The Girl with the Fire Heart

Chapter 28

Valentina allows her curiosity to get the better of her and she stands to make her way to the stone in the ground. The octogonal stage is large enough to fit all of the guests. Valentina's eyes remain on the pillar in the middle of a fountain that she didn't notice before. On either side of the pillar are elaborate statues with spouts pouring out water from all angles.

Damon races to catch up to her and when he reaches her, he stands at the edge of the stage and extends his arm for Valentina to take. She takes his arm and together they push through the crowd until they stand in front of the fountain.

Damon follows her gaze, seeing the story of the elements of old told in chiseled images on the pillar. He looks down at her, seeing her open curiosity and wonder. It dawns on him that she does not know the legend, that this story is not taught to kids in other kingdoms. He leans down until he is close enough to her ear to tell her the story.

“These are the four elements of the old world," he tells her.

“The old world?” she asks back.

“According to legend, these four elements were equal rulers over the world. Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. These four elements had the ability to control the most natural elements known to mankind. Their role was to maintain equal balance,” Damon says, pointing to the base of the pillar where four crowns line the bottom, each with the respective symbol of the elements in the center of the crown.

“They say the world was in perfect peace. Because other hearts needed to marry in order to have children with the same or new types of hearts, it was agreed that the four elements could never do the same to maintain the purity of their elements,” Damon says.

Without noticing, the people around them slowly turn to listen to the legendary story.

“One day, there was an accident caused by Fire. She'd been harnessing her ability when some nearby crops caught on fire stretching for miles before Water could come and put it out. The people of the kingdom quickly became terrified of Fire, demanding that she be exiled to avoid further harm caused by her. Earth, Air and Water tried to reason with the people, explaining it was only an accident, that she had not meant to burn the crops. But the people refused to listen. Wanting to avoid a riot, Fire announced she would leave, and that she would spend the rest of her life as a distant ruler, intent on keeping the harmony amongst the elements. The people rejoiced, believing they had exacted justice for the damage caused by Fire. But this would soon prove a dangerous precedent.”

“The elements were careful from then on, refusing to step out of line for fear that the people would riot against them and demand they be exiled, just like Fire. But it was soon discovered that Water had been secretly visiting Fire and the two had fallen in love,” at this, Damon points to the center of the pillar, the two symbols connected by a line and a heart in the center of it.

“The people became furious, fearful that if two elements could fall in love and have a child, it would mean damnation for them all. They were scared that any and all other types of hearts could cease to exist. So they demanded Earth and Air exile Water to a distant land away from Fire. Earth and Air again tried to reason with the people, begging them to reconsider. But the people refused. So Earth and Air sentenced Water to a distant land away from Fire, exiling him, making sure that he could never see Fire again. Centuries passed and Earth and Air slowly regained trust with the people, seeing that the true nature of the elements were taught to each generation, hoping to one day end the exile of Fire and Water and bring them home,” Damon points to another section, showing Earth and Air’s symbols with various numbers around them.

“But one day, someone from the land Water had been exiled to arrived, demanding to see Earth and Air. Quickly, they came to hear what this man had to say. The man told them that Water had fallen ill and was soon going to die. Earth and Air gathered all the people, hoping that enough time had passed to make the people less fearful of the love Water and Fire had shared. But when the two elements proposed they bring Water home, the people refused. The people believed that this was only a ploy for Water to enact his revenge for having been exiled for falling in love with Fire. They insisted that Water remain where he was, that he should die in some foreign land.”

“Word reached the land where Fire was. When she heard that the people were refusing to bring Water home, she became furious. She sent messengers to Earth and Air, telling them that if they wouldn’t bring Water home, they could at least send her to Water so he wouldn’t die alone. But Earth was worried that if they did as Fire suggested, the people would exile him too. Earth sent a messenger back, saying he couldn’t help her. But Air didn’t agree. Air made plans to have someone help Fire see Water again.”

“When Air and Fire saw each other, the two embraced. What both women didn’t know was that Earth had seen them, and he was furious over their betrayal. So he followed them, intercepting her before she could make it inside the city’s gates. When Fire saw Earth, she knew what he had come to do. Word traveled inside the city that two of the four elements were engaged in battle. Water could feel the heat of Fire and could smell the dirt of Earth and knew the only way to stop this, to ensure the people would not have reason to fear them any longer, was to stop the battle. But it was too late. Air had followed Fire and Earth and saw them just as they began their battle, exchanging element for element. She joined, causing other nearby cities to tremble from the sheer force of their powers.”

Valentina listens intently to the story, only briefly acknowledging that the other partygoers have stopped mingling and conversing and instead turned their attention to the recounting of the legend.

“Water sent for some men, asking them to help him get outside of the city and to the battle raging just outside its gates. The men helped him, walking with him down the streets. The people of the city saw him pass, looking sorrowful as he exited the city. When Water stepped outside the gates, he ordered they be shut and that no one should be allowed in or out for the people’s protection. He rushed as well as he could to the battle, making it the only time in history that all four elements were used against each other. Because the four elements balanced each other out, Fire against Water, Earth against Air, they could not stand against each other without severe consequences. And one by one, each element was overcome by the other until all four had perished,” Damon says.

Valentina looks at the symbols representing the elements’ death near the top of the pillar. Her eyes lock onto her own symbol, then onto Damon's and her eyes well up with tears. She bows her head, unsure if she wants to hear the rest of the story.

“What happened after the battle?” Valentina finally asks.

“The people waited for days inside the city, wondering if they should go out to see what had become of the elements. Finally, a young boy volunteered and he was let out of the city. When he saw the destruction done to their bodies, he rushed over and fell on top of the dead body of Water and cried. He had been the closest thing to a father the boy had ever known and he wept over his loss. No one knows how it happened, but his heart changed. Some say his heart was made of wood, others say his heart had been made of copper, but the truth remains that his heart from that day forward was made of water. When the bodies of the other elements were returned to their respective cities, the same thing happened to three other people, two girls and another boy. When the people realized that they had no reason to fear Water and Fire’s love, that their elements had chosen people to adopt their elements instead of through birth, they became even more fearful. They decided that so long as those whose elements changed to the four rare elements were kept separate from each other, they would never again risk a battle so monumental or risk the line of the elements continuing,” Damon answers.

Valentina is quiet. Then she turns to Damon, a few tears slipping down her face. She opens her mouth to speak but before she can, Elliot steps out of the crowd clearing his throat.

“What a tale. Thank you, old friend, for your storytelling. Now please direct your attention to the skies, for the end of the evening has arrived! Enjoy the show!” Elliot declares loudly.

As if on cue, everyone turns their attention toward the sky as fireworks of every color and design begin to fill the night, popping and booming through the air. Valentina and Damon, however, keep their eyes on each other.

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