The Girl He Craves

The Girl He Craves By Demiah13 Chapter 9

Chapter 9
Sophie’s pov
“Who was that guy?” Carson asked in curiosity, still keeping his eyes locked on the opened door where Aiden was standing just
moments ago, glaring at him hotly.
“A bully.” I let out without thinking and then corrected myself even though my words were true.
“He’s also a senior, name Aiden Xavier, the principal’s grandson and somehow I’m always on his radar.” I shrugged turning to
face Carson.
One of Carson’s brows lifted. “Always on his radar?” He asked, seeming to be confused.
I nodded and looked away. “He always.teases me.”
That was a better way of saying bullying.
Don’t get me wrong, Aiden had never physically hurt me, nor m**ly scarred me. He was just annoying by always saying
something mean. He was also a guy who thought he could get whatever he wants and can get away with anything. I suppose
that is true in a sense.
“Teasing as in he has a crush on you and doesn’t know how to say it?” Carson snorted.
Without warning, a raging heat settle on my cheeks and showcased how Carson’s words raveled my brain. “l-what-no-I spurted,
puffing out my cheeks and scoffing.
“Aiden Xavier doesn’t have a crush on me. That guy can never have a crush on someone like me.” I scoffed in denial.
There was no way Aiden liked me like that. The guy always looked for ways to tease me. You don’t tease people you like.
Well.not in the way he does it at
Now it was ‘Carson’s turn to scoff. “Someone like you? Are you kidding? You’re practically perfect, any guy would want to date

I shyly looked away, sensing his compliment. I was never good with compliments.
Carson’s lips curved into a grin. “Any guy as in me.”
*Lunch Time*
So who’s this cute guy Sophie?’ Mila teased as she settles on the chair beside mine. She nudges her head towards Carson who
gave her a charming grin.
“Carson Nice to meet you.” He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head while
reaching out his hand for her to take.
“Mila,” She responded while giggling and shaking his hand. This girl over here best friend.” She nudges her head toward me and
sent me a cheeky wink
I rolled my eyes yet couldn’t fight off the smile that stretched on my face. ‘So new kid, where are you from?” Mila asked Carson,
her eyes narrowing
Then she pointed a fry his way before he could answer. “Don’t give me that b**it cliche line and tell me you’ve been everywhere
around the world 11 so, please excuse me and my best friend, we’ll go to the ladies room and cry our eyes out ’cause we’ve
never traveled before.”
Carson grinned and chuckled. “I’m from Cali but I have traveled to one or two places before. Does that count?” He tilted his head
with a huge smile splitting his face.
giggled when Mila answered with. “Take me with you next time yes?” Her eyes had that puppy gleam that had her getting exactly
what she wanted. “Take me away from this small town. She pleaded.
Both Carson and I laughed but then suddenly Carson’s laugh fades and a shadow looms beside me. It wouldn’t take a genius to
know that this was Aiden’s presence. He could never go unnoticed.
I stilled, unsure of what to say or do. Not even sure if to turn around to face him
Would he tease me about our detention and let everyone know he had conquered me now?
He was a bully so he’d not care if he humiliate me in front of everyone now.

What I had not expected was for Aiden’s hand to grab a good amount of my fries. I gasp, whipping my head to face him. His face
was neutral but his eyes were not on me. They were on Carson, glaring into his soul.
Aiden pushes the fries in his mouth, looks down at me, and then just walks away
“What an a*s.” Mila scoffed, taking some of her fries and adding them to my tray. I smiled at her and thanked her
“It’s fine
“No it’s not. You need to stand up to him Sophie.” Mila scoffed again, this time angrier,
My smile wavered and I core my eyes away from her. “Only a few months left and I won’t have to see his face again.” I lift one
shoulder in a shrug.
“So this guy....
Carson started, looking at me with a questioning gaze.
“Aiden,” I told him, seeing as he seemed to have forgotten his name.
Carson nods and then narrows his eyes. “Are you sure he’s not into you? The guy was literally burying me with his eyes.”
“I thought the same too.” Mila snorted. “But that still doesn’t give him the right to bully her.”
Carson turns to face Aiden and I do the same. But then when my gaze landed on him, something like acid run up my throat when
I saw Rena, the school’s head cheerleader on his lap.
His best friends, Ryland and Austin were also seated around their usual table, both occupied with girls of their own.
My eyes draw back 10 Aiden and I bit into my lip hard. I tore my eyes away quickly when I noticed he was turning my way again.
1 Taked a snort while feeling his piercing eyes on me. “Aiden Xavier having a crush on me?” I let out an amusing laugh. “That’s
the most ndiculous thing I have ever heard.”
Mila shrugs ‘Well, sometimes we don’t really know what the guy thinks Sophie. Maybe
“Maybe nothing. Can we drop that topic please? I’d rather not want to talk about him right now.” i stated.
i was already having a hard time fighting the urge to sweep my gaze back to him. I didn’t need to be talking about him right now.

“Okay fine. Then how about we talk about the reason you were called to the principal’s office?” Mila asked in curiosity, turning
her body to face me to give me her full attention.
I wince and picked up a fry and throw it in my mouth, Mila knew I hated talking when I was eating so hopefully if I chew slow
enough it will buy me enough time to think of a good enough reason as to why I’m serving detention after school
She doesn’t have to know that I was serving with Aiden too. Though she must’ve heard his name being mentioned in the
intercom along with
D**it. Was I stuck? “I was
A commotion saved me from answering her
Everyone’s attention draw to the table in the middle of the room where all the populars sit. Where Aiden and his friends sat
I was not surprised to see that he was the main reason for the commotion but what I was surprised about was Rena on the floor,
her bottom kissing the dirty tiles under her.
“What the hell Aiden!” She screeched, causing me to wince at how loud her tone was,
“Next time shut your d**n mouth. He growled standing up and stocking out of the room
Well, detention will surely be fun if he stays with that attitude, I thought sarcastically
Rena let out a frustrated sound and stands up with the help of a few of her cheerleading friends who looked to be trying to ease
“That guy has some serious anger issues.” Carson snorted and Mali agreed. I on the other hand found myself drawing my
attention to the door he disappeared from.
“I think it’s ridiculous for him to serve you with detention for what Aiden did! What an a
“Mila!” I said hushedly not wanting her to get into trouble by cursing out the principal. G*d knows how many surveillance cameras
he has around.

Besides, I lied about the reason I got detention entirely and if word got out about the real reason, Mila would feel betrayed. I
didn’t want her to know what I had done with Aiden, what I had given up to him. She’d not look at me the same again if she
So I lied and said Aiden followed me to the library and was teasing me and he managed to throw one of the bookshelves when I
was trying to get away from him and he was trying to catch me.
It was a ridiculous lie but Mila bought it because it was believable Aiden would do something like that just to get a rise out of me.
“Anyway I’ll see you tomorrow, I’m off to therapy.’ Mila sighed heavily looking like she didn’t want to go to therapy at all.
Nodding we said our goodbyes and I made my way to the detention room. When I got there, I was the only one, no signs of
Aiden and I was sure he’d not show up. This was Aiden for crying out loud. He didn’t have to show up for detention.
When I settle on the seat right at the back, the door opens. I had expected it would be the teacher but i’m surprised when blue
eyes clashed with mine across the room.
I shifted on the seat nervously and gripped my bag when Aiden makes his way over to me.
“Did I not tell you to stay away from him?” He growled, making his way over to me with an angry gaze.
I squirmed yet fight for my chin to stay up. “And I said, you can’t tell me who to be friends with Aiden.” I grumble.
He glares down at me and was about to take the seat beside mine when the door opens again and Mr. Gray walks in, looking
sluggish and bored
He doesn’t even spare us a glance and grumbles. “I want you two far apart. That means to the front Aiden.” He lifts his head and
gives Aiden a pointed look.
Aiden grits his teeth, huffs and then walks back to the front.
The rest of detention was rather boring, except for the glares Aiden sent my way occasionally. Mr. Gray kept looking at the clock
every second and then when the hands hit five p.m he literally jumps out of his seat and grips his briefcase.
“Tomorrow, same time you two.” With those parting words, Mr. Gray leaves us and practically runs out of the classroom and had
not once turned back around.
Now it was just Aiden and me.

T held my breath as I rose from the chair and grabbed my bag.
My head was down, but when I hear the clicking of a lock my head snaps up. My mouth parts when I realized Aiden had locked
us in.
“What the hell Aiden!?” I snapped, my heart slamming in my chest.
He clicks his tongue and pushes off the door. “Well, I thought he’d never leave.” A smirk crawls on his face and my heart cried for

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