The Girl I Once Loved: Love & Hate Duet

The Girl I Once Loved: Chapter 18

We’re at where we first began…The Scarlet Letter Cafe…and it feels symbolic really. The place holds some big memories for us, awkward—in the case of my blowjob escapades—and bittersweet–courtesy of what feels like a million nights spent just like this, sitting with our family, enjoying dinner. It feels like no time has passed at all as I sit across from her, playing footsie with her under the table, our family none the wiser.

Okay, maybe Daisy suspects something’s going on. It’s always been hard to get anything past that girl.

Skylar’s doing her best to pretend to ignore me, but I won’t let her. Not when I’m currently dying inside because all I want to do is spend every second of every day by her side.

She’s so hard to read. There’s moments when I’m inside of her, and I see something in her eyes, something that tells me she’s feeling this too—this thread between us that’s never faded. But then she blinks…and her emotions are hidden from me again, leaving me cold and hopeless.

One thing’s for sure though, after the past week spent touching her, loving her, breathing her in…I can’t let her go.

Skylar Ames has to forgive me. There’s no other option.

I won’t survive any other way.

She orders a salad, since there’s not really anything else on the menu that qualifies as vegan, and the server has the nerve to flirt with her. He’s a few years younger than us, but I recognize him from school. He stares at her like he’s in a trance, his gaze flicking to the way her t-shirt strains against her breasts, making me want to kill him.

Sky pushes away her chair, like she can sense I’m nearing the edge of insanity—the one where I leap across the table and stab him in the eyes with my dinner fork for lusting over what’s mine.

“I’m going to use the restroom,” she says, avoiding eye contact with me. The server stares after her longingly.

I wait about thirty seconds, and then I decide I don’t give a fuck and push away from the table too.

“Be right back,” I say with my most innocent look, trying to avoid Daisy’s questioning gaze that’s bouncing back and forth between me and where her sister’s just left the room.

I wind my way through the restaurant, but instead of taking a left into the men’s restroom…I take a right.

Sky’s standing in front of the mirror, not doing anything, and I decide it’s a good thing I followed her. She’s off in her head right now, and I can’t let that happen. Nothing good can come from her thinking too hard. Not until I have time to make up everything, to explain why I ruined us all those years ago.

I don’t let myself wonder if she’ll forgive me. Like I said…there’s no other option. I won’t stop trying until she’s forgiven me and we’re riding off to the sunset together…or whatever the equivalent looks like for me and her.

I don’t care about the end destination, I just want her.

“Noah! What are you doing here?” she hisses as I close the door to the bathroom and snap the lock into place.

“I decided I’m hungry for something else besides food,” I growl, stalking towards her. She backs away, like I’m a lion and she’s the lamb. But she should know after this past week…there’s nowhere I won’t follow her.

“Sky,” I murmur as I corner her against the wall. My voice comes out thick and heavy, because I can’t even say her name without it being blazingly, blindingly obvious that I’m in love with her.

I can’t stop looking at her. Every time I do, I see something else I’m crazy about. From the dusting of freckles that’s new since she arrived, courtesy of weeks spent under the sun. Or the flicks of dark silver in her gray gaze that I’d forgotten about. Or the way she scrunches her nose, like she’s doing now, whenever I get caught up staring at her because I’ve never seen anything more perfect than her.

I want to scream that I love her. I want to yell it from the rooftops. Hell, I’ll even take whispering it in her ear.

But I can’t yet. Because she’s not ready. My secret is hovering between us, just waiting to be uncovered.

And I’m the wimp who just hasn’t found the courage to let that secret out yet.

“Little stalker.”

She hums, a slight smile on her lips. “Who’s the one stalking who right now?”

I grin unrepentantly, because I do feel like her stalker since she’s come back into town. I just can’t stay away.

“Mine,” I growl, biting down on her neck almost savagely. She moans, and I grin against her skin because her body knows that truth even if her heart isn’t on the same page yet.

“I’m going to fuck you in here, baby. Make sure my cum is running down your thighs when we return to the table.” Just the thought of that has my cock rock hard in my pants.

Her eyes are wide and shocked as she stares up at me. She looks like a hot librarian today, her hair pulled pack in a prim bun, a tight pencil skirt running over her curves.

Fuck, she’s going to be the death of me.

“I’m not sure that’s great for dinner conversation with your dad. ‘Oh, by the way, your son’s cum is running down my legs.’”

“I don’t see a problem with that,” I tell her innocently as I unbutton my jeans and stroke my length root to tip. Her gaze flicks from my hand to my face, like she’s not sure which one she likes better.

I feel the same way…I can’t decide what I want to fuck first. Those perfect lips, or that cunt that takes me so perfectly.

I want that ass too. But that can wait for another day.

I sink to my knees in front of her, pushing up her skirt as I do so. Her breath is coming out in gasps as she stares at me, a faint flush to her cheeks that tells me she’s just as turned on as I am.

I lick the dampened silk between her thighs, and she moans as I push her panties aside and trace my tongue through her folds, spearing it into her slit, taking in the delicious scent of her.

I’m so gone for this girl. I’ll never get enough. I groan as I lick and suck, massaging her clit as my fingers scissor into her. I could do this for hours…for days…I’ll never be tired of it.

Her core spasms around her fingers as she comes, and I give her one more long lick, trying to capture every drop of her essence.

It’s my favorite thing. And it’s only gotten better over time. I swear she’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted, and it’s all I can do to rise off my knees so my aching cock can get some relief.

I slide my dick through the soft heat of her sex, brushing against her clit. I watch her obsessively, like a man possessed, looking for every cue I can get to make sure that it’s the best experience possible. I push up her shirt, needing to get to those hot as fuck breasts. I take her nipple into my mouth, sucking and licking at her rosy tip so she’s shuddering against me.

I should probably wonder how much of the restaurant can hear her cries, but I can’t get myself to care that much. I half-heartedly place my hand over her mouth though, knowing that while I won’t care—she will. At least once she’s past the orgasmic haze.

I leave her breasts wet and red from my tongue and teeth and then I push into her, inch by inch, until we’re completely sheathed together. It feels so fucking good.

For a second, I can’t think, I can’t breathe…all I can do is feel.

‘You are mine,’ I growl. I don’t think she understands how serious I am with that statement, but she’ll understand in time.

My fingers dig into her soft flesh as I lean back, watching my cock spread her open as I make little thrusts inside her.

A helpless noise leaves her throat, and I tremble as she clenches around me.

‘So hot and tight around my cock, sweetheart.” My eyes close as I try to regain my composure, wanting this to last as long as possible…even with our family right outside.

When the chaos inside me has settled a little, I open my eyes, watching her closely as I pull out and thrust back in.

Her eyes are half lidded, her lips parted as she stares up at me. She’s making those sexy little noises that never cease to drive me crazy. Her hands grip the back of my neck, pulling me to her chest. I catch her nipple in my mouth, suckling and drawing it in with long hard pulls as I fuck into her.

Fuck, she’s literally strangling my cock.

‘Yes, yes, yes,’ she pleads, her sweet voice needy and fueling me on. I give her nipple a parting nip and then I fist her hair, claiming her lips in a hungry kiss. My tongue dives in, licking her mouth in time with my hips.

‘Come on, sweetheart. Come on my cock,” I breathe into her mouth.

‘Harder, Noah.’

I pull her close, thrusting deep in a pulsing rhythm as she whimpers. Her nails dig into my skin and I welcome the bites of pain, because when she leaves a mark, it can remind me where I’ve been.


‘Noah,’ she cries out as her body starts to shake, her perfect cunt milking me relentlessly.

I come with her as her pussy clamps down tight. It’s a high I’ll never recover from, and I hope she never recovers too. While I work on her heart, I’m going to make sure that her body is as addicted to mine as mine is to hers.

I fucking love Skyler Ames. And I’ll love her, forever.

‘What is it with you and this bathroom?’ she teases as I pull out with a low groan and tuck myself back in.

I huff out a laugh.

I wish I hadn’t left my phone at the table. I want to capture how she looks right now, her cheeks flushed, her hair fallen out of her bun in sexy, messy waves around her beautiful face, her lips swollen from my rough kisses. She covers her breasts and I immediately miss the sight of them…as ridiculous as that sounds.

‘Great, I have to walk around with wet underwear for the rest of the day,’ she complains as she grabs a paper towel, wets it in the sink, and then wipes between her legs.

‘Give them here,” I demand, snatching her panties from her hand and pocketing them away to be added to my treasure trove of favorite mementos of my girl. “Next time don’t wear any. Problem solved.’ I grin, already thinking about the next time I can get her alone.

She rolls her eyes, but there’s a small smile on her lips.

‘Okay, you go out first,’ she orders, pushing me gently towards the door.

It’s going to look suspicious as fuck either way, but what can you do?

I unlock the door, a little disappointed there’s no line waiting outside, no witnesses to our little rendezvous. I want everyone to know that she’s mine, but I guess I can be a little more patient. I’ve waited this long, after all.

I slip to the table and Daisy shakes her head, wide-eyed. Glancing down at my phone, I see that we were in the bathroom for at least twenty minutes…whoops.

“Are you two serious?’ she hisses in my ear, and I just give her an unrepentant smile, because those were some of the best twenty minutes of my life.

‘Everything okay, son?’ Curt asks, staring at me suspiciously.

‘Yep, everything’s fine.’

My fingers drum on the table while I wait for Skylar to return.

After what seems like forever, she finally does. She’s managed to smooth down her hair a little bit more, and put it into a clip, so she doesn’t look like she’s just been fucked hard.

I’m incredibly disappointed by that.

She won’t look at me as she sits at the table.

‘Was there a long line?’ her mother asks, and Sky can’t help but blush.

‘I just got a call from my editor,’ she says after a second.

Little liar.

I’m still grinning at her, and she finally glances at me, her cheeks darkening even more by the smile on my face.

The waiter returns with the food, and although he still tries to flirt with her as he sets down the plates, I’m not quite as annoyed by it.

Because now I know my cum really is dripping down her thighs as she sits there and talks to him.

Daisy leans over while our parents are distracted. ‘On the phone with your editor, huh?’ she teases.

‘Yep,’ Sky reaffirms, pretending to flick imaginary lint off her shoulder.

‘What she’d do, call you by payphone? Your cell was sitting on the table the entire time.’

Sky’s eyes grow wide and frantic. She stabs at her salad, shoveling a huge bite of lettuce into her mouth so she doesn’t have to respond.

Daisy beams, throwing me a complicit smirk and a knowing wink to boot. If I didn’t already fucking adore my stepsister before, I do more now, seeing as she doesn’t seem upset about this new development in the least. Then again, Daisy had a front row seat to my goddamn misery for the past seven years. Even though she’s repeatedly reminded me that I was the one who fucked up, I know she wants to see me happy.

But most importantly, she wants Sky to be happy.

Unfortunately for me, rocking her world in the bathroom didn’t have the effect I wanted since Sky becomes awfully quiet for the rest of the meal, while the rest of the table chats.

Once our meal is over and done with, we walk outside under the hot sun, and I tangle my hands with Skylar’s, not giving a fuck who sees. I just need to touch her, keep her by my side.

My tense muscles instantly relax when she doesn’t pull her hand away, and instead tightens her hold on me.

It’s amazing how the world seems to have changed now that she’s let me at least a little back in. The sky seems brighter, the sun more intense. The colors are exaggerated, like some kind of Disney movie. It’s all because the thick fog of sadness that I’ve lived with all these years has finally started to lift.

I can’t imagine what the world’s gonna look like when she lets me all the way in.

I’m a fucking simp, and I couldn’t care less. I sneak a kiss on her cheek and she gives me a cute, chastising glare. I just smile at her gleefully, emotion stirring inside me when I see her look soften.

I’ll make you so happy, I promise.

After all these years, I kind of believe it. I never thought that I was good enough for Skylar. And that’s still a universal truth.

But I also know that my girl’s been miserable all these years too, and maybe, it’s because I’m the only one for some reason that can make her happy.

Or at least that’s the mantra I’m going with.

Whether it’s true or not, it’s going to be my truth from here on out.

And I’m going to spend the rest of the day trying to do just that.

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