The God of War - Editing

Chapter The Prophecy


I opened the book and stopped when I found what I was looking for. There was a small white wolf with pink eyes and a massive black wolf with golden eyes. Under them, I saw the names Ares and Aphrodite. They were in exquisite green territory, and the black wolf shielded the white from an attack of brown wolves.

The following illustration showed Ares and Aphrodite playing happily in a golden garden with two identical black pups. Both had a tiny white spot in the same place on their left ear. And under each pup was written Phobus and Deimus.

“It is a prophecy, Max. If you had rejected Julie, each one of the pups would have been born in a different place.” Terry turned the page to where the inscription started. “Phobus and Deimus. Fear and panic are their powers. If you are mated with Julie, they will use their powers correctly. Because you and Julie together will teach them right from wrong.”

Karl turned another page. “They will be twins. But if you had rejected Julie. It would have been a catastrophe. Julie would have had one pup with another wolf and you with Tania, and they would have used their powers for the worse.” I looked at them. That could not be happening. “What is Julie?”

I turned the page, and Terry said. “Aphrodite’s powers are beauty, fertility and love. As the Goddess of love, she fixes the chaos, changing the anger for love. I guess that is what she did to Tania, making her submit without touching her. Doctor Paul said Ger’s mate couldn’t have a pup, Aphrodite visited her, and she is carrying a pup now. She fixed the boy’s face, and doctor Paul said she was working with the wolves that lost their mates. They were depressed and suicidal, and now they are normal. She gave love back to their souls.”

I kept checking our story. And Ares was sitting on my mind absorbing everything. “Did you know about it, Ares?

“No, mate said she would explain everything to me after you accepted her.” This stupid wolf could have said something. “Well, did you not think it would be nice to share, Ares?”

He ruffed in my mind. “You were not listening to me, Kid. You thought I had lost it.” Karl turned to the page that talked about me. “Ares’ powers are strength. He is the God of war. He always had skills, as we all know. But since Julie arrived, they have increased. You are faster and stronger. Your senses are heightened, and your power will be complete after you accept her. You will be literally a wolf shield to her and your family.”

“Max, together, you and Julie will accomplish many things, but apart.” Terry shook his head. “As Aphrodite said today, the Blue Moon would not have survived because you would have become weak. You draw strength from her now that you have found her. She completes your power.”

I could not believe my ears. If my mother had the book, why did she not say anything before? I know she always pushed me to find my true mate. But that is different. I must mate Julie. Otherwise, I would have killed my pack. I turned the page and was Ares playing with the twins and Aphrodite lying down near the lake with another pup. And it was written, Harmony. I looked at them. “Harmony?”

Terry smiled. “Yes. Your daughter. She soothes strife and discord and harmonious action of warriors in combat. She is fierce and will go to battles with the twins. My guess is she will bring harmony to the chaos that will be the twins.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “God, I guess my life is all mapped in this book. Why hasn’t my mother said anything? I should have been looking for Julie in a much more profound way than I was before. Not have accepted that the pack would be ok if I never found her.” Karl got a drink and said. “Those are prophecies. No good ever comes from them if we know it before.”

Terry happily clapped his hands. “Go on, let’s try the theory. Think about accepting her in your life and see what happens.” Karl gulped his drink and encouraged me. “Come on, Max. It won’t hurt to try.”

I closed my eyes and gave control to Ares. We thought about the little wolf and how we felt when she was fighting Tania. I thought about how good she felt in my arms and how calm she made me when I watched her sleep. I could feel how proud Ares was of her today. I felt the energy inside me and took off my shirt. I looked at them, and both had wild eyes. I went to the mirror and saw how my muscles were even more defined and looked stronger as if I had just left the gym.

“I can feel your emotions towards Julie. Like you don’t have intentions to hurt her. You both have accepted and aren’t a threat to her.” We laughed. It was so strange. Yes, we can smell fear or feel emotions but not like that. Karl said. “Man, you look bigger than before. For sure, it will only improve when you mate her. I guess our work is done here, Terry. We should start organising the Luna ceremony. He shouldn’t mate her before it.”

Terry got up and lifted his hand, stopping Karl. “Oh, God. What is it now, Terry? You wanted me to mate her, remember? It will be the next full moon soon, and the Luna Ceremony should be before it.”

Terry looked concerned. “Should you not consult Julie first? You told her you picked Tania over her. The least you can do is apologise for your mistakes, stubbornness, and not accepting her since day one like Ares. Your actions hurt her, Max.” Karl smirked. They both loved the deep shit that I was in. “Well, I know you don’t like to hear it, but Terry is right. If Ares hadn’t accepted and healed Aphrodite and her Julie, she would have been weak and submitted to Tania, and by now, she would be out of here and our future dark.”

I knew making amends with Julie before the next full moon would be impossible because I would have to spend the rest of my life doing it. “Start preparing the Luna Ceremony. The pack knows she is my mate, and I can’t have her roaming the territory without an official title. The moon will be crescent in two days, and I wanted it done by them. Karl also organised the Luna challenge. We will have it at night on the same day as the ceremony. She needs her official guard, and I know the pack will look forward to that.”

I looked at Karl’s begging face and rolled my eyes. “I will grant your strength with her official guard.” He bumped the air in happiness. “Can’t wait for that, Buddy.” I opened my drawer and got my car keys. It was late, and I was sure I would be welcomed at my father’s to collect Julie.

I got into my Land Rover and drove to the northern border where my parents lived. And to be honest, I was not looking forward to seeing my mother today. I knew she would be upset with me and had enough drama for a day.

I could not even blame Ares for anything like I did when I was a teen because she knew how much Ares looked forward to his mate. I parked my car, and there were many warriors around the area. I always protected my parents since they had decided to live far from the pack house.

I got in and found my parents and Julie having tea in the drawing room. I could smell their meal, and all my thoughts were if Julie did have enough and if she was happy. It was strange. I could feel everything my parents were feeling towards Julie. I could feel they already loved her, and my mother would care for her like a mother.

Julie looked at me, and I felt dizzy for a minute. I had to hold the chair beside me. Everything was rushing inside me too quickly. There was so much love pouring from her, and I could not feel any bad feelings coming from her. She was not angry at me. There was no rejection from her for what I did to her. It was like she was a bundle of love.

When I opened my eyes, my father was beside me. “Son, are you ok?” I nodded. “Yes, I am sorry. I just needed a minute.” I looked at my mother, and she did not have a happy face towards me. “Hi, Mum. I came to get Julie if she is ready to leave, and I would like to return later to talk to you if you allow me.”

She nodded, gave Julie a motherly hug, and went to the kitchen. I sighed. Everything is too messed up now. Julie hugged my father, and he walked us outside and gave me a nod.

I opened the door for Julie and helped her into the car. We did not speak. As father had said, I needed to let the mate bond do its job. I needed to learn how to fix everything or break my walls completely.

I stopped the car and took a deep breath letting her scent comfort me. Looking ahead, I asked. “Did you know about the book?” Her sweet voice asked me. “What book?” Now that my walls were coming down, I could feel what she felt, and she was not lying. “She doesn’t know anything, handsome. Tell me did you enjoy the show today? I know many people did. I can feel it.”

I did not have to look to know that Aphrodite was in charge. I looked at her, and her pink eyes shone inside the dark car. She looked at her nails and started talking as she was talking about the weather. “You need to accept Julie in your heart soon. They will be coming for me, and you need to be stronger to protect me. You need to love her with all you have. Only then your real powers will be unleashed.”

Could she sense danger like that, or should it be another prophecy? I needed to read the whole thing. “I can make anyone love me if I want, but it won’t work on you. You must want this, Max. Julie is your mate. It won’t be hard to accept her.” She laughed. “Well. You were ready to endure that Luna wanna-be for the rest of your life. And boy, your life would have been miserable. I did you a favour. Julie is much more.”

I looked back to darkness. “It is not that simple, Aphrodite.” She annoyingly sighed. “It is if you let it. Stop blocking it.”

“I am confused and have so many questions. Why didn’t you say anything to me before or Ares? Why hide everything since you arrived here?”

She looked at me and pressed her mouth in a hard line, displeased. “You should not accept us because of what we can do or what you will become. I wanted you to accept Julie for the kind and wonderful person she is, not because you had to and we did not have a choice. And Ares did it wonderfully.”

“You were already a powerful Alpha. You should have killed Michael and everybody that did not stand up to him when he hurt Julie. Everybody heard her screams at night and let him break her over and over again. She came broke to you because of him. We are Omegas because of him.”

She looked into my eyes and narrowed her eyes. “And I guarantee if you had not blocked Ares after you met Julie, the Woodland would not long exist because he would have killed every single one of them before leaving. Now let’s go home. I am tired of you not following Selene’s plans. Julie’s body is tired and will continue until you accept her. We need to mate. Her body will become weaker if it doesn’t happen soon.”

She closed her eyes and went to sleep. I was confused about how she got to control Julie like that, keeping her in the dark—not letting her participate in the conversations. Was it because she couldn’t know it yet? Or was that because Aphrodite was so powerful now, and Julie’s flesh was weak?

I carried Julie upstairs, and after changing her into her pyjamas, I tucked her into bed. I switched to my grey sweatpants and left my upper body bare to feel the sparks. I was going to let Ares in control but changed my mind. I needed to accept her; if I let Ares control these moments, I would not want to feel it.

Everything she said to me was repeatedly playing in my head. And I knew how wrong I was to have thought about putting another she-wolf in her place. Selene had picked her for me, and it was not my place to forsake her.

I pulled her to my chest, accepting the sparks and buried my nose in her hair, taking her calming scent in. Ares’ satisfied voice came to my mind. “We are going to sleep like pups tonight, Max. Our mate is here to stay.”

Do you think now Max will quit being an ass and let the mate bond run its course? And go nowhere as promised; another chapter is coming today. 💕💕

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