The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 92

Sophie’s pov
I knew better than to get on his nerves when he was that irritated.
At least I’m relieved I wasn’t the cause of his anger this time. If I was, then why would he want to have lunch with me?
When Mitch drives away onto the main road, Aiden’s eyes suddenly fall to my knees.
His eyes stare hard on my fingers clutching the tissue to my knees..
His brows knot into a frown.
“What’s wrong with your knee?” He questioned.
“Nothing, just a scratch. Seriously I’m okay.” I assured him when his eyes deepened with raw concern.
Suddenly his hand is on the hand I had on my knee and he pries it away to get a better look at my knee.
“It’s still bleeding.” He grumbles, almost as if mad that I got a scratch.
“It’s fine.” I murmured.
He shook his head and in a rapid move had my leg on his lap. He didn’t even care that I had heels on and could potentially
ruin his expensive pants.
“Aiden!” I gasped.
“Shut up.” He grumbles, tearing a piece of tissue and swatting my hand away from my knee.
“Mitch take us to the nearest store to get some bandaids and rubbing alcohol,” Aiden demanded.
“Yes sir,” Mitch said and swang on another road.
I shook my head. “You really didn’t have to Aiden. It’s not a big deal. The scratch isn’t even bleeding much-
“You talk way too much Sophie. ” Aiden grumbles and presses the tissue to my scratch.

I let out a huff, crossing my arms, annoyed as hell knowing he wouldn’t let up. There was no way I’d win this so it would be best if
I just shut up and let him do what he wanted.
When we pulled up to the grocery store a good ten minutes or so later, Aiden is the only one who actually goes inside the store.
He ordered me to stay inside the Suv and insisted that I was better off sitting than walking.
He must think that little scratch had made me immobile.
I rolled my eyes and watch him disappear inside the store.
“Your boss is such a p*ick Mitch.” I said, glaring at the store he disappeared inside of.
I wanted some chips but my pride would not allow me to tell him to buy them for me. And seeing as he would perhaps make a
fuss if he sees me enter the store, there really was no way I can get my chips in peace.
I can survive without chips.
bandage would be comical. But I don’t say that because I’m sure he would debate with me.
“Oh right the bandage,” He grumbles while shifting through the bag once more and pulling out-
“Is that Dora The Explora bandages Aiden?”
He grinned. “They were the only ones left in the store.”
My eyes narrowed on his face. Somehow I don’t believe a single word he just said.
Aiden reaches for my leg again and throws it over his thigh.
I turn bright red, because this time he managed to open my legs so vast that I was sure my panties were on full display for him.
I just hope I didn’t have a wet patch down there from earlier when I was in his dressing room and he was undressing.....
Aiden poured the alcohol on the cotton ball and then dabbed the wet ball on my scratch.
I hissed. For a small scratch, it hurt like a b*tch when the
alcohol touched it.

Aiden’s eyes lift to my face, darting everywhere to see if I showed signs of pain. “Are you okay? Does it hurt? Do you need to go
to the hospital?” He rushes out, his voice thick with
I would’ve laughed at his questions if my heart was not currently throbbing at his show of raw concern.
“I’m okay Aiden. It just stung a little.” I said softly and he sighed in relief.
“Don’t scare me like that Sophie,” He whispered.
My brows furrowed. Did this little scratch really have him so concerned?
About fifteen minutes later Mitch pulled up beside a very expensive restaurant.
My eyes widen.
“Are we going to have lunch here?” I whispered.
I was not properly dressed for an expensive place like this, especially with a Dora The Explora bandage on my knee. The skirt I
wore definitely was not covering that.
Also, this place was always filled with rich socialites and I clearly was not one of them. I would stick out like a sour thumb among
these people. Like I was already just by sitting
beside Aiden.
Aiden looks at me confused. “Yes?”
I winced. “This restaurant is very expensive Aiden. I don’t belong here.”
Aiden’s eyes turned stormy. “You’re worth more than that restaurant Sophie. Now keep that pretty mouth shut before I shut it
He opened the door. “We’ll be back in thirty Mitch. If you want
you can drive around the block.” Aiden said while getting down.

I pushed closer to the door, gnawing on my lips and got out when Aiden shot me a stare that told me to get the f*ck out or else
he’ll force me out himself.
Coming to stand beside him, he closed the door while I fixed my blouse and skirt to look more presentable.
I froze when I felt his arm sling around my waist and pull me close. “You’ll still be the most beautiful woman in that
restaurant even if you were in rags. Now come on mama bear, let’s get you fed.”

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