The God of War - Editing

Chapter Regret

Max’s POV

I was having a drink in my office, trying not to think about her. I did not do anything last night to hurt her. I did not even think it would hurt her. I needed to get her out of my thoughts. But Terry is right. I need to decide, and I will stay away from her. Tania is best for the pack.

This morning I had opened the notes doctor Paul gave me when she arrived. She only got her wolf at sixteen and has not shifted since then. Without proper training, she cannot be a Luna. I will talk to Paul first to see if it is already safe for me to reject her and then Ares. I do not want what happened last night to happen again.

The little wolf does not deserve to suffer because I am trying to forget her. I am a great Alpha, and I do not hurt innocent people. I provide for them. I was lost in my thoughts when I noticed my father trying to get my attention.

“What is going on, son? I’ve been calling you for more than five minutes. Is this about this Alliance?” If only he knew why I was distracted and could no longer get my thoughts in order. “Your mother is having tea with Tania. She invited herself, and I don’t have to tell you your mother isn’t happy about it.” He did not change his expression, but I could see he was not happy about that either.

“I’m trying to do what is best for the pack, father. Nobody is lucky like you to find his mate on the same day they got their wolves.” He took a drink from the bar cart. “Yes, Max. But let me remind you that I was older than her and had to wait three years till she got her wolf to approach her as a mate. And do you think those three years were a walk in the park with my wolf constantly nagging on my head, not understanding pack laws?”

He took a seat beside me. “Your mother thinks you should wait a little longer and travel more. Also, throw more balls here. Inviting other pack generations will generate more opportunities for you to find your fated mate. Maybe your mate is younger than you, and Ares didn’t sense her before, and now that she has her wolf, he will be able to feel and smell her. I only found your mother early because I looked into her eyes.”

When my mother finds out my mate is locked on my wing, she will never forgive me. My father is right, I had been to the Woodland Pack before, and Ares did not sense her. ”Tania will be good for the pack, father.” I looked into his eyes, trying to convince him, but sure I was saying those words to myself.

He gave me a stern look. “Max. The mate must first be good to you for the pack to benefit. Not the other way around. Her wolf must be good to Ares. It’s very dangerous if you and Ares aren’t on the same page. Ares likes wars. He is vicious, and not having the right mate by his side can complicate things.”

He patted my knee. “I heard the warriors are on high alert. Is that because of Ares? Doesn’t he want this?” Damnit, Terry, putting those warriors on alert. “Ares wants his mate, father. I am not sure if I can give him that” He raised an eyebrow. “I guess you already found her?” No use in denying it. I just nodded.

He sighed. “I won’t tell your mother or lecture you for now. But think about what I told you about Ares. Let him meet Tania’s wolf.” I got up and walked to the window. “That is the problem, father. After what you just told me, I don’t think this girl can handle Ares as mother handled you when needed.”

“Tania might be strong in your eyes, but there is nothing more powerful than the mate bond. Max, the one Moon Goddess paired you with will be fit to handle you, Ares, and your pups simultaneously.” He laughed hard. Only if he knew how weak she was.

“Before they leave, don’t give any answers. After the next full moon, the old Alliance will expire. And then both of you can talk again. I know John is pushing it, but you seem uncertain to me. I can feel it and only do something after talking to Ares first. He will take full control and kill everybody from the Shadows Pack. I can guarantee. I have seen it before.”

Great, now I must convince Ares before agreeing with anything. Stupid wolf.


Julies POV

I woke up, and everything was hurting. My heart still ached. “A, are you there?” Silence. “A, please, are you hurt?” I could not feel her. I could use a little love from her now. I was feeling lonely. The door swung open, and I thought it was my mate to comfort me, but it was Beta Terry with the food tray.

“Hey, Jules. I am not your mate, but Noah wanted to catch something for you. Today the steak is a gift from him.” I held up my tears. If he got the prey today that means my mate did not do anything for me. The bedsheet did not have his fresh scent. He did not come to sleep with me. My emotions were all over the place, and Aphrodite was not here to help this time.

“Jules, is everything ok? I can feel your uneasiness.” I wanted to be alone. I wanted him out. “I want to have my bath to sleep. Can you help me, please?” He frowned. “You just woke up, and it is dinner time. You didn’t have any food today. You need to eat first, ok?” I went to the sofa and ate the food. It tasted worse than yesterday. I got sick after a few minutes. I got into the bath and tried to relax. I just wanted to sleep again.

The next day was the same. I had my bath and slept peacefully. I was tired the whole day, and everything I ate returned after a few minutes. I could not keep food down, like my body was rejecting it. I could not reach Aphrodite. And every morning, there was no scent of my mate in the room.

Beta Terry did not say anything about him being away on business. On the fourth day of the cycle, doctor Paul showed up for our consultation. Frowning, he asked. “Jules. What is wrong? You look very pale.”

“It is my wolf. I can’t reach Aphrodite. She has not talked to me in more than five days.” He looked at Beta Terry. I would not say I liked their expressions.

“Has that happened before?” I could not take anything in anymore. Fat tears were flowing down my face, and I shook my head. “I think I killed her. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. It was like someone was cutting my heart over and over again. She whimpered and never spoke to me after that.”

I looked at them, and they both had an apologetic expression. “I killed her, didn’t I? That is why my mate isn’t coming at night. He is angry that I killed Aphrodite and doesn’t want anything to do with me anymore. I can’t be a Luna without my wolf. He is sending me back as a punishment, isn’t he?”

I covered my face with my hands and wept like an infant. The pain in my body was so much like I was alone forever. It was hard to breathe, and Beta Terry gave me water. Doctor Paul held my shoulders. “Let’s stay calm, Julie. This behaviour isn’t good for your health, ok? I will take your blood and run some tests. She might be numb. Maybe she needed to recover from the pain you felt. Hold my hands. I can feel you are still in pain. Let me take the pain away from you.”

Beta Terry had left the room and came back with a shirt. “Hey, Julie. It belongs to your mate. The scent will calm you.” I cleaned the tears with my sleeve. “Thank you. Can I please have a bath now? I wish to sleep.”

It was only eleven in the morning, but I did not care. I wanted to sleep. There was no point in eating food that tasted very bad and made me sick every time. Doctor Paul promised to return the next day with the results. Beta Terry followed him out.


Beta Terrys POV

I followed Paul. Noah wanted to help his Luna, as did I. “Is her wolf dead, doctor Paul? You saw her state. She won’t cope if her wolf is dead.” He sighed. “We both know the pain she felt wasn’t her wolf dying. But as Julie was fragile, I can’t be sure it didn’t die while her mate was mating with another. I will speed up the tests. Hopefully, she is only numb.”

“Terry?” My wolf was sitting in my mind, thinking. “Yes, Noah?”

“You heard the Luna, Terry. Her wolf’s name is Aphrodite. Let’s go to the old library. We should find a way to help her. Or find a way for the Alpha to accept her. The human is too sick. She won’t survive a rejection.” That was actually a good idea. If Julie’s wolf was numb, maybe we could find a way to help.

I got to the library, and Karl was already waiting. “What are we doing here, Terry?”

“Saving our Luna” He frowned. “I can’t help, Terry. You know my job is to protect the Luna, and it seems Max will accept Tania. My wolf can’t get attached to Julie. It can kill me. He will get aggressive and won’t accept Tania.”

Karl was always too respectful to his wolf. “Block your connection, Karl. There are thousands of books here. Noah and I can’t cover everything. Her wolf isn’t responding to her since Max mated Tania. She needs help. Julie’s wolf is Aphrodite, and Max’s is Ares. I know I read something about it when we were pups.”

Karl looked around. “We need more people, Terry. I will mindlink Ger and a few warriors. We don’t need to tell them anything to look for a book about a wolf named Aphrodite.”

“Great idea. And your wolf is not even telling you the answers.” We laughed because Pluto always gave Karl the answers to games when we were pups. “Why can’t we just tell Max about your theory?”

“Max will not believe me. He cannot reject her. He needs to accept what Selene gifted him at his birth, and we need proof. Noah said they are meant to be together, and Ares can get violent if not. More than he already is.”

Twelve wolves arrived to help, and I was glad. It would have been better if we had seen her wolf before. Most of the legendary wolves had illustrations like fantasy books. But we were looking by the name and the beautiful pink eyes.

I took a break to check on Julie; she was still sleeping. She was hurting, and some rest would be good for her soul. It should be for the best.

Well, Max did not take Tania to hurt Julie. He wants her to help him get rid of the mate bond; consequently, Aphrodite and Julie are hurt. Fingers crossed that Aphrodite is only numb and will return to Julie soon. Please leave your comments below.

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