The God of War - Editing

Chapter Lust

Max’s POV

It had been nearly a week since Aphrodite shifted to her wolf, and I was used to her sassy manners and even enjoying her company. We would run every day together, and I would hunt for our meals. Each day, I found it harder to fight the mate bond. It was fast growing stronger, and it was becoming harder to stay away from her. She was everywhere, and, of course, the pack had been talking. She never left my side, even at the meetings.

Everybody that saw her by my side praised her beauty. She was not like any other wolf we had seen before. And I could feel how happy she felt at those moments. Like they have accepted her even without knowing that she was their Alpha’s mate. Sleeping was becoming harder. I had the pull to lie beside her on the makeshift bed. And last night, I shifted into my wolf and slept beside her, making her warmer.

Today she was quiet. She was only lying on her favourite spot on my sofa, looking outside while I worked. “I wish to rest in our bedroom” I got up to bring her. “No. You are busy. Please stay and ask someone to open the door of our wing for me.” Aphrodite always used the word “our” with everything that was mine. But I no longer feel annoyed by her words. It was like I wanted to share everything.

I mindlinked a female Omega, and she escorted her there. I was engrossed in work when a panicked Terry walked in. “We have a problem, Alpha. Alpha Michael discovered Julie is here and is threatening to go to the council if you don’t bring her back today.”

I slammed my fist on the table. “How dare he make any demands and threaten me? It took him two months to figure out she was on the list I gave him. I don’t know what happened to her there. He is responsible for his pack. She wasn’t being looked after there. Julie won’t be going anywhere.”

“Let this runt come here trying to take our mate, and I will bite his head off. We should attack his pack, Max.” Ares was raging, but he was not alone. I had the urge inside my body to protect her. “He is threatening to take what is ours. Max. We must retaliate.”

A smiley Terry asked. “What does it mean, Max? Are you accepting her as your Luna? We must give her back if she isn’t mating anyone in our pack. You know the rules. You can’t protect her if you aren’t her mate.” I snarled at him and went for a run. I needed to think.

When I returned to the pack house, it was already evening. I was still angry and needed her scent to calm me down. When I entered the bedroom, she was already waiting for me in a sitting position by the door. She looked into my eyes and shifted back to her human form in less than a minute.

I gasped. She looked healthy. No bones sticking out, her face was no longer skinny, and her skin was glowing. She pulled her beautiful dark blonde long hair on her left shoulder. Her breasts were perky and full. Aphrodite’s lips and cheeks were rosy pink. She was at the same height as before but gorgeous—a perfect she-wolf.

My green eyes darkened from lust, and my cock got hard. I moved my hands to grab her, but she stepped back and said firmly. “No! What you feel is lust for my body, not love. I won’t allow it.” Aphrodite walked to the dresser, and I widened my eyes in shock when I saw her back. The scars were gone, and her skin was flawless. It was impossible. It should have been damaged for life.

I had so many questions that my rage for Michael had disappeared. She came back wearing my shirt. “I will need new things tomorrow. I won’t allow Julie to wear those rags she brought with her. You are an Alpha, and I am sure you can provide us with the best. She deserves beautiful things. All the things she was robbed of since she was a pup.”

With sparkling eyes, she went to the left side of the bed to sleep, leaving me behind with my questions. But I could not sleep. I watched her the whole night, trying to figure her out. Yes, we do heal faster in wolf form, but not that fast. I got ready for the day when the sun started to come up and mindlinked the Omegas with everything I wanted them to bring for her.

I looked at her, and she was still sleeping peacefully. I needed to know everything about her. I went to my office and opened the file I swore to open only when I was going to reject her.

Her name was Julie White. She was Michael’s only niece and daughter of his older brother, the rightful Alpha of the Woodland Pack. When she was twelve, Michael challenged her father for the Alpha’s position and his Luna.

I started to read all the notes Terry had made from the interviews with the she-wolves we brought from there. A few people said the challenge felt very strange. The Alpha did not seem himself while fighting. He seemed weak.

Michael was not even his Beta and would never be able to kill an Alpha, but he did. And when the broken, grieving Luna with her dead mate in her arms did not accept Michael as her mate, he killed her and Julie’s twin brother to ensure he would never claim his place.

Michael tied a scared twelve-year-old Julie to a tree and punished her till she passed out with a riding crop covered with Silver. He spared Julie, telling the pack she would remind them that he was a strong Alpha and they needed to obey him from that day forward.

I growled, shaking the room. What kind of animal does that to a pup? She was his niece. I cannot even imagine the level of pain she felt, as she did not even have her wolf to help her heal and endure the pain. I will kill him before he gets anywhere near her.


Julie’s POV

I opened my eyes, and the strong scent of my mate engulfed me. And by the strong smell, I was in his room. I blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the sunny bedroom. I was in a different place, a larger bedroom. The sheets were softer than the others, a king-sized bed decorated the middle of the room, and the walls were cream. A beautiful crystal chandelier adorned the ceiling, and the big windows allowed me to see the blue sky.

“Welcome back, Jules. Now get up. We have a beautiful day ahead of us. It is already afternoon. We have much to do.” I was scared Aphrodite would never forgive me for what I did. We are one, and I should have trusted her. She only wanted to help me, and I pushed her away instead of following my instincts. “I am sorry, A. And thank you for not leaving me.”

“You needed this time to heal, and I was in control. Ares healed me, and I healed you. Now is your job to fight for our place in the pack. We were destined for the Blue Moon Pack, Jules. Trust your instincts.” My heart flooded with love, and all the worries were gone. “Enough with that, Jules. We need to change and get to work.” I walked to the dressing room, which was filled with beautiful dresses, shoes and everything a girl would need.

“Our mate didn’t disappoint us. Look how many beautiful things he provided us. You should wear a pink floral dress. It will look stunning on you, Jules.” I took the shirt I was wearing off and noticed my body in the mirror. I did not recognise myself. That could not be me. With an emotional voice, I asked. “A, did you make me like that?”

She smiled. “I told you we had powers. I didn’t make you anything, Jules. You were supposed to be like this if that monster had not done you wrong for so many years. Now get dressed quickly. There is a suffering wolf outside our door, and we need to help him.” The pleasure sensation on my neck was good. The mark pulsed, and I brushed my fingers on it. A moan escaped my mouth. It felt amazing.

I put on a floral dress and white sandals. I brushed my hair, combing it, and it shone after each stroke. I grabbed the doorknob to leave and was unsure about it. “A, are you sure we can leave? Should we not wait till Beta Terry comes to bring us a meal?”

She laughed. “Oh please, Jules. We are the Luna in this pack, not prisoners. We are too beautiful not to be seen. Now, run along, and let’s put this poor wolf out of his misery.” With much hesitation, I opened the door, and a huge man was guarding it.

“Hello, I am Julie. My wolf is sensing some trouble coming from you. Are you all right?” He debated in his head for a moment, and I was unsure if he were talking to his wolf. Aphrodite said she was in charge but did not say if the pack members knew us as their Luna. I still needed to learn what had happened while I was out.

“It is my wolf or better, my mate. We learned weeks ago that she would never be able to give me a pup, and she is hurting. She fears my wolf will reject her as his chosen mate.”

“A, can we help him?” Aphrodite laughed. “Of course, we can. Let’s go visit his mate.”

“I’m sorry about that. I can help if you bring me to your mate.” By the look on his face, he had never met me. He thought for a while and nodded. “We live here in the pack house—the second floor. My name is Ger, and I am the head warrior.” I gave him a warm smile like my mother’s when she helped the pack. “Lead the way, head warrior. I will be happy to help.”

Julie is finally back in the land of the living, and as you can see, Aphrodite controls her emotions now. Next chapter, she will start using her powers on the pack. What do you think will be their reaction? Please leave your comments below.

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