The God of War - Editing

Chapter Finally Luna

Jordan POV

Michael clenched his hands, and I could feel his uneasiness. “I want her back, Jordan. My wolf is not letting me be.” He will have to get in the queue because I had set my eyes on her, and I knew that would hurt Maximus. Robbie looked at him and asked. “Why were you and your wolf hurting her if he wanted her?”

“She is not our fated mated, and he wanted her submission. We had taken her rank from her, but he did not think it was enough. He wanted her weak, depending on him to survive. The pack only stress me, and I don’t like all the paperwork an Alpha has to do. I felt pleasure beating her at the end of an exhausting day.”

He looked at me and started with his demands. We were friends, but he had proved useless to me. His pack could not help me and be part of my kingdom. I would use him and kill them all later. “I want her brought back, Jordan. She is of age now, not against the pack’s laws anymore, and my wolf can mate with her. Maximus has enough she-wolves to entertain him. He does not need a weak Omega in his bed.”

I threw my head back and laughed. He had no idea what he had done. “That weak little Omega is Maximus’ fated mate, and he wants your head on a silver platter, and the council will grant it. Kell saw all the pictures and reports of what you have done to her, and Ferdinand will never go against Maximus’ wishes. You are lucky that his wolf has not come for you yet. You know how painful his killings are, and I can only imagine what he will do to you for hurting his mate.”

I could see how scared he was of the news. But he would be helpful to me, and I would provide him with a way out for now. A perfect smile formed on my face, and I said. “You don’t need to be scared, my friend. We are here to help you. Alpha John from Shadows Pack wants his daughter mated with Maximus and has raised another claim.”

I looked at Melissa, and it was time to ask her questions. “Shadows Pack said your niece was a Witch like me, but I could not feel anything from her. What can you tell me about her? Has your wolf sensed anything?”

He looked at her disgusted and said. “She is not a Witch. My wolf always said her wolf was unique and she needed to submit to us. Julie got her wolf very late, and I only saw it once. She tried to escape a beating the second time she shifted, and I forbid her to shift again. It was also always easier to control my wolf while we waited for her to turn 18 if she was always in human form.”

Now Melissa had even more questions. “How unique?” Michael was unhappy with all the questions from a Witch. With narrowed eyes, he answered her. “I don’t know. My wolf is obsessed with her, but there is no reason. He always said it is instinct. She was always pretty weak, never strong enough to fight me. Julie tried to escape a few times but never went too far. My wolf was always on high alert regarding her.”

Melissa did not care that he was becoming restless and asked again. “What is her wolf’s name?” In the blink of an eye, his eyes became red, and his wolf answered. “Aphrodite.” An evil smile formed on Melissa’s face, and she winked at me.

I knew that must be good and a plan formed in my head. “That is enough questions for today. Mindlink an Omega to bring them to a room to rest, Michael. We should discuss how I will get you out of being killed by Maximus.” Michael’s eyes got normal again, and we heard a knock on the door. Robbie and Melissa left the room with the Omega.

“You are a good friend Michael, you did not do what we agreed, but I won’t leave you alone here to die. I will call Alpha John, and he will shelter you at the Shadows Pack. His daughter loves Maximus, and I know she will do anything to take your niece from there. You all can work together to get her when it is time.”

I knew it would be wiser to use Michael and Shadow Pack’s resources to take the little Omega from Maximus after the mating without compromising my position at the council. I could manipulate them against Maximus till I became an Alpha king.



I watched her sleep; it had been my favourite pastime since I met her. I could not feel the pain coming from her anymore, but she was still tired. I could smell my mother’s scent and felt her hand squeezing my shoulder. “I was worried about you since you left the cabin.”

“Everything is fine now, mum. Yesterday with the rogues, Ares said we took much of her strength. Julie is just tired now and resting. The council has left this morning. They thought she was a Witch and wanted to take her from me.”

She sat on the sofa near the window and looked at Julie. She had been sleeping since the night before. “I brought your book back. From now on, you should read it and follow Ares’ instincts. He will know what to do, even if you don’t.”

I held Julie’s hand and concentrated on the mate bond. “Yesterday everything happened as the book’s illustration. Ares was protecting her from the brown wolves. You should have seen him with no hesitation. He knew exactly how to do it.”

She smiled, proud of Ares. “You stay here with her. Your father is helping Karl get everything sorted for the Luna’s Challenge. And I will help Terry and the Omegas with the other preparations. Everything will be ready for tomorrow. The Blue Moon is pleased, Max.”

She kissed my cheek to leave, and I asked before she could leave the room. “Mum. Is she in danger?” There was so much concern inside me now that I cared for Julie. The need to protect her was already inside me.

I felt sadness coming from my mum. “You are in danger, Max, not her. She cannot give this strength to anyone else, only to you. But they will always use her to get to you.” I could feel she was afraid that something would happen to me. She forced a smile and left the room.

Ares came to my mind. “You heard your mother. I guess I will have to write the perfect mate book for you, Kit.” I snorted. I knew Ares would not pass the opportunity to mock me. “Is Aphrodite well, Ares?”

Love flooded my body, and like a lovesick pup, he answered. “She is also resting, but she told me she is excited about tomorrow’s ceremony and soon to resume her work at the hospital officially now.”

He lay down. “Kid. As soon as we are mated, the little one will be fine. Aphrodite said the bond would be complete, and she will no longer be tired. I know you are worried, buddy, and I will stop making you feel guilty.”

I felt guilty that she would not be tired now if I had accepted her as soon as she arrived. As my presence was not needed downstairs, my company would charge her body faster, and I did like Ares and lay down to sleep beside her.

I woke up again, it was morning, and I had to block my senses. The pack was happy, and everyone ran around to finish everything quickly.

Tonight we would be one. The mate bond pulsed. The experience of mating a fated mate was indescribable. Soon we would have the twins here, and I could feel how Ares was looking forward to tonight.

I caressed Julie’s face. It was time to wake her up as my mother and Omegas would want to enter the room to get her ready. I said softly. “The pack is buzzing, Julie. It is time to wake up.”

Her eyelids opened, revealing big grey eyes, and I smiled at her. “How are you feeling? I have not sensed any pain from you since yesterday. I took all of it to let your body rest. I am sorry that I made you tired.”

She sat down, and I could hear all the questions in her head. She had not learned yet how to hide and block her thoughts from me. “When I was hiding in the woods, Aphrodite said you needed me because Ares was fighting. That was why I felt tired.”

“That is correct, Julie. But from tonight, it will not be like that. Aphrodite told Ares it was the Witch’s fault. Ares wanted her head, but she had already left the territory. I am sorry we could not do anything.”

I could feel she was afraid and hugged her cold body. I just hoped that Julie would be less overwhelmed after the mating. “You don’t need to be afraid of being in this territory. We are rarely attacked, and after the mating, Ares will be able to sense danger faster than yesterday. We will always protect you.”

I tried to comfort her as much as I could now that I knew Aphrodite was doing it to punish me, and to be honest, her being weak was not bothering me now as much as it was at her arrival. I looked at her face and rubbed her plump lower lip with my thumb. Soon I would kiss it again.

I sensed my mother outside and smiled. It was time for her to get ready. “I will let the Omegas get in to help you now. Everybody has been looking forward to today for nearly five years Julie. You will love the Ceremonies here. And later, I will tell you and teach you everything I know.” I opened the door, and my mother and the Omegas had bright smiles. I knew my mother would be able to comfort her.

I went to the spare room to get ready. For the Luna Ceremony, we all would be wearing white. And not soon after, I was standing in the clearing barefoot, wearing a linen button-down shirt and linen trousers.

The late afternoon sun made the clearing mystical, and we could hear the waterfall making the moment magical. I could feel everybody’s excitement while we waited for my mother to escort Julie.

I could not feel any uneasiness coming from Julie when I spotted her, and I was glad Aphrodite had helped her. She looked magnificent in her long pink dress, her favourite colour. Her eyes shone pink for a moment when I held her hands, and with a smirk on her lips, I knew it was Aphrodite making an appearance and when I felt her presence, the mate bond pulsed. The Luna Ceremony was as much for the human as it was for the wolf.

I walked us to the table where the Blue Moon dagger and a golden bowl with warm water were. I cut my palm and hers with the dagger and held our hands together, welcoming Julie and Aphrodite as my Luna. Julie pledged to protect and serve the pack, and their response was to protect her with their lives.

Soon I felt she was dizzy with all the wolves’ presence rushing inside her in one go. The Blue Moon was a big pack. She was in charge of many lives now. I squeezed our hands together, helping her to compose herself. I cleaned her hand with warm water and hoped Julie would heal faster after the mating.

People clapped their hands, and the music started. Soon would be night and the warriors lighted the paths of fire till the Arena that would host the Luna’s Challenge.

Autumn colours decorated the big banquet tables, and I fed Julie from my plate as our tradition demanded. A few hours into the night, we moved to the Arena, and someone sat beside me on the podium for the first time in nearly five years.

I held her hand and watched her expressions more than I watched the challenge. Everything was so new to her. She was not used to our fierceness. Conor fought like I thought he would and won the title. He limped towards her, covered in cuts and kneeled on her feet, bearing his neck in submission.

Aphrodite showed herself accepting him, and Karl came forward with Pluto out, and as I promised, I cut my palm and theirs and granted both the power of strength to protect the Luna against anything.

Strength rushed inside Karl and Conor, taking them a few minutes to stand up again as they were not used to it yet. And we all waited till they composed themselves as it was time for the night hunt.

Everybody started to take their clothes off to shift, and Julie smiled at me shyly. I walked her behind the trees, and Aphrodite took control and shifted. It would be the time for our wolves to participate in the ceremony. The night hunt would be the last part of the ceremony before we should return to the pack house for the mating.

I let Ares control the shift to enjoy the hunt and provide, or should I say, show off his skills to Aphrodite. Ares led the hunt slowly so everybody could enjoy it together. Aphrodite ran at his side, with Karl and Conor following her and Terry on my other side.

Ares caught a scent of a deer and went for it killing it quickly. The others had the opportunity to make their kill making Ares proud of the pack, and we sat for another feast.

He played for a while with Aphrodite. I could feel how much he wanted her, how much he had waited for her. And I prayed to the Moon Goddess to feel his strong feelings towards Julie.

He nudged Aphrodite towards the pack house and told me. “It is time, Kid.” It was finally time for the mating.

I hope everybody had a lovely Christmas. Jordan is already thinking about a plan to take Julie from Maximus and make him work for him.

Next chapter, they will finally mate and become one. 😉😍

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