The Grateful Rejection

Chapter 16

Justin's POV

I slammed Thomas on the wall by his neck, "What the fuck are you talking about?!" I sneered at him. He looked at me terrified, I could hear screeching of chairs against the floor. He gulped, "I saw her... At the club... I thought I was hall-ucinating but she was there." he stuttered. I narrowed my eyes at him, "She is dead. Your family were the ones who killed her!" I growled flashing my wolf's eyes at him.3

He whimpered trying to back away but couldn't, "I-I am not ly-ing. I have proof” I let go of him, "Show me! If you're wrong I'll kill you!" I warned to which he gulped and nodded his head. He fumbled trying to take out his phone, his hands were shaking while using it. Though I was looking calm, my insides were a jumble. My wolf was whimpering remembering the day of my loves death. He turned his phone around and my heart stopped beating.2

My beautiful curvy Nora, swaying her hips sensually to the beat of the music. My inside started fluttering with an emotion I thought died with Nora, Love. My wolf howled in happiness and started jumping around. She has evolved to be even more beautiful and sinful than anyone could have ever thought. The teasing smile on her lips made me growl at who ever she was looking. There were boys who were looking at my Nora lustfully but she was oblivious to them all, just like before. Soon the video came to an end. I intently looked at the screen, I couldn't hear anything but the beating of my heart. My mate, my love is alive. My Nora is alive. A smile broke into my lips, "My Nora" I whispered softly.9

"Was she there alone?" I asked, not caring if she is with someone or not, as soon as she sees me, she'll coming running in my arms.

"No, she was there alone. I didn't see anyone with her. Maybe she came with her friends..” Thomas said. The smile on my face widened, she is not with anyone, maybe she is still waiting for me? Or is still in love with me? No boy can replace a man, I am the only man in her life.4

"Get every tracker and locate her now!" I told him and turned around to the astonished family.

"But alpha.. half of our men have been captured if we take the rest then who will protect the ground? Or if the rouges try and attack again?" He is getting on my nerves now.

"I am in a good mood, beta. Do. Not. Ruin. It." I said calmly thinking about my Nora, "Just do as I say." I said and walked to the couch and sat down.

Holding up the phone I played the video again, caressing her curves through the screen, "I can't wait to meet her" I mumbled to myself with a smile. She was destinated to be an alpha's mate, she had left me for an alpha.. now I am an alpha, one one the strongest. She'll come to me without a thought.

Janine's POV

No no no no no no no no. This can't be! How can she be alive? I can't let Justin get his hands on her. We have ruined her life enough, I can't let her be dragged into this darkness again. I wasn't able to be a good sister earlier but now I have to stand up for my little sister.4

"Alpha Justin.. don't you think you should do some renovation in the house.” I trailed off with a smile, I knew calling him by his name will land me into more trouble than I can imagine. He looked up at me with furrowed brows, "Why would I do that?" He asked in confusion.

I smiled, "You do remember Nora saying how she doesn't like the alpha house.. and that she thought how less homey it.. is" I say looking around the house. I don't know if Nora even said that but thinking about the kind of person she was.. she must have thought that. I am just shooting arrow in the dark, 1 just hope it hits where I want to.

"I mean come on, you don't want Nora to come to a place she doesn't like. The least you could do is paint the house and maybe some pictures of you two..." I trailed off with a smile.

He looked at me for a second with a poker face, "You're right.. I remember her telling how much she hates the house. I think I'll take your advice. I'll do anything for my Nora" he whispered the last part to himself. I smirked internally, he caught the bait.1

"Wake up everyone. By morning I want this place to look completely different. You two, you're in charge of it. And if anything is not according to Nora's standards I'll rip your throat out!" He said pointing out to my parents. I scowled at them, they don't know fuck about her.2

"Janine could you help me picking some of mine and Nora's picture?” He asked nicely to which I nodded. Everyone started doing what they were assigned to do the only thing in my mind was I have to find Nora before anyone else does.

Unknown's POV

One of my head warrior came running in my office, “Thank god you're awake..” he gasped for a breath, I looked up from the file, "Everything okay?" I asked keeping the file down. He shook his head, "They found out that she is alive.”

"Hmm, they weren't supposed to find so soon but whatever. clear all her tracks" I ordered leaning back on the chair. He nodded his head, "Already done, alpha.”

After he went away, I pulled out my untraceable phone and dialed his number. After few rings he picked up, "What can I do for you, alpha?" He answered, the shouts of agony could be heard in the background that made me smirk, "Just checking up alpha. How are the guest being treated?” I asked chuckling.

He let out a familiar chilling laugh, "Very, very good. They are getting the best treatment..." He said as another heart stopping screamed echoed. I smiled, "Very well. Anyway, I was just informed that they have found her!" I said nonchalantly. There was a silence on the other side of the phone, "...They weren't supposed to find her this soon..." He said in a hard tone.2

I shook my head, "But they were to find out anyway.. better early than late."

"It's the other was round.. but.. whatever" he brushed it off, “I cleared her tracks for the time being.." I told him.

"Thank you alpha Schumach once again.” He said genuinely, I smiled to myself, "It's my pleasure, alpha. We both are working for the same purpose” I told the rouge king and after our goodbyes I kept the phone down.5

I opened the last drawer of my table. There was a single picture of her, the one who was supposed to be mine, to love me and cherish me, my ex mate. Nora. I pulled out the photo were she had a huge smile on her innocent face. Her doe eyes shining with light, genuine happiness. I kissed her photo as a tear slipped out of my eyes. I failed you once Nora. I am not going to fail you this time. I kept the picture back in it's place and went back to my bedroom.15

Nora's POV

I moaned when I felt the rough texture of his tongue on my most intimate part. I groggily opened my eyes as another moan slipped from my mouth, "Sebastiannn... Hmmm" I plopped on my elbows to look at my handsome Erastis between my legs. I let out a small gasp when he started grazing his nails softly around my pussy lips, "I-1 can get use to it.. ummm" I collapsed on the bed arching my back. He slowly tortured me, increasing the fire inside me. My legs began to shake as he kept on bring me to the edge and left me dandling, "I sweat to God Sebastian if you don't make me cum, I am gonna go to another man to make me cum!" I snapped at him, my heart beat increased as he looked up with a deathly glare, "What did you say?" He said calmly.1

"You heard me!!" I snapped back. My lycans started jumping around in excitement as I felt his dominance made his presence known. He climbed ok top of me and caressed my cheeks, "You really think that someone.. a random ass guy can make you feel the way I do?? Hm?" He asked, his voice threatening as well as seductive. I looked at him innocently, his nail extended as he kept trailing his it from my cheeks to my throat. I gulped in pleasure. My insides were already putty under him, just a little tease and my jealous brute will show his dominance.2

"Whatelse? You're not that good" I said with a teasing smile which went away in a second when I felt his length slam into me. My eyes rolled back in ecstasy as a loud moan left my mouth. The top of my head kept on hitting the headboard with the force he was ramming into me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled him flesh to me, "With the dirty sounds you're making it seems otherwise" he said through gritted teeth, to which I just dumbly moaned.

He pushed him self off me making me whine at the lost of his skin against mine. He kept on slamming in me, bring me close to the edge, "Uuhh look at my filthy little cockslut.. once she has a cock inside her hole all her attitude evaporates” he cooed me. I smiled at him and nodded. He let out a growl and pinned both on my hands above my head which were trailing on his arms. He slapped my boobs making me moan louder, "My whore has a sensitive nipple” he cooed and lower his face. I whimpered in joy when he started nibbling my nipples. I arched my back more to fill more of me in his mouth, "Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease” I begged him wiggling my breast in his mouth, telling him to go harsher.1

"Stop talking" he growled had put two fingers in my mouth, I hummed in contentment and began sucking on his fingers. My tongue made and '8' caressing his two fingers and sucking them dry. His pounding only increased. My heart felt like it's going to jump out of my ribcage and start dancing at the sheer amount of pleasure I am getting. Before I know I am screaming his name on top of my lungs cumming but when he shot himself in me, I felt another orgasm rip through my body. He slumped on top of me as we both kept on panting, trying to catch our breath.

"Am I good" he asked me innocently, I chuckled and kissed his lips, "The best" I said and made out with him. He pulled back, "Come on, get ready I'll make you breakfast" he said kissing my nose. I whined, "Noooo joined me in the shower please” I said with a pout, "No baby.." he tried to reason.

I looked up at him with puppy eyes, "But I'll have my breakfast in the shower" I said caressing his dick. He shivered under my touch, his eyes again turned blue with lust and a smirk decorated his lips, "Now that offer I can't refuse." he said kissing my neck and shoulder making me giggle.1

The next thing we know, I was on my knees eating my breakfast while he was groaning my name.

I picked out his red sweater along with his sweatpants, I brushed my hair off my shoulder and turned to my man, "How do I look" I ask with a big smile. He looked at me with a glint in his eyes and a soft smile, "Gorgeous" he said and kissed my forehead. He too wore his t-shirt and sweat pants and we both made our way downstairs.

The gang was downstairs eating breakfast when they saw us coming.. they smirked, "Finally! I thought I would have to rip my ears out” Jessica comment while the mates pairs nodded in agreement. Okay they heard us coming. *Wink*1

"I wasn't complaining when you have orgy in your bedroom” Sebastian said with a smirk on his face. We three sister stiffened, Ariana, Arora and I looked at each other. Arora trying to hide her red face while Ariana whistled away. I mind linked them, "We'll talk about it later” I told them to which they discreetly nodded they head.1

We used to have two orgies every month in our penthouse, it used to go in for hours. Once our neighbors also called the police on us and we dragged the officer inside with us. He was really sweet though, he never let any police come to our place. Though it required a lot of suc-- ahem!2 We all sat down and ate our breakfast talking about anything to everything. I also got to know more about my sisters’ mate and Erastis.

"By the way, Seb. Your parents called me, why are you not answering back their calls. They're pissed at you.." Arthur trailed off. Sebastian brushed it off, "I told pops that I would be busy" and drank his juice.

"Yeah well tell them that yourself. they're on their way here" Arthur said making Sebastian spit juice from his nose. I jumped back and patted his back as he was busy in fits of coughing.

When he calmed down, "They're coming? When?" He asked as I put a glass of water on his lips. He thanked and drank the water, "By tomorrow morning.. or today late evening.. idk" Arthur said and chewed his waffles.1

After we talked about that Edmund dropped us three off to our penthouse. We talked about the whole orgy scene and decided to tell them after sometime. We made our way to our work and our day just went on from there. I missed Sebastian a lot and we kept on chatting on text, sending flirty texts. Mom came to meet me during half day and I told her about Sebastian marking me and let me tell you.. she wasn't happy. She instantly called Dad and he appeared in no time through his portal. They decided to have a one to one with Sebastian.1

When the closing time came, both of my sisters came along with their mate and mine. I walked to Sebastian and pulled him into a kiss, "I missed you.." he mumbled pulling back. My inside fluttered with love and my soul sighed in contentment, "I missed you too, puppy" I said kissing his nose. He looked down at me with his warm chocolate brown eyes, tranquilizing me in them, "You're so beautiful” he whispered, his eyes dilated as he pushed a stray of hair away from my face, "Moya prekrasnaya al'fa” (my beautiful alpha)he whispered to himself making my heart fluttered. I caressed his cheeks, "Ma belle brute jalouse" (my handsome jealous brute) I said in French and giggled.1 "Chérie, je suis un lycan 4gé de 300 ans. Je connais beaucoup de langues."(Sweetheart, i am a 300 year old lycan. I know a lot if languages.)

He said making me bite my lips, "My bad" I said and pecked his lips softly. He chuckled, "Okay don't start having sex here" Edmund's voice rang making both of us scowl.

"We weren't going to... Unless..." He turned to me, my face lit up and I started nodding my head. He smirked, "Your wish is my command!" He said and bend down to kiss me. We heard another set of groans, "Stop! In the name of god stopp!" Henry cried making us laugh. But that all came to an end.

"Hi Nora" the familiar voice said from the door. My heart stopping beating, "Missed me?" He asked with a soft smile.

"Tyler?" I whispered in disbelief.

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