to the mamma bear mode.." she said with a giggle.

I smiled at her, "Don't hurt my son or I'll hunt you down and rip you into pieces” she threatened with her hands on her hips. I smirk threatened to escape my lips but i held it on bay.

"I'll would kill myself before I even think of hurting Sebastian. I love him too much” I said in all honesty to which both the parents gave me a nod and Erik patted my head, "Always stay the way you are” he said and went back in the room. I sighed looking outside to the shinning moon. I just hope things will stay the way they are now. I don't want anything to ever change.

After a few minutes I went back in the room where Sebastian looked a little pale with fear. I chuckled and walked upto him, "Everything alright?" I asked rubbing his shoulders.

"Your fathers are fucking scary! And that blonde brother of yours gives me creeps” he whispered yelled near my ears. I looked at him in shock, "Never knew the big bad wolf would be scared of anyone" I let out a giggle. He growled playfully at me, "Anyone would be scared to know the different kind of deaths they'll face.. everyone had their own version.." he whispered the last part to himself then he shivered, "I didn't like the end of any.." I trailed off. I threw my head back and laughed loudly, shaking my head in surprise.

He snorted at my behavior and we started bickering. It's was all just perfect.

Third person's POV

His predatory eyes followed each and every moment of theirs, sneering in disgust and anger. He took out the a phone and clicked a picture of the so called family’ together.

It has been watching them for days, it didn't took long before they were under his hawk like eyes. Doing their backgrounds check was just as easy and when he saw his dirty secret he laughed like a manic.

He knew.. right then and there. That she would be his. He send the picture to a number of that person, along with a message.

“Take your eyes off and

Some who is yours will

Never be yours.

-Your well wisher'

He grinned like Cheshire cat, he can't wait to have her in his arms again.

"Soon, my Nora! You'll be mine soon!" he whispered already half crazy with the idea of her body against his. With that he ran back in his den.

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