The God of War - Editing

Chapter The Mark


I was angry, and that little wolf would have to obey me and stop whatever she was doing to my pack. I wanted to give her a piece of mind as I was sure Aphrodite was the one in charge of this whole mess. I ran to the pack hospital and found Julie peacefully talking to doctor Paul.

A strong roar left my mouth, and doctor Paul stepped to the side, thinking I was making a mate’s claim. I looked at him, and he left quickly. All my movements were fast. I had forgotten right from wrong and pinned her on the wall by her shoulders. I felt the sparks but paid no attention. The good sensation would not help her now.

I gave her a disgusted look. “Are you a hybrid witch? I could not sense it, but again if you were a witch, you could have masked it.” Julie widened her grey eyes and said. “I am not a witch, and you offend me like that. My line is pure. For generations, there was only Alpha blood from both sides of my family.”

I remembered from the file that she was an Alpha’s daughter, but that did not mean anything. Someone could have been a witch in her family. I shook her shoulders. What was she doing to me, to my pack? She had to be a witch. With the impact, her side braid moved behind her shoulder, and I finally saw my mark on her. No, it was not possible.

I released her and moved back, shaking my head. My mark was not a full blue moon as it had to be. All the mates in my pack had a blue moon, the symbol of my pack. The Alpha had to be a full moon as it was the higher rank. The lower the rank, the smaller the blue moon. The Omegas had a tiny blue moon.

I looked at her, and she gave me a beautiful smile as she noticed what I was staring at. I moved closer to her and lowered myself to her neck’s level, hoping I was going insane and had imagined things. But not it did not change. A dark shield protected a pink heart.

I shook my head rapidly. It could not be. “That is not possible. My mark was not supposed to be like that. What are you doing to my pack Julie? People are talking about you, looking for you, showering you with gifts.”

I stepped back. I needed some space. Julie’s scent and whatever she was doing were clouding my thoughts. “Tell me, what is your game here? What are you doing in my pack?”

With a desperate look, she said. “I am helping our pack. I am your mate and their rightful Luna. I only want what is best for them. I only want them to be happy.” I looked into her eyes, searching for lies, but got nothing, only love for my pack and me. Julie walked closer to me. “I am your true mate and will help you lead this pack.”

And just like that, the door was kicked open, revealing a fuming Tania, followed by Alpha John, my Beta and Gamma. “You will not. Max will be my mate, and I, Tania Walsh from the Shadows Pack, challenge you for the Luna position.”

I could hear gasps in the room from my men, and I needed to put a stop to Tania. She would kill Julie in the challenge. I stepped in front of her, shielding Julie and said firmly. “Enough, Tania. Take it back.” But John did not like it and started talking.

“My daughter has the right to do it, Alpha Maximus. The she-wolf does not have your scent yet, which means you were not mated. Your wolf would not accept Tania’s wolf, not now that you have found your mate. But when your wolf sees her kneeling weak, begging for mercy, he will favour Tania, and so will you.”

I snarled at him. What if Tania kills her before she submits? “Of course, the Omega can submit to Tania now, showing that she is weak and scared. It would save us a lot of hassle Alpha Maximus.” Ares took control and furiously pushed John and growled at him. “My mate is not weak!” I pushed him out before he could hurt anyone. John knew it was time to leave, as he would not want to mess with Ares. He grabbed Tania and left the room but not before saying he would be in touch to set the date.

I looked at Julie, and she seemed fine. Is she stupid or what? “Julie, why didn’t you refuse it? You stayed there, accepting her challenge. She is an Alpha’s daughter trained all her life to be Luna, and she won’t hold back as she wants to set a claim on a high position in this pack.”

She moved to the door, Terry and Karl staring at her. She smiled at them. “I trust my wolf. Aphrodite said we would do just fine. Now excuse me; I have work to finish here.” Karl looked at me after she left and sagged his shoulders. “Maybe we should trust her wolf?”

Has everybody lost their minds here? “She is a fucking Omega, Karl. Yes, she sports an Alpha’s mark, but that doesn’t make her stronger before the mating. She won’t be able to fight Tania. And I don’t have to tell you what will happen to our pack and me if Tania kills her while she wears my mark.”

I looked outside the window and saw Julie crossing the courtyard and heading to the helping centre with Ger following her. “Even if she was already a Luna, that was no way she could make Tania submit. Tania is too strong.” Karl seemed so fine like Julie was, but Terry was about to lose his mind. “You got to do something, Max. You must put a stop to it before she gets hurt. Tania won’t hold back to show off to the pack, and Julie can get hurt.”

I needed to think and went for a run to think of a way out, but after running for God knows how long, there was no way out of it. A challenge was a challenge. The fight would take place if Julie did not submit to Tania upon her arrival.

A few days passed, and Terry tried to engage Julie in training and show her defence moves, but she politely declined, saying she was busy with her hospital duties. I had pulled out Conor, my best warrior, from his duties to shadow her, the mate bond was making my head a mess, and I had to know she was safe all the time. I spoke to Aphrodite and demanded that she stop being stubborn and let me train her, but her reply was, “Handsome, you are worrying for nothing.”

It was the end of the week, and the challenge would take place the following day. The pack was buzzing the whole week, and everybody was making the Arena ready for it. The Blue Moon had mainly warriors, even the Omegas knew how to defend themselves, and everybody was looking forward to the fight. We lived for it.

Everybody found out Julie was my mate, and some were despising Tania already for trying to take what was not rightful hers. Many she-wolves had taken a liking to Julie and had only talked about her kindness. I went down to the Arena to check everything. My stomach was in knots, and my heart clenched. Ares was taking everything well, and I was surprised.

I returned to my room and sat on the bed, watching her sleep. She was perfect, beautiful. I could not let rest take over me. It was like if I closed my eyes, she would disappear at any moment. Like she sensed all my worries, her eyes flew open, and the beautiful grey eyes stared again at me. “Are you worried about me? Or are you afraid Ares won’t resist if I die, and you will die too?”

Am I afraid for my life or scared of losing her? That was a good question. But I knew the answer. The feeling of protecting her was far greater than my selfish feelings. I did not want to lose her, not like that. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. “I don’t want you to get hurt, Julie. Tania is strong, and she can kill you. How can you not see that? Please don’t listen to Aphrodite submit at her feet the minute she steps into the Arena.”

She sat and frowned. “Are you asking me to be weak in front of our pack?” She needed to understand that I was trying to look out for her. “You are weak, Julie. You aren’t a match for Tania. I am asking you not to die and leave me behind, guilty that I could have prevented it if I had told Alpha John about you and that I was rejecting you soon.”

She looked at me with hurt in her eyes. “You don’t know what I have endured in life. I am not weak. I am strong. The pack needs me, and I won’t let them down.”


I sat at the podium reserved for the Alpha and Luna to watch the challenges. Alpha John had brought a few high-rank members of his pack to show off his daughter’s skills and make a mockery of Julie. All the Blue Moon was in attendance. A few wolves patrolling the borders needed not to be attending.

I noticed Conor talking to Julie. They had become fast friends. He was giving her some tips and when she should tackle Tania. It was like something was controlling Julie’s emotions and improving them in seconds. And Julie was only smiling at Conor, I felt some worries coming from her, but as they arrived, they disappeared in a second.

Tania walked to the Arena sporting a triumphant face like she was already the Luna of my pack, and people were supposed to bow their heads at her. As Tania had challenged the position, she had the right to choose the form they would be fighting, and she decided on the human form with wolves in control. It did not make my concerns better. I thought that in wolf form, Julie would have more advantages. She was tiny, standing beside Tania.

The wolves took control and got into position. Aphrodite’s shiny pink eyes vibrated, and I heard her saying. “Don’t worry, Jules. We got this. Today this Luna wanna-be will find out how powerful we are and who is the real Luna.”

“Oh God, Ares, she won’t submit. Please get into Aphrodite’s mind and talk her out of it. There is no way she can fight Tania.” Ares was sitting there, ready to enjoy the show. “My little one told me not to worry, Max. Let’s enjoy the show. She got this.” I can’t believe Ares is not with me on this. “She will die, Ares. Are you delusional here too? Now I see why you want her so badly. You have become mad like her.”

Terry was standing to my left, and I could feel his worries. “I know what you are thinking, Terry, but I can do nothing now. Brace yourself, and please tell me doctor Paul is ready to heal Julie.”

“Everything is ready. I looked after it myself.” Tania’s dark blue eyes showed her wolf out, and she had an angry face like she was going to kill Julie. A low growl came from her mouth. Aphrodite looked at me, winked and smirked. Tania’s wolf did not like that and went for the kill. With a gasp, I braced for the impact.

Oh, that was not nice of me to leave you all with a cliffhang.....but I have my work Christmas party to go to now and cannot post another chapter. I am afraid you all will have to check it out tomorrow. I promise to post early😊😊.

But now tell what will happen at the challenge? I bet you guys will be able to give me a correct answer. Leave your comments below, and if you have yet to like the story, please do as it helps its visibility.

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