The Grateful Rejection

Chapter 18

I trailed my hands on Sebastian's clothed stomach as I drew patterns. My legs were thrown over his while his arms were securely wrapped around my waist and his face buried in hair, sniffing my scent. I softly hummed randomly as we lay content in each other arms. This moment couldn't be more prefect, the empty cabin was only buzzing with the distant sound of cricket's chirping, owl's hooting and soft rustling of leaves by the wind. The bright light from the moon peaked from the window lightening up the darkness in the room. I snuggled closer to my my man, his warmth not only warming me but also melting away my once cold heart.2

I felt his warm hands caress my cheeks which was firmly pressed against his chest, he moved my face upwards making me looking at his devilishly handsome face, "What are you thinking about, love?" He asked me in his huskily voice. I was hypnotized by his eyes, my eyes instinctively became drowsy and my head became a haywire. A chuckle broke me out of my trance, I shook my head and noticed his amused look, "What?" I asked genuinely confused. He just shook his head and chuckled again, he pulled my face towards his and deeply kissed my lips making me curl my toes and grip his shirt tightly.

"How can you be this adorable?" He asked me huskily after pulling from the kiss. His nose almost touching mine. There was a while jungle of animals wiggling their ass in my stomach, I released a sigh as I felt more tingles spread throughout my body, "I love you so much” I said and rubbed my face on his neck, my lips lightly touching my mark. He instinctively pulled me closer to him, shivering in pleasure, "Tease" he groaned, dipped his face to capture my lips in his narcotic lips.1 My body felt light like feather as his kiss deepened, warmth spread to every cell in my body with ever swip of his tongue on my lips. My heart hummed in elation as his erection poked my belly. I slowly started making my way on top of him, softly grinding my ass on his titanium pole, my lips not leave his not even for a second.


My face morphed in horror as I pulled back from the kiss abruptly. *Crack* I yelled in pain as my bones started to break. Sebastian looked at me in fear his eyes wide and his chest heavily.

"You're shifting” that's all he said and within a blink of an eye I was out in the woods.2

I couldn't feel anything around me thereafter I gasped as my hip bones twisted and I fell on my back on the ground as a rag doll. I could hear the faint sound of my Erastis but tears had blurred my vision. I could muster the courage to shout in pain as I felt as if my neck is beeping squeezed and pulled. The intense burning of agony continue to intensify every second as more and more bones broke and twisted in abnormal angle.

The pain stopped all of a sudden, I looked up panting to see Sebastian's lycan standing tall. I furrowed my brows in confusion when I looked down to see I was on my four. I howled in pain when I felt my wolf's body being stretched out. My bones expanded and pulled morphing to the structure of a lycan. The next thing happened so fast and in a gush a wind, I was standing on my two just a few inches shorter than Sebastian's lycan, my senses started to tingled. The rush of power that surged within me was too powerful. Every nerve in me was buzzing was unimaginable power, my sense heighten upto folds. I shook my body and before I know it was was running. I didn't have control over my body, it was as if someone has taken full control over me. I could only feel, nothing else. The winds tried it's best to catch me but I was fast, too fast for it to catch me, I could see everything passing by me through it was in a blur but I could see every little details. I heard different sound coming from all different directions. Sebastian was just behind me letting me run free yet being on guard.2

Within seconds I was on the edge of a steep chiff. I looked up at the moon, that shined with pride. I let out the loudest howl I could muster, the raw power buzzing in me made me feel like I am floating, it is too good. I heard the churching sound of leaves, I didn't had to look back to see the intruder, I could already smell him. My Erastis. He came by my side, his lycan looked equally excited as I am. Our chest heaving up and down and insides bulbing with joy. We both let out a howl of gratitude, love and union

"Let's go hunt” I heard Sebastian's voice in my head, I looked at him and made a run. He was right by my side in seconds. We didn't necessarily go for hunting first, we played, testing our strengths. We raced for hours and hours without any break, if it was any other werewolf, it would have died of exhaustion. Our growls mixed with the magnificent night as we wrestled in a clearing after we both hunted a bear, he obviously had the upper hand much to my dismay. I growled and bit his shoulder in agitation, instead of growling in pain he let out a lustful growl. I pulled back from his shoulder to look at his exquisite blue eyes which were now rimmed by a chilling black. He pushed me to the ground so that he was now hovering over me. My heart raced with anticipation and lust just by the look in his eyes. His eyes travelled up and down my lycans body and stopped where he marked me in my human form, just above my heart.1

He let out a grumble and started to lick me, my lycan became a putty in his arms in an instant. I could feel his thick wood rubbing near my opening but not exactly where I want it to be.

That night we both marked and mated under the moon's and heaven's blessing, uniting our souls as one, to love and cherish till the end of eternity.

I giggled as I felt sloppy kisses on my neck, I slightly opened my eyes to the most beautiful sight ever. My love hover over me, his messy hair is pulled back I guess in a bun and his beard looks freshly combed. He smiles down at me, there is a playful glint in my devil's eyes, "Good morning love" he said seductively. I stifled a giggle knowing exactly what his tone means, "Morning handsome" I say and pull him down on top of me. I cup his face and pull it towards me to devour his lips, he let out a chuckle in the kiss and started to kiss me more passionately. His hands roamed all over my naked body, he lightly caressed my tender flesh but pinched and tugged where I am sensitive the most and before I I know it, my desire for him was already leaking.

He let out a unstable growl sending shiver if pleasure all over my body, he looked up at me, "I want to taste " he mumbled to himself then dipped his face in the nape of my neck. My back arched in pain as I felt his teeth sink in my flesh marking me all over again. I clutched onto his thick biceps, gasping for air as he retracted his teeth from my neck and sink it again on my breast. I let out a moan of pain and pleasure , my insides clenched with carnal desire to have my Erastis to fuck me like a rag doll.

He continued to sink in his teeth, leavings trail of his bite marks as he went down, my body twisted and turned in both pain and pleasure, he knows for a fact that I am a sucker for such pain. My back arched and a gasp left my mouth when he started to nib on my clit.

"Aahh" my chest heaved as he continued to torture me with his sinful mouth. His hands caressing my inner things the travelling upwards to my waist. My toes curled in fiery pleasure. The feeling of his rough tongue and teeth against my sensitive flesh was enough for me to push my hips upwards into his face, "Patience, my love. Patience" he said teasingly and chuckled.

He penetrated his large digits into my wet fold, I saw stars when he started pumping into my wet lips, "Aah! Yesyesyesyesyesyesss please don't stop!" I cried as my back arched. The sound of his wet fingers against my wet core made me even wetter if that's even possible. My mind went blank as my body was hit with an intense orgasm.1

"Do that every morning and you can have my ass anytime you want" I said panting. He came upto me with a smirk on his face, my cum was smeared around his mouth and dripping down from his beard. I chuckled and pulled him into a kiss, I could taste my sweet sour juice in his mouth. "Sweetheart, I own that ass. I'll burry my dick, face or fingers inside anytime I want" he said cockily after pulling back from the kiss. I raised a brow at him, "Ouuh really??" I asked mockingly. He smirked, "I just have to kiss you and you melt in my arms. Though I love eating my pre breakfast” he said and grabbed my pussy. I gasped and hit his chest, he plopped down on me, "That's true, moya malen“kaya al'fa. With just a flick of my tongue you're on your knees" he said teasingly. I furrowed my brows, that's true but he doesn't need to know that, "You're highly mistaken, my brute. It's you, who becomes a succubi in my presence” I said smirking knowing it's equally true.1

"Honey, it's okay. Nobody will judge the all high and mighty Nora Huntsons, who built an empire on her own to kneel down in front of the love of her life m.." he said smugly. I threw my head my back and let out a hearty laugh shaking my head, "You wanna bet lover boy? You really wanna know how kneels before whom?" I challenged him. His smirk grew wide, "What will you do when I win?" He asked.

I pushed him off me and climbed on top of him, my naked body was on display for his seductive eyes to explore, "IF you win then you can have whatever you want, whatever you need.. I will oblige to whatever you want to do to me.. anything. You name it and it's yours..." I said seductively slowly grinding on his abdomen, "And WHEN I win, you'll do everything I tell you to do.."2

He threw his hands behind his head and looked at me with a glint in his eyes, "You have yourself a deal, Mrs. Hounds. Whoever is the first one to snap, is the loser" he said looking directly into my eyes. My heart stopped beating for a second, Mrs. Hounds? That's what he wants?1

I smiled widely at him and offered my hand for a handshake, "You have a deal!" I said, he smiled back at me and took my hands in his.

"Uh by the way, your parents are here. Henry picked them up from the airport this morning.. I was thinking we could all have dinner together, tommorow night and it's not up for discussion!" I said remembering receiving a text from Henry a few hours back. He furrowed his brows and threw his hands up in the air, "Really?? They had to come NOW?" He said in annoyance, a small out on his lips. I crinkled my nose in adoration and smacked his arms, "Behave" I said sternly and got off of him.

He looked shocked holding his arms, "How much will you hit the poor man in one day woman??? This is domestic violence, I tell you!!" He said in disbelief as I made my way to the bathroom. I snorted, "Oh please, that didn't even hurt you!" I said and closed the door. "D-O-M-E-S-T-I-C---V-I-O-L-E-N-C-E" He spelled out loudly making me laugh. Dork.1

I smirked when u smelt his smell almost 5 miles away, I could hear him grunt in pain as he trained with his pack. I shifted into my lycan, I could feel her being peeved with the plan, "Oh don't worry! Nothing will happen.” I assur her but she is still on the edge about it. I rolled my eyes at her, "Just hide my smell" I said and within a second I was racing towards him. I knew he couldn't see me nor could his pack mates. As I came nearer I fasten my pace so I would not be visible what so ever. There were about 20 wolves training with him and I had managed to get them all down in seconds. I left as fast as I came, they all looked incoherent to what what just happened. I giggled inside my head, I could see them for miles away looking disoriented.

"What just happened?" He said looking confused yet offended getting up from the ground just like the rest, "Charles see if there someone or something has crossed the border" he ordered his men, I smiled again. You can't catch me! It's my moment again. Before that man could leave I raced down there and pushed his down to the ground, yet again.

But this time I stayed on the edge of the clearing facing everyone. They all looked confused looking at the man who was on the ground but their confusion turned to horror when they noticed me. One of the guards looked around, his eyes went comically wife when he noticed me, "ALPHA!!" he yelled looking petrified. I snorted on the situation but by the look on everyone's face, I was still horrifying. Yes baby stroke my already big ego!

His familiar grey-blue eyes looked at me in fear, two similar pairs of eyes held the same emotion, "Ly-lycan? Wh-what do you want?" He asked bravely but still managed to stutter. I took a few threatening steps towards him, he looked terror-struck but still stood to his ground. Before anybody could move a muscle, I have him in my grasp pulling him off the ground and looked into his eyes. My facade instantly melted and my tail started to wiggle in excitement, I licked his face, "Release my scent” I tell my lycan.

He looked confused by my actions but when he smelt my scent, his eyes went wide in disbelief, "Baby Nora?" He asked rubbing my snout, I let out a bark and licked his face again. I put him down and jumped around him as he stood there looking baffled and angry, I wiggled my tail and pushed him with my snout to come out of his trance. I looked at him expectantly, "YOU'RE MARKED?? AND I AM GETTING TO KNOW THIS NOW???" He yelled at me, fury was evident in his face. I whimpered not liking his outburst on me, I went to a tree nearby and shifted back to my human form. I peaked from the tree to see that there were only three of them in the clearing, "Give her some clothes" he ordered. One of the men threw a big t-shirt and shorts at me and was by his side, I wore those clothes. My lycan was snorting, with a look of “I fucking told you so". Bitch.

I cut her off and walked towards the three of them with a goofy smile, "Hello daddy" I greet him all innocently, "What's up brothers!" I say and raise my hands to give them both high five but they looked furious. I pouted when they didn't high five me, ouch that is the worst rejection!

I high five myself and started laughing, but they didn't seem to be in a joking mood..... Fuck.1

"You have a lot of explaining to do, young woman" dad said sternly, I gave them a smile, "Don't I get a hug?” I asked innocently intertwining my hands in front of me and shifting my weight from one foot to another. Oliver and Clark pulled me into a big hug stuffing their faces in my hair, "We missed you bubble” Oliver said and tightened his hold. I stuffed my face between the two taking in their calming smell, "I missed you too" I whined and snuggled my face in their chest.

After pulling back from them I peaked from their shoulders to see papa with a frown on his face. I timidly made my way towards him with open arms, "Daeddiee" I said and engulfed him in a hug, all of my worries vanished into thin air when he wrapped me in his warm hands, "My little baby" he said and kissed my head repeatedly.

"Let's go home" he said pulling back from the hug and kissing my forehead.

We went back to the alpha house and as soon as the door opened I heard a big squeak and my sister jumped on me, "Norrraaaal!!" She wrapped her legs around my waist and her hands around my neck. I chuckled and kissed my baby sister, "How is my little flower doing?" I cooed as she buried her face in my neck, "I missed you" she said, I looked down at her. Her gorgeous grey eyes looking up at me, "Why didn't you visit us more often? Don't you miss us.. me?" She asked with a pout. I walked to the couch and sat down with her straddling my lap.1

"Who said that baby? I miss you so much! And I won't make an excuse to why I don't visit often.. I am sorry love. I promise to never do that again.. will you forgive me?" I cooed. She looked up with her innocent face, "Promise" she held up her pinkie finger. I bit my lips and wrapped my pinkie finger around hers, "Promise" I said and kissed her nose. She screeched and ran away in the kitchen, "I tried making something for you yesterday..." She yelled while running away. My 13 year old little sister, Lilly.

She came back with some cookies and my little brother, Adrian, "Nolaa" he screeched and jumped on me, "You bawk!!" He said in his baby voice, "I miss you" he said and kissed my lips. I let out an aww and kissed his lips repeatedly, "Too cooties!! Too cooties!!" He said and jumped off me, I laughed at him mentally, "But u thought you loved me" I faked being hurt, clutching my heart. His lips pouted adorably and his hazel eyes shined with regret, "Yow can have my cooties” he said and wrapped his little arms around my leg, "My baby" he cooed and kissed his forehead.2

"Look we made some cookies for everyone.. you can have some!” Lilly said pushing her half burnt cookies. I took one and bit a huge bite, I nodded my head impressed, "It's actually really good" I said honestly meaning it. Through its a little burnt but it has the right amount of sweetness, not many can balance the sweetness of cookies, "I'll have to keep you as my baker!" I teased them making them giggle.

"Oh please don't, next thing they'll burnt down the whole kitchen" a soft voice said coming down from the stairs. I looked up with a smile, "Gina" I greeted my step mom and went to hug her, "Awwhh you look so beautiful my dear!" She complimented means kissed my cheeks.

She pulled me to the couch, "Go outside and play in the garden” she told her kids and they went off running as soon as they were out of the door she turned back to me, "Did something happened, you're father looks mad" she asked making me sigh, "Okay.. this is not comforting” she commented. I rolled my eyes, "Let everyone come” I said to which she nodded.

It took the three men a whole of 10 minutes to come downstairs and sit around the dinner table with a hard look on their faces.

"You mated with that lycan?" Oliver asked me, I looked at him confused, "So what am I supposed to do? Sing baby shark over a beer?" I retorted, "He is my Erastis, obviously I'll mark him" I said.

"At least you could have introduced him PHYSICALLY before doing it.. don't you consider us a family?” Clark said anger evident in his voice. I slipped down on the chair feeling guilty, "It's not like that.. it just happened. yesterday. But I told you guys about him over the phone and you also talked with him!" I said sitting up.

"As you said, ON THE PHONE. Meeting someone physically and talking to them over the phone is different, Nora!" My dad snapped setting my heart heavy on my chest, "At least-- *sigh* I have missed half of your life.. I didn't even know you existed.. and now that I know.. of everything.. I don't want you to just have anything.. you're so much more precious than that.. you're worth so much more. I feel like I have no importance in your life" he said rubbing his face with his palms. We all sat there shell shocked, dad has never, I mean NEVER been an emotional person. And this is the fir- second time I have seen him like that.1

I wrapped my hands around his hand, "I never melt for you to feel that way dad. You're in no way insignificant in my life. Whatever I am, I am because if you and your blessings, all of yours. If I am as strong as people say I am, it's all because of you.. never ever feel that way dad. You mean more to me than you can imagine” I said and sat on his lap wrapping my arms around my neck, "I am sorry to make you feel any less, daddy" I said and buried my face in his neck.

I felt three more pairs of arms wrapped around us, "Group hug!!" Gina said making us all chuckle. After that we sat down for a nice lunch that Gina made for us, Adrian refused to eat if I am not the one to feed him and looking at his tantrums his elder sister also joined so here I am feeding both my siblings. I joked with both of them making them giggle while they told me their school stories, "Oh and you know last week our teacher told us to draw someone who inspires us.. and I drew you!!" Lilly squeaked.

My smile suddenly dropped, “I wanna be like you when I grow up!" She said looking up at me dreamily. I quickly placed a smile on my face as tears gathered in my eyes, "You wanna be like me baby?" She nodded her head, I kissed her forehead, "Yes even his teacher asked him to draw someone who they look upto and he drew Papa and you!" Lilly said pointing to Adrian who's eyes went wide recalling, "YES, I draw yow an Papa" he said and hoped off the chair, "I'll show yow" he said running off to his room, Lilly followed his brother as well.

"Oh come on! Why don't they look upto me?" Oliver whined, "Because you're not someone a child should look upto" Clark joked. The four of them started joking where as I sat there moved to core, "Daddy, I wanna see them.. now" I said getting up. My siblings and Gina looked at me confused but it was my dad who had an indifferent look on his face. He nodded his head, "I have linked the guards, as soon as they are back in their quarters, we'll go see them" he said cutting piece of the stake. The two kids came back with a paper in both of their hands, they pushed it in my direction with wide smiles.

"I-- love them" I said looking at their version of me through their eyes. Lilly drew a colourful picture of me with a cape and a crown on my head while Adrian drew me with a Halo over my head while I had cookies and cake in each hand. I chuckled and looked at them, "That's what you guys see me as?" I asked making the two nod I'm excitement, "It's beautiful, can I keep them?" I asked putting the picture against my beating heart.

"Yes!" "Yupp I have made several others” they both answered. Throughout the lunch I couldn't swallow even a single drop of water my throat felt clogged by an unrecognized emotion.1

"Which reminds me, I would like for all of you to come for a dinner tomorrow night to meet my Erastis.." I said remembering what I had planned for tomorrow, "We'd love to meet your Erastis!" Gina said with a smile while the three men just grunted.

After the lunch was over, there four of us made our way to the prison. None of us said anything as to why I wanna meet them face to face. My mind was racing with a lot of things.. things I never thought I would have ever felt. My stance was rigid and emitted dominance. As we made our way to the cell they all were kept my insides became more certain about my decision.

I could hear them all groaning and crying pain and suffering. My heart raced as I stood in front of the door, "What's on your mind?" Dad asked in confusion.

"You'll see. Open the door" I turned to the guard who just nodded and opened the door.

I stepped inside and my heart stopped for a second. They are going through everything I wanted them to go, by everything I designed for the mistakes they made. For a moment I saw me in the and them in me from where I stood, "Guards! Get them all down and clean them all up" I ordered making my lycan know it's presence. The prisoners were shocked hearing my voice, seeing me after years of thinking I was dead, "N-nora?" One of them whispered in disbelief. I ignored him,, everyone in the room who is staring at me in disbelief or confusion.

The guards didn't even ask their alpha for permission to abide by my orders they just did as they were told to do. And within a few minutes the entire pack of wounded TealRiver sat on the ground in front of me, "You all have suffered enough, long enough to understand that there are consequences of your actions. You have made mistakes huge, unforgettable ones but everyone deserves a chance in life regardless of their crimes. I am letting you all free now, you can go back to your pack or wherever but remember, I have my eyes on you and one single mistake, you'll face worst than this." I said loudly, my voice booming with power and dauntless. I stood above all of them tall and proud looking at their face relaxing in relief made me realise that I made the right decision.

"And remember, don't start a warm you can't win." I warned them, my face my leaking any emotions out, "Leave them 10 miles away from their pack border. Make sure no one sees anyone of you" I whispered to the head guard of the prison who nodded stiffly.

The TealRiver all mumbled a thank you and sorry as they were leaving but I remained indifferent to them. As soon as they were out my siblings and father turned to look at me, "Do you realise what you just did?" Clark asked looking sceptical of my actions, "There could be another war!! If they open their mouth! And we are finally happy in our lives. I don't want any of my men to fight that worthless pack!" Oliver said, the alpha in him standing up.

"That's the thing.. we're happy in their misery." I said calmly. My brothers looked shocked for a second, "Tell me if I am wrong.. don't you feel content seeing them in agony? Don't all of us?" I asked, they stood there dumbfound. It's was just dad who looked almost. intrigued.

"We have dragged the hate and vengeance too long and too far. We are punishing them for their past mistakes, I know they should be. But instead of correcting them we are using their methods to make them realise! That doesn't make us any worst than them!" I said shaking my head, I pulled the chair nearby and sat on it with my head down.

"What are we going to teach the next generation? To slaughter people for their mistakes? To live for vengeance and revenge? That their life is incomplete without the blood of their enemies in their hand? This has gone too far! They have suffer enough, all of them I am not saying to let go of the memories, I am telling you to let go of the pain. We need to move on, not for them but for us. Always looking behind your back is not what anyone wants..." I told them everything I was feeling. "Who are the kids looking upto? Nobody but a cold blooded murderer. I am no better than those fuckers! I raped their lives and murdered their wish to live. Just like they did to me.. but I don't wanna be that person anymore, I don't want to be so cold, purposeless and cynical that the only way I feel content is by their screams of pain. I am better than that, I want to be better than that. I want.. need that for all of us” I said as tears leaked from my eyes.

I felt my dad's arms wrap around me pulling me back on my feet, "I am so proud of the woman you've become” he said hugging me. I pulled back to look at his eyes which were very similar to mine, grey-blue eyes, "You mean it?" I asked, needing reassurance. He nodded his head and kissed my forehead. Both of my brothers gave me a pat of appreciation, "You're a strong person." Oliver said with a small smile.

As we make our way back to the alpha house, Clark suddenly stops on his track, "What if that son of a bitch, Justin decides to attack the pack?" He asked Dad.

"I'll take care of that, he won't be the alpha for long anyway.. and even if they decide to rage a war, you have my pack standing with you" I said feeling proud of my pack. Both of my pack.

Dad gave me a knowing look and nodded. After a while Dad chuckled, "Tell that father of yours to make something to take down your Erastis if we don't like him" he joked making me give him a poker face, "Haha very funny!" I said and shook my head.

"Oh which reminds me, I have to be somewhere. I'll see you tomorrow at my restaurant sharp at 8.. don't be late" I yelled running away towards the forest. I opened my pants which has the picture my younger siblings drew.

I pushed down the lock so hard that the handle fell on my hand. I shrugged it off and creeped inside the house I could hear the television in the living room and the two people talking there. Other than that there was no one in the house I put the handle on the island and slowly made my way to the living room. My lycan has managed to hide my scent and being a lycan made it possible for me to be extra stealthy so they were oblivious to my presence.

The two of them had their back facing me as they were intently looking at the TV screen, she had her head laid on his shoulders and his head against hers. I stood there breathing steadily, there was a time I used to hate them but now I feel nothing more than pity for them.

I heard a big gasp from Janine as she looked at the dark side of the screen where half my face was visible. He snapped her head towards me, her eyes were wide with stagger, "Nora" she whispered in astonishment. My face instantly became hard as the a memory suddenly hit my face.1

Gilbert turned his face to look at me but being paralyzed didn't work in his favor, "Is that really you Nora?" Janine asked softly in disbelief getting up from the sofa. I rolled my eyes, "No it's the chick from the exorcist" I rolled my eyes, "What else do you think?" I said harshly to which she flinched, "Well I am kind of dead.. but came back to life.. which is no different” I taunted as I walked in front of them in my might glory.1

"Sit! We need to talk" I told her as I sat down on the single couch myself. Gilbert took one quick glance at me then put his head down not meeting my eyes. I looked at his behavior in amusement, "what's wrong Gilbert? Why can't you meet my eyes? You certainly didn't act like this when you raped me? Huh? What changed?" I asked in a calmly yet menace was evident in my tone. He flinched as his breathing started getting faster and deeper, "Where did that alpha rapist go? Hmm that wheelchair and lack of movement answers that!" I spat liking how his tears silently fell from his eyes, my eyes shifted to Janine who sobbing biting her lips not meeting my eyes.. ahh mates alike. "Oh come on don't show me that crocodile tears! You both enjoyed raping and murdering me... If it weren't for the.. situation... You're in now, you'd both boast about it" I said rubbing salt in their wounds. My attention turned to Janine who started sobbing loudly, "Aww poor Barbie.. what has happened to you? How did your plastic figure turn into a real figure? Justin did a really good job!" I sneered at her, "How did it feel Janine? To be in my shoes? To be molested and abused every second of the day? To have everything yet nothing.. they very people that worshipped you were the very reason for you destruction? How did it feel Gilbert? To have the very people who called you your best friend to molest your mate in front of your eyes and not having any power to stop it? Tell me?? Did you enjoy being raped as much as you enjoyed watched me being raped and murdered??" I said sinisterly.1

Gilbert shook his head, "I am sorry Nora!l I am--"

"Your sorry is not enough for the pain you caused me. Being an alpha is not only about having power, being alpha means having the courage to take responsibility for the people, of your pack. And you miserably failed in that!" I snapped at him

"I know, I know! I am nothing but a failure! I have done things worst than imagined. And I am deeply sorry for that. I know my sorry won't do shit to you! But please! Please give me a chance to redeem myself. I cannot sleep at night thinking how much pain I caused you, how you begged me to stop and I didn't do anything!! Just give me a chance" he cried hysterically. I ignored him and turned my attention to Janine, "Tell me Barbie, how did giving birth go?" I asked her shocked and pained expression showed that I hit the bullseye.

"Oh come on, just because I was away didn’t mean I didn't know what was going on! I had my eyes on all of you.." I said smirking looking at the baffled expression, "Do you know why you were never able to conceive, Janine? Ever asked yourself to why did the goddess punish you for something that once you never wanted to have?" I asked plopping my face on my palm looking at her intently. Her eyes shined with confusion, a minute went by in silence as she was busy thinking, "Don’t sweat it! Your pea size brain can't decipher that" I said chuckling. I laid back on the couch, "You see.. when you very graceful stabbed your heels in my stomach.. I was carrying a baby..." I said venomously looking at the two who gasped in horror.

"Ehh so that night I wasn't the only one murdered, YOU killed an innocent baby as well regardless of how it was conceive. It was still an innocent baby..." I spat at them. Janine fell down on her knees crying, clutching her chest, "I am so sorry, I am so sorry Nora!! I am a monster! I deserved it, I deserved it alll!" She sobbed loudly.

"Give us any punishment you seek fit for your mistakes, Nora! Our lives is in your hand now! Please!! Just let us redeem ourselves!” Gilbert cried. I stood up looking at the once perfect couple, "I have already punished you. I am not here to further your misery” I said coldly. The couple looked to be confused, "You punished us?" Gilbert asked befuddlement.

I smirked at him, clutching my my heart faking hurt, "Oh come on! You don't remember me?" I pouted. He furrowed his brows I smiled evilly, "I left my mark on you.. yet you forgot?” I said and walked threateningly to him, I bend down to his level,

"Right here" I said tracing the claw mark where I released my venom that made him crippled. His breathing became rigged as he looked up to me, I flashed the void eyes of my lycan. He let out a bone chilling scream, "IT WAS YOU! IT WAS YOU!!" he cried screaming. I motioned Janine to help him stabilize, she ran back to him and rubbed her palm on his chest trying to calm him down.

"Yes Gilbert it was me. It was all me. I am the reason for all of your catastrophy and calamity. I am the very reason why the big bad alpha is now crippled, depending on people to even whip his shit!" I spat at him. I didn't look at them and took few calming breaths trying to remind myself why I am really here.1

"Th-the witch said he was punished by the goddess” Janine asked making me shrug, "Eh well indirectly she is the one who punished you by giving me the power to do so.." I said nonchalantly. My face went hard again, "As I said I have punished you enough. You all learnt your lesson, now it's time to show that you've really changed. You time with that wheelchair is over, Gilbert. I am giving you back you abilities, fix what you have messed up with. Right your wrongs teach the pack good. You have the ability to do good, Gilbert. Use it wisely. I know you can!” I said moving towards him. "Step back” I ordered Janine, I ripped opened his shirt, “May the venom that brought you down bring you up” I said extending my claws . I did need to look at his face to know he was terrified anyone in his position would be. I clawed the same place I had clawed years ago releasing my venom. He cried in agony, his mate was fixed in her place not being able to move due to my order. I retracted my claws at the end and stood up straight, "Your powers would come back in no time. Don't make me regret this, Gilbert. Be the alpha you were always ment to be" I said coldly and walked away from them, "From this day forward I don't know you and you don't know me. There was no past and there will be no future. You are in no way related to me whatsoever. Live your life and forget that I even existed.” I spat at them and ran towards the forest.

I am done tonight, I don't want to live in the cycle of vengeance and hatred. I don't want my life to have one purpose, I am finally where I had always dreamt of being. I want to let go of the past so I can walk towards my future without the anyone's burden on my shoulders. I came here for to give them a last shove and now I am happy. Happy to let it all go.

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