The Girl with the Fire Heart

Chapter 23

Without giving Valentina a chance to look at herself, she is gently shoved out of the bathroom and back into the bedroom where she is forced to stand on a stool to help her get into the dress. After what feels like an eternity of tugging and lifting and shoving, Valentina is finally in the dress and some of the maids work to lift the dress’ skirt while two of the other maids help her slip into her shoes.

A few of the younger maids rush around gathering some of the jewelry that matches the dress, helping Valentina put it on before her gloves slip onto her hands and she is ushered to a mirror she didn't noticed before coming into the room earlier that day with Mr. Brown.

Tucked into a little alcove of the room is a large mirror that cuts into three, showing Valentina with her army of borrowed maids crowding behind her in various angles. Valentina looks over herself, seeing for the first time the bold, glittery eyes that stare back at her and the deep red lips that are opened in shock at her reflection. She notices, for the first time all evening, the way her cheekbones appear sharper, giving her a sleek look she could have never accomplished on her own.

Valentina's eyes zero in on her once long, wavy, brown hair pulled into the most beautiful low bun, ringlets giving the updo a defined yet softer look. Two small tendrils hang over her ears and two more line the edges of her face, softening her just the slightest bit. Tentatively, she kicks her foot out, seeing glitter deep red pointe heels making the briefest of appearances in the mirror. Her hands are covered with deep copper colored gloves and her ears are adorned with the most stunning red and gold droplet earrings.

She turns quickly to look back at the maids and gives them a watery smile, praying the tears lining the edges of her eyes don’t fall. She takes a deep breath to steady herself, allowing her eyes to shut for a single moment while the maids bustle around cleaning up after themselves. She opens her eyes as two knocks rap against the door.

Valentina makes her way to the door, opening it slowly while she gets her bearings in her heels. Standing opposite her when the door is fully opened is Mr. Brown, in a more formal black suit than the one he was wearing when they arrived. He bows before her, straightening just as quickly to look her over.

Mr. Brown’s perusal takes longer than Valentina anticipates and when she looks into the eyes of the home’s butler, she is surprised to see a glisten of tears staring back at her.

“Well,” Mr. Brown chokes out. He clears his throat before speaking again. “You will be a vision at tonight’s ball.”

The compliment stuns her, but Valentina welcomes it, the desire to befriend the man stronger than ever. She quietly thanks him, taking his offered arm and they make their way out of the room and down the hall, through the north wing’s doors and into the main house. They walk down the hallway, stopping at the top of the grand staircase where Damon waits at the bottom. She can see he is wearing a deep red suit to match her dress and she notices his shirt is the same shade of copper as her gloves. His black bowtie matches his shoes.

Mr. Brown looks at Valentina knowingly, though she pays no mind to his observant stare, too enraptured by the young man waiting for her in the foyer. Giving her an extra minute to finish ogling, he finally nudges her towards the stairs, escorting her to the landing. They make it down the stairs and Damon stalks towards Valentina, lost in his open admiration.

Damon knows tonight will be a lost cause the minute he lays eyes on Valentina. He hoped she would choose something understated, giving her the natural beauty advantage over the other women he knows will be in attendance tonight. But seeing her walk down the stairs accompanied by Mr. Brown, he was glad she chose glitz and glamor for the evening.

While she may have been a natural beauty, there was something so magnificent about the makeup and the ballgown and the heels and extravagant jewelry that made her appear otherworldly. He was doomed to be fending off all the men and saving her from all the women and he couldn’t be happier about that notion.

He nods at Mr. Brown, not sparing the man a single glance for fear he might lose sight of the gorgeous woman in front. Truthfully, he doubts he could lose her but something like fear knots in his chest that anyone could take her from him, could make her realize how better suited they were for her. These thoughts have no place in his mind, especially tonight, but he can't be bothered to ignore them, giving them space to pass through his mind and slowly let them go. He releases the tension that all too quickly built up inside of him.

It seems like seconds before he offers his arm, whispers compliments in her ear as they exit the country home and seat themselves inside the carriage, their chaperones sitting opposite them.

It feels even shorter than a few seconds when they pull up to the home of the couple whose child they would be celebrating. It is an elaborate home, even grander than the country home they are staying at.

Valentina hardly noticed anything other than the house being big when the carriage joins the line of carriages waiting to drop off its passengers. At their turn, the two chaperones descend easily from the carriage, walking gracefully to the side to wait for Valentina and Damon.

Next Damon makes his exit. He ducks his head to look at her, sending her a gentle and reassuring smile, before taking a step out of the carriage and standing off to the side to wait for her. Valentina takes a deep breath, only just now realizing she has never worn a gown as elaborate as this one, or even heels as high as these. She could easily walk up and down the stairs while holding on to a banister. She entered into the carriage with the help of her group. But exiting and entering were not the same thing and Valentina wonders, rather briefly, if she has made a monumental mistake.

Slowly, Valentina rises from her seat, making her way hunched over to the door of the carriage and places one foot on the step to descend. She feels the train of her dress tugging slightly behind her adding more weight to her already heavy-laden body. She looks up to find Damon's hand outstretched to escort her down and her chaperone standing opposite him to help pull the remainder of her dress out of the carriage.

She feels the nerves inside of her loosen that she won’t look like a fool in front of the masses of people slowly turning to see the last guests of the night arriving. Once down and out of the carriage, she feels Damon tuck her arm into the crook of his elbow. Then she feels him lean down slightly to whisper in her ear.

“We are the last ones here. Stand tall and smile for you have the attention of every guest in attendance tonight,” he says.

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